The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 07, 1906, Image 2

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and Undertaking.
neon, and will pay you three per
_ gent, interest per annum for money
jeff on Certificate of Deposit or
~ Savings Account.
The department of savings is a
= feature of this Bank, and
all deposits, whether large or
small, dmw the same rate of
Rr MURRELLE, | Publisher.
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
i —
‘Published every afternoon except Sun-
day 8 Marrelle's elle’s Printing Office, Sayre,
abuatiption, 42.00 per year; 15 cents
om tiuing rates reasonable, and made
Bh a ppc
a 88 atoond-claas matter May
Q the postofice at Sayre,
a Rn
au the news that's fit to print”
Miss Permelia Spring Expired
This Morning at the Home
of E. M. Thompson
“Miss Permelia Spring, Sayre's
‘oldest resident, died this morning
‘at the home of E. M. Thompson,
' No. 209 Spring street. Death was
‘due to the infirmities of old age,
the deceased having reached the
advanced age of 94
"Miss Spring was born near the
spot where she died, on November
"15, 1811, and had spent her cntire
ife in this vicinity. She was the
bhter of Dr. Spring, who at
ope time was engaged in practice
“ju this region, and was the only
for miles around. She
preferred a single life and therefore
“awver married For some years
ghe had been a member of Mr.
- Thompson's household and was
* tenderly cared for by the family.
He death removes a fine christian
character, and she was loved and
respected by those who knew her.
Mrs. Sarah C. Elmer, a cousin, is
Miss Spring's only surviving rela-
The funeral will be held Friday
ternoon from the house, the Rev.
H. W. Crydenwise, pastor of the
‘Episcopal church of Waverly, of-
~ ficiatiog.
Under the auspices of the Alum
ni Association of Sayre, William E
Griffis, D. D., of Ithaca, N. Y. will
feeture in the high school hall on
the night of Friday, March 16. Dr.
- Griffis is an author widely known
for his books on history, and he is
an acknowledged authority on the
early history of this country, and
“seeks to arouse the interest of the
pesple in the history of this valley
The subject of his lecture will be
*Sullivan’s Expedition,” and he
‘gives a lucid description of that
which destroyed the
power of the Five Nations and
rendered our frontier safe from the
& CO.
ES. there she stood shaking the
rain from her umbrelia and pre
cn the corner. The geutleman in the
seat just fo front of me rose to his feet
az the girl entered the car
moment until she Lad advanced with a
little smile to take the proffered seal
window, and then sat down be-
her. A very close observer, had
ticed on the various occasions that the
little programme was repeated that the
girl's color was slightly accentuated
bul there were po
close observers but
myself. or If there
were they had oth-
er things to inter-
esl them
Weeks ago | hal
first seen the tall
young man with
the thoughtful face
and big. melan
choly blue eyes
THERE had npoticed his
STOO! absorption in his
morning paper until a certain #treel
was reached, bad seen the corner
scanned with eager eyes, bad seen The
look of disappointinent come into their
Ltiue depths if the car wil past
without stopping; had seen them light
up with pleasure if a certain little fig
ure was seen waiting, and was it any
wonder that in my lon I» d hear!
there had crept this new, sweel interest
and a feeling of kinship with this young
It seemed to me this morning that
while he looked at her with ador n=
eves there was a something jo her
manner that | had ne er een befor
t look of shy, sweet submission, and
Ler smile had more of tenderness in It
and less of defiance and mirth
Her yellow hair always a ilitle re-
Ltellious of the pins and
combs, seed Fiqutit ume al
tention, and she ralsed little
brown, ungloved hand to readjust a
crispy curl just escaped from Its fast
ening, and | caught the sparkle of 3
ring on the third finger that [ was sure
bad never been there before. The eyes
of the youth followed the hand, then |
restraint of
now (o
and the mutual reddening of cheeks
end quick downward glance of at leas
one pair of eyes told me the story 1
had been walting to learn, and | could
bardly restrain the Impulse to lay a
hand on the shoulder of each and ex
press in words the prayer that went! up
from my heart “God bless you, my
children ” and [ felt a momentary pang
of jealousy toward the [sther of this
dear malden, who was privileged to
rweet confidences
From my seat just behind
could catch occasional snatches of their
ow-volced conversation, heard her say
something about going Ww the ends of
the world with him, and saw his blue |
ful, wholly tender
vain, and something seemed
wrong with the
days which offersd
me no sight of
thelr bright hap
py [faces It so
happened that one
morning at the
usual corner the
gir! boarded the
car In company
with a8 crowd of
laughing, chatter
ing companions
and | heard them
call her Florence, and learned. from
their playful ralllery of her and
unattended condition on this particular
occasion, that
the youthful hers and
Well even this knowledge was a com-
fort to me. and henceforth I had names
for the objects of my growing affec-
Before many days passed |
called from the city by business and
through all the months that elapaed
Lefore my return | did not cease 10
think of them and to wonder if I would
fn any way know aught of them In
the future For
weeks after my re
turn | rode back
and forth fever
forgetting to send
inquiring glances
as we passed
old familiar
ner, ar 1o
forhim of thebroal
. shoulders and mel
PWN ancholy eves. One
morning while
of the window i
ooking idly out
8 couple of girls in the seat behind me
turned so that | could hear ihn’
which, of course, was nol intended for
my eh “AlV's fair in love,” how- |
over, | thought to myself, snd surely
Mat ie applicable in
two mont!
He's got themotey. (00. They Just adore
each other, and are so hargr. | tell
{you Florence ia a lucky girl | won-
| ner when my Prince Charming will
'come along’ And | heard a little e en-
{vious sigh tehind nie.
So the little romance had a happy
ending, and | closed my eyes,
| picture this cozy little home. [could
ie fancy see her behind the coffee cups |
in a dainty morning dress that just |
imatched the blue
[of her eyes; could
| bee his reluctance
iat leaving her;
and could see her
waving her hand
{at him from the
{front door and
i proudly watch him
{ 8a his broad shoul
{ders disappeared
{own the street
i, The weeks
Mipped by,
and ENCE
{though | did Bot forget my young
friends, other matters engaged my
attention, and 1 thought of them
only occasionally, and them with
something of regret that they hail
{dropped from sight so completely
Of late | had become much inteyest-
jed In 8 collage building on a pretty
i corner lot im front of which the car
{ passed, and had speculated much as
to *its future occupants At last the
workmen hal finished, the rubbish was
carried away, the lawn sodded. and
everything seemed in readiness for the
home bullders. Then one bright June
morning | noticed that shades were
hung. light draperies fluttering at the
windows; some palms and a few potted
plants were arranged on the wide
steps, giving the place already a home-
like look, while wicker chairs extend-
ed mute invitation to make oneself
comfortable, but no one was (0 be seen
and my curiosity was still unsatisfied
Would the laughter of childish voices
echo through the new rooms, and little
fect patter up and down the walk and
romp merrily on the lawn, or was th:
little cottage to be the home of some
elderly couple, who, like myself, were
devold of the cheering companionship
of youthful faces and gay voices?
I took care to seat myself for my
homeward ride that night on the side
of the car which would be nearest the
house, for I felt a strange almos.
childish interest in the newcomers
and felt sure there would be some
pigns of life about the place when i
passed Again Nor was | disappolnt-
ed. for as the car turned into the
street 8 block away | could see a wWom-
an in white run down the steps and
stand expectantly at the foot of the
terrace One glance and | started t>
my feet involuntarily It was Flor
ence, the same sweel-faced little girl
who had charmed my old heart with
per winsomeness. Her eyes were danc-
ing ner
cheeks flushed
with excitement
and as she stool
waiting to give
Tom the first wel-
come 10 the new
home, she
ment of happiness
But where was
Tom? I looked
the car over fron
NEVER WO end to end al-
COM} though [| knew
without this that he was not there or
hi would not have escaped my waleh-
ing eyes Of course he would come vo
a later car, tut | was sorry uot to sec
the greeting. and 1 turned for a par:-
| Ing glance at the ‘ittle figure in whites
Just at that moment a slightly built
vouth with dark eyes and boyish face
1% ho had stepped to the platform as
| the car stopped, ran eagerly up the
| would come
Harry, 1 thought you never
came the voice of the
waiting girl, as she took a step for
| ward to meet him ‘Now come and
{| ree the house And slipping a han!
| into his, in the little trusting fashion
that was one of her many loving ways
| rhe led him along the walk up the
i steps to the front door This sh~
| opened, and with consclous pride drew
bim after her across the threshold —
Kansas City Star
Exercise three times a day
Feed yourself on simple {are
Mostly made of bran and hay!
Revel ls pen ali
Never give wa your fears
Bleep jus ke a baby
Then you ive a hun
Ma) be
red vears—
: T «0 wraps about your throat
a At (ate inches
do not rock the Loat
Shy away from punches
fet r i
The ou fve a
More or less
irik 1
{ debis
nD t di=pule with rr wt
J.arger Ninte than you,
ro not give way !
Though the rent ix dis
[Do vot waste sour strength |:
As for trouble, scout i
Then youu il live a hundred jears
» ti »
3 Jespall
tL Umpire sascha
Don't tor office run
Do not call a fellow names
If Le has a gun;
nto wisdom lend your ears
Shun the festive schooner
Tren you fve a hundred years
if sou don’: dle sooner
Piqua (OU) Call
Virginia's Pride
While Missouri is lauding the apple
ple, praising the virtues of the Ben Da-
| vis apple and sueering at the lobsters,
‘clams and goulash of New England,
Virginia is engaged in worship of the
‘ham The Smithfield ham, of Virginia,
is the nearest approach to perfection
— Nashville Ameri.
I- Paria Vegetable Porters.
“The porters of the markel place in
Paris carry, Mapped on their backs,
baskets full
FRANK E. WOOD, Repressnlative
Waverly—Erie train No. 7 was
| News and advertising matter may be | Wrecked this morning within the
| left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. City limits of Binghamton. The
| After 13 o'clock noon call the mala locomotive and baggage and mail
| office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 128X. cars went down a bank about ten
| feet high. Engineer Mason, whose
|e Lod Sayder is visiting at home is in Homnellsville, was in-
jured, and the firemen had both
Mrs. Thomas Smeaton of Clark |3rms broken. The mail clerks
street is ill. | were shaken up but not seriously
|injured. The train was not running
Mrs. C. M. Weller is reported as | over 20 miles an hour and the
somewhat better. | track is straight at the point where
; = {the accident occurred. It is
Mrs. George Painton spent yes=| po, ont the wreck was due toa
terday at Elmira.
Mrs. Charles Rogers went to
Elmira yesterday.
broken rail. The track crosses
| Liberty street at the point where
the accident occurred and is about
| 10 fect above the street and it was
idown this bank that the train
Waverly—The common council
of South Waverly met at the lock-
| up last evening and appointed the
following officers: Treasurer, G.
| W. Edmiston ; street commission—
Attorney ED. Sebring has as|% Alonzo Comstock ; chief of po-
his guest his father, whose home is lice, Patrick Regan; special police-
is Newhield. men, Edward Raup, John Storms,
| A]. Golden, Alfred VanAtta,
Misses Nora and Nellie Kane re-|
turned to their home at Dushore |
On account of ill health of
this afternoon.
| owner, a long established mercan—
‘¢de business in this valley is
{offered for quick sale at go per
Three candidates took the second | cent of stock inventory. Address
degree at the meeting of Manoca | inquiries to Business Opportunity,
lodge, I O. O. F. last night. |care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa.
G. D. Genung and wife went to
Binghamton this morning.
Mrs. J. L. Ellsworth of Wyalu-
sing visited Mrs C. A. Neaves yes-
F. A. Bell and F. E Hawkes
went to Ithaca today to argue the
walter casc.
Miss Marion Harding of award]
street has returned after visiting |
friends at Trumansburg.
Mrs. Geo. Murray, whose t=)
band died a short time ago, has
just received $2,000 life insurance
The application of Clarence Doty | Sitka Al MEN. n y
Albeary, D 3 &
for a renewal of his license at the | nat Rok. et Foo Wi
Wilawanna hotel has been refused | liam Riney, Wm. H. Melville, J. V.
James Ward
by Judge Fanning ,
ec QQ ———————
Advertised Letters
The following is a list of the advertis-
led letters remaining in the Sayre post
office for the week ending M.r. 5, 1008,
Miss Bertha Bennett, Mrs. Grace
The Berea class of the Baptist | Boyle, Mra. James Colema=, Nydia Cole.
| man, Mrs. Geo, C. Page, (2), Miss Glad-
church will give a 15 cent supper | hig Williams,
in their church parlors this evening.
All are invited to attend.
The Osborn fire sale of book
and stationery has ceased and the
scorched merchandise has been!
shipped back to Ithaca. LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE
Luther T. Pearsall, a draftsman | One Solid Week Com-
in the wheel foundry, left that con- mencing
cern and today went to Corning to | MONDAY MARCH 12
accept a similar position.
The Alvsve Welcome
Big Comedy Company.
J. .M. Donavin and Flor-
ence J. Murray
And a carefully “Selected acting
s—Big Vaudeville Acts—3
Monday evening—'Beware of Men’
Matinees—Thursday and Friday.
Prices—10, 20 and 30¢.
For Monday evening a limited
number of ladies’ special 15c¢ tick-
ets will be sold, providing same |
are purchased before 5 p.m. Mon- |
Reserve seat sale opens Friday.
If not called for within two weeks
they will be forwarded to the dead let-
| ter office. Ask for advertisad letters,
giving date, and bring one cent to pay
for advertising.
J. N P. M.
Mar. 5, 10086, . Weaver,
Mrs. John Slawson of Mahopac,
N.Y, is in Waverly, having been |
called here by the serious illness of |
her mother, Mrs. E. M. Weller.
Mr. Mackey, advance agent and
one of the owners of the Murrry
& Mackey Stock Co, which is to
show here next week, was in town
The “Princess Beggar” company |
was delayed in the Erie yards
about two hours this morning.
They were on the way from Ithaca
to Corning.
Mr. and Mrs. S. LL. Fish have
gone to California. Mr. Fish was
formerly the local representative ol
the Metropolitan Insurance Co.
He will represent the N. P. L. in
Situation Wanted
Widow wishes position as housekeep
er. Inquire at 302 Stevenson St, 247-8
| Will Personius, Kirk Morgan,
|G. M. Legg and A. H. Quick of
| the local camp of the Sons of Vet-
| erans, went to Halsey Valley last
| night and initiated five new mem- |
bers into the camp at that place. |
| They returned to Waverly just as |
| the streaks of dawn were showing; |
lover the horizon, but repost al
“mighty fine” time.
rr —— A
Waverly—A stranger strolled |
into town last Saturday afternoon |
jag that it bothered him to carry | 5
it. Chief Brooks took him in tow | flimsy kinds.
and he rested in the lockup until |
he had sobered up, when he was
advised by the justice to shake the
dust of Waverly from his fect,
which he accordingly did.
pers for 50c.
Subscribe for The Record.
Free Recital
Friday Evening at 8 O'Clock.
Latest Victor Records
Will be played. The March records are simply im-
mensec and some of them are excruciatingly funny. All
owners of Victor Talking Machines and others interest-
ed are cordially invited to come to our store Friday
evening and spend an hour listening to the best kind of
an entertainment. The music and tones produced by
the Victor Talking Machines are truly melodious. There
is not that harsh, metallic sound, but the enunciation is
clear and distinct. Come and hear the greatest home
entertainer of the age Friday evening.
Established 1860. 128 Desmond St., Sayre.
Stores also at Elinira and Williamsport.
extracts, baking powders and fine soaps,
Matinee and Night
Chas. K. Champlin x
curtains, dishes, etc. A good chance for
Big Stock Compan
Sov na hours. We also give prizes to
boys and girls selling a specified amount,
such as watches—good timokeepers,
otc. Those prizes come extra and
6—Big Vaudeville Acts—6! sale ec —Wan
Soli, ot include your regular commission.
Men and women are making a good in-
come off our plan. Write today for full
information to the SAYRE BPECIALTY
WORKS, Box 115, Sayre, Pa.
ped, Log, Sound, Bo For
wrist bracelets, guns, stick pins,
So a word
Matinee—“A Wife's Deception.”
Night—"The Belle of Richmond.”
All New Scenery, Beautiful Elec-
trical ESects and Suberb | Dreasmaking done at your home. For
ostumes | further particulars inquire at 115 Hos-
Prices —Matinee, 10 and 20c | pital place, Sayre.
Nights, 10, 20 and 30c. For Rent
| Elmira and Bridge street. Apply to S,
9 | 0. Decker, West Cooper street. “i586
202 Tyler street,
Inquire at the house or of B.
L aurr, 228 Maio St, shos shop. 253-8*
eas than 25 centa. "Situations wanted,
Pardo fign iB sabscribern.
8 year's cxperienca.
Housa to rent,
A saven room house,
| Athens,
Attorneys and Counselors L
at Law.
Valley Phone 180-A. Sayre.
Best of Everything
Lockhart St.
“The “Dr. Judson prope rty on North
street, Athens, Pa. Apply to W. Howard
Allen, Farmers National Bank, Athens,
Pa. 240-1
Double brick store, suitable for a gro-
cery or grocery and meat market, cor-
ner of Hugh streel and Pennsylvania
avenue, Athens, Pa. Will be fitted up
to suit the renter, new and in first-class
order. James S. Parks, Athens, 253-8
“A suit of rooms for light housckeepiog
on the second floor in Shaw's block, Ath-
ens, Pa. All the modern improvements.
W. H Shaw, 2538-1m
Two offices for rent in the Maney &
Page block. 214-1
Third floor of the Glaser block. Bleo-
tric light, bath room and all modern im-
provements. Enguire at Glaser's Loan
office, Lockhart street. 1761
Office, Loakbart givent. ..____—108t"
For Sale.
Five plece parlor suit. Inquire 444
Pennsylvania avenue, Waverly, 264-6t*
C. J. Kiron,
Especial care and prompt at.
tention given to moving of
{Par. Household Goods, Safes
| Contractor and Builder
| Plans and Bstimates Furnished.
103 Lincoln St. Sayre, Pa.
Residence lot on North Wilbur avenue,
Inquire 512 Stevenson street, 254-12¢
Houses for sale in Waverly. centrally
located, from $1,000 u Lots $430 u
9 | Inquire of A. a. ‘DuBols, 438 Waverly 8
Waverly, N.Y. 251-12t*
For Sale or Rent
Houss, barn and 12 acres of land in
Lockwood. Enquirs of DD, C, 2
Lockwood, or owner, A. V. C, Vall, Itha-
The Robinson house, eorner Main and
Ferry streets, Athens, Pa. Possesion at
once. J.T. Corbin, Athens. n-¢
Want ads inserted by per
ing a ledger account
Ne alton cama ier pitied
e vel
NE of book-
keeping and collecting Is entirely out of
Jierutica to the amount Involved In
oul. Bot hav, hav-