The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, March 01, 1906, Image 3

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Bissell Garpet Sweeper
$2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.25,
$3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
The Best Sweeper Made.
216 Desmond St., Sayre.
322 8S. Main St, Athens.
| The Man Who
“Gets There”
J aot kad
plenty of it—in his body.
Briggs’ Wine of Cod Liver OH
Makes blood—lots of it—
“75c Per Bottle.
1 G. M. Driggs
pink Building, Sayre, Pa.
All the late fiction. Mag-
asines, Dally and Sunday
z Tiffany’s Music Store,
222 Main Street, Athens, Pa.
AThe local Aerie of Eagles will
a regular meeting this evening
Peter Heidt of Powell, Ella Web-
ster of Estella and Mrs. Fred
¥ Ward of Monroeton wgse admit-
to the hospital this forenoon.
men are happy over the re-
m of cold weather.
continue long enough
another crop of ice.
. H. Schoeder, a popular
pin the Lehigh Valley
K Tully’s lunch wagon, better
, H. Schoeder.
Bring pencils,
Milkmen and venders who make
roads in exceedingly bad condition.
A large delegation from the
Sayre Aerie of Eagles attended the
meeting held by the Waverly
Berie last night. The Sayre con-
tingent report an elegant time and
time and say that they were most
royally entertained by their Wav-
erly brethren.
One of the features of Lottie
Blair Parker's Under Southern
Skies will be the rendition, by a
sextette of trained voices, of the
old plantation melodies that were
famous a generation ago and which
today are as popular as ever, judg
ing from the heartiness ol the ap-
plause which they evoke.
A new fence, beginning at the
east end of the Packer avenue
bridge and extending along . the
bank to the ice house is being
erected by the Lehigh Valley rail-
road company. Recently a new
high board fence was erected from
the ice house to the Lockhart
street bridge and the improvement
is quite noticeable
On April 4th an Aerie of Eagles
will be instituted at Towanda. The
work of installing will be done
by Jesse Hedrick, state deputy
grand president, and M. J. Farrell,
past worthy president of the
Sayre Aerie, who has been
appointed an assistant. The mem-
bers of the Sayre Aerie have been
invited to be present,
R.A P: Mads is In tows.
Mrs. A. J. Grant is ill at her
home on Hayden street.
Mrs. F. N. Drake has returned
from a ten days visit with friends
in Syracuse.
Miss Vinnie Blish of Willard, N,
Y, is the guest of friends and rela-
tives in Sayre.
Mrs. Bush of Apalachin, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Hubert
Swetland of Chemnag street.
Mrs. John Dean of Apalachin,
who has been the guest of Mrs
Helen Hull, has returned home.
Mr and Mrs. William Vaughn
of Wilkes-Barre, are spending a
a few days with friends in this
Burgess elect William Cross re-
turned last might from St. Paul,
Mian, where he has been spending
a week in the interests of the M.
P. A. of which organization he is
the president.
Miss Anna Lynch of Towanda,
James Lynch of Overshot, and
John F. Lynch of Downington, Pa.
have returned to their respective
homes after a visit at Hugh Dix:
on's on Chiff street.
Mrs, Charles Gay is the guest of
friends in Wilkes-Barre, She is
Charles Ross, a resident of East
Packer avenue is under arrest be-
fore Justice H. F. Johnson of
Athens on two charges, one of
them assault and the other for hav-
ing unlawful possession of certain
goods, which are alleged to be the
property of Ross’ mother in law,
Mrs, Lorina Baker. Mrs. Baker
has had troubles galore since her
coming to Sayre last summer, and
to faithfully recite them would oc~
cupy more space than the ordinary
newspaper cares to devote for the
Early in January Mis Raker,
who resided with her son in law
Ross, became a county charge, an
order of relief having been granted
her by the authorities of Sayre.
When the commissioners came to
take charge of the case they found
that she was a charge on Wyoming
county and after considerable
trouble and expense had her re-
turned to that county. She was
taken to Tunkhannock, but a short
time ago returned to Sayre. Cer-
tain goods which she claimed
were hers had been left at the home
of her son in law and she demand.
ed them. The son in law refused,
it is alleged-to give them up on
the grounds that his mother in law
owed him for her care and board.
Now Mrs. Baker says that her son
in law in addition to wrongfully,
maliciously and feloniously hold-
ing her goods has also assaulted
her, and upon making the proper
information Justice Johnson issued
awarrant for Ross’ arrest. He
has pleaded not guilty - and the
hearing will be held some time
next week.
Mrs. Biker, the complainant in
the case, is a character and by
those who have come in contact
with her since her residence in
Sayre is ‘not beleived to be men-
tally sound.
Since the first of January the
Baptist church and parsonage at
this place have been undergoing
alterations and repairs. The par
sonage has been newly papered
throughout, the wood work has
been vamiished, an] necessary res
pairs to the plumbing, etc, have
been attended to.
The church edifice has also been
given attention. The interior has
been appropriately decorated, the
scats have been painted, and a new
carpet which is expected today,
will be placed on the floor. Itis
possible that the church will be in
readiness for services next Sunday,
thought it is as yet a matter of un-
It appears that The Record was
a little mixed yesterday in its ans
nouncement of the event which
occurred in Trainmen's hall on
Tuesday evening. The Record
stated that the supper and dance
was given by the Ladies’ Society
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Eagincers, when it should have.
said that the event was given under
the auspices of the Ladies’ Society |
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen. There are so many of
these organizations in Sayre with
the auxiliary attachment that a
newspaper man needs an indexed
chart in order to keep
The Gazette and Bulletin of Wil«
liamsport is booming the Hon,
Elias Deemer for Governor, and
this suggests the pertinent inquiry
What has become of the diminutive
boom for the Hon. Mial E Lilley,
congressman from this district ?
ly Anxious to Get Their Clutch-
Sayre Recently
A letter addressed to the Ladies’
Library Club from H. A. Surface,
State Economic Zoologist, Depart-
ment of Agriculture, of Harrisburg,
has been received. The subject
matter of the letter is in connect
ion with the work of a man named
Knauf, who recently appeared in
Sayre and mutilated a large num-
Members Determined to Wipe
the Organization Out of Ex-
The Movanho club, Sayre's well
known social and athletic organi-
zation which was organized nearly
four years ago, is no longer extant
A mecting was held|last night, and
til pearly midnight, the club was
The principal part ol the discus
ber of trees on various streets,
annointing them with a liquid
which he claimed would kill the]
moth scale. lastead of killing the
scale it is claimed thatthe concoc
tion uscd by this man kills the
trees. The state authorities are
anxious to get their clutches upon
Knauf in which event they will
prosecute him to the full extent of
the law
The letter reads as follows:
February 21, 1906
I thank you very much for your
communication of the 17th inst
giving me important information
concerning the bogus tree doctor
by the-name of Knauf I am sorry
to know that he has bobbed up
again in this state this year. Last
year he did an immense amount
of damage to the central, northern,
and western part of Peansylvania|
injuring trees and charging owners
immense prices for his injuries in- |
flicted. For example, in Curwens- |
ville, Clearfield county, he actually |
killed most of the trees on the |
strects there. | wish you would |
have him arrested for getting
money under false pretenses and |
ifthe hearing can be set for any |
time after next week, | am willing |
to cometo Athens without charge
and testify against him if he makes |
such statements as those you relate
in your letter. | think that we will
{ have no trouble to prove that he is
defrauding the public, and in our
«forts to put him out of business
and keep him away from the trees
and gullible citizens we shall be]
doing a very good thing for this]
will take this up and have him ar
rested and your newspapers pub
lish as widely as possible the
frauds that he is practicing.
Thanking you for calling my
attention to this which 1 shall
mention in my next bulletin, | am
Very truly yours,
H. A Surface.
The latest fraud is working
postmaster and rural carriers.
The. shark pretends to be selling
what he calls -a “congressional
mi nual” [It costs $2.50 and con-
tains something that postmasters
ought to know. The profits, says
the shark, are to be donated to
the National University Fund He
always tells the victim that the
congressman from the district sent
him. Congressman Lilley has
denounced the scheme as a fraud.
He may travel through Sayre.
R. D Kavanaugh, a machinist,
formerly employed in the Sayre
shops, but who until recently has
been employed in the office of the
Bethlehem Steel Works, is in Sayre
sion was in connection with a prop
members that the club could sus-
event of any of the members wish
ing to revive it at a future time the
same could be done with little
difficulty. It was suggested that a
small room be rented and the sem
blance of a club maintained so
that the provisions of the charter
might be fulfilled, but after a
lengthy discussion it was decided
to settle up matters and wipe the
club out of existence. After all
debts and expenses were paid it
was found that the club had nearly
$200 in its treasury, and this sum
will be equally divided between the
members in good standing. There
are 31 members whose names ap-
pear upon the records as being
| entitled to a share in the money.
The disbandment of the club is
| keenly regretted by some of the
| members who made a heroic fight
at the meeting last night to retain
the organization. Others, who
constituted the majority, were of
{the opinion, however, that it was
an expensive affair to maintain on
and contended
that the wisest plan was to go out
of business.
— en
Read The Record.
Owing to
Other Business
R. C.
& CO.
Must Close Their
Book Sale at
373 Broat St.,
today renewing acquaintances and
shaking hands with old friends |
Recently the office at Bethlehem |
|in which he was employed was |
{burned out, and Mr. Kavanaugh is |
{now on his way to Minneapolis, |
| Mina. where he has accepted a|
lucrative situation.
A. P Hull was strack in the hol- |
day and sustained a painful punc- |
{tured wound. He went to the!
hospital for treatment. 1
While working in the shops this
forenoon John Bull, a machinist,
suffered a severe laceration of two
fingers on the left hand. Both'
nails were torn off and the mem.
bers were otherwise Jacerated.
Rit apogee oa
will go out ikea lamb,
March 5
On Friday,
Saturday and
Monday we will
Sell Any Book
in the store for
:5 cents
Every Book
R.C. Osborne &Co.
At Caldwell's Furrtiture Stock. :
daily, bought before the raise infprices, which assures
you as'good bargains as to be had anywhere. Call and
be convinced. ;
Fine line of folding Go-Carts just arrived.
205 Desmond Street, Valley Phone 101.
The safety of any business is in ita management. Investigate our order
Our Assets January 1, 1906,
Liabilities 4,237 50
No. of Pomcies in force, 137,312. Gain of about 40,000 past year
Dividends paid past year . : $1310824 Mn
Disability paid ha year 287,167 0
Death, past year 61,639 81
E.F. a Dist. Manager,
Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre.
How Much Do You Earn in an Hour?
Would you prefer to work an hour extra, or to
walk to Gillespie's Drug Store ?
If you knew that you would save two hours
hard labor on every dollar's worth of goods, you
would probably buy your drugs at that store.
Competent men always on hand to put up pre-
scriptions, and at money-saving prices.
Others Before You
have made independent fortunes by
wisely chosen investments io real estate
SN . can't run away. Why not you?
It doesn't require milli ns to get hold of
a little land, yet millions may accrue as
the roll around. We have some
special inducementa to offer buyers of
real estate we'd like to lay before you
May we bave your name and address ?
Wa. B. McDonald, D.D. S.
All modern methods for the scien-
tific performance of painless opera-
tions on the mouth and teeth.
104 South Elmer Arve,
By Do Up-to-Date Music furnished
for Balls, Partics and all manner of Soc-
ial Functions, either public or private,
Any number pleces desired will be fur
oi Jall Valley Record for terms,
Painter, Decorator and Paperhanger.
gives new life and lustre to old
tables, chairs, furniture and
icture frames. It is the ideal
finish for floors, interior wood
work, bath rooms, sash and
100 differ-
Thirteen colors
ent uses—75¢c a quart can. ;
All the best and most widely
advertised goods are always to
be found at this store and at
prices to please every purse,
me pr
Desmond St Sayre.
Fett tered
+ Greek-American Confection
and Candy Store, .
Nica special frasl chooolals drops
12¢ pound,
Nice fresh mixed candy Se pound.
lea Croam, lee Cream Soda and
First-class work done promptly at rea
sonabla prices.
Residence: 130 Spruce St., Atheas, Pa |
Carpenter and Builder.
t7 Pleasant St. Waverly, N, Y.
Plans and Estimates Purnisbe | |
525 Stevenson 84, Sayre, Pa.
every day (resh candy.
222 Desmond Street,
($a estes tt R400 0040
| wos
lar prices.
| {alley Phone 66x. Bell hope 138w
iN have thes vvery day during
Also a good Hine of meat at i=
S. J. BELLIS, Elizabeth
Advertise in The Record.
Sate | ctl the Ath Sc Btn
L tres uy 2
Brice Houses to rect. 8 fine lot of calf hes and ther upke
Prices, DREW EV date varletiea. Prices all right.
Soom, Talmadge mi pairing continoed in Semin
Large Farms,
Jars, watered. Houscs