SAYRE, PA. WE FILL MAIL OR- ) :DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. - ues we offer are not confined to goods for win ter, but for all the year YOU KNOW we manufacture WINDOW SHADES? We take tory stock shades 25c up. See samples 3rd floor. We Fac- La IN ENDLESS VARIETY and prices. sale TODAY. 27x54, $4.05; 36x03, $7.20. show only such as we can recommend to be t sters from $22.00 up; Tapestry from $16.00 up; Body Brussels from $27.50 up. 25 Genuine Wiltons on Large room size. We he very best. Axmin- — | ART SQUARES Included in these L are All Wool and Pro Brussels, $5.67 up to $9.87 Brusselette Stair Carpet for no better, 33c DRESS Tn comprehensively 90 patterns You have paid 5c per yard. mmings, in all the Tinsel and describe. Actual count shows NEW spring BN } SPL CIAL CUTS on MEN'S SHOES Mechanics Delight, Uniop made, a heavy plain or cap toe. They come in Jace and Con- 3 gress. Formerly sold for $1.98 For Friday many have the from $1.39 up Others are as | GINGHAM Men's Iron Duke, similar in design, for heavy Ginghams, * service. Regular $1.50 value. Friday and 5 priced, 10¢ mer line. 5 NOTION Department. Values one third = more than our prices. Medium weight " “Fleeced Underwear; 25¢ quality 19¢, 39¢ qual- i} ity 30c, 50c quality 37c. Heavier in all and You will ik Line of Waists. They are short sleeves. Prices range yw as 47c. Stock is too large & Dress and are S. 60 pieces A. F.C. beautiful designs, Cash e our plan or Installment Investigate it and part wool, desirable weight for spring; 75¢ b quality 59¢, 97¢ quality 72¢, $1.50 quality $1, BN $2.00 quality $1.39 “ * 3 this to February fs = \ FJ d= “ya 7s \C Sha # J Jo AS LA RRR Ba Ef Ve MONDAY, FEBUARY 25, J. C. ROCKWELL'S Murrelle's Printing ; MEW Office SUNNYSOUTH G0 as oe! America’s Laren and Best of All “The Satisfactory Place.” Colored Bhovs mr ? M itan Attrsetion, Elegant ¥ a four to eight skilled job Danei Concert ‘ a new, up-to-date Ore : are St. your service. Band Parade at Noon. ou to please. . ad | Ia their Pastimes of the Sanay South. our promises. Prices—25, 35 and 50c sas meso [LE BAKER. Yalley Phooe 128x. Carpenter and Builder. | 17 Pleasant Bt. Waverly, N. Y. FISH, FISH WE PRINT : The Valley Record W. T. GAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE if want fish try S.-J. Elizabeth street. You can buy the best Fish there every day. Phooe orders promptly attendad to. | Valley Phone 66x. Bell Phone 138w Sayre Art Parlor. - 129 W. LOCKHART ST. | Weshow a complete line of Faacy { Goods, Linens and Materials. Also a sew And up-io-date line of stamping eras for Bi Shirt Waist Saits, Janko fin Offos Maney & Page Block, ‘ formerly occupied by the John R. Murray, . Ofios hours: - 9 to 10a. m.; 8:30 to8 p,m. Atother times daring '$ day at Valley Record offive. . dams Smith, the Atl Athens Shoe Doetor, | 604 South Main street, has just p tina ot of calf shoes and other apite. | date varieties. Prices all t. pairing continued in the seontite| BLACKSNITHING " HORSESHORING AND GENER- ~ " UERAL REPAIRING. had over thirty years’ ex- g ical } hosing Emap as OFFICE--8AMUNIA BLOCK. We limit 25th SH "J Ne RY + S42 + SL LAWS & WINLACK, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. LAWS’ BUILDING, 219 DESMOND 8T, Valley Phone 180-A. Sayre. GC. J. Kitonm, ~ SAYRE'S LEADING | DRAYMAN. Especial care and prompt at- Pia given to moving of {Plswos Household Goods, Safes Ny S 5 -~ HILL & BORA i i Best of tus Lockhart St. | Sayre. LOOMISOPERAHOUSE ORCHESTRA | Strictly Up-to-Date Musle furnished [Sor Rela; Parties and all manner of Soo- | iad Functions, either public or private, Any 8 number pleces desired will be fur. Call Valley Record for terms, te. TOUHEY'S HOTEL | Everythiog New and Up-to-Date. First C Accommodations. Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Btation | Rates $1.50 Per Dav. Sayre. v, . PEGKALLY, ons ot ane Olive Oil roe ne bro 1d ta Mr. and Mrs. C H. Setierlee tie in New York. N. P Chaffee made a , business trip to Elmira today. ~ Harry Evans was over from East Smithfield this morning. Mrs. J. L Springer is ill at her home on Chestnut street. Mrs. Wm. H. Bowman has gone to Wyalusing to visit friends. F. A. Gillette is i is in an Watkins ona combined business and pleasure trip. : - Mrs, O. L.. Haverly will enter- tain some of her lady friends next Tuesday. G H. Stimson and Pp. E. Decker were transacting burigess in To- wanda today. Henry Ryan of Towanda came here yesterday to work in the bridge works. Bert Kramer goes to Syracuse today to spend a short time with Harold L indsley. Do not forget that chicken pie tonight. Price 25c. Mrs. William Ring has gone to visit her parents, Mrs. Streevy, in Dushote. M. E. Barnes and wife of To- wanda attended the opening of the Campbell house yesterday. The icc went out of the Susque- hanna river this moming very quictly and without damage. Howard Lucky went to Syracuse last evening. He will visit Harold Judge Kline of North Dakota, who has been visiting friends in Athens, returned home last cven- ing. Charles Hosmer finished paper ing the new Odd Fellows’ hall at noon today. It is one of the finest halls in this valley now, Wm. Lewis and wife of Towanda were in attendance at the opening of the Caropbell house yesterday, returning Wome this morning. The Linaoln party have rented the G. A R. hall for the meetings which will hereafter be held in that place every Wednesday evening. J. J. Larkin and M. T. Golden of Ithaca, were in Athens yester- day on their way to Ridgebury to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bridget McAsey. Mrs. E. B. Joachim was called to Montrose last eveming on account of the serious illgess of her mother. Her daughter Helen ac- companied her. Lady Griffin Rebecca Lodge will have an interesting meeting Mon- day evening. There is to be initia~ tion and all of the members should be in attendance. Miss Ruby Wakeman, who has been attending the Mansfield nor mal school, has .been: obliged to leave school on account of ill health, and she, with her mother, were here last night en route to their home in LeRaysville. The oil well was down 1575 feet yesterday noon. The subscribers of the company will hold a meet- ing at the Stimson House this evening and as there are import- ant matters to be discussed itis desired to have a full attendance. —— cm Very Cheap Traveling Ip kil Alt Sib. he Neto Ff wil wi pe Lekota tb | MN ans namerous low rates, which will be EE other Intamabion writiog Wehste "BP P.A, most convenient date, little the so r and she [eels lots bejter.— Clty Journal. Ansappasnted. ATHENS The Best Goods for The Best Managers at The Best Prices at The Best Place in the valley to make your dollars go the farthest. Bologna . . . . Reund steak . . . Meat Dep’ t. Head cheese. "Our) Own”... . Liver sausage, “Our Own" : Link sausage . . . Frankforts . . : C Hamburg steak . . Chuck steak Rib roasts, boned and rolled. .1234 |* Boned rumps, rolled whole. 10 Finest chuck roasts . .$ o8 Arm roasts, tender and meaty 10 3 Bb Hamburg steak, cut as | T s I short ribs, for wing down . . . § Ib breast, young “beef. s I pickled pigs feet - . § Bb Ciscoes 2 Ib fancy fat mackerel . . . 25 “Our Own" little pig sausages 14 specially seasoned in small casings. This is the finest pork sausage made in the valley. Try a small order. Quantity limited. “Our Own" bulk sausages Stoves We have a fine line of cooks and ranges in sizes, styles, and prices to suit all. Pneced low. Terms casy. = z 8 Select the new sideboard, chif- fonier, buffet, bedroom suit, dining center, or kitchen table, in fact anything in the furniture line that you are going to want this spring | We will save it for you. Save you some money. Payday payments Grocery Dep't. White Star flour, equal for bread Finest dairy butter . . _| Pure lad. . . 1 | 19 fancy California breakfast oranges . 7 fancy California breakfast oranges . . . 3 ¢ans corn, fancy York State 1 bu. pofatoes . . 4 qts. beans Fancy California celery . . . 1 sk. White Star flour . . 25 25 25 25 124 nothing | SHOES Sayre, Pa, FURS THESE TWO B Are only a part of the big assortment of our Walk-Over line, which now offers you New Styles New Lasts New Leathers | ex) PROGRESS |LEHICH ET L 1 | Is the order of the | day. Asa city, we | will inevitably have | anew Town Hall, a complete sewer system and fine! pavements. You can add | — the general im- ER = CL Sa Ta EEA AE CA is whet Desi tis) Trains leave Sayre as follows: EASTBOUND. til A AN Daily for Towsads, Tuskhan SER Se . Balt and for Tunk bamsock td Washington. [ses AM. eh SET Prrement. 5 | ail imap rr. ; n up a AM fomiad Takbesgack. Dil} tor bathroom ora good TE - \ heating system will | | Chunk 4 a Betkien 10: Ne pace pew nM add valie to your | property, give you | Sister, Towanda. Wrtlusingi Kasept M. (Waverly 1233 F. M.] Lally van more comfort and | better health. And j Wilkes Barre, Glen rh htm, New To Mauch Chan Ad i. it doesn't cost so 3 Wika Barre lex uns- much. Ask us about it. 4 zh na Baltimore and agian, DO IT NOW. ’ PM Shiau of M.) Wek Tomes, dew roeton, New Albany. Bees Xx Daily exerpt Sunday, Sieck Dia- y H.R. TALMADGE, | Both "Phoses. Baa he. 7: A; H. MURRAY, M.D." SPECIALTIES: Dias ok sha Je, Bar. zaiz ye) wali, Stndays by Off oe, Wheelock Block. L. B. DENISON, M. D.}: ats a 44 4 almadge Building, Eimer Ave | Valley Phone at office and r ce EL Mercrens, I Attotney-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers Valley Phone 11 X. 12 Desmond Street, AM Week days for Lockwood, Nine be = SE ner where The Valley Ree (ord does not circulate Try an ad in The Record. Murphy & Blish, Our Spring Hats AND Neckwear - Have Arrived SAYRE, PA, Lockhart St, - Next to Postoffice:-