The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 13, 1906, Image 1

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sale will hold good
all week. Cur Tus Av Our
Sale of Flour
"a “Best™ bread flour... 81 0
Hoyt's brand extra fancy quality
red ripe tomatoes, carefully se-
lected band packed fruit, solidly
filled glass Mason quart jars,
special per dozen cans
titles you to 25¢ cash or trade.
in trade
$6.50 in cash checks en-
Checks in $25 lots good for $1
2 Ibs finest peanut butter.
1 Ib shredded cocoanut |...
3} Ibe ginger snaps :
8 Ibs lanndry starch... ..........
Fresh Home Made Potato
Chips, daily, Ib., 40c.
Mew Tea Dust 100 pound; excellent
green Japan tea 25c 1b; 40c Japan teas
pee Ib, less than regalar price.
4 tana Bartlett paars or plums, 250;
30¢ can Island Beauty strawberries, 15e
«+ 80e'gal pumpkin, 35¢; 1 gal rhubarb,
28¢; gal can apples, 85c; gal can black-
Jawple peaches, 40c.
a's suits that were §7 now $4 48
a's “ “ 9 “ 6.78
12" 820
15 “ 965
that to $9, $4 78
TT Tota re ho
$175 and $2 derbies and soft
8 | hats, newest shapes, $1 28.
frau men's $3 shoes, now
Children’s shoes soc and up.
soc and 75¢ values now 42c¢.
25¢ values 18¢c.
Suit cases worth $1.50, now g8c.
60 pairs ladies shoes, the $1.25
kind, now gsc.
Men's odd vests, worth $1 to
$1.25, now 65c.
Bring in your boy to be
clothed, we will save you
Tillman Balks at Criticism of
“He Was Miscrably Advised; I Am
Net a Lawyer, Only un Farmer, bat
Have Better (ommen Sense
Than That,” Says Seaantor.
WASHINGTON, March 18 Mr Ti
man addressed the senate in reply to
Proshlent Roosevelt's message cons
cerning the Tillman Gillespie resolu
tion instructing the interstate coln-
merce commission to make an exami-
pation of ruliroad discriainations in
the matter of hauling coal and oll
The message, which condemued the
resolution on the ground that Its pur
pose was not specific, was sent to the
desk by Mr. Tillman apd was reread.
‘The president after signing the resolu-
tion asked that additional legislation
be entered into to make it effective,
Included in this request was a rec-
ommendation that an appropriation ba
made 16 carry ou the lovestigation and
speciiic authority bw given to the com
mission to adwinister oaths and com-
pel the allendance of wilnesses
“I deprecate the necessity of criticis-
ing this wost extraordinary docu-
ment,” sald Mr. Tillman. “Fate bas
enlisted me as an ally of the presidpnt
in getting ag adequate railway rate
bill, and | regret very much to have
anything come up which would ocea-
sion any disruption of the amicable re-
lations that now exist or appear to ex-
ist between us.”
This statement was greeted with
smiles and chuckles from other sena-
“But there are some things that as a
senator | eanpot put up with patient-
iy,” continued Mr. Tillman, who said
that the president's contempt and ridl-
cule of the resolution seamed to charge
that be had been Ignorant of what he
was doing In offering It
“Now, that is golug a great way In a
very little while. That is a pretty big
coutrict the president has taken on
himself to justify such a sweeping
charge.” he sald
Taking up the resolution. Mr. Till
mau sald that it was & joint measure
and was now a Jaw. He called atten:
tion to tie fact that both houses of
congress had given the subject consid
eration. Then be added
“There cau be no good reason for the
presideut to scold ns lo a manver {hat
is almost lusultlug Ly charging us with
Insiucerity, preteuse and ignorance.
The only reason I can see Is that he
must have been miserably advised 1
am not a lawyer, only un farmer, but I
have better comtnon sense than that”
He closed with a protest against the
president “lightly and dippantly” In-
sulting the senate. He sald he could
pardon many things ou account of the
great burdens ou the president and be-
cause of his impetuosity
Mr. Lodge defended the president
and said he did not see how he could
treat the resolution other than he did
The statehood bill as amended Ly the
seuate was received lp the house and
lald on the speaker's table without
Murderess Out on Baill.
ATLANTA, Ga, March 18—Mms. EB.
Willie Standifer, who 1s charged with
killing her sister, Miss Whisenaut, last
Friday, bas heen released oun $£35.000
bonds. At her preliminary examination
Saturday Mrs. Standifer was commit-
ted to jall, boud bLelng denied. The
case was taken to the superior court,
and the decislou of the committing
magistrate was reversed on the pres
entation that Mre. Standifer is a vic
tim of tuberculosis and that she has a
young child. from which she cannot be
separated without danger to the child's
Fishing Steamer Zapera Lost.
VICTORIA, B’ CC, March 13. —Noews
Is recelved from Skidegate that a life
buoy aud two oars marked “8. 8, Za
pora” and two dorles uot marked have
been found on Grabam island. Two
broken oak bullt ship's boats, ten oars
and about 20000 feet of lumber came
ashore between Skidegate and Rose
spit. The Zapora Is a steam fishing
Vessel, carrying about thirty men,
which plies from Tacoma to the Hall.
but banks of Queen Charlotte sound.
Broker Henderson fo He Extradited.
ALBANY, N.Y, March 18 -Govern-
or Higgins has granted the requisition
of the governor of West Virginia tor
the extradition ta that state of C. A.
Henderson of New York city to an-
swer the charge of selling stock under
false preteuses. It Is alleged that he
was jostrumental lo the sale of stock
to the value of $100,000 of the Inter
national Mercantile company, which
subsequently became insolvent
German Feorve (0 Leave China.
BERLIN, March 13 -Ewperor Wik
liam has erderwl the German force In
China to return to Germany. A de
tachment of twenty-six officers and
700 men will remain to guard the em-
baasy at Peking, a portion of the force
being kept at Tieutsin as reserves,
A Miteh at Algeciras.
ALGECIRAS, Spain, March 18—The
Freach delegates declare they will not
accept foreigu coutrol of the Franco
Bpauish police for Moroceo, The Ger
mans are firm. This makes a momen-
tary deadlock upon the detalls, but a
solution Is considered possible.
Five Killed In Chureh Riot.
WARBAW, March 13.—Five persons
x and fifteen wounded In a
fight at Si\rykoff. government of Plo
Leader of Amerienn Woman Saf.
tragisia Suecumbe fo Pneumonia,
ROCHESTER, N. YY, March 13 ~The
jong and eventful life of Susan B.
Anthony closed at 12:40 o'clock this
morning. The end dime pescefully.
Miss Anthony had been unconscious
practically all of tw time for more
than twenty-four hours, and her death
had been almost moinentarily expectad
since Jast night Only her wonderful
constitution Kept her alive.
Dr. M. 8 Ricker, her attending physi
clan, sald iiss Anthouy died of heart
failure, induced by pucumonla of both
lungs. She had had serious valvular
Lieart trouble for the last six or seven
y=ars. Her lungs were practically clear,
and the poeumounia had yielded to
treatment, but the weakness of her
lieart prevented her recovery,
Gendarmes Charged Mourners
Ceurrvierea Pit Mouths.
PARIS, March 18.—-All rescue work
has been suspsuded at the Courrieres
pits, where more than a thousand min-
ers lost thelr lives, owing to the dan-
ger of gases and the emanation from
decomposing bodies The engineers
fear another explosion. aud therefore
they ordered up the rellef gangs
The engloeers will attempt to venti
late the chambers Lefore attempting
further rescues. If the results are sat
Iefactory work will Le resumed, Lut it
Is probable that no further efforts will
be wade at present,
The mine coinpany’'s latest estimate
places the number of victims at 1,080.
A serious disorder was threatened ow-
ing to the persistence of relatives who
wanted to see the bodies of the dead
in hope of identifying them
The authorities promised to admit
groups of twenty-five, but the delay
made the pareuts lmpatient, aud they
rushed at the doors. A scene of great
confusion followed, but mounte! geu-
darmes eventually forced back the
crowds, and order was restored with
When the parents obtained adwission
a sorrowful spectacle was presented
as In groups of {weuty-five they search
ed the blackened bodies. A number of
identifications were made, and the
bodies were taken home. The houses
of the dead are marked with rough
black croases, decorated with shwple
floral devices
Chicago Controls Traction Situation.
CHICAGO, March 13 —-By the deci
slon of the United States supreme
court just bauded down the city of
Chicago obtains almost complete con
trol of the local traction situation. The
decision sustains the acts of the state
legislature extending she life of the
charters of the street rallway compa
nles to nloety-nine years, Lut does not
sustain the contention of the compa-
nies that contract rights which are
Hmited to fewer years thau remain to
the charter life of the compaules are
also extended
Impervious Plate For Warships.
WASHINGTUN, March 18.—-An lo-
teresting test of arwor plate, made Ly
the Midvale Steel company for the
new battleship Misslesippl, has Leen
had at the Indian Head proving
grounds. The bLallistle plate was nine
inches Io thickness and represented 470
tons of similar plate. It was attacked
by capped eight tuch armor plercing
projectiles at velocities ranging 1,780
to 1,778 feet per second, but uot one
of the projectiles plerced the plate.
The test was pronounced very satis
Would Deuble Assembliymen’s Pay.
ALBANY, N.Y, March 18—A con.
current resolution was Introduced by
Assemblywan Eagleton for an amend-
ment to the constitution which would
provide for the election of assembly
men for two vears at a salary of £8000
a year and would make the salary of
seuntors $5,000 a year. At the present
time both receive a salary of $1500
per annum, the term of senator being
two years and that of the assembly men
one year.
Mistehenko Exiled All Strikers.
VLADIVOSTOK, March 13 ~Govern-
or Mistchenko has dischinrged overy
employee of the Usurri railroad, In
cluding Director Harvat, who partici
pated in the recent strike and ordered
that they be expelled from the Amur
province, never 16 return,
Powers te He Tried 5 Fourth Time.
WASHINGTON, March 18~Under a
decision of the supreme court Caleh
Powers, who has been threes times tried
for complicity in the murder of Gov-
ermot Willlam Goebel of Kentucky,
will have to ang Anothes tral in the
New York District Attorney
Unearths a Slave Traffic.
Robert NH, Spriggs Is Under Arrest
Charged With Serious Urimes—Fa-
trelmen Said to Be Accomplices
of Colored Desperadoes.
NEW YORK, March 13 —The entire
force of the district attorney's office is
now belog brought to bear to arresi
the negroes who are believed tc have
murdered two white women and after
ward disposed of their bodies by bury.
lng them at night. The district attor
ney’s assistants have the names of sev-
eral who are mixed up lo the matter,
and it is thought that arrests may be
made at any minute.
District Attorney Jerome has the
naines of two white girls who, It is al-
leged, were kilied in one of the houses
conducted Ly pegroes.
The luvestization which is being
made by Mr Jerome's staff is a result
of the raid lu which Robert H. Spriggs,
& Degro, was arrested on charges of
abduction. assault and keeplug a dis
urderly house. Spriggs was held by
Judge O'Sullivan in the court of gen-
ern] sessions in $8500 ball on the
thiree charges for trial
In line with this Investigation wit-
uesses were called and testimony given
to substantiate the story of, murder
nnd rapine. These witnesses have fur
nished details of the crimes
Among others who were examined
were two lumates of the house ralded.
They were taken to the district at-
torney's office, aud It was sald they
wade a complete confession that went
far to strengthen the case against cer-
tain persons who have had dealings
with Spriggs
It transpires that Bprigg spent three
years io states prison for having stab-
bed Charles Mayo. Mayo was a horse
traloer and got into an altercation
with Spriggs. Spriggs stabbed bim In
the cheat and Lead
It is said that twelve policemen are
about to be arrested In connection
with the official protection of the white
slave traffic
The activity of the district attorney's
office followed thie confessions of Ber-
the Claiche, the little Franch girl who
fs awaiting sentence for the killing of
Ewil Gerdrou, her master, aud of Hat-
tle Warren and Cora Chester, two
white girls rescued frow Bol Spriggs’
den on Coruella street.
The twelve policemen under survell-
lance have for years, it 1s sald, levied
tribute on Spriggs with the full knowl.
sdge of the traffic In which he was en-
Mew the Standard Worked It
KANSAS CITY, Mo. March 13.—At
the oll beariug Wituess Robertson sald
that the Btandard Oil company boycot
ted all the Knnsas fleld Feb. 10, 1905,
and tore out all pipe line connections
with lndependent producers and issued
orders to purchase no oll from lode
pendent producers, who then had no
market. Mr. Robertson testified that
the rallroad rate from Caney, Kan, to
Bartlesville, 1. T, a distance of sixty.
one wiles, prior to the bLullding of the
pipe llpe by the Standard Oil com.
pany was 12 cents and wis reduced
to 5 cents a huudred pounds while the
pipe line was coustructiug. After ita
completion the rallroad rate was put
up to 19 cents, and it stands there to-
Abbey Acquittied at Kingston.
RINGSTON, NY, March 18 —The
indictment charglug Steplien H. Ab-
bey, the New York law student, with
criminal libel In conpection with the
apouymous publication called Around
Towu, was dismissed by Judge Cau
tine la the county court bere. Counsel
Augustus H, Van Buren, who was the
cowplainaut fu the case, made a state
ment in which be explained that after
a full luvestigation he was satisfied
that Around Town was simply the act
of boys, who regretted what they had
done aud had beeu prompted by uo
malice or design 10 lnjure any oue
Further Respite For Patrick.
ALBANY, N. Y., March 18 —~Govern-
or Higgins has granted Albert T. Pat-
rick, the condemned wurderer of Wil
linm M. Rice, n further respite until
May 18. This Is a postponement of the
date of execution from March 10, or a
delay of sixty days. The postpone
ment Is to afford sufficient time for
coutdsel to present the motion to the
court for a new trial
Killed Father Playing Heldup.
TAMPA, Fila, March 13 Playlug
boldup, Churles Ryals, ten years old,
pointed a shotgun at his father, J. O.
Ryals, a well known farmer at Branch-
ton, and, crylug, “Hands up!” pulled
the trigger. The gun was loaded, and
the charge entered the father's breast,
causing death in a fow minutes. The
boy belleved the guu was not loaded,
Reot te Road Ounal Digging.
WASHINGTON, March 13 If Sec
retary of War Taft retires from his
present office (0 becowe a member of
the supreme court the affairs of the
Panama canal will be transferred from
the war department to the state depart-
went, and the canal will be bullt un-
der the supervision of NRearetary of
State Root.
Euplesion Fell Por Forty Miles.
DULUTH. Minn. March 13 Eight
tone of dynamite at the compressor
plant of the Great Northern Power
company Mapindsd last gs 4
ishing n large portion ;
now under construction 4
Aumber of men.
was felt.
Attorney Heaneral Says Court Has
Power te Order nu Recount.
ALBANY, N. Y, March 13 -Attor
ney General Mayer bas replied to the
resolution of the assembly relative to
the mayoralty election contest between
William ‘Randolph Hearst and Mayor
McClellan of New York.
Attorney Geueral Mayer was asked
“to luform the assembly whether in
bis opinion the ballot boxes containlog
the ballots cast at the last election in
New York city can be opened and the
ballots recounted and whether the sald
William R. Hearst or any candidate
upon the said Municipal Ownership
ticket has made complaint to Bim or
request that he commence such ac
tion.” His reply says:
“First —Neither Willlam R. Hearst
por any other candidate upon the Mu
alcipal Ownership ticket at the election
bas made auy complaint to the sttor
ney general or requested him to com
mence any action
“Second.—lu the matter of applica
tion of Willlam Randolph Hearst et al
to the court of appeals Judge Gray
who wrote the prevailing opinion. sald
among other things
**The preservation of the ballot Lox
es under lock and seal Is directed for
six mouths as evidence for use ln the
courts. | think that the presumption
should obtain as to the prociaimed re
suit of an election that the election of-
ficers have perforined their duties and
that a defeated candidate should be
left to such action at law or otherwise
as may be appropriate wherein to gues
tion it as to the ballots counted with
out objection.’ I am of the opinion
that the court has power to order that
the ballot box of such election district
may be opened. Upon the testimony
adduced the jury may then determine
the facts under appropriate instroe
tions as to the law from the court, and
therefore if the facts warraut the bal
lots contained in any such ballot box
thus reopened by the court's order may
be recounted.”
Hallowmas Masaged te Win, While
Discobedient Was Unplaced.
NEW ORLEANS. March 13 I'wo
Crescent City Derby candidates fig
ured iu the card at the Fair grounds,
Hallowmas and Disobedient Hallow
mas managed to win Disobedlent, fa
vorite In his race, ran poorly. Judge
Davey, beaten In the second race by
repeated Interference, was the only
other losing favorite, Summaries
First Race. —Last Cherry, first; Heid-
moore, second; Globe Runuer, third,
Becond Race.—Al Powell, drst: Lucy
Marie, second; Our Own, third
Third Race. —Hallowmas, first; Whip-
poorwill, second; Peter Nathaalel,
Fourth Race Southern Cross, first;
Rapid Water, second: Goldsmith, third.
Fifth Race.—Leua J, first; Arabo,
second; Safeguard, third
Sixth Race —-H F. Williams,
Nine, second; Stonewall, third
Peggy O'Nelll, at 30 to 1.
betting foretold that Lady Holiesia, the
natural favorite In the second race,
would run poorly at Oaklaud, and
she did, Openiug at 8 to 5, she closed
at 11 t0 5. The eveut was captured by
Peggy O'Neill, at 20 to 1. Elevation,
at 20 to 1, gave the bookmakers a sur
prise iu the final race by gawely bold-
ing the lead until the finish
Three Winning Favorites,
NEW ORLEANS, March 12-—-Dan
Bradley, Monet aud Trenola were the
winning favorites at City park. An
awkward landiug at the tenth jump
cost Jolin E Owens the steeplechase
Colonel White wet with considerable
{nterference In the sixth rece
Mirthlieas Left at the Post.
HOT SPRINGS, Ark, March 13. -8ix
favorites were defeated at Oaklawn.
The greatest disappointment of the
day was the ruce of Mirthless. She
was left at the post and finlshed fourth.
Te Ald Major Reed's Widow.
WASHINGTON, March 13. ~The ex-
scutive comwlittes of the memorial of
Major Walter Reed fund bas received
$1000 from Andrew Carnegie aud =
like sum from Colonel Henry Lee Hig-
ginson of Bostou It is the desire of
the committee to collect a fund of $25.
000, the Income of which will be paid
to Major Reed's widow and the princi-
pal be reserved for a permanent me-
morial for the discoverer of the yellow
fever mosquito
Major Ferguson Buried.
18.— Representatives of the New York
commandery of the Loyal Legion and
of the Masons, a delegation from the
New York custom house aud many
prominent New Yorkers attended the
funeral here of the late Major William
Ferguson. The luterment was in the
“cemetery of the highlands,” just out
side of Highland Mills, Orange county
Sanchang Oficial Committed Suleide.
BHANGHAI March 18. Private ad-
vices recelved here from Klukiang,
province of Kuapgsl, confirm the pre-
vious reports that the magistrate who
died at Nanchang as the result of a
stab wound, sald to have been self ln-
filcted or received] at the hands of a
Catholic missionary, committed sul
Navigation te Open Thursday.
ALBANY, N.Y, March 13.--Naviga
tion on the Hudson river will be re-
sumed, weather permitting, on Thurs.
day night, it belug the present intem-
tion of the People's line and Citizens’
line sompanies to atart thelr passem-
White Goods
Two cases same as |
two weeks ago. This
probably our last allotmen!
for this season.
We offer Madras, Piques,
Mercerized waistings, ete,
etc, in mill end remnants
running in lengths from 6
yards to 20 yards, materials
that are worth up to 25¢.
Special for Wednesday 10¢
The Globe Warehouses
are famous for their value
Watch our advertisements.
We give you the same
values as the Scranton
store, recciving our allot=
ments of the plums gath
ered at headquarters by 2
unlimited purchasing pe
We say unlimited
the combined output of the
Globe Warehouses comp
favorably with the outpu
of the largest concerns
the state,
White Goods worth up to
25c for one day, 10c the
% Talmadge Block, Bimer Ave.
Offio :~R.cms 4 and § Eimer Block,
Lockhart Street, Sayre, Pa.
DR. A. G. REES, M.D.
100 Lake St. West Bayre.
8 t0 11:00 a. m., 3 to 4:30, 7:00 to B00.
Genito riaary and chronie diseases
specialty. Both phones.
C.J. —
Especial cars and prompt
tention given to moving
Drink a glass of Stegmaiér's.
You are not drinking a col-
ore beer, but teer that
gets its oclor from the best
of high dried Carmelized
Malt used in brewing it.
Stegmaier's Stock Lager
is the equal of any imports
beer in BODY, TASTE,
and QUALITY. Tryik
ha Fah