The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 22, 1906, Image 4

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    SAYRE, PA.
‘CHASES OF $5.00
Arsold's Silk Eolian .......
- Arnold's Printed Silk Tissae
15 shades Tangier Silk, ineladiog
Plowered Crepe Chiffon
a iad Fou'lards
N Organdie Qand ry a
J ri
= Persian Orgundie.
a8) Fine selection of Dimities
d Ploridora baci.
N A F.C Best Ginghame
8 Corea Batiste ,
Zephyr Gingh
We show all
Armure Lustre
25 | Medallion cloth
Tangier Silk
White, looks like Arnold's Eolian
Nainsooks ...
Cambrics. .
Cloth. . .
Chiffon Dimity
Fine Dimi'y
Corded Pique
Linen Waistinzs
Shrunk Cotton
Indian Head
Bappa Cloth
Dundee Waisting
Wo 39
MWto 30
..29to 39
20to 30
12! -to 50
12! to 50
10 to 35
10 to 15
10 to 18
1210 35
25, 33, 49 and 75
121 to 16
A2 ta 1B
. 1b
ing styles.
are on sale
best quality,
cents per yard.
See our
Prices £119
at 124
White or
i en ——
Bring Your Job Printing to!
Our say we have the!
ed rege Mg We keep |
- our
Talmadge Ballding, Elmer Ave., Sayre,
Valley Phone 128x.
The Valley Record
tention given to moving of’
Pianos, Housebold Goods, Safes
Lockhart St.
Obey Orders of Depot
One of the older sergeants on the
Gray Plover Most of
The gray plover nests In the sedges
ries which he told was one
tllustrated the democratic
President Grant
The sergeant,
onward until it reaches ity winter
tion one eveming Among his other
| that point.
President Grant drove to the station
{to meet ope of the incoming trains
| While the officer was in another place
| the carriage ped in fromt of the
station. When the officer returned he
| noticed the president's rig standing
there, and waited for it to move along.
| alighted, the officer supposed that the
president had gone into the station.
“You know as well as I do that you
| cannot stand there,” sald the officer
to the president's coachman
“De you know whose carriage this
is?" was the only answer of the man
{on the box.
“That makes no difference You
| must move.” But there was no move
jon the part of the coachman to stir
from the place.
“Hawkins.” came a voice from In-
side, “did you hear what that officer
(sald? And the head of the presi
out of the éarriage window
riage moved.
The car-
What Had He to Do with It?
Young Man—I have called, sir, to
| request the hand of your daughter in
|’ Yes sir.”
“Then what dec you want to come
itound and bother me with
| troubles for?" —Stray Stories
Guests at Windsor.
Guests pow Invited by King Ed
ward to Windsor castle are Invited for
two nights Queen Victoria's guests
| had to arrive at the castle between six
| and seven in the evening and depart
immediately after breakfast next morn
ins London Truth says The cas
le is now very much more comforta
ble in all respecta”
Two Hunan (Chins) students, in or
der to strengthen thelr fellow students
| against the Japanese regulations In
regard to students, committed suicide
by drowning themselves In Tokio bay
a lew days By their death for
the good of the cause they become he
| Chinese Heroes
tween the northern and southern con-
tinents that a few years ago was re
garded as the dream of enthusiasts,
but which to-day has passed far be
yond the realm of visions
Men whose lives are well behind
them will probably live to see the day
when they can roake an unbroken rall-
way journey from the river Yukon
in Alaska to the river Limay in Pata
This journey from the north to the
south means more than the traveling
of an immense distance within a short
space of time, though this thought
alone Is Impressive. It means the
passing through alternate cold and
heat, moisture and dryness, bare flelds
and green fields, treeless plains and
tropical forests, fertile valleys and
sterile mountalns; it means acquain-
tance with men of every bue of skin
and of every Habit of life.
Two dilapidated specimens of the
genus tramp were crawling along the
parade of a seaside resort when they
came upon a coast guardsman looking
through a telescope at a passing vessel,
Thinking to have a little fun at his ex-
pense, one of them saluted him with
“Hi, coasty, have you seen any wrecks
| After calmly looking them over Le
‘Not until I saw yodf two!”
Also .. Student.
“Attendance at lectures is not come
{ pulsory in Germany, add there are ail
sorts of yarns about the students’ {dle-
ness. They say that g young man in
Heidelberg once approached another
young man and asked:
"Where are the university build-
“The second young man replied:
“I really don't know. | am a student
here myself’ ™
In Training.
Alfred Shrubb, the former amateur
champion long-distance runner, was
married in the London Olympia the
other night before a large crowd, Afla*
the ceremony Shrubb took off his overs
coat and did three miles on the track in
}4 mifvuta 33 qeconds, only 13-5 seconds
more than Ms Yeeorg
E. B. Carver is in Elmira today.
Harry Wolcott went to Elmira
last night.
M. P. Murray has returned from
T. A. Barney went to Towanda
and Laquia today.
Mrs. Timothy Donovan of
Bridge street, is quite ill.
nell for the Easter vacation.
Miss Beatrice Daw is expected
home from Vassar tomorrow.
lon. Robert Edminston of Mi-
lan was in town this morning.
Rev. W. H. Sawtelle is moving
his household goods to Ulster.
Mrs. E. H. Hickey has gooe to
Trenton, N. J , to visit her parents.
Charles Osborne has moved from
South street to the rooms over his
Joseph Hines, who has been ill
since last Saturday, is somewhat
better today.
Martin Conant of Proctor, Minn.,
visited at the home of A V. Weav-
er yesterday. .
A party of young people are
preparing to go to Smithfi:ld on a
Sleighride 1] this evenirg
George V Vail went to Meshoppen
this morning on a business trip.
He will return this eveaing.
Edward D. Payne is home from
Corn:ll university spending the
Easter vacation with his parents.
I Potter went to Orwell this
morning to attend a convention of
the singing schools in that part of
the county
A party of “high school pupils
went on a sleighride to the home
quin last evening.
Wesley Kilmer was arrested last
night on the charge of being drunk
and disorderly. The hearing was
set for this afternoon.
P. PF, Lauer moved yesterday
frons 202 Tyler street across the
Chemung river to the second place
below the old tannery.
The ladies aid society of the
Baptist church were entertained at
dinner today at the home of Mrs
Weller in E st Athens.
A party of 14 young people from
Ulster came up on a sleighride last
evening and enjoyed an oyster
supper at the Campbell House.
The Athens W. CT U will
meet with Mrs. Alvin Talmer, 517
Lincoln street, Sayre, tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 The subject is
“Neal Dow."
The case of Potter vs Kitchen
was scttled by the parties without a
trial. This deprived the court of
an opportunity to ‘expound the
ethics that should regulate a horse
It is stated on good authority
that company G of Montrose will
be mustered out March 27. This
leaves an opening lor the Athens
company, and it will probably be
mustered l into the the state service.
Athens—A party of 40 persons
from Athens and Sarye weat to
Sheshequin last evening and en-
joyed a supper and dance at the
hotel at that place. There were
two loads of them and they report
a very enjoyable time. The only |©
up the Sheshequin narrows, when
one of the teams balked and the
masculine portion of the load was
obliged to get out and push.
Athens—L. C. Miller of Waver.
ly has just completed the work of | 2
installing a new 500 volt electric | f3°*
motor in L. T. Hoyt's printing
office. The greatly increased de.
mand for the jeg 5 blanks which
Insurance company, Andrew Hamilton,
forwarded to Clarence H. Mackay,
temporary chairman of the Fowler (ln-
vestigafing) committer of that con
pany, a caustic letter, In which he
made known his refusal to appear Le
to do their worst.
The communication is in response to
an iavitation sent to the “judge” soon
after his return from Europe, in which
be was asked to furnish evidence to
the New York Life's luvestigating
Tbe “Judge's” Jetter follows:
since my return.
“It is doubtless quite avident that by
this time you should be yourselves sat-
isfied that the statements contained in
your report of Feb, 7 in regard to your
examination of my account sre seri
ously wrong and that when you rushed
into print In order that you might wear
a newspaper bald you had not, as your
report incorrectly states, ‘obtained all
the Information about this subject that
is accessible’
“Your published interviews, which I
take to Le correct because 1 know the
facts so covered, betray a startling loss
of memory during your deliberations
upon the subject of the weekly audit
for years of my accounts by some
members of your committee und from
time to time by othier members of the
board of trustees.
files (If they have not been suppressed),
official action spread upod the record
of your proceedings and correspond.
ence to which you must certainly bave
bad sccess have been deliberately ig-
nored by you to give to the Paris poll-
cy fees account and to the refunded
New York premium tax collections a
false color upon which to base:.your
unwarranted accusations
“Notwithstanding this, 1 was pre
pared to accept the suggestion contaln-
ed lo your letter— Will you walk into
my parior, says the spider to the 8y'—
when you practically retreated from
your position in choosing to proceed
by the commencement of a civil action
against me,
“I can appreciate that the events of
the past week, so far as [ have partici
puted in them, are not perhaps caleu-
lated to put you iu a judicial state of
wind. 1 will therefore accept yeur
[atest challenge and meet you In a
tribunal where there will be uo van!
ty to be tickled and the scales will be
Leld on an even balamce.”
At the Hoffiuan House the “judge”
was asked whether he Lad ever sald
that he had been prevailed upon to re
main louger jo Paris than be had In-
tended by the New York Life trustees.
He said, “I did not make that asser-
tion, but 1 could bave sald it with
truth if I wished to.”
Hamiiton intimated that he would
soon have something very interesting
to say about George W. Perklus
Will Net Register Ship In Cuba.
CHARLESTON, 8. C, March 22-—
The American steamer Oristobal Co
fon, which came into this port some
days ago with machinery disabled, has
sailed for Batabano, Cuba, and will
upon arrival take up a regular run be-
tween that port and the lsle of Plues
T. J. Keenan of Pittsburg, president of
the Isle of Pines Steamship company.
is ou board aud sald that he Lad re-
celved notice from the Cuban treasury
department to register in Cuba. This
he did not propose to do and has ap-
pealed to the state department at
Hot on the Trall
Chiet of Police—Well, have you
made any further discoveries con
cerning this murder mystery to-day?
Trained Sleuthhound—Yes, one of
the newspaper artists gave me as pri
vate view of a picture of the {astru-
ment with whieh the deed might bave
veen committed —Stray Stories.
Closing Steck Quotations.
Money on call steady at § per cent;
prime mercantile paper, G64 per cent;
exchanges, 32 IZ «0. balances, $13.67 4810
Closing prices
Amal. Copper... 18% N.Y. Central . 143%
Alchison.. 25, Norf & West. ITY
B&O... .1008 Penn. R. R 137
Brookiya RT. sy fesdiag i
£ LC atl » land »
Che & Ohlo. 87 St Paul... 173%
Chi & Northw. 223); Southern Pac...
D.&H 02 Southern Ry i)
Erie. .... 4% Bouth Ry. pf. 10%
Gen. Electric... 164 Sugar .... 1%
HL Central 168% Texas Pacific. 33%
Lackawanna... 48 Union Pacific. 151%
Louis & Nash. 109% U 8. Breel. .. 5%
Manhattan 157% U. 8. Steel pf... 106
Metropolitan 118, West. Unlon nw
Missouri Pac... WY
New York Markets.
FLOUR — Firm. Lut gqulet, Minnesota
tents, $2504.50 winter straights, $3709
IT) winter extras, LTg3 3, winter pat-
“wh Eaves Rey hing to Mhazpactadly
frm cables, was higher, wit
shorts good Duvere Ya face of big north-
west fei and good weather, May,
ny. SLO 3-14
iv Ef Btrady : Snehanged.
H —Stron nchang
Bas Easy. se: ‘Pennsylvania and
Barby, ancy ted, white, gc.
TL _ extra, 17@17«
TA eat Stendy ; eity, 5¢.: country. 8
{AY—Firm, shipping. €@0x , good to
STRA et: long rye, ih
BEANS - - Sg! ALIS oT it
medium. pte: pes, Kid-
Wooi Breads. domestic fleece,
HOPS-Quiet at, com on to chojce,
108, 107160; 1K i ol ite... Pa
cific coast, M6, “ea ; APA, * sdhite. : olds,
IVE POULTRY Unchanged: fowls
old roosters. ioc. nearby Toast!
Fig choles: 180. ; western eke
1 Jo §
choles” % AL oJ
wre vi
Live Stock Markets
A Good Arctic, 1
The Bandes Hubba
Bridge Work
{Ts the order of the
day. As a city, we
iwill inevitably have
anew Town Hall
a complete sewer
system and fine
You can add to
the general im-
An up to date | SSX
bathroom ora good
heating system will
add value to your
property, give you
more comfert and |bes
better health, And|p
it doesn't cost so
much. Ask us about | By
Both "Phones. Emer Ave.
rout wd te Props pi
at taf PEE
os. Hou 013; 13
Maynard, Maynard & Schrier
Attorneys and Counselors.
M. P. A, Block, Sayre, Pa.
pard Block, Athens, Pa.
Foreign and:Domestic Fruits.
oS fulton of pure Seo: Olive Oil just re-
800 boxes of macaroni and im-
ported cheese. All direct trom Italy.
No. 5 Rlizabeth St.,, Waverly,
Of $15.00 as applied
received for Spring.
the newest patterns.
One day's
200 from
1.40 from
Our Specialty
[is atibes met. sis is)
Trains leave Sayre as follows:
007 4%. Rare Te
12 A Eris revere re Ty
Deity, Slack Rat Difmend Xx
AM. (Waverly $43 A. NM} Week days
Albers Ulster, Towanda, Mon
[0 ze mets
i : E
ville, Tunkhannock, tiston and 2
AM. AM Way A. 5 y for
00 i Wilkes Barve, Sle eanit .
ethene ork, Phil.
sdeiohia, Baltimore and ead Washington.
A MM. aT" for A
(Waves! FM
= Yoraate, Teabiaasoek, pits.
Match Chunk, Allentowy,
my ew ark, Phllsdeiphis, Butimore and
i Baltimore smd W
uM avin} (43 I. MM} Weal San
oh) Spt Albany a
Wllameport, | a byalustag, Lacey.
| vile, TenNEannock. rg
10: I m, Easton. Newark vod New York.
rries Sleeping Car Passengers only,
i oa AM ay fo 6 Pele, 3
3's Tuts, Terunte: west.
3: ey MM. Daily J Ggnive, Rochalla oN ale
Niegera Fall td Tomi
. M. Dally Jos.
alo. ants eu. fr er" days only!
1 EE s M. en pps fs, Tame
pers savin Fores, omar.
hE lakes. Harta Coraers, Genewt Clon
parse (Woking
fi P.M. fours oot fe
A a eh:
b: 38 sm Sper, dilacs, Tromissters,
A. AM Weeks Sage ouly, for Owego, Pree.
(05 = qe, Sortend” Asburs, North
ven, Syracuse, Utics and A
ner where The Valley Rec
ord does not circulate
& Blish,