SAYRE, PA. We buy for of them button down the back. Notion Nothing" newer, eyelet embroid- $5 98 to $5.67 Down Pillowa We show them in Panama, third less in price. Colors, and Athens, Chiffon Panama, Department Je and 75¢ They Huck, We ani B Cotton, made especially 25¢, 39¢, 45¢, 60¢, Tc Scarcely any color com- 23¢, 2 25¢ .47¢, 60¢. Alice Blue, Old 1,000 Yard Coats We bave a leader at $4.98 wilh our coat values. ers $2.69 up. Vale s 1,000 Yards 1es one half more Get acquainted $16 200 pairs Men's Shoes to go at less than present cost. We do this to close ont these lines that in the future we will not carry. Everything in the $1.50 class, which are Oil Grain and “A” Calf, in Bal- supply at this price. , 2k fa Vda PE ES 4 This assortment Meat Dishes, Bow ~y Everything in our 10c reg- includes Cups and Saucers, 1s, Nappies and Pickle Dishes Sa NS) Wd \ Bo Ak Oe FeV se BS err “From four to eight skilled job yv M. PROCAS, Greek-American Confection and Candy Store. Nice special fresh chocolats drops 12¢ pound. Nice fresh mixed candy 8c pound. Maks every day fresh candy. Jee Cream, lee Cream Soda and Fruits. 222 Desmond Street, ats LALA AASS SA Aas as aa ba bbl 13 - printers and a new, up-to-date equipment are at your service. ~~ Our we have. the 3: dispoaition £0 ple please. promises. Talmadge Bolling, Elmer Ave.. Sayre, Yaley Phone 128x. WE PRINT The Valley Record W. T. GAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office Maney & Page Block, Rooms formerly occupied by the ‘late John R. Murray, Ofos hours: —0 to10 a. m.; 6:30 toSp,m. At other times daring day at Valley Record office. "LENIGN AND SCRANTON COAL CAFE 2 Best of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. LAWS & 'WINLACK, [Attomeys and Counselors at Law. 'A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. | LAWS' BUILDING, 219 DESMOND BT, Valley Phone 180-A. Bayre. FISH, FISH, We will have them every day during Lent. Also a line of meat at popu- lar prices, . 4. BELLIS, Elizabeth street, Valley Phone 66x. Bell Phone 133w A.J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUMDER. Plans and Bstimetes Farnished 525 Stevenson 84, Sayre, Pa. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ! YoeeeeTTeYITTTTTTTTTTTTTy Pop's Bpecialty. He—I must be going She—But what's your hurry? *“] understand your father | very heavy boots” “That is 80, but you are the second | caller | have had this evening, and you | know father is not strong enough lo | eject two men in obe night.” —Yonkers | Statesman. Weather Probabilities. Rain; southwest winds wears FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call easier atl & per cent, prime mercantile paper, §§L% per cent, ex- ! changes, 176.18.2%; balances, $1053. 7% Closing prices: mal Copper + 1084 Atchison, w B 40 . green oklyn R. T.. 79% | © eo & StL wy < hes & Ohio ey Chi & Northw. 28 D.&H . 20 Qo Erle 167% N. Y. Central Norf., & West Penn R. R Reading Rock Island St. Paul Bouthern Pac Southern Ry South. Ry. pf! Sugar Texas Pacific Union Pacific LU. 8. Steel U. 8 Stee! West, 145% Vi Gen Electric " 111. Central «187 Lackawanna... 60 Louls & Nash. . 144 Manhsttan 156 Metropolitan... 114% | Missouri Pac.... 8% New York Markets, FLOUR-Dull and unchanged, sota patents, 3. B5g4 £.70u3 8, winter extras, 31.0543 5; winter patents, $3 +3 WHEAT re was 5 moderate dJde- cline In wheat, due to good weather news, literal receipts, OE or and a bearish Kentucky state report, Say Bio July, 8,0. CORN—-Opened up on higher Liverpool cables and wel weather west, bul cased off later with wheat, May, #5§ 5 TALLOW — Steady; city, 5¢., country, RS 8icady: shipping. Ec; good to choice, 71 BETRAW Quiet; long rye, Ugdc HOPS-—-Dull, state, common to choles, 16, 1glec ; 14, 11c.. olds, 8gTc.; Pa. WG, Ql; 134, lc; oldx cine coast, < UTTER-Creamery, sxtrus, per pound, NYT (Mercantile Exchange official quotation, extras, ec); firsts, Ng Xc secunds, 15gLc.; thirds, legis | held, ex- tras, AYTc ; Arete, ISPTc | scconds, 1644 17¢.; thirds, 15§16c. ; state Jalry, tubs, cx- tras, 3c , firsts, glee, seconds, 18Qlic thirds, 17¢ CHEESE State, full cream. small and jarge, colored and white, Beptember, fan. cy, 1gINe.. October, Dest LD\yiine | late made, small, average best 12: large, 13%¢.; falr, Wille ; light skims fall made, choice, UNULINC. . winter made, art skims, prime, $ave | Sammon tu fale, 97% ull skims, § wt EGGS-Stale, ay lvania and nearby selected, white, fancy, 19c.; mixed, extra, Ic; irties. 11%013c ; checks, 10912 LIVE POULTRY ring Ehickens, per und, llc; fowis 1 ; roosters, old, Ie. turkeys 18. , ducks, per pair, BUC. ; geese, 061.78 bis igeons, Bx DR RESSED pot LTRY — Capons, Fhila-. deiphia, per pound, 15D brollers, 4 pounds per Ir and under, Philadelphia ry pleked, 34 ; New York and Penn | sylvania, Yolo. roasting chickens, » { pounds per pair and over, Philadelphia | dry picked, 16G1% ; New York and Penn- Poylvania, 1091. western, Ary picked, av- erage run, 129i. ; poor to medium. 104 He; fowls, Phliadelphia, dry picked, 13 13%¢. ; old cocks, diy picked and scald 0c. duc Kin nn Mx, squabs rime, large. white, per dozen. $2150; mixed, $1.7397 . B50, culls, hand = pi Vnlon Minne. 80, winter straights, Live Stock Markets, TT 8 iy 1 ket stead CATER hl RU market ®low, 10S — Receipts i ght: ais. Torna, and Aen [i 38 f] George A. Kinney is ia Buffalo this week. A tramp boarder spent the night in the borough lockup. John Warner of W Windham is the guest of Daniel Vanloan. William Schrier was confined to his home today by illness. The Liacoln club had a very en thusiastic meeting last evening. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Peck of Baltimore on Monday, a son, Ss Photographer H. D. Sevison is in Williamsport for the remainder of the week. The first bowling team of Athens scored a victory over the picked team last evening by 89 pins Johan Vandermark had two fins gers crushed yesterday while work- ing in the boiler shop, Sayre. Ex- Register and Recorder W. J McCabe was in Athens over night and went to Towanda this morning. J. L. Young of Sheshzquin, who has been dangerously ill, was in Athens yesterday greeting his old friends. George | Macafee has sold his farm at Osborne. Will Carmer, who has worked the farm for sev~ eral years, was here today with a view to moving here, Miss Josephine Corcoran ac- companied by her cousin Miss Catherine Leary of Atheas spent Sunday with Miss Corcoran's parents at Bentley Lreek. John C. Forbes was in Owego yesterday and stopped over last night with his daughter, Mrs. Emma Campbell, resuming his journcy to Rome this morning. District Attorney Mills informs as that a special term of court has been ordered for Apnl 29, to try Charles Johnson, charged with the murder of Maggie Johnson and Annie Benjamin. Queen Esther council, Royal Arcanum, will hold their meeting at Grand Army hall, Monday cven- ing when the officers for the year will be installed. This is an ims portant meeting and all of the members should be in attendance. Col H. G Blair of Liberty Cor- ners was unable to meet with the U. V. L. yesterdaay on account of illness. The meeting was an import ant one as arrangements were made for the annual memorial service to take place on the afternoon of May 2, to which the public will be invit- ed. James H. Wilson was the only member who died during the year. BOROUGH COMMITTEES Athens=-Piosident N. V. Weller has appointed the following bor- ough committees for the year, as follows : Finance, Nevins, Keele and Tripp ; streets, Keefe, Stevens, Tripp and Weller ; water, Stevens, Keefe, Nevins and Clark; lights, Weiss, Nevins and Weller; build ings, Tripp, Clark and Sutton; fire and safety, Sutton, Weiss and Nev ins; sewer, Clark, Weiss, Sutton and Stevens. WEDDED AT ATHENS J. R. Eiffert snd Miss Anna E, Clark, both of Ulster, and very in marriage at the home of the bride's parents at Athens last night at 9 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Fisher officiated. After the ceremony a dainty wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mis, Eiffest will reside in Ulster, where he con. ducts a successful business, THIRTY DAYS IN JAIL Athens— James Smith of Patter- son, N. J, was arrested by Night Officer O'Brien last night for mak- ing a disturbance on the street. In the absence of Burgess Kinney he was brought before Justice Johnson Athens—Chatlie Ostrander isa scientific geologist and during the is preserved. detect valuable deposits he has tasted of the specimens until the poiscnous substances have made him ill be out of the house all this week. ad his stomach will not retain nourishment, besides he has a gen- eral all gone feeling. BROKE IS LEG Athens—-Justing t the cleven-year- old son of Mrs. John E. Fosburg, while at play on the schqol grounds in Smethport yesterday, fell and broke his left leg above the knee. He was taken to Packer hospital in the afternoon, his mother accom- panying him as far as Athens, where she will remain: for a time with her cousin, J. E. Gillett, HELD T0 COURT Athens—The hearing in the case of Isaac, Claude and Leroy Gaosline, charged with the larceny of trees and a double bitted ax, was held before Justice Johnson this fore- noon. They were held to court under $100 cach on the tree case, and Isaac and Claude were held under the sime sum for the larceny of the ax. ASK WITTE FOR PROTECTION. Jews of Russia Fear Henewsl of Massacres at Easter, ST. PETERSBURG, March 8. —A deputation of Jews beaded by AM. Sliez- berg and representing provincial com- mittees for the assistance of sufferers by massacres laid a report of outrages before Premier Witte, at tbe same time directing his attention to the con tinuation of the anti-Jewish agitation awong the Black Hundred and thelr threats against Jews If they acted with the progressive parties In the elections The deputation expressed fears of a renewal of massacres at Easter and fusisted that only an immediate proc: lamation of the government's firm iu teution to protect life and property of Jews and to severely punish their as- sallants would stop the evil Count Witte replied in a sympathetic velu and promised to bring the mat ter lmmediately before Lhe cabinet, He declared that Le fully realized the unfortunate position of Jews outside the law, adding that be was confident the uational assembly would resolve the Jewish question justly He further advised participation in the election in order that whore Jews are (u the majority they might send representatives to the assembly, THREE SHOT AT BOGOTA. Rebels Who Attempted Life of Geme eral Heyes Suffer For Crime. BOGOTA, Colombla, March 8—The three men who attempted to assassi- nate General Reyes, the president of the republic of Colombia, were shot ou the spot where the attack took place Complete calm prevails throughout the republic. President Reyes was shot at by three mouuted men as he was out driving with his daughter Eight revolver shots were fired, five of which struck the carriage, but the president aud bis daughter escaped uninjured, The scene of the attempted assassl- oation was near the Arzoblspo bridge, In the suburbs of Bogota. After firing at the president the would be assassins rode away, but were subsequently cap- tured Rathbone Seeks Vindication, COLUMBUS, O., March 85.—A joint resolution was Introduced in both branches of the general assembly pe- titloning cougress to grant ap lnvesti- gation of the claim of E. G. Rathbone, who was director of posts of Cuba un- der the United States provisional gov- ernment, that Le was deprived of his rights during Lis trial for the alleged misappropriation of funds of the postal departnent of the Island. Rathbone was freed by the general proclamation of amnesty issued when the Island was turned over to the Cuban republic by the United States Linevitch at Tesarskoe-Selo. ST. PETERSBURG, March 8 —~Em- peror Nicholas received Lieutenant General Linevitch, former commander In chief of the army (no Mauclorla, at Tsarskoe-Selo, fies Worse. “I think that the people who have taken this affair In hand have made you sincerely “repent.” “Repent'” exclaimed the man who had been Involved In questionable finance. “It's worse timn that. They nade me return some of the money!" -— Washington Star. Annoyed. “Were you amnoyed while nn the witness stand? “Slightly,” answered the great cor- ree 44400090 Bridge Work TTT TTTTTTTITTTITTETTITITTTTTYY PROGRESS 'Is the order of the | | day. Asa city, w we | * anew Town Hall, a complete sewer |v system and fine | | pavements, | You can add to | ville the general im-| ~ provement. An up to date bathroom ora good p heating system will add value to your property, give you AG more comfort and |em | better health. And it doesn't cost so much. Ask us about | it. DO IT NOW. H. R. TALMADGE, Both “Phones. Elmer Ave. A. H. MURRAY, M.D. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the wi Kar, Nose and Throat, and the Fitting of Glass- as. Hours—-$-12; 1.5; 7-8; Sundays by | ter wpolntment. Office, Wh Wheelock Block, L. B. DENISON, M. D. Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Blmer Ave. Valley Phone at office and residence. H. H. Mercereau, | Attorpey-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers. Valley Phone 11 X, 13 Desmond Bireet, Sayre. (= Try an ad in The Record. | | New Spring Shoes and | Oxfords # Arriving Daily, | SAYRE, - PENNA CIA SEA = ¥ Our Specialty LEHIGH VALLEY R. R. (in effect Dec. 3, 1908.) Trains leave Sayre as follows: EASTBOUND. AN. Dail Pauly for Towanda. Pugh Lo Meaio, Bethlehem Hew x verly 645 A. ML) da Es we y Sa Week rd a M, Snag ly. Ro Athen: Mila: - Daily Black Die Olen . P.M verily 1333 P. M a LAL Ar o. Kaper Sunday. el) Philadeiphis, Baltimore and W New Alba ny {Neysinsiag. Lacey Lacey- 0: 0: WRSTROUND, A.M. Bally fos Lockwood, Van Hilen, I 3 fet Mei Week days only, for Lockwood, laken, Ha A Come: Geneva, Clifton Detroit. Chicago, Si. pr for Geneva, a Sue ville, Cortland, 5 at Forth I: ie Bare, Glen a ai a. sack Chunk Allentown, srk, Phiiadelzhis, Bal Baltimore end 3 0 7 ed Red such a Allentown, Beth P.M. (Waverly (45 PF. M.} Week an 4:5 Bh soir for Athens, Ulster, HY "ilismepor | wilte, Tuskbaunock, F Daily for Alicatown, HE hems, Haston, Newark and New York, Carries Sleepiug Car Passengers ouly. A.M. Dally for Buffalo, | hf wn ata Palle, Toremio, trol, DSN AM. ED Rochester, Cals of] ciesis. Batavia, Butaic. Cornecls for 5 Nisgars Pallsand T . b:l Spencer, Ithacs, Trumansburg, Ha Corners, Geneva, Rochester, alo. Compecis for Auburs week days only. burg Hayls Boris Geasia. och Batavis, Balfalo and Niagars Falls, 3: { Daily for Ithaca, ee let ri ochester, Caledonia, . Springs, Vite Connects for Niagara Pails, Louis and poiots west Connects for Auburn week days ouly P.M Ren los Odean, 3: of ] Buri Barge (Walklay | ins) Valols, . Glibert, 35 mms M. eR Spel Sanday, Hack Dis. ER, gaa alla, to Detruit, Chlengs: opp P.M Duly i Lockwood, Van Miles, Sena 1h Rind Mer rirn Hays Manchester, A.M. Week days only, for Owego, Free. T: 5 tiand Caaesiots, Groom, Moravis, Auburn, Span, or sven, Syracuse, Utica and . Iu M. Dally for Owego, Preeville, Conte Canastotls RSTAviAy A 3 hf) i= bare. Svrstuse, rte Ma There is no nook nor cor= ‘ner where The Valley Rec- & Blish,