SAYRE, PA. WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. - £8ins as an especial mark of gratitude for your trade, and we have not broken faith. All former stocks last Here are others Lace Curtains * Nottinghams—45, 69, 98¢, 1.25, 1.50, 175, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, 3.00 up $4.00. rabin-—] 10, 1.50, 200, 2.25, 2.50, } to $5.00. Trish Point—1.89, $12.00. Ruffle Bobbinette Curtains —1.19, 1.25 1.39, 1.50, 1.75, 1.89, 2.00 up to $3.00. Ruffle Muslin Curtains —35, 45, 60, 69, 75, 89, 98¢, 1.19, up to $2.00 Portieres, Couch Covers, 97c up 0 $7. Garment Dep't We are showing exclusively the 300, up 269, 3.00, 350, 450, up to Persian effects Silver Belts, p ! er... 23 and 25¢ Sg . N Y : | = PORE rye he " OOATS in Tour- ist Silk, Covert in Fire Gilt, re-enforced eye- lain web, re-enforced eyelet, 1 “and Mixtures. et Agency Covers Waverly, Sayre and Athens Colors— Black, 25¢ values 50¢ values —— They are 20 well known to 4 . of garments (hat farther exploiting is unneces- sary. Epoogh © say we will be pleased to have you call and see them 2,000 Pieces! Medium Weight, 25c values . 17¢, 50c values . 20c, 75¢ values Cardinal, Cream and White 19¢ 75¢ values 37e $1 values 57c 75¢ 2.000 Pieces! for Men Women and Children, 19¢ $1 values . 89c, 79¢ 37c 1.50 value 98e 50¢ 2.00 value 149 DS AA Ral Cen Eh Your Job owing [PN il HOUSE, One Solid Week Com- mencing MONDAY, MARCH 12 | The Always Welcome MURRAY & MACKEY Big Comedy Company. Presenting J. M. Donavin and Flor- ence J. Murray And a carefully selected acting company. 1 §==Big Vaudeville Acts—s Monday evening —Beware of Men’ Matinees— Thursday and Friday. Prices—10, 20 and 30c. For Monday evening a limited | number of ladies’ special 15c¢ tick- | LY) AN - NPL %% ASE RR, a : DEERE SPR say we have the please. We keep | are purchased before 5 p m. Mon- | day. ' i Reserve seat gale opens Friday. LERIGN AND SCRANTON COAL | At the Lowest Possible Prices. The Valley Record am Phone Tre | COLEMAN NASSLER, C. J. "— J L TOWNER, . 0. cialtics SAYRE’S LEADING ey DRAYNAN. Tiobam,1t08,7t08 p.m. OFFICE-BAMURLS BLOCK Bopecial care and prompt at- Valley Telephone 27x. 128 Lockhart Bt. tention given to moving of Pianos, Household Good, Bafes Talmadge Bollding, Elmer Ave., Sayre, Valley Phose 1281. | hb) WE PRINT Orders can be left at West Bayre L. B. DENISON, MW. D. Offige, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave HILL & BEIBACH |, Valley Phone at office snd residence. H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Lew Notary Public attention to Pension fipecial - Papers. KS / N29; 5 > Og COLUMN. Litchfield, Pa, Mach 15, 1506. | Editor Valley Record - 1 see from some of your past is ley’'s orders. 1 am pleased to know there are two Republican (editors in the county that own | themselves I never voted for a | Democrat for national or state of fe but I will vote, next Novem- ber, for any independent Democrat |or Lincoln party man, against Mr | Lilley. The way he handles con | ventions, postoffices, etc, and his | political crookedness is very dig gusting Judging from the general speech of the people, they will give | him and his subservient represent- |atives a very polite invitation (next | November) to stay at home. It is | ime the people, regardless of party, | see to it that only good, reliable, | sober men, men who have the | respect of the general public, hold the offices. I should think the | people of this grand old Wilmot- | Grow district would be ashamed of {themselves to allow the present conditions to exist, A Lifelong Republican HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. James “Callaga of To- wanda, was operated upon at the hospital this morning. William Hapeman of Athens, was discharged ts T0 PRESENT A FARCE Waverly—"Sunbonnets,” a very amusing farce comedy, will be giv- en at the Baptist church this even- ing. It consist of two acts and there are cleven characters in the play. There will be music between the acts and a cup and saucer drill will follow. The Japanese ladies will serve free tea after the enters tainment. ——— i n—— FRANK E. WOOD, Representative News and "advertising matter may be p12 34 Grogs Ruckus Shuey, Waredty. After 13 o'clock noon call the main on 1 Sr, Vay hous 8X. Try Strong’ s Gough Syrup. George D. Genung went to New York city last night. Watson Slyter went to New York today for a short business trip. Miss Bessie Perkins ol Chemung street, is spending the week at At- lantic City. Born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flannigan on Orange street, a son. Post card views of Waverly and Sayre.. Plain and colored. 2 for sc. At Strong's pharmacy, Waverly. There will be a meeting of the Republican committee at 7:30 this evening at F. L. Howard's office. Miss Julia Nichols returned to her home at Cincinnatus today, af er visiting Waverly friends for a shit time. Mrs Judson May of Lincoln street, is in Glencairn taking care of her sister, Mrs. Frank Hunter, who is seriously ill. : Mrs. G. M. Legg, who has been sericusly ill for the past six wecks, is very much improved, and was able to sit up for a short tim= yes- terday. Mrs Clark Tuttle, Mrs. Lewis Lord and Mrs. John Post went to Bingh:mton this morning to see about purchasing a piano for the Rebekah's lodge Miss Tina ‘Engleman is expected home from Elmira college to stay over Sunday. Two of her fellow students, Misses Sue Brink and Hazel Briggs will accompany her. HORSE: THIEF Waverly Police on Track of Man Who Stole Rig in That Place Early Yesterday Morning Waverly—The horse and buggy which were stolen early Thursday morning has been located and ‘Of ficer Patrick Corcoran is in pursuit of the thief. The rig passed through Sulphur Springs and Hal- sey Valley yesterday and was in the possession of Fred Wood- worth. The horse has a bad case of the heaves and was making slow progress. Two stops had been made but the outfit was still moving northward This morning Officer Corcoran started in pursuit. When last heard from the guardian of the peace had reached Van Etten, Woodworth had passed through that village and when last seen was going toward Spencer, and Corco- ran was still on his track. PURCHASED BARBER SHOP ‘Waverly = Harry E. Conant of Nichols, has purchased the barber shop now conducted by E. C. Pal« mer, and will take possession next Monday. Mr. Conant is very well | { known in Waverly and Sayre, hav- ing worked in Henry Honald's shop at Sayre. ANTHORY ALLEN Waverly—The body of Anthony Allen, who died in Colorado, was brought to Waverly and taken by W. C. Farley to the home of his parents in Ridgebury this morning The funeral will take place tomors row from the Ridgebury church MARRIED Waverly—William A. VanDuzer of Litchfield, and Elizabeth B NEW YORK, March nonchaldnt confession that nothing was true in either affidavit he bad sworn to Lawrence Rogers, wlio un- earthed the “police plot” to kill the ted before Magistrate Wahle in the Tombs court that he had perjured biu- self when he made the charges Impli- West One Hundredth street police sta- traffic squad. let drop by Rogers before Le took the sensational charges bad a farcical end over to the custody of Sergeant Bhilels. The Irony of his fate struck him as being funny. He ianghed as Shiels took hold of his arm In confessing the part he played Iu the farce Rogers hmplicated Robert J. Kelley, a lieutenant of Parkhurst in Brooklyn and agent of the Citizens’ union. He said the plot to accuse the policemen of couspiracy, to kill the clergyman was batched at the instiga- tion of Kelley, because “the job over iu Brooklyn was getting on the frite” He declared Kelley cherished a grudge agajust Shiels und Plelan and In structed Lim to concoct the murder plot story. When Rogers tock the stand District Attorney Jerome asked him “Did you make out theses affidavils to the effect that there was a police plot to kill Dr. Parkhurst ¥’ “I did,” he replied “Is there anything untrue in them? “Thete’'s nothing true iu either one of thew." was the frank auswer, “We were merely working Kelley, and this was a scheme to make our job safe over lu Brooklyn ™ FRANCE WILL NOT YIELD. New Premier Stands Firm Regarding Policing of Moreseco. ALGECIRAS, March 16. M, Revoll, the Freuch envoy to the Moroccan con- ference here, received instructions from Premier Sarrien directing him to re- fuse the Austrian proposals on the po- Hee control of Moroso. France will also maintain her present firni position io regard to the state bank. This de- cision of the new cabiuet puis a uew complexion ou the situation here, All Is pow speculation as to what Germany's attliwle will be when the Freach stand is oflicriily auuvouuced to the comtuission While the situation i= admittedly wore gloomy than af any tue for a fortnight, there aie few of the euvoys bere who really believe that the con- ference Will break up without accom plislilng soe kind of au agreement be- tween France and Germauy wants war, aod now that It Is CINE Ww even the most rabld German chau viaist that France has reached the end of her concesslous it i= reasouable to suppose that the Berlin adthorities will not force thelr rivals to the breaking polut Destructive Beetle. The Black Hills beetle has killed be tween 700,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 feet of timber in the Black Hillis forest reserve. It is also doing much harm in Colorado and New Mexico. The government has Issued a pamphlet on the way to fight it by felling and bark- ing infested trees. mngr————— New FPostmaster at Middletown. WASHINGTON, March 16. ~The sen- Fale In executive session confirmed the nomination of Edward D, Tompkins as postmaster at Middletown, N. Y. pe 3 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call nominally at $084 per cent; prime mercantile paper, jS'y per cent; exchanges, §304.056.7%; balances, fli 100.547 Closing prices: Amal Copper iw ny ITN ui 107% N. Y. Central. Atchison. 1% Nor! & West. B&O... 10 Penn. R R Broekiyn RB. T.. 84% Reading C.C.CaBtL 10 Rock Island wy Ches. & Ohlo 87 Bt Paul .. LATE Chl & Northw. 13%, Bouthern Peo... ¥ BSoutliern R) a &% Bouth. Ry. pf... Jely ST Bugar © 1% Texas Pacific... #4 Union Pacifie.. M24 U. 8 Btesl...... Wh U, 8. Steel pf.. uch West. Unlon.. Erle axanns Gen. Electria.. IIL Central Lackawanna. ... #0 Louls. & Nash. 100% Manhattan. ..... 168 Metropolitan... . 114 Missouri Pec... % Now Yerk Markets. FLOUR-8lead th falr loquiry, Min. esole patents, | TH tT Lite, a winter ex! , Rg) nlef pat EA —1n responding to better ca- Dies, wheat w C. to ¢. higher, shorts aid of the buying in face of con- tinued ood western Jester news, May, #3) July, Bg 1-1 COR "Kha early com FIOIeSD Was mainly a reflection of the wheat advance, trade TTER- light; July, $04 BU Creamery, #Xiras, per pound ren (Mercantile Exchange official quotation, extras, ic j; firsts, 24g Mc. sec- onds, 1950 : thirds, 16@18c.; held, extras, ngric Nrats, 13G%c ; seconds, Wali nest, 1@N. ; rds, gle ; slate dalry, tubs, 2c. ; firsts, A@lic.; seconds CHEE tate, full cream, large and small, Salons an ain fancy. 11914 fone’ rime, 13% ¢. , common tu fair, ght ims fall made, choice, 14 Lis : ima, prime, Regie; nter mad e, hye. part Daol 1 god, og full skims, ye dante. eunsylv nia and nearby selected, white, fancy, 3 i Fhialte wil 15¢ . mixed, extras, Is'4c ; iain Bet HAY teddy; shipping. > chéice, pa STRA -Bleady long rye, Bauc BEANS Easy ¥ marrow, $110, medium, Kut We pea. HN BGLITY:. red kidney, Wi L~Steady; domestic fleece, 38g, HOPS- Dull; slate Sminon to choice, 16, 1196c. isd, 7 e.: Pa- cific coast, ING, Wb : ro Mic; 0 IVE POULTRY—Chickens, spring, per und, 1lgo; fowls, 13%c ; roosters, old, «: turkeys, 150%c. ; pigeons, per palr, sa RESS D POULTRY. Brotlers, a. eiphla, ic unds to and 3 er, id Bode New an ork and Penns whe : Ki Kens. Philadel. ary picked, 16a1% ;: New York and - 15¢ ; fowla A Riiddeiphia, plek lk. ; cocks, ol ry ple o8 and neaidel it Pht pa dot had, lies WN: Live Sleek Markets, 8 1 te nnay van, | ~ SAYRE, PA. SHOES Arctics at Low Prices Of crane it is late in the semson to buy arcties, but you néed them as =, Wel Just Saw a4 Ju wold at any time, One day's J s worth the prices. Price Inducement Heavy Sole Arctics, 4 Buckle, $2.00 from Heavy Sole Arctics, | Buckle, $1.40 from $1.85. Good Arctic, 4 Buckle, $1.78 from pas Good Arctic, | Buckle, $1 10 from $1.50 Children’s Arctics, 2 Buckle, all sizes, 78¢ from $1 95. The Candee Rubber, * “I'he Kind It Pays to Buy Ee SE = 2.00. PE eae——— Si CE = p=) = oe HEISE J. W. Murrelle, D.D. S, Office and Residence at 106 Center Street, Athens, Pa. Bridge Work Our Specialty Valley Telephone 97d Bt tieisreii rrr atv sass 777 PROGRESS [LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. | [8 the order of the (in elect Dec. 31, 1995.) day. As a city, we Trains leave Saves ua follows: will inevitably have a new Town Hall, a complete sewer system and fine pavements. You can add to the general im- AM M. Ay for tr ite re Ep gaaeh ashingiown. Gi Eri [Mss ro Athen Olsir, To ah San PF. M. Dally, femep” Dusbore: Netter: bottats ville, Te rissa Lac 8:00 t= AM dt Th ik AM) Palit fe provement. Haves. Pe Penn Haves rE ’ Au 9p to date | CIEE A pitimere sad Washington at m ora good AM. Sundar aniy, for Athens, Milas, \ heating system will u bo Bld Bp eT add value to your| bu Fareriy 133 FM) Dally FY property, give you| Yash Wiad, Ss Rishi ch I J more comfort and | sem bem, New » York, Fhiiedeiphia, Baltimore aad | better health. And| Dismend Ra A doesn’t cost so 3 10%. Pain. Ww SRR much. Ask us about | Toe such Chek. ene Wemisgion, it, P.M. (Waverly 4s P.M) Week dave only for Athens Mon- DO IT NOW, i [ wilte, Aus, Vista FM Uaily for Allentown, Sethles hems, Easton, Néwark and New York arties Sleeplag Car Passengers only. | 15 WESTBOUND, Ja Tr ere) s/oumtie Roch Mov hp Aaay. ou Dushoge, on and W Wyninsing. Laser. -> H. R. TALMADGE, Both "Phoges. Emer Ave. | A. H. MURRAY, M. D. ~ SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Hye, Nar, Nose aod A iio gh oper a 3-314; = ya by Maynard, Maynard & Schrier Attorneys and Counselors. Rocheter, Of Vas Kiten, A.M. Dally for Geneva, edonia, Batavia, Buffalo Niagara Palle tad Toronto. AM Baliye! semen ica for Gemty Dulas; Midg ht Detrok, Chicago, Louis and points west. Rochester, 0 Coty, tuys for Auburn week days pod my . 11: AM ite, $penac. 1 Ie Lasknnd: ter, Batavia, Balfalo and Niagara Daily =. Jhace. a. Trumasivare, nies Inter: Lp i Ta Sant May- ronal, Raleags Auburn RN aha a4, yaisis 3:47 Ca a PM Daly, Back Diamond Express, Sufinje Niagara M. P. A. Bl bi Jif Jou ackwsed, Ya . P. A. Block, Sayre, Pa. P.M. Dall sa nard Block, Athens, Pa. b: BER mee nn aa" Weck dae omy, fo Owegs Bre JOHN C. PECKALLY, hs eT Th DEALER IN P.M. Dail a, Or foegn anéDomestc Frots. 3: Gh Sn SE (20 gallons of pure aro. Oliv Oll just re- | There is no nook nor cor- ported cheese, All pr trom od 15: ner where The Valley Rec- No. 5 Elizabeth St., Waverly, |Ord does not circulate ‘Murphy & Blish, urphy ish, Of $15.00 as applied 10 Clothes buying was nev- more strikingly demon- strated than in the extra- ordinary values we have + received for Spring. i Men's and Young Men's Sulls cut in the new fashion- able length, with deep center vent, broad collars and lapels are herein all the newest patterns aaa a Assn af Sas as sess. sass sss ase ssss sass sass TT TT TTT TT TTT TT TT ITTITTIYTTTTYYYY TTY YT YYY