The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, February 27, 1906, Image 2

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    = | make a special
Lt testing ia all
ean assure 3
| Do Not Use Drops
applied to e)
fraction and muscles.
I Recommend Glasses
in the science of optics as
i e use of the iatest and most
the possible
| errors of re-
good results.
Sharge fora
lr BY Shan
left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly.
office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 128X,
Try Strong's cough syrup.
Post cards at Strong's s.
Arthur DuBois went to Tioga!
| Center this morning
Wall paper at Strong's.
| Fred Ellis of Sayre is working |
C. BR. McNitt's barber shop.
sc ——
Devoe paints at Strong's.
Capital - $50,000.00
Surplus - $12,000.00
We solicit your Banking busi-
Therefore the Caucasian Insect is to
be brought over lo supersede the na
tive brand of honey maker But who
can tall? It would be just like those
ill-natured, sharpstinging American
made the natives repellent IL would
| be well to keep an eye on Doth the old
bees and the newcomers
Unreasoning Predictions
“About this time” the almanas
| might say, “look for wild prophecies
| and predictions ™ Soothsayers do not
recelve #0 mueh credence as former
iy, yet there are always plenty to proph
| eay and plenty more to belleve random
| guesses about what the future holds
| For instance, says Youth's Compan-
| lon, we are warned to look for a
| tnancial panic in 197 or 1908. We
| are told that panics come once in 12
| or 1507 20 years or whatever be the mys-
tic cycle. Under careful examination
: the causes of panic are found to be ®0
| many and so variously combined that
| even if one knew all the causes of for-
| mer panics and saw all those causes
| reproduced in present events, it would
ol stil be impossible to know when a
panic will be due. No doubt there
vill be a panic some day. Thal sup-
por month.
3 Advertising rates reasonable, and made
Jams of seuticuson
second-class matter May
LTE Pregl me mone utr,
“All the news that's fit to print" |
Beneficent Bee.
modern improvement Heretofore It
Bas been asserted that uobody could |
improve on nature. But a California
man has produced all sorts of odd
fruits and Bowers, and he seems caps
‘to herself, she never
~ thought of. Many of the species the
Californian has produced
than anything of the same general
fornian bas taught producers so 10
cross the kinds as to develop fruit
far superior to any elsewhere, and
they are reaplog their reward In a
constaptly widening market and Det
ter prices. The foreign prune Bo
~ jonger Las the field to itself, the Call
fornia article being recoguized as the
Dest. That the Californlan's Ideas
Bave practical value Is further proved
by the setting apart of a large sum
hy the Carnegie institution, the pur
pose being to encourage Mr Burbask
10 devote his talents to Improving
fruits and flowers, with 8 view to (he
material benefit of the country. And
80, remarks the Troy (N. Y.) Times,
the lmprovement ides spreads
and inferior things pass away, giving
‘place to » pew and more acceptable
The process Las now reached that
symonytn for industry and sobriety, the
Amarican honey bee. A Lee has been
found which possesses all the desir
able qualities sod lacks all tbe ob
jectionable ones of the American
honey maker. The pew bee is a native
"of the Caucasus—of sll places for =
pesceable and law abiding losect'—a
Jocality in which of late all the Lad
passions of the human rece om
The Caucasian bee we are
exceedingly swecttemipered IL never
on it eacounters, and will uot stiog
even lo self defense
equaled by its ludustry only. and It le |
to be the piuvon of bees.
They never wear out
diction that some day it will rala
, If the story appears in the newspapers
| that well-known Snanciers are Arrang-
| ing their affairs agelnst ao imminent
| financial storm, we should remember
that succesaful rich men keep them.
selves protected agalust bard limes
every Year Apollier large class of
| soothsayers Is busy making prophecies
| about presidential candidates. Some
| of their reasoning Is curiously falla-
| cious. Since DO mAD Was ever elected
| to the presidency direct from the sen-
ate, It 1s argued that no man who
| shall have a seat in the senate in 1508
| can succeed Mr Roosevell That is
| like saying because DO man bas been
succeeded In the presidency by a man
| with hair the same color as bis own
therefore the next president must have
! halr of different hue from Mr. Roose
vell's Some reasoning from present
cause tw future effect is sound—with-
out it we could not conduct our af
faire But we should examine cau-
! tiously the sort of argument from aote-
cedent probability io which the sote-
| codent 1s pot surely known or is aot
clearly antecedent to the conclusion.
At Christmas Time.
Here are sowe of the general funda
mental rules for Christmas keeping
jlave all the fun you can; find as
{much as possible of it io making
| things cheerful for other folks, be de
lighted with everything that Is given
0 you, give what you can afford and
not vefy much more; doo't eat much
[too much; don't drink soy too much;
finally, if you can, get ioto the coun-
try and take all the famlly with you,
and have a real old-fashioned Ume,
with plenty of out-doors, sud as much
sport as possible. Io it | don't know,
says & writer in the lllustrated Sport.
ing News, that the old fashioned
Christmas has ever been beaten, or
{ever will be. The ideal calls for a
| hospitable country house, a large fam:
ily, sundry established Institutions,
some carols, some wassall some
mistletoe, a boar's head a big open
fire. and a yule log, and other ap
proved and venerable properties, and
plenty of cheerful people. We Amer:
icans oul of our abundance have con
tributed to .his ideal the Llurkey, the
ranberry and the oyster. We have
| borrowed the Christmas tree from the
| Germans We hang green wreaths lo
lour windows—where did we learn
{that?—and drape our churches and
| our dwellings with more green things.
Santa Claus is a naturalized citizen of
our country
“David” Nation.
Japan is 50 times smaller than Rus-
sia, aud her population eae third that
of the HIS latter
because of the new all
aed Undertabdog. Car.
& CO.
of Broad SL. aed Park Ave., Waverly,
A Nasdoski has opened a tailor
(shop on Clark street in the Mc
| Carthy block,
| Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith
gave a dinner party last evening to
twenty of their friends
Mrs. Gray's Sunday school class
will have a banquet at the Baptist
church parlors this evening.
Our $1 50, $20 and $2 50 shoes
for men and women are always all
nght. J. P. Falsey. 248-2t
Harry Swartwood who has been
visiting W. W. Wilkinson, will re-
turn to his home in Leavenworth,
Kansas, tonight.
The Imperial All Star minstrels
of this village will go to Owego
Saturday night and give a per-
formance in Ahwaga hall.
The of the Methodist
church were very much pleased
sale, having cleared about £65.
Go to J P. Falsey's, 304 Broad
street for young ladies, gents and
childrens shoes. Spring styles now
in at the lowest prices. 248-2t
Mrs. John De Hart of New
Brucswick, N. J.,, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. EH
Northrup, returned home last even
Waverly—Dana Hopkins enter-
tained the dancing club last even-
ing. The parlors of the Tioga
Hose Co. were opened for the
accommodation of the club, After
dancing had been indulged in the
members of the club went to the
oyster bay, where an excellent
four course supper was served
With two exceptions all the mem-
bers of the club were present. In
the absence of Mrs. Wellar, Mr
Tighe presided at the piano and
G. C. Webster assisted in the
The aflair was very enjoyable
and the members voted it one of
the best since the club was organ-
Waverly—The committees of the
Democratic and Municipal Owner
ship parties have called a joint
caucus to be held at the town hall
next Friday night for the purpose
of making nominations lor the
election to be held on March 20
In a written statement signed by
the members of the two commit
tees it is stated that they stand for
municipal ownership, and advo
cate the nomination of men who
stand for that principle, and invite
all those interested in the move
ment to be present at this meeting,
| Charles M. Wellar, who was sud-
denly stricken with hemorrhage
of the stomach last Saturday,
| while attending a reception at the
home of J. B. Floyd is considerably
improved and she was able to be
removed to her home yesterday
The Defendant Was Pound Guil-
ty of Nearly All the Crimes in
the Criminal Calendar
The Queen Esther circle of the
of C. F. Charter at Gog South El.
mer avenue last evening. A mock
‘the evening. The defendant was
taken in the joint charge of slander
cution succeeded in proving him
The judge filled his position very
understood that he was running
the court and would not pernut =
When sworn the various wit-
nesses agreed to “tell the truth as
near as the lawyers would permit,”
or stated that they "couldn't tell
the truth if they saw it.”
One witness showed a disposition |
to favor both sides, proving to be |
very obliging and swearing with |
perfect impartiality in favor of |
either side. Another witness dis- |
claimed having any knowledge of
anything, and couldn't even tell a
“pressing engagement” when he
saw one.
After the evidence was all in the
judge charged the jurors $2 each,
and sent them out to bring in the
The jury found for the plaintiff,
but the judge set the verdict aside,
flimsy kinds.
pers for S0c.
disorders and sévere neuralgia can often
decayed or nlcerated teeth.
Dangerous stomach
be traced to
to $5.
Bridge work,
r tooth, $4.
Gold, fillings,
hung, put the costs on the county,
and charged the plaintiffs 49c
At the conclusion of the trial |
the litigants, attorneys, court offi- |
cers and spectators were treated to
excellent refreshments
Clifton Mallory, who assisted by
home talent, recently presented
‘David Garrick” at Waverly for
the benefit of the Tioga hose com-
pany, is making arrangements for |
the presentation of the same play |
under the auspices of the Lin-ta|
hose company of Towanda. Mon-
day and Tuesday evenings, March |
1g and 20 are the dates named
Waverly—That homesickness is
a malady that may attack one sud-
denly and cause results in a hurry
was demonstrate! last Sunday in
the case of Claude Varner, who
came here from Olean to take
charge of the local office of the
Postal Telegraph Co. He arrived
here shortly after 12 o'clock and
the homesick feeling came so fast
that at 3 o'clock he was speeding
on his way back to Olean, having
been here three hours
A m—
Waverly — Judge Charles Hoag-
land fcund his sale lccked this
morning and when he tried to
open it he found that the combina
nation had cither been changed or
he had forgotten just what it was.
After several unsuccessful attempts
to open it he started in search of a
man who could
Waverly —The party given by |
the K. of C. at their hall last night
was well attended and “was a very |
enjoyable affair. Many Irom out]
of town were present. Cards and
dancing were indulged in until a
late hour, when refreshments were
Andrew, the infant son of Willis
Stage, died yesterday afternoon.
The child was two months old and
had been ill for a week or more,
Mr. Stage resides on Bradford
street, South Waverly.
cellence, as any dentist will tell
DR. J.
Advertised Letters
hietieen JAWS & WINLACK,
ed lelters remaining in the Sayre post
office for the week ending Feb, 26, 1900.
Miles C, Allis, William B. Benni
J. Brocus, Joseph Bucka, R. D. Coxe,
William Davis, C. _ H GO er, Alta
Haight, Staule Hollenbeck, J. H.
Long, Floyd Aa Charles Oakley,
Chas. Parker, John Palmer, Roy J. Smith
stus Walters, John
at Law.
Valley Phone 180-A.
Mrs. Charles Angell, Mrs. E F, Cox, |
Mrs. Robert Johoson, Mrs Maggie Pal-
mer, Mrs. Lettie Sherman.
Malivende Pasquale.
If not called for within Pry Sead Tet |
they will be forwarded to th
ter office. Ask for 0 et diet
Ling dul ais, and bring one cent to pay
Feb. 26, - J. N. Weaver, P. M,
G. J. Kiron,
Very Cheap Traveling
ly until April 6th, the Erie R. R. will |
sell colonist tickets to all Pacific Coast | Pianos. Household Goods, Bafes
and numerous interior points at Yury | ote.
low rates, which will be quoted and all
other information given by calling on or
writing any Erle ticket t, ord. H.
Webster, D. P. A, Elmira. N. Y. 226-e0d
$6.75 to New York City and return
March 8th. Valid to return on or be-
fore March I8th. Children 3.40.
Discases of Women and of ths Rectum.
Hours -Ttwham,1t08, 7008p. m.
Valley Telephone 27x. 138 Lockhart Bt,
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
Best of Everything
Lockhart St.
Sayre Art Parlor.
We show a swaplae line of Fanoy |
Goods, Linens, Materials. Also 2
new and Ns line of stamping
terns for Bhirt Waist Suits, Hats, re -
Ofce:—Rooms 4 and 6, Elmer Block,
Orders can be left at West Sayre '
| Bore, both phones; pn Dnt Lockhart Street, Sayre, Pa.
| yards at Rayre, Valley Phone 37m.
coewan master, | TOUHEY'S HOTEL
Rvasysalag New and Up-to-Date. First-
C Accommodations.
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Station.
Rates $1.50 Per Dey. Same.
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice in hereby given that the part-
nership heretofore subsisting between
rthur and D. M. Arthur, ander the
firm name of Arthur & Company, was
{dissolved on the 31st day of February,
| 1906, by mutual consent. All debts ow-
ing to aid sald
here to sell teas, coffees, sploes,
Jas, oo These prizes come
do mot Iaeiuds your
Men and women are mak
Contractor and Bellder
Plas and Estimates Furnished.
| 108 Lincoln Bt. Sayre, Pa.
Subscribe for The Record.
Rates :—W
for first three times, § cent » word
| insertion thereafter
Nose ‘in it
less than 35 cents. Situations
| free to paid in advance subscribers,
{ If you want a muable 4B shoe go to
| James Smith's, rrr H
| Athens.
done at your bome.
ta ree partcsiae inquire at Ti How.
pial ar 8 year's oxperience.
| keeping, 319 W. Lockhart.
The Dr. Judson
stre:t, Athens, Pa. Pp
Allen, Pen Rag
Maney &
Third floor of the Glaser block.
Srl ght, bath Joom and sll mela
provemen Rusyuite Glasar’s
office, Lockhart street. 1
Two offices for reat in the
Situa‘'ion Wanted
Widow wishes tion as Ee
er. Inquire at