The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 12, 1906, Image 3

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    Pruning Saws with two
cutting edges.
Look over the assortment
in our window
322 8. Main St., Athens.
Newspapers are always glad to
Books, Stationery,
Pocket Cutlery, Pocket
Books, Alarm Clocks,
Uncle Sam Watches,
blank books, post cards,
albums, novelties, Sayre
views and
you slick-tongued agent’ 8
We bave the New Home, Si
and other makes. You ne
Bee Call, og lo lt You
BR rifays Music Store,
Main Street, Athens, Pa.
I a Es RE es
The Valley Record
“All the news that's fit to print”
MONDAY, MARCH 11 1906.
The Business Men's Association
Sayre is planning for a banquet
will probably be held shortly
Wanted—By a youug man and
fe, situations in a hotel. Man
bartender; wife cooks, or will
second cooking. Apply at this
order went” into effect this
ming whereby the men employ-
the old shops will only work
hours per day until further
and Mrs. Fred Reynolds of
street, entertained a large
of their friends at cards
evening and lunch was
n here to stay and make good
ers. A trial of my suits or
in's,the merchant tailor
& Haupt's confec-
the rule. If you cannot bring or
send your news items to the office,
use the telephone. Call 128x,
The Lady Willard Rebekah
lodge, No. 131, I. O. O. F, will
give one of their popular socials
next Friday night from 5:30 to g
p.m. An excellent supper will be
served for 1oc and everybocy is
The officers and teachers of the
Baptist church Sunday school will
tender a farewell reception to the
superintendent, Mr. J. H. McClen-
land in the church parlors this
evening at 7:30 o'clock. The friends
of Mr. and Mrs. McClenland are
cordially invited,
William McMahon spent Sunday
with friends and relatives in Owego.
Attorney C. C. Yocum will leave
tomorrow on an extended western
Mrs. A. C. Sandt went to Easton
this morning to visit friends and
relatives for a few days.
Miss Mabel Pittsley, Lockhart
street, returned Saturday night
from a week's visit at Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Webb and
son Paul of Montrose are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pittsley, Lock-
hart street.
Mrs. E. F. Mercereau went to
Falls, this state, this morning, hav-
ing been called there by the illness
of her father.
The remains of Heary S. Gregg,
who died at the hospital in the
University of Penasylvania #t Phil-
adelphia on Friday night, arrived
here yesterday afternoon and were
taken to the home of his sister,
Mrs. J. H. Murrelle of No. 207
Miller street, at which place the
funeral will be held tomorrow af.
ternoon at 3 o'clock. The inter.
ment will be made in Tioga Point
The first real snow storm of the
season struck Sayre last night
about 5 o'clock. It continued
snowing until nearly 10 and this
morning four or five inches of “the
beautiful” covered the earth. To-
day, however, the brilliant rays of
Old Sol have been doing business
and the mantle of white has dis-
appeared rapidly.
There will be a special meeting
of the B. of L. F. held on Monday
evening, March 12, 1906,at 8p. m,
as business of importance is to be
transacted. The reuglar meeting
; been changed to the first
and Landed in the Bed
of a Creek
A most singular accident, and
one without parallel in the annals
of railroading, occurred to a Le-
high Valley engine on the Weath-
erly hill on Friday evening. The
engine ran away and leaped into
the creck at Black Creck Junction,
and the fact that no oac was in
jured and that the engine did not
crash into something in its path is
little short of a miracle.
The engine was in charge of
Michael McConnell of Hazleton,
and as it rounded the curve above
Weatherly it jumped the track
The engineer and the fireman left
the engine to retrack it, and while
they were determining upon the
best method for performing this
feat the engine started, despite the
fact that the engineer had applied
the airbrakes before leaving it.
The trackless engine bounded
over the ties at a lively rate, down
the steep grade, with Engineer
McConnell and the fireman in hot
pursuit. Although the men ran
fast they were unable to overtake
the runaway engine, which in-
creased its speed with each stroke
of the piston. It continued this
ing at Weatherly, a half mile from
where it started was reached, and
here the guard rails and planks re
tracked it. Once on the rails it
rapidly acquired a fearful momen-
tum and when it reached Weather.
ly it fairly flew. Hundreds of
people were attracted by the roar
of the engine asit tore through
the town of Weatherly on its mad
flight. Showers of red hot sparks
flew from the wheels as a result of
the steam brakes being applied, but
despite this fact the brakes failed
to be effective
The iron monster dashed on un
til Black Creck Junction was
reached, and at this point it struck
a curve, and jumping from the
rails plunged into the creck which
paralleled the tracks. The engine
landed in the creck at the exact
place where Engineer Swank's
engine stopped with such fatal re-
sults a year ago. ,
The engine lay on its side in the
creek badly damaged. The tracks
were also considerably torn up at
the point where it plunged into
the creek
A woman named Compton, with
a decided unsavory reputation, has
been ordered out of Draper street
by Chief of Police Walsh. At one
timé the woman resided in West
Sayre and the officers got after her
and drove her out of that locality,
She went to Milltown and was
also driven out of that neighbor
hood. She went to Draper street
and has been complained of so
frequently that the chief has again
told her to move on under the
penalty’ of arrest. She has prom-
ised to shake the dust of Sayre
and the state of Pennsylvania from
her feet and go into New York
The ladies’ library club will meet
tomorrow afternoon at the usual
hour, Program—Piano duet, Misses
Jordan and Corbin; paper, ‘Mozart |
and Verdi,” Mrs. Hayden; vocal |
solo, Mrs. Rinebold; Talk, “Wag- |
ner Operas,” Mrs. Murray; piano
duet, Misscs Jordan and Corbin:
talk, “Sanitary Measures,” Mr
Loetzer; piano solo, Mrs. Haupt
Mrs. Andrew Sawtelle, Chairman.
tm —
A slight improvement is shown
today among the various scarlet
fever patients. The children of E.
B. Heary are reported quite a little
Fad Grnge Ruchy’ two little
Fair Trial in Bradford Down Their Tools and Quit
County Work This Morning
Charles Johnson alleges that he, A unbey of men employed in
cannot get a fair trial in Bradford | ‘what has been the Wilkes-Barre
county. Charles was convicted of| side of the new shops threw down
murder in the first degree for the | their tools this morning and quit
part he played in the killing of | work. This morning was the
Maggic Johnson and JAnnic Ben- time set for an order to go into
jamin. His attorneys secured a new | effect which would put the men on
trial on the grounds that certain the picce work gystem, and the
improper evidence was admitted, | Wilkesbarre contingent didn’t take
Now the attorneys, Messrs. Lilley | kindly to the system and they quit.
& Wilson of Towanda, want allt issaid that several other men
change of venue.
partial and ex parte descriptions of
the murder have been repeatedly
published and circulated
Bradford ¢ county, and that becaus
their client is also a member of the |
“Pool” tribe it is impossible for him
to get a fair and impartial trial in
this county.
Judge Fanning has granted a
rule on the commonwealth to show
cause why the prayer of the petis
tioner should not be granted, and
the same is returnable on March
19 If the petition is granted John
son's case will be taken to another
county for trial and the expenses
thereof will be charged to the
county of Bradford.
During the past winter R. N.
| Sterling, who conducts a restaurant |
on Desmond street, and H, F. Bliss
have been busily engaged in build- |
ing a boat. The craft was of the|
was nearly finished Messrs. Sterling
and Bliss expected to launch it in
a few days in the murky waters of |
the Susquehanna. The launching
event will probably be postponed,
however, until they again get pos-
session of the boat, as it is missing |
from its accustomed place in the |
rear of the restaurant and its own-
ers are unable to locate it. A letter |
Mr. Bliss may be of some assist-
ance in getting on track of the
boat. The writer of the letter signs
himself “Hobo” and says that he
has the boat but needs the oars to
the same and politely requests
Messrs, Sterling and Bliss to leave
the oars in the rear of the restau
rant, and says that he will confis
cate them, too.
The musicians of Sayre, Athens
and Waverly held another meeting
at Stone's hall, Waverly, yesterday
afternoon to take further steps
looking to the organization of a
musicians’ union. After an informal
talk among a coterie of the mem-
bers it was decided to adjourn until
Sunday next at 4 o'clock. The
charter will thea be closed and the
names sent in. The union will
probably start off with a member-
ship of Bay.
Jay Hassett, a young man about
18 years old, lost the end of the
middle finger on the left hand while |
operating a power cutter at the
Stamping Works on Saturday |
afternoon. He was brought to the |
office of Dr. A. K. Corbin where |
the injury was dressed.
On account of ill health of
tile business in this valley
offered for quick sale at go per|
cent of stock inventory. Address!
inquiries to Business Opportunity,
care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa.
now before the spring rush, at
Dennis’, the upholsterer, Athens.
oes. ly. Best local
will also refuse to work on the
piece plan and will return home.
Adolpheus Sayles, 33 years of
age and a resident of Elmira, met
a frighttul accident in that city
yesterday afternoon. He had been
to Corning and teturned to Elmira
on an Erie freight train. When
the train reached the Eric station
it was running about twenty miles
an hour and Sayles jumped off He
|alighted on his feet but the mo
{mentum he had received from the
train was too great and he stum-
bled, falling beneath the wheels,
When the train had passed an
|officer at the station saw Sayles
lying alongside the tracks. The
| officer summoned the hospital am-
|bulance and Sayles was taken to
| that institution. Both legs, which
| were almost completely severed,
{were amputated above the knee,
and the left hand was so badly
|crushed that it was necessary to
[entirely remove it at the wrist
Sayles stood the shock of the acei-
| dent and the operation follow ing it
| remarkably well, and the physicians
{say that unless complications de-
| velop his chances for recovery are
| apparently good.
The county tax rate has been
(placed at ten mulls, divided as fol
lows: Court house, 2 mills; poor
tax, 2 mills; county, 6 mills. This
is two mills higher than the rate
was last year.
Valuable Instrument.
A man went with his wife to visit
ber physician, says the Ashland
(Kan.) Clipper. The doctor placed
a thermomenter in the woman's
mouth. After two or three minutes,
Just as the physician was about to re
move the instrument, the man, who
was not used to such a prolonged
wpell of brilliant silence on the part
of his life partnsy, sald: “Doctor,
what will you take for that thing?!”
Dodging a Bet
One of the most ingenious methods
known of keeping the letter of a bet
and breaking its spirit was that of a
New Yorker, who wagered that he
would not speak to a human being
for a month. He won his wager, but
before many days passed his loneli-
uess began to pall. At last he hit
upon the device of expressing his sen-
timents by addressing bls remarks to
his dog
Plodding Along.
It Is a great deal easier to be up
fo the occasion In some shining mo-
ment of a man's life, when he knows
that a supreme hour bas come, than
{it 1s to keep that high tone when plod.
| ding over the dreary plateaus of un:
| eventful monotonous travel and dull
duties. [It is easter to run fast for a
| minute than to grind along the dusty
road for a day. —Detroit Free Press
| ——————te
Privileged Prisoner,
The first inmate of the new jail at
Grant Pass, Cal, a public tmprove-
| ment of which the Grant's Passers are
proud, Is a pretty 19-year-old girl,
{Who Is accused of murdering her
| father. She fs not confined to her
|cell, 1s provided with every comfort,
| allowed to go out shopping when she
| 80 deaires
Bomething of a Yarn.
Here is a fish story told by a Brit-
ish nobleman: An Irishman had
caught & big pike. Noting a lump In
ita Somaeb, he cut {t open. “As I cut
pen there was a mighy rush and a
faoren. of wings, and away flew a
wild duck; and when I looked inside,
there was a nest with four eggs, and
sbe bad been afther sitting on that
Lincoln and Davia
There was not a year's difference
between the ages of Abraham Lincoln
and Jefferson Davis; and it is an in-
Jeresting fact that the president of the
confederacy also was born in Ken
tucky, and within a hundred miles of
cabin that was the birthplace
§ Lintoin—~ Georg B Yen
New goods arriving.
daily, bought before] the raise in prices, which assures
you as good bargains as to be had anywhere. Call and
be convinced. :
At Caldwell’s Furniture Stock.
Fine line of folding Go-Carts just arrived.
205 Desmond Street, Valley Phone 191.
mm -
The safety of any business is in ita management. lavetisate our order
Our Assets January 1, 1906, 400 00
Liabilities y -¥2:400,000 50
No. of policies in force, 137,312. Gain of about 40.000 year
Dividends paid past year . 10,624 31
Yael 50
Piaiviicy past year
bility paid year 61,639 61
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre.
How Much Do You Earn in an Hour?
Would you prefer to work an hour extra, or to
walk to Gillespie’ 8 Drug Store ?
If you knew that you would save two hours
hard labor on ev ery dollar's worth of goods, you
would probably buy your drugs at that store.
Competent men always on hand to put up pre-
scriptions, and at money hey-saving prices.
fads Bread thoroughly SR
In 3 Minutes.
Hands do not touch the dough
Does away with Hand
Kucading sud Makes
Hotter Hread.
Smpie, Las?
Mixes ond ku
Desmond St.,
Sayre, Pa.
Greek-American Confection
and Candy Store.
Nice spacial fresh chocolate drops
12¢ pound.
Nica fresh mixed candy 8¢ pound,
Make every day fresh candy.
lee Ceeam, Ice Cream Soda and
5 toe
ald - «
A 1
A TALK ON RUINS 323 Desmond Street,
caused by fire may be instructive, but
hardly consoling. We want to talk now, SE
before there Are ruins. 1s yonr proper- i L BENJAMIN
® 2 3
ty real and’ personal insured against :
Painter, Decorator and Paperhanger.
fire loss? If not, why not? Don't care
how wise you are, you don't know wheth-
er your house or store will be standing
tomorrow. Mom talk on fire insnrance
if you give us the word.
Strictly Up-to-Date Music furnished |
for Halls, Parties and all manner of Soo-
ial Functions, either pablioc or private.
Rauber Ploves desired will be fur
Call Valley Record for terms,
Is now ready to furnish]
Pure Reservoir Ice to
Sayre patrons,
First-class work done promptly at rea-
sonable prices,
|Attomeys and Counselors
at Law.
Valley Phone 180-A. Sayre,
fine lot of