in FRANK RE WOOD, Representative ! News and advertising matter may be | left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. After 12 o'clock noon call the main | office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 138X. Losg MN They Recently Became Effective | and Every Fireman Should Study Them. Recently a new set of fire signals have become effective at the Sayre | shops and for the good of the community the record has been asked to publish them. The fol- lowing are the signals: One long blast will be given for fire m any of the buildings belong- ing to the shops and rouad house, | followed by the box] unber, to be repeated three times. | BOX LOCATION | 12 North and new locomotive shop i | “David Garrick,” at the Loomis | | opera house tomorrow night. The | play is presented by Clifton Mal- |lory and a cast composed of home {taleat. The proceeds are to go to | the Tioga Hose company of Wav- | erly. BG OTE CAST IN SOUTH WAVERLY Pay Day Bargains $17.00 Dinner Set for $11.98. $6.50 Dinner Set for $4.98. All 50c Tams for 25c. 75c and $1.00 Wrappers for SOc. ~ Belladonna, Atropine or other mydriatic, injurious drags, all of them, and belonging to a past in the science of optics as Applied to eyuaight testing. 1 use of the latest and most improved scien instramenta for Sutermining the possible presence of disease, and to measare accurately all errors of re- traction and muscles. Only when positively needed and . thorough examination of the eyes and glasses is moderate. WwW. H. BAIRD, Eyesight Specialist, the place, Corner Broad and Clark Streets, Waverly. The only exolasive optical parlors ia the valley, promising good results. the charaseter of the ldo my charge fora OF SAYRE. $50,000.00 $12,000.00 'h e Valley Record E MURRELLE, Publisher | the news that’s fit to print” TUESDAY, FREBRUARY 20, 1908. (EPT POLICE AT BAY WITH A GUN CRAZY FRENCHMAN DEFIES GENDARMES FOR WEEKS "HOUSE BESIEGED BY LATTER Thomas Le Cleach, a Farmer, Ren- gored Insane by Wrongs, Barri. endes Home—Finally Wound- od and Captured. _ Paris—Thomas Le Cleach, a farmer, aged 34, Is & prisoner and at the point @¢ Peamarch, Brittany, charged with \ dangerously wounded a mason who bad attempted to disarm bim ‘when he fired upon another and with Buying shot an officer while attempt. ing to arrest him. Before be was taken be bad for weeks defled the gendarmes and only when mortally und Bas been a prey to melancholy ever since. grew to manhood, he never ‘having reverted to civil life, settled down om a little farm Ban three children, the eldest an idot the second a girl of six and the third & boy of three. He has some educa tion and Is regarded by bis peighbors “Rs soul of honor Cn {ly before the death of his wife “Le Cleach conceived the idea of build- ing & manger against the extension of Bis house, He gave the contract to a mason pamed Le Pape. But hardly had the manger been completed when " §t collapesd, tearing away a large por tion of the wall. Le Pape refused to ‘do the work over and Le Cleach sued After tedious delnys the case went just him and the unfortunate farm. his bullding destroyed and all gone to the lawyers, found practically ruined. He raged Norge Suid # i He oa taken aii I have” Re would say; “and Ill have his life” | One afternoon Le Pape was work , Ing near the home of Le Cleach when | the latter ran out into the road to-| ward him with a savage cry and fired | at Le Pape but the bullet pawsed over bis head Another workman named {| Ruhn threw himself upon Le Cleach {to disarm him, but Le Cleach slashed him twice across the face with a knife Next day the police of Poat-Labbe were summoned. On their way to Le Cleach’s house they met him driving iia a cart As they approached to question him he drew a gun from a sack behind him “One step further and you are dead | men'” be shouted “If my gun does not suffice 1 have these other weap | ons" —displaying a batchet and a knife The officers allowed him to return home. After that Le Cleach, armed, kept guard In bis house, allowing none to approach, but parieying with his enemies at a distance. At night he LE CLEACH FOUGHT THE GEND- ARMES WITH MANIACAL FURY barricaded his house and slept with his weapons by his side Finally the young girl who bad cared for his children after the death of his wife took fright and begged her father to come and take her away Le Cleach handed the man the key of the cupboard told him where he would find the salary due the girl and allowed her to go. Then he took care of the children himself as best he could From time to time Le Cleach’s sis ter-in-law came to cook food for them, but Le Cleach never left his post and kept bis gun constantly at band He sald that God had ordered him to resist and had warned him that many heads would fall by his band, and that through a chicken God had informed bim that Friday would be the eventful day. ! The neighbors sympathized with Le Cleach as a wronged man. “When he walked in church the next Sunday morning, as he had announced he would, a large number of them gath- ered to walch his coming. and form, if necessary, a bodygard against the gendarmes He went to the Chuch of Treoultre, carrying his gun and hatchet. The cure and the sexton gave him a place a little apart from the rest of the worshipers After the services Le Cleach re mained until the rest had gone and then lelsurely walked out, allowed | himself to be photographed om the steps of the church and went to the home of his sick father, where he stayed till two o'clock. Then he went to his own home Presently possessed with the [dea that he was Divinely commanded to | meet his enemies he started out on | the road to the light house, near {| which the gendarmes were grouped | Straight on went Le Cleack Twice he | fired upon the gendarmes The first | shot went wild, but the second wound- | ed one of the gendarmes in the chin | and hand. The gendarmes returned | the fire. The unequal battle had not been waged loug before Le Cleach’s neighbors came to his ald and the shooting became general. Finally Le Cleach was seen to stagger, wounded He retreated to bls house under cover | of his protectors, but Lefore he could reach It was morally wounded. He home and a to Win—Half a Hundred Workers Out. The politicians are having a high old time in South Waverly today in their frenzied pursuit of the elusive voter, This morning at 11 o'clock 120 votes had been polled, and this number is not far from the total usually cast in an entire day's voting under ordimary conditions. But the conditions in South Waverly today are extra- ordinary. Each side is putting forth superhuman efforts to secure a majority for its candidates, and the result is mere guesswork until the tally is completed this evening. About half a hundred workers are in evidence, and they have all their best arguments on tap. At 3 o'clock this afternoon one report had it that the number of votes cast had reached 160 or over It is thought the count tonight will show 200 or morc—a surpris- ingly large vote for our usually placid neighbor across the line. But the vote is bound to be big, because it is a big fight. On — EAGLE'S DANCE A “HUGE SUCCESS Waverly—Waverly Aerie, Fra. ternal Order of Eagles, held its first dance last night in Stone's hall and it proved a very enjoyable affair to those who participated From the first opening strains by Kram's orchestra, until the last bar of the concluding number had sounded, merriment and pleasure had full sway, and it was with true regret that the tired but happy dancers took their departure. The Eagles have demonstrated that they know how to give a dance, and it is hoped that they may hold another soon. The committee which had charge of the event was as follows : Edw. Dougherty, Harry Raub, James Cassidy, Frank Hogan, Harry Iliff, Cornelius Ryan, William Mc- Hale and Benjamin Dorgan EDWARD KLEIN DIED YESTERDAY Waverly—FEdward Klein died at the home of his father, Lewis Klein on Johnson street, last night at the age of 25 years, The deceased possessed many admirable traits of character, and his demise will be sincerely re- gretted by a large circle of riends. He was educated in Waverly pubs lic schools, and spent his youth in this village. Later he went to New York city and held a fine position as a public milk inspector. His health failing, he went to turned from that city. The funeral obsequies will be held at St. James church Friday guard was placed around it. He will be allowed to die there | Oak Rockers | at $1.39. morning at g o'clock. BROTHERS SENT 10. JAIL the Pool tribe, and formerly resi dents of Towanda, were arrested yesterday on the old charge of pub- lic intoxication. On examination by the cadi they were seat to the Owego jail, Lyman for 30 days and Fred for 60. Both are uader 13 South and storchouse. 14 W. side new locomotive shop. {15 S. and new locomotive shop. 23 S. E. corner freight car shop 24 S. end smith shop. 235 S. 26 East side power house. 34 N. W. corner roundhouse an'x. 35 North side roundhouse. Dilution. ‘You wouldn't think your milk? “No,” answered Farmer Corntossel “The best | can do now is to capitalize my éalry business an’ walter the stock. "—Washington Star The Usual Way. “Papa, what is your sober second thought *™ “It's usually what we make the mistake of following, when we should auve followed the impulsive, correct, irst thought. —Life. Her Living Expenses. Mr Jackson (surprised)—So yo' find yo'1 living expenses are reduced one- halt since you got married? Mr. Johnson (desperately)—Yals; other half has to go for househnid ex- penses. — Life. of watering A Success Briges—Bliter's daughter did well In literature, didn’t she’ Griges- Yes, indeed | understand that she made money enough on her frst novel to get herself an education, —Life. Had One. “1 fArmly helleve that we shall havo fring machines one of thes days” “We've got 'em now. Any time you want to go fiylng come around snd 1'ill take you out in my auto’ - Houston Post. The Mysterious Ways of Man First Monkey—Man is a curfous ant. ml Second Monkey—Yes; | olse-ve he beats himself when he is cold, and kicks himself when he is hot. —N. Y, Sun Unfair. She—Do you consider it unlucky to marry on Friday? He—It's unfair to charge poor old Friday with & sure thiog like that — Judge. Thefts of Art in Italy. There Is considerable excitement in Italy over the locreasing number of thefts of works of art in churches and monasteries Bird in the Hand. One cook in the kitchen Is worth ten who promised to come. —N. 0. Plea. yune Heroism. A hero Is a man who has met peychological i the moment and embraced Advertised Letters The following is a list of the advertis- ed letters remaining in the Sayre = office for the week ending Feb. 10, 1908, MEN, F. A. Brady, Chas. E. Batkley, Ernest DeWolf, Stanley E. Hallenback, W. J. Jones, J. J. Mahan, J. Mean, Edward Norwood,” Andro Robohaer, Rocco Sa- Crite, Frank Trotman, Ora VanCise, P. D. Williams & Co. WOMEN, Mrs. Lillian Barry, Mrs. Frances Emery, Annie O'Doauell, Mrs. Rose Ran- dall, Mrs. Lottie Rogers, Miss Anna Roeder, FOREIGN. Aurelia Morgia, Vagarini Umberto, Andras Olekisik. If pot called for within two weeks they will be forwarded to the dead let- ter office, Ask for advertised letters, ving date, and bring one cent Lo pay or advertising. J. N. Weaver, P. M. Feb, 19, 1008, Excursions «RIE RAILROAD. $2.25 to Rochester and return Thursday, February 22d. Good going 21 $6.75 to New York and return on Tuesday, March 6th, good to return on or before March 18th. Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chieago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- ing. In time for connections for ern This Is vis Central or Lake Lu berth decayed or ulcerated teeth. Dangerous stomach to $5. Bridge work, r tooth, $4 Gold fillings, 1 up. . Plates, $5.00 to $8.00. 100 CENTER STREET. The Tioga Hose Presents MR. CLIFTON MALLORY Ta the Great English Comedy DAVID GARRICK | Supported by MISS GENEVIEVE DEAN Aud Local Talent Evenings, Feb. 22-23. Grand Hollday Matinee Thursday after- noon at 2:30. A Musical Extravaganza by over 60 peo- ple will precede the action of the play, COSTUMES English court of the peri- SCENERY —By Seaman & Landris. INCIDENTAL MUSIC—by Mrs. Clifton Mallory, Musical Director. Reserved Seat Sale Opens Monday A. M. Reserved Seats 50c and 35¢. Gallery 25¢c. Matinee 10c and 20c. “FISH, FISH If you want fish try S. J. Bellis on Elizabeth street. You can buy the best Fish there every day. Phone orders promptly attended to. Valley Phone 66x. Bell Phone 138w MISSES TABER & LAMBERT Sayre Art Parlor. 129 W. LOCKHART ST. We show a complete line of Fancy Goods, Linens a Materials. Also a pew and up-to-date line of stamping terns for Shirt Waist Suits, Hats, Lio- gerie, shadow eyelet and Freach em- broidery. R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Builder Plans and Bstimates Furnished. 103 Lincoln Bt. Sayre, Pa. Specialties Diseases of Women and of the Rectum, {Hours —T7 toa m,108, 7008p. m. OFFICE-SBAMUELS BLOCK. E. M. DUNHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW., Offio*:—Rooms 4 and 5, Elmer Block, gockhart Btreet, Saye, Pa. i WINLACK, and Counselors at Law. A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. LAWS' BUILDING, 219 DESMOND BT, Valley Phone 180-A. Sayre. C. J. Kiroum, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN, Especial care and prompt at. tention given to moving of Pianos, Household Goods, Safes otc. HILL & BEIBACH Are Best of Everything Lockhart St. Attorneys | i | Sayre. TOUHEY'S HOTEL Brerytulag Now and Up-to-Date. First Ci Accommodations. Thomas Ave, Opposites L. V. Btation Rates $1.50 Per Day. Sayre. A.E. BAKER, 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N.Y. JOHN C. PECKALLY, | DEALER IN Foreign ATHENS, PA. AGENTS WANTED. Brery where eh sidrrres oul o - i ; : i i i h 3 3 i hi sheid Wanted. Com t od wanted for housework. ly at Osborne 207 North Lehigh avenue, Sayre, Four rooms over Wilber's liguor store suitable for office rea sonable, Inquireof B. A. Wilber, Rd Unfurnished rooms for light house- keeping, 8310 W. Lockhart. 1-0 The Dr. Judson property on North street, Athens, Pa. Apply to W. Howard lla, Farmers National Bank, Athens, a. For Rent—The second floor at No. $19 Zausmer, = .