WIELAND CO. BIG STORE WITH / SAYRE, PA. WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $500 OR OVER. 2 NS GONREZL PN NY 4 Ny A E/N ™ Notion Hundreds of P some eyelet embroid- $e 98 to $5.67 and Mannish Mixtures. third less in price. and Athens. Also Pillow Cec Department illow Tops at 25¢, 50c and 75¢ They quaintly woven, Huck, 25¢, 38¢, 45¢, B0¢, 73¢ Batistes Wednesd Coats ~ Welave a leader at $4.98 with our coat values. ers $2.00 up 1,000 Yards ay and Thursday Shoes Get acquain’ed $16 --200 Pairs 200 pairs Men's Shoes to st less than present cost. We do this to cloze out these lines that in the future we will not carry. Everything in the $1.50 class, which are Oil Grain and “A” Calf, in Bal- A Sensa supply at this price all decorated anc This assortment tion in Dishes Everything in our 10c reg- | value is one third more includes Cups and Saucers, Sar POM ‘ Nb a NY Rg NE Bring Your Job Printing to Murrelle’s Printing Office “The Satisfactory Place.” and a new, up-to equipment are at your service. Our our to please. We keep Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave., Sayre, Yalley Phone 128x. WE PRINT W. T. CAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office Maney & Page Block, Rooms formerly occupied by the iste John R. Morray, Office hours. —8 to10 a. m.; 6:30 top, m. At other times during day at Valley Record office, teenn———— LENIGN AND SCRANTON COAL At the Lowest Possible Prices. bo Joft at West Sayre ret Rightrul King of Poland. Though an American citizen now, Col. John Sobieski, once Problbition ioe disputably is rightful king of Poland. descendants of the warrior king of Po- } | i FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call steady at by per cent exchanges, $385 207 .%3. balances, $12.35 53 exports of genera! merchandise from the Closing prices Amal Copper Atchison B&O Brooklyn RB. T.. LO & SUL Chen. & Ohio We N Y Central. 184 , 9% Norf & West. 8% 10 Penn R R 159% Wy Rending 1:04 | ¥% Rock Island &% 8 Paul 24, Bouthern Pac 34 Bouthern Ry @ South. Ry. pf Wy Sugar 167% Texas Pacific “ww Union Pacific 18% U 8 Bteel L154 U8 Steel pf. 118 West. Union " 178% &H Erle Gen 1004 | 138 my vy ny Why Co Electric Lackawanna louis. & Nash Manhattan Metropolitan Missour! Pac New York Markets. FLOUR~-Dull and unchanged. Minne- sola tents, HEU; iy eB wh: 8.50038; winter extras, ter Patents: EAR ning a shade lower, wheat a on covering and bull support, weakened agaln under reports of heavy Snows west and prospects for a 3 increase In world's stocks, May, : TIAlow ~— Bteady: city, bc; country, | at teady: shipping. é@léc. . good te —Qulet ; ong rye, PEANS Quiet. Sarrey Ne pet, pes, S1L@ red iano. le mea +0 | WOoOL—8 ady. domestic flesce, BAB HOPS—-Dull, state. common to chojce 18, 11glsc. , 19M, ho. olde. 8gic ; Pa- Ss coast, 1908, #glec.. 1WA, SPilc olde UTTER-Creamery, extras, per pound gw (Mercantile Exchange official wuolation, extras 7c); frets, 366 ac seconds, | ; thirds, legibc. ; held, ex- firsts, 180% seconds, Fn] thirds. W6@16c ; state dairy, tubs, ex- tras, Ic. frets 20 , 13g%c.: 2 dic HERE State, full cress. small snd October small, falr, 1401 6%¢. best, 135010: Average bent inge wll bt skims, ANG Nc 4 made, ® Sa. J Ng common 0 fair nd near . cheice, Arets, : Pec | refrigera- r to fatr, qiic Firm. fowls, 148 eld roosters Io spring chickens 1% nd 1c. geese, 149 furke DRE ULTRY “Turkeys, joubg hens al st, per un Te A toms medium weight, 1% paar. run, miked average Capone, sgt. ; chickens, New York and Weise ua be, prime r dosen i. mixed w, Sulla, Live Steck Markets. CATTLE Supply falc; market slow; choice, , prime, ReLE: veal active; Yi Wee, 10Q 16%. | rt good, Vu full skims, EGGS State, Lennayivan white, fancy, mized, oxira, Ro 12 ; checks, 1% Irtiew, Ie phia, 150 Pe Anes ania lar white u : dark Christmas Gift Proves Fatal Loulsville —A black box, containing a shroud, left In the vestibule of bis home Christmas eve, caused the death of Benjamin Moeliman, aged 16 and the police are looking for the prepetra tors of the deed, who are believed to bave attempted to play a joke on the youth. Moellman long bad been a sul ferer from heart disease and was near death many times. When the doorbell rang Christmas eve he answered thy summons and found the box labeled “A Merry Christinas” The grewsome reminder of his own nearness to the grave when he opened the package proved such a shock that he fell insen sible to the floor before his parents could reach his side. He dled three hours later Child Cuts Off Brother's Hand. Sterling, 111.—While In a fit of anger Floyd Maxwell, the six-year-old son of in Portland township, Whiteside county, cut off the with a hatchet The two were playing with a hatchet kitchen. The elder boy attempted to take it from his little brother. Floyd became incensed and pulled the hatchet He then raised and with a hard children in the | his brother. First Stereotyper. The ficst man to stereotype a news- paper was Charles Craske, formerly of N. J., at the age of 83. He did this great thing In 1852, at the sugegstion of Horace Greeley, and the result, of course, was & great though gradual ~hange In newspaper printing. for it was years before it was tbe gemeral practice. Mr. Craske bad carried on the craft of stersotyplag and electrotyping lo New York for more than 50 years, his company be ing In Pearl street Midgel’'s Ambition. Countess Magri, the widow of Gen. Tom Thumb, is aboul to begin, at the age of 65. to study fhe planoforie. She basa midget Instrument, made for her many years ugo, and she already plays by ear But, inspired” by hearing Paderewsk) she has determiued to become au greal musician Small Swimmer, Forest Gate, England, has a three gearod swimming ctamplon. She | public baths, and can swim the length Trouble in Bengal. The Mobamumedans of Beogal are or ganizing demonstrations fu favor of the partition of the presidency, in order to annoy the Hindus, who are unanimous iy agalast It Marrying Best Man. have been bir N.V. Weller is in Troy. list today. Mrs. C. I. Stevens Laceyville this morning. ited his sons in Athens today. day. Talbert. pe ————— Athens alley tonight. Athens today. ago. the Misses Burns for and returned home last evening the guest of Mrs. J] M. Clark o ton. derly conduct. pended. mother, Mrs. Laura McKaeil, Mrs home on Desmond street. THE HIGH SCHOOL school bui.ding. CRAFT CASES CONTINUED grafters was continued uatil June these cases. until June. MONEY NEEDED SECURED very soon. Royal Reception. fessionals from London on each ship. Long-Lived Family. ote family in Tiflis, in the Caucasus. are three sons all more than 60. An Ancient Office. CES OLE } 4 Presbyterian Church ate of the Ulster duties about Apnil 1. quarter of a century he has been a very prominent factor in the intel- lectual progress of our town, ing assiduously and conscientiously for the good ol the whole commun- ity. There has never been any measures of public utility or of social improvement but that his had his carnest support and help and our town has been greatly benefited through his instrumental - ity. The people will miss him and his good wile when they leave Athens. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Fuller entertained about a dozen of their good friends in their honor. It was an evening of reminiscences, and throughout the hour that passed a feeling of sad- ness prevailed as the thought pressed itself upon them that the fond associations of the past were so soon to be severed. { SMALL SENTENCED TO HANA. Negre Murderer of Miss Alllnsen te Die With Ascomplice March 24. MOUNT HOLLY, N. J., March 7— George Small, the negro who was plac- ed ou trial here charged with the kill ing of Miss Florence W. Allinson near Moorestown, has been convicted of murder In the first degree and was sentenced to be banged on March 24, at which time Rufus Johnsou will alse be executed for the same crime. Johnson, who is also a negro. was convicted of the murder du Feb 8 and seutenced to baug on Feb. 23 A few days prior to the day set for the exe cution Small, who had been arrested for complicity in the murder. msde a confession lu which he sald he did the killing. On the strength of this Johu- son was reprieved for a wouth pend ing the outgome of Swall's trial Counsel for Small made a strong ef- fort agalust the admission of the cou- fessiou alleged to have been made LY the defendant, but without avall Small took the witness stand and de nied thet he had anything to do with the crime and alec malutaived that he was pot in the vicinity of the Allluson home ou the day the murder was com. mitted. Small's wife collapsed as he was led past ber cell ou Lis way frow the court. house, and her condition Is considered critical. She had been held as cue of the principal wituesses. AN OLD CHURCH GONE. Before Civil War It Was a Rallylag Place Fer Antislavery Leaders. NEW YORK, March 7.— Work of tearing down the old Broadway taber- nacle, which has stood for sixty-eight years at Thirty-fourth street and Broadway, was begun. Requests have been made to Mr. Ro- soff by churches all over New York state for the stained glass windows. He bas given permission to representa. tives of these churches iu the order of their application to take whatever ma- terial they can use. Ope of the first re- quests was received frow the Meth odist church of Delhl, N. Y,, and two windows, 8 by 14 feet and 5 by 9 feet, will be forwarded to the Rev. Dr. Richards, pastor of that church. Under the southwest corner of the church is the cornerstone, io which 1s the dedication box containing coins and papers. The contractor is under a bond of $10,000 to return these safely to the congregation In the stormy days before the civil war the church was the rallying place for antislavery leaders. In one meet- ing a shot was fired at the Rev, Joseph P. Thompson, the first pastor. In an- other meeting the buliding was set on fire and badly damaged. The last ser- mou there was preached on Bunday, April 27, 1902, by the Rev. Dr. Charles E. Johnson. Shepard May Escape Prison. PARIS, March 7—M. Chavwle, min- ister of justice, Las signed an order of general delay on the procureur general indefinitely postponing the execution of the sentence of lwprisonment sgainst Elliot F. Shepard, grandson of the late W. H. Vauderblit Kindness td Horses. No one could blame a horse treated as many of them are, if it should suddenly plant one or both feet against the body of its tormentor, and thus have him ex- perience pain such as he has been deal- ing to his faithful equine servant. | saw A young horse the other day whose mouth had been torn by jerking the bit. The owner blames ibis horse for mot starting freely when told to go. It is afraid to go, expecting a yank one way or the other instead of a gentle pull at the line,” says the Oblo Farmer. Why command 8 horse 10 go every time Ia- stead of asking it to do so? A horselsas sensitive, intelligent animal, and com- mands are uot so pleasant as requests, Why ina hen it bio any animal or jperaon i us ph field In Bridge Work TTT TTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTT TTY 1 PROGRESS Is the order of the | day. As a city, we | will inevitably have ‘anew Town Hall, a complete sewer | Yor, system and fine pavements. You can add to|vine the general im- provement. An up to date |Shs bathroom ora good heating system will add value to your property, give you more comfort and better health a it doesn't cost so much. Ask us sw 3] it. DO IT NOW. H. R. TALMADGE, | Both ‘Phoses. Elmer Ave, A. H. MURRAY, M.D. SPECIALTIES: Distases of the Jia, LD aust and th = Roars 13: 1h; 28; bs Satara | woolotmens. Offs, Wh L. B. DENISON, WN. D. = Office, Rooms 3 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. Valley Phone at office and redidence. H. H. Mercereau, | Attorney-at-Law | Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers, Valley Phooe 11 X. 13 Dagmond Street, Sayre. | } Try an ad in The Record. New Spring Shoes and Oxfords Arriving Daily Our Specialty LEHICH VALLEY R. R. (In effect Dec. 31, 1908.) a aally for Towiads, Tukhes A emiows Bethiebeat 1 Kiem, Sem, Hew é NE fo hives PRN Nok Save AM. A. rE gin. JB aime ie : ee Tun es Junction, ak Allentown, adeiphia, Baltimore and W 10: A.M. Sunday auly, fot Athan, Milan, A at 3. M. Ne. 13:33 P. Earn Dally 12:0 Ses fi 3 sven, won Minch Cham Sami diesem: hem, Se York, ¥ \adelphia, Baltimore and QE expres, or ar SE Sati ie , Fhiladeiphis, Baltimore and Washinglon, roeton, New a Bt re ville, Tunkhapnock, no sling, Lasers Dally for Allestown, Bethles 10: i= Fastoa, Newark and New York, Carries Sleeping Car Passengers -. WESTBOUND, A.M. Dally for Toreuto, Detroit, seg map 1:58 alte me Bs Oenevs, Rochester, ules. a Tp. Buffalo, ae Niagers Falls and Toroste. ba] 0 ies: oF Van Kites, Rochester, Lf Sern Eo for PE NowreToY dup ou: mau lf AM Week days ne} IN Eesha July BLES re alent Rochester, Caladonts, Commects | tor T Niagara Palis, | De Pd Be MM. al Odesss, | 3udT Be Siac TR Gi 35 = M. fo os ack Dia A MN ale Sa P.M. NL for Lockwood, Yan 5 38 Bete ies mary Has AUBURN DIVISION. Rf Et a Bw Dally for Pl = Sm a There is no nook nor cor- & Blish, o Postoffice.