mincoats from the Filth Avenue Pay Day Special Window! Your cholee of the following goods at 10 cents each : 10 quart tin dish pan 10 asst Hi Pe Sa ais Bowl strainers Hunter flour sifters Large square cake pans Chopping kuives ae. pola, 8 gt Esamel kettles, 3 iy pias, 1, 4 qtuizes dishes § Padding pam, 3.4, a sis etard cups, White & White ware Desmond St., Sayre. 322 8. Main St,, Athens. I can please you in style, quality H. Sattler. 260 st Do not fail to hear the lecture on “Sullivan's Expedition” by Wm. Elliot Griffis at the Sayre high school hall this evening. Children toc, adults 20c, The degree team and members of the Sayre Aeric of Eagles have accepted an invitation to go to To- wanda on April 4 to assist in the intallation of an aerie at that place. Harvey Gray will give one of his popular dances in Eighmey's hall tomorrow evening. The Loomis opera house orchestra will furnish the music, and a Jarge crowd is expected, A notice was posted in the old shops yesterday ordering the men in that department to work ten hours per day instead of seven. On Saturdays, however, the men will be given a half holiday, Newspapers are always glad to get all the news that is obtainable, and The Record is no exception to the rule. If you cannot bring or send your news items to the office, use the telephone. Call 128x. Despite the fact that there has been a heavy fall of snow cast of this place railroad men report that there has been no trouble on the Lehigh. The road is open at all points and passenger and freight trains have been making schedule time. : The hope of an early spring won't be realized for a day or two yet anyway, as more snow and colder weather are scheduled. The real winter which we have missed seems to at last arrived, and the month of March is doing all it can to make life miserable. “The Duchess DuBarry,” is the attraction which will be presented by the Murray-Mackey repertoire company at the Loomis this even- ing. Oaly two more nights of the company’s engagement remain and if you desire to witness really a first class performance at popular prices you should not fail to at- tend this evening. BL. Lewis went to Towanda Was in Charge of Two Engines and a Lighted Torch Set Fire to His Cot Hackeasack, N. |, arrived in Sayre last night over the Lehigh Valley and went to the office of Dr. M. C. Hunter to be treated for painful burns which he received at Lans- downe on Monday night Mr. Barkman left Hackensack charged with the care of two. locomotives which were consigned to a road in California. When he reached Lans- downe on Monday night it was the engines. . For this purpose he carried a lighted torch. Altec per- forming the duty he returned to the cab of onc of the engines with the torch still lighted, and while making preparations to retire to a small cot the torch came in contact with some cotton waste. In at- tempting to extinguish the blaze Mr. Barkman's hands and face were painfully burned. Upon reach-| ing Sayre the burns became so! don the trip to the west and return | home where he can receive proper | attention, MACHINIST'S HELPER Was Found in Unconscious Con- dition in Upper Drum of a Boiler Yesterday Afternoon Completely overcome from gas which escaped from the fire box Harry Myers, a machinist’s helper, was found yesterday afternoon about four o'clock by a fellow workman in the upper drum ofa Lehigh Valley boiler at the Sayre shops. Meyers had been employ- ed for a couple of days in repair- the flues to the boiler, and yester- day afternoon he was in the upper head drum. He had not been fecling well, and previous to losing con- sciousness he had about decided to report off duty. He resolved, however, to finish one more of the flues upon which he was working but before he had finished was overcome. It is presumed that he lay in an unconscious condition for several minutes before being discovered. On account of the manhole of the boiler being small in size, and as Myers is quite broad shouldered young fellow it was with considerable difficulty that he was taken tothe outside The hospital ambulance was called and Myers was taken to that insti tution. It was six o'clock before he was revived. A ——— A —— * RECEIVED SAD NEWS Mrs. Samuel Line of No. 121 South River street, received a message this morning informing her of the death of her sis- ter, Mrs. Mary Campbell Scranton. Mrs. Campbell died last night and besides her husband leaves two small children. Mrs. Line left for Scranton this afters NOTICE Want ads inserted by persons not having a ledger account with The Record must be paid for when ordered printed. We positively cannot charge want ads indiscrim- inately—the expense of bookkeep- ing and collecting is entirely out of proportion to the amount iavolv- ¢d in the transaction. IT WILL NOT LAST Furnished to The Record bya Who Is Posted Sayre lodge, No. 1090, 1.0.0. F, met in regular session last evening and did business in their usual ex- peditious manner. There were two applicants pres- ent requesting that they receive the first degree which was conferred without protest. There were two new applications presented to the lodge, in fact it is a very unusual thing when at least one new application is not pres sented at every _meeting night, Sayre Odd Fellows were invited | to attend the social to be given by | the Rebekahs this evening, provid: ed that they have 10 cents. Odd Fellows are also invited to ats tend and bring their families. A good supper will be served; the Rebekahs have a reputation to keep up in the way of catering to man's taste and they will not dis- | appoint. { | the members attending the eighty~ ' ninth anniversary of the order at | Canton, Pa., April 26, as the Canton | people are going to make it an | occasion that Cantonians and visits come. The members of Sayre lodge, No. 1090, are carnestly requested to come to the lodge room next Thursday night conducted by Charles E Talada, and no doubt under his skillful management the work of the degree team will be a success. i Considerable interest is being manifested in Odd Fellow clrcles of late and it behooves the mem- bers of Sayre lodge to attend the meetings to keep in-touch with the work. Particular attention is called to the fact that next Thursday is the regular night for nominations for officers, so get out and get your best man in the best office. REWARD The Sayre City Club will pay a reward of Two Dollars for the best color design submitted before the 24th, inst, said design to be used on a streamer, and to be the property of the club. They will also pay a like sum for a suitable motto. All contestants should sub- mit designs either painted or drawn on paper, and if same includes motto, that should also be written on paper, but the name of the con- testant should be written on a scparate slip and pinned to the paper submitted. Get busy and see what you can do. Don’t write your name on the design. W. W. Shaw, Secretary. ———— es —— FERRIS DISCHARGED Howard Ferris of this place who was arrested at Waverly one month ago, on a charge preferred by the Lchigh Valley railroad company who alleged that he had stolen a quantity of headlight re- flectors from the shops, was dis- charged from the county jail at Owego yesterday. Ferris was held to await requisition, but { Governor Higgins of the state of New York decided that the author- ties of this county had not made out a case against the accused. CONCERNING LENT A Catholic clergyman gives the the observance of Lent by the Catholic church: “The church! does not respect natiomality; be leges and liberties are not allowed the members. Hence public in Custody Here Today and tion ing characters names as Charles Meade and Ed today by Chief Walsh and are held pending an investigation. men were in Jump's drug store en deavoring to dispose of a quantity SG PICTURE FRAMING 205 Pesmond St. {into possession of them honestly | the chief was notified and he placed {them under arrest. After being taken to the lockup they told several stories concerning the maa. {ner in which they got the sTamps Since locking the men up the local authorities have learned that two men answering their description disposed of eighty cents’ worth of The local police believe that the men mays have been connected with some postoffice robbery down the line of the Lehigh Valley. SENG DANGEROUS PLACE Thomas White Was Foynd Ly- ing on the Lehigh Tracks Di- rectly in Front of an Engine The fact that a number of rail- road men discovered Thomas White last night lying directly high engine which was about ready to start, probably saved that gentle- man from being literally crushed to death. White was in a drunken stupor and had wandered to the yards where he stumbled and fell in front of the engine. He was unable to rise and when found by the railroad men was making a hall conscious effort to get up, probably partly realizing his danger. He was dragged to a place of safety and Chief Walsh was sent for, He took White to the lockup and this morning when arraigned on a charge of drunken ness and disorderly conduct, he admitted the charge. He said that he was on his way home to New York City, and upon promising to make tracks toward that bailiwick as rapidly as possible, not tarrying in Sayre any longer than was necessary, he was allowed to go on suspended sentence. A FRIENDLY SUGGESTION Though we have carefully read Boss Lilley's “organ,” we have not noticed that Mial has “introduced” any bills for some days. It seems to us that it is about time that an- other bill of some kind be “intro- duced.” *We suggest that Mial “introduce” a hill to make a ship canal of the Susquehanna river. While this might interfere with some of the cel weirs it would doubtless be of great benefit to some of his constituents. If Mial would only “introduce” a bill to in- crease the size of tobacco pipes it would be of great benefit to the tobacco interests of the county. We would . also suggest that Mial “introduce” a bill to fortify the borough of Towanda. At present this great metropolis of Bradford county is entirely without adequate protection, and in case of war with San Domingo or China would be at the mercy of the in- vaders. It would add greatly to our sense of security and be of | great bencfit to his constituents if { Mial would only “introduce” a bill i on the subject —Bradford Star. CAKE SALE Benefit senior das of — : Valley Phone 191 a. — Dat Assis Jasuary 1, 1908, Liabilities. .. .. worth of goods, you GILLESPIE'S SAYRE, PA. Desmond St., A TALK ON RUINS before there are rains. [8 yoor proper- ty—real and personal—insured inst fire loss? 1f pot, why not? Don't care how wise you are, you don't know wheth- er your house or store will be standing tomorrow. Mors talk on fire insurance if you give us the word. FRED J. TAYLOR, BAYRE, PA. LOOMISOPERAHOUSE ORCHESTRA Strictly to-Date Music furnished for Balls, | and all manner of Boo- ial Fanotions, either public or privata, feces desired will aided Cul Val will be far Call Valley Record for terms, G. H. GOFF Is now ready to furnish Pure Reservoir Loe to M. PROCAS, Greek-American Confection and Candy Store. Nice special fresh chocolate drops | & 120 poand, Nice fresh mixed candy Se pound. Make every day fresh candy. lee Cream, Ios Cream Soda and Fruita, 222 Desmond Street, ad Painter, Decorator r and Paperhanger. sonable prices. | Residence: LAWS & WINLACK, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. TRANSACTED. LAWS' BUILDING, 310 DESMOND ST. Valley Phove 180-A. Hayes, SHOES 8 lot of ¢ continued in