SAYRE, PA. WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. Evenings Succeeding to know it's so good over this We contribute Even the Ice Man is feeling and its possible continuance. to your comfort, Fur offerings They clearance suits, oughly would cos all go on sale at prices. Some well tailored snappy styles and thor- t. If vouare if need of a Suits, $7.87 up Coats, 3.75 up Same as sold Friday. The We will open scriptions from sale was so suc- $1 member for shirts, our 98¢c leader - One lot, all colors, Boy's Sweaters; regular §1 value - a regular $1.50 75¢ | United States. new sub- now until 15, which Pineapple Kuit 69¢ 35¢ Sold every- Third better. Quilts « $12 n sale for See display SI a \SST/a \C) oA 2g Cig Floor Special one day mly - Elmer Avenue Window only. Regular price 98¢ Spec On odds and er 50c values 35¢, § Pale ain ial Closeouts ids of Belts. 25c¢ values 17¢, 1.00 values 59¢ SRR VB Bring Your Job Printing to, | Murrelle's Printing —— Ben move. Jealousy can find no room in a heart FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock a Money on call firm at § per cent, | chaagvs, | ay gs, per et MITHONE. balances, RI, 06.154. Bhan 2X of dry goods at the port of | Office | From four to eight skilled job printers a new, up- equipment gre at your service. dispoction to say we have the | please. We keep Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave., Sayre, Valley Phooe |28x. WE PRINT The Valley Record W. T. GAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office Maney & Page Block, Rooms formerly occupied by the iste John R. Murray, Office boars: —9 to10 a m.; 6:30 to8 p,m. At other times daring day st Valley Record office. ~ BLACKSMITHING HORSESHOEING AND GENER- ERAL REPAIRING. —— Have had over thirty years’ ex- N. Y. Central 9, Norf & West Pean R R Reading Rock Island #t. Paul Southern Pac Southern Ry South. Ry pt Sugar Texas Pacific 18% n ur um, wl = a Union Pacific id U. 8 Stes! U. 8 Bteel pf West Union uss . Missouri Pas New York Markets, OR ou 80d ow steady Mia. nesola +“ nier str a. BRGIE, inter extras £23083 tor | Bgaf WHEAT lyuigatten was promineat ia impelled Dy weak ca of su 1. ices off yo In the | fr; ‘tay, BW |-1tc.; Beptember | WI lo f+ A under —_— cables and uidat y. | yuk CLOW Bliely NC city, gc: “ anipping. T%Os3ac. . good | uietl; long rye. BQEc BEANS—-8teady. marrow RB lga. 1s me Sum. $2.10; pea, 570. red kidney, R209 £3 HOPS Firm, Mate. common 10 choice, 18, Qs, #Gilc. ; olds, ie Ps Sifle coast, 198, gle. 1904 , "olds, U ITTER~Creatnery, extras, per pound, (Mereantile Exchange officia | quota ion, extras, ric), firstly We: seconds, 18g ; thirds, 16¢17c . held. ex- tras, 19gTic | seconds, 29 lac. fir wt rats, state dairy, tubs, extras, ug3c, 8. WP thirds ei . seconds, WgI%x CHEESE State, full cream, small and large, colored and white, tember. fan- cy as } A tx 1% wt made, small, 8 . at, gi , Ught aa fall 1%ec ; winter made, ce; commen to falr "@TRe LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE A Gala Dramatié Festival. A Week of Grand Productions Commencing MONDAY, FEBUARY 12, Six Nights. Six Matinees. Special bill matinee and night on Lincoln's Birthday (Monday.) Chas. H. Rosskam Presents the CHICAGO STOCK (0. In Extraordinary Repertoire. Seven Big Vaudeville Features Be- tween the Acfa NIGHTS: Friday - Quo Vadis. Beturday The Scout's Revenge, MATINEES: Friday — Fanchon, the Cricket. Saturday —Cindrella. Prices —10, 20 and 30c. 10 and 20c. Sale of seats commences Friday at Matinee — HILL & BEIBACH CAFE neyivania and neardy, ssiected, white, fABcy, PS. ¢hoice NP Ze, firsts, 17c.. dirt . refrigerators. per TRY Chichens, spri | owls, 1c | Fost. os E ED’ EX Gm, pr Tak oh Prin | deiphia, = pound, PR Ohio, geighia unds end under case. LUI 0 LIVE POU pound, Llc eg oh po per pair an dry picked, I8J1% ennsfivania. bc Philadelphia, dry ked, arn, dry picked, Selected, , Average rus, 1% 9 vedi ee: ix uid per dosen, cocks, 4 lcked ate nNWG TS, squabs, prime, | Ras mined, culls, DR ED MEATS Calves steady at 4c. Jeune for city dressed vealds a agile or country dressed: mutton quiet at ae pound; weak at 101k ec yumtry reased lambs al 34910 per carcass; country od hogs steady at $Gtne. Per pound Live Steck Naskets. CATTLE choice, nil rims. Ee eal ugha over, New fowls ring od ga Lockhart St. Sayre. FISH, FISH If you want fish try S. J. Bellis on Elizabeth street. You can buy the best Fish there every day. Phone orders promptly attended to. | Valley Phone 66x. Bell Phone 138w MISSES TABER & LAMBERT Sayre Art Parlor. 129 W. LOCKHART ST. NonpR 3 couplets iw o of Bauey ‘| Goods, Lineas Waist np | EES HIER. Howard Brigham and wife weat to Susquechasas to spend Sunday. S. R. Payne is having his shade trees treated for the San Jose scale. Miss Anna Callear of Bingham- ton was visiting friends in Athens yesterday. Mrs. George Atwood and Mrs. William Atwood were in Wyaluss ing today visiting friends, Samuel G. Lane and wife went to Towanda today to visit Mrs. Lane's brother, William Donley. The Misses Mary and Irene Warner went to Milan this morn- ing to spend Sunday with friends. Mrs. Russel Carrington has been the guest of her brother, George Stroud, and returned to New Era Pa., today. William Barber, while working in the Sayre yards yesterday fell and sprained his right hand and is now off duty. Mrs. John Haaver and her two granddaughters, Mertic and Sybil of Elmira, were visiting at C. W. Crans yesterday. Mrs. M. J. Robinson and Mrs. James Park were called to Wysox this moming on account of the serious illness of their brother, O. Helen, the seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Crayton, First street, fell on the icy street in front of her home yesterday and sustained a severe laceration of her chin. Dr. Everitt was called and dressed the wound. The great traveler i and Jechiel, Grant Huston, will deliver a lecture on “The Buried Cities of Antiquity,” at the Baptist church, Saturday evening, March 3. It will be illustrated with views of Egypt and the Holy Land and will be very instructive, John L Sullivan and Lucas Sto- ver were arrested and spent last night in the lockup. This moming they were brought before Burgess Macafece, when sentence was suspended in case of Sullivan and Stover was given time to get his clothes together and leave town. He claimed Elmira as his home. OLD COMRADE COMRADES Athens—Gabe M Mullock and an old army comrade, Joseph W. Adle, who served in Battery F and I, First New York Light Artillery, were in Athens yesterday. Com- rade Adle resides in Jackson's Hole, Unita county, Wyoming, where he is surrounded by the Rocky Mountains, and has had many hair raising encounters with bears, mountain lions, and elk. He says these wild animals have bes come quite docile now and he en- joys their society very much. There arc millions of them but they do not harm anyone when let alone. FORMER PROFFESSOR HERE Prof. M. G. Benedict, a former superintendent of the Athens schools, was in Athens calling on old friends last night. He is now superintendent of the schools in Utica, N. Y. where he has 10,000 scholars and over 300 teachers under his charge. The duties must be pleasant for he car- ries the same agreeable coun- tenance as in former years, and care does not seem to make any wrinkles on his brow. NOTICE All members of Washington Camp 623 P.O.S. of A, are re- quested to meet at P.O. S. of A. hall in the Sanford block, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, to attend divine service in a body at the Bap- tist church. Camp 8 of Waverly and Camp 272 of Sayre will join. By order of President, A. M. Hunsiager. Subscribe for The Record. Athens—The Baptist church was crammed full to overflowing last convention, As we saw the charm: with coal scuttle hats, trimmed with bright red ribbons, lugging their pails and milking stools in "WILLIAMS & SUTTON SHOES Sayre, Pa, FURS tactful parade there was an entranc- Mrs Fred Drake presided over the ner. As we were present through ( the courtesy of the delegates we would like to give an extended re- port, but our space is limited. It was interesting and throughout the whole performance and the audience were delighted. The delegate from St. Louis brought along a cow that resembled a Rocky Mountain canary bird which was led upon the stage at the end of the performance. ,This seemed to create a scene of wild terror and the fair delegates ended their convention suddenly. We presume this convention will prove a benefit to the social life of this community and that strawberries and cream will be sweeter and cheaper than ever before season. GAMBLING MUST GO Bill at Albany to Wipe Out Race Track Betting. GOVERNOR HICCINS BACKS IT UP. Measure, if Passed, Would Make Speeniation on Herse HRaciag » Felony Pualshable With imprisonment. ALBANY, N. Y, Feb 17.—A blll (n- tended to wipe out gambling at the race track by making it a felony bas been Introduced by Senater Cassidy and Assemblyman Lansing Arrayed on the side of this proposed law is Governor Higgins himself, the International Reform bureau, the New York Boclety For the Buppression of Vice, the Christian Endeavor society and religious associations and instito- tions throughout the city and state. It is proposed to conduet a whirl wind campaign throughout the stats, starting with a large mass meeting a Albany by leading pastors. Governor Higgins affirmed the claim of the backers of the bill that be stood with them In their effort to suppress race track gambling “When the Percy-Gray bill legalizing poolseliing at race tracks was passed several years ago,” sald the governor, “1 was one of the four or five senators who opposed it. 1 Delleve that, in spirit at least It was not eonstito tional. “Il bave no Lesitaney in saying that from a moral standpoint it is impos- sible for me to understand how the ast of a man on ode side of a fence can be legalizcd while on the other side of the fence it ls & crime ~ West Shore Filer Wrecked. ALBANY, N.Y, Feb. VM —A mis placed switeh at the west end of the Bavena yard, about twenty miles fro: Albany, came near causing a serious loss of life en the West Shore road Train No. 4 known as the Continental Limited, eastbound from St. Leuls to New York, crossed from the east to the west tracks by mistake and, golag et the rate of sixty miles an hour, crash- od into a heavily ladea ccal train which steed on a side track near by. The pessenger engine, baggage ear, cem- bination and day coaches left the track and were pled high in the air with the wrecked coal cars. Cae Pllled With Raplesives. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 17.—~While a freight train from Viadivostok was anloadifg at the Nicholas rallway sta- tion a Lox fell The fall was followed by an explosion by which several per sons were Injured. Investigation proved that the entire car was filled with ex- 3% Are only a part of the big assortment of our Walk-Over line, which now offers you ) oi New Styles New Lasts New Leathers ee HT EY B0 | Is the order of the | day. Asa city, we | will inevitably have | * anew Town Hall, a complete sewer system and fine pavements, You can add to EE the general 1 m- | AM) Wek days only, for Athens, Ulster, Towands, oe provement. ies Snir Ss Lacey. An up to date Bg (Waverly A. M.) Daily bathroom ora good bans fives ren i RES y heating system will {cx Eo Baltimore and W add value to ror ™ an iag viv. 1b Hen Milas, fr fh te property, give you more comfort and 1: Pili MM. {Wanssy pA P. M) Dally N- ns mr, en. dumm SSE Washington y better health. And it doesn't cost so P.M Daily excupe ee Black Die 3 0 Wie re ‘Glen sume | mit Chunk, | York, Palladeiphid, much. Ask us about Hw kJ M. oo Ae ts, M) Week {Im effect Dec. 3, 10s.) Trains lesve Sayre as follows: RASTBOUND. Ws A.M. Pally far Taaxhanacek '\y it. DO IT NOW, Baltimore and Washington, A c— H.R. TALMADSE, Both ‘Phones. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Eye, Har, Nose and | Throat, and the pe. Nomen |; =. Hoare—9-13; 1$; 7-8; EE ‘M a a wWpointment. Rg Wheelock Hinak, L. B. DENISON, M. D. 3 142 Ec SE ES SRR. Office, Rooms 2 and 4 p ibe. Han Cope Sr ieee Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. Detroit, i gry degli ey poista Valley Phone at office and 5:33 252. Dally exoapt Sunday, Black Dis- residence ile, yy iil DetreM, Chicage, 16:38 Epon ct Snes AUBURN DIVIRION. A.M. Week days only, for Owegd, Pree | 09 22 orang Cauanota Groton, [; Moravia, Audbura, ven, Syracuse, Utica and 3505 EE RS ee. There is no nook nor cor- ‘ner where The Valley Rec- (ord does not circulate H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers. Valley Phoon 11 X. {2 Desmond Street, 4% M. Dally for Owego, Preeville, Cord pt, ten and Alvar 2% 8 FF Sayre. | Try an ad in The Record. Murphy & Blish, *6+009 AND Neckwear Have Arrived SAYRE, PA. Lockhart St, . Next to Postoffice.