ison. A big li x terday Afternoon at Elmira Harry Casey, who says that his right name is Joseph O'Donnell, was sentenced toAuburn prison for life for the murder of Charles Keough, a bartender in a notorious resort known as “Ted McCann's hotel on Railroad ave- complete at so ght at a small price. IF YOU WANT BOOKS OF ANY KIND All the late fiction. Mag- azines, Daily and Sunday New Papers, Box stationery, Tablets, Blank Books, Inks, novel- ties, ete. a EEE SPECIAL PRICES ing Machines. We have Si , Wheeler & 80d othér mages of machines. Organs, Sheet Music. WH Pay You to Get Prices Before You Buy Also Edison's Talking Machines Records. Valley Phone 90c. Tiffany's Music Store, 222 Main Street, Athens, Pa. ems The Valley Record ee “All the news that's 8¢ to print’ SATURDAY, FEERUARY 17, 1006. WC. BREVTIE Bon—February 15, 1906, to Mrs. Joyn Bigelow of 10: Brock Street, an eight pound baby, 75¢ and $1.00 Wrappers only $0c during L. V. pay day week at Gregg’s Racket Store, Waverly. Miss Balliet's class of the Baptist Sunday school will hold a candy sale this afternoon at Williams's grocery store, ————— The missionary society of the Methodist church met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jas. Case on South Wilbur avenue. ———— Harvey Gray will give the thir. teenth of a series of dances in Eighmey’'s hall this evening. A large crowd and a fine time are an- ticipated, EE — i ——— Mn. M. J. Wolcott has sold out ~ the stock in her store at the corner of Bensley and First streets, and went to Chemung today where she will reside in the future, Lady wi § illard Rebekah e ~ No. 131, will serve 5 ® supper in 1. O. O.F, hall this = evening, Feb. 16, from 6 to ERTS CO. 322 8. Main St., Athens. we both lose money. “wa | All soc Tams at 25c at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. Smoke Peers Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar EE — A —— Miss Ethel Wood went to Ithaca this afternoon where she will visit friends over Sunday. The Junior League will meet in the M. E. church tomorrow at 3 o'clock. Leader Miss Martha Fox. All are welcome. A banquet will be given at C. W. Cannoll’s, Chemung street, Waverly, this evening, by the Valley Mail Carriers’ association, About sixty members of a comic opera company which appeared in Elmira last night, stopped over in Sayre this morning enroute for Wilkes-Barre. While here the company took breakfast at the various restaurants in town. GENEVA WITRESSES DAVID GARRICK Smith's opera house was packed from orchestra rail to gallery last evening, to witness the production of David Garrick, under the au- spices of Geneva Chapter, No, 83, Order of Eastern Star. From the hearty rounds of applause that re— peatedly arose from the audience, it was evident that they were pleased with the production, which was fine from start to finish, The Scenery, costumes and effects were truly beautiful and added much to the effective acting of Mr, Mallory and his ascistants. Miss Genevieve Dean, who plays the part of Ada, is a clever young miss and well adapted to the part. The extrava- ganza which preceeded the play made a hit which reflected much credit upon Mrs. Mallory’s musical ability —Geneva Evening Times, May 8, 190s. The Tioga Hose will give the above production at the Loomis, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, Feb. 21 and 22. Matinee Thurs. day, Feb. 22, at 2:30. BUSY WITH COAL TRADE At present the Lehigh Valley railroad and other coal carrying roads are busy rushing the output of coal from the various collieries in both the anthracite and bitumin. ous regions to the market and storage places in order to have a large supply on hand should a strike be declared. This rush will continue until April, when strike or no strike, there is bound to be a lull. All the power and rolling stock are now being pressed into service and collieries are being pushed to their capacity. OPENED TAILOR Shop A. Atkin, an up-to-date mer. chant tailor, will open a tailor shop at No. 132 Lockhart street, over Raymond & Haupt's confec- tionery store. Mr. Atkin is a thor- oughly competent cutter and fitter est fabrics for men's and men’s suits, When you begin to the jury convicted Casey of mur- der in the second degree which carries with it a life sentence. The history of the crime is well known to newspaper readers in this section. On the night of June 3, 190s, Casey, in company with two women of disrepute, went to McCann's hotel. Drinks were ordered and for a time hilarity reigned supreme. Then Charles Keough, the bartender, ordered Casey from the place. A row en- sued and Keough was shot. The jury says that Casey is the one that did the shooting. Casey es- caped during the excitement that followed the shooting. He was hatless and this fact assisted the officers in capturing him two or three days later near Big Flats. Casey, or O'Donnell, is 23 years old, and was born in Philadelphia. He is a well educated fellow, and was a piano player of considerable ability, but prostituted his talent in this respect by hiring his services almost exclusively to houses of ill fame. Throughout the entire trial Casey maintained a stolid de- meanor, and when he heard the words yesterday afternoon which means imprisonment for the term of his natural life his cool nerve did not desert him. Shortly after sentence was pro~ nounced Casey's attorneys, Messrs, Knipp & Aldrich, moved for a new trial on the ground that the weight of the evidence was not in accord ance with the verdict of the jury, and also that the court had mis- directed the jury in a matter of law. The court denied the motion for’ a new trial and Casey will probably be taken to Auburn to. day. Whether or not Casey's at- torneys will appeal in his behalf is not definitely determined. The motion for and a denial of a new trial simply furnishes the grounds for appeal, but it would appear from the evidence presented to the jury on the trial that justice has been done and that Casey has been given the benefit of every doubt. During his confinement in the county jail Casey has been a model prisoner and when sentence was pronounced yesterday afternoon many of those connected with the jail who were acquainted with Casey wept out of pure sympathy, WILL CLOSE ENGAGENENT The Chicago Stock Company, which has during the present week presented a fine line of plays at the Loomis, closes its engagement with “The Scout's Revenge,” a drama tthe scenes of which are laid in the great west, being the attraction The company has played to fair business and the audiences have been well pleased. CHURCH OF CHRIST The Rev. Mr. Tilden of Waver- ly, will occupy the pulpit at the Church of Christ at the morning services tomorrow in the absence of the pastor. In the evening the regnlar pastor will preach, The Christian Endeavor Society at 6:30 will render a special program on Foreign Missions, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY | On account of ill health of owner, a long established mercan— tile business in this valley is offered for quick sale at 90 per Address Opportunity, Sayre, Pa. 203f inquiries to Business TWICE ARRES GINEER MILL TED, — yy | {H. Jacobs Had Rather a Strenu. Escaping Steam , Burns En- ous Time Yeiterday on a gineman Severely Board Bill Richard Hill, the well known | Arrested twice in one day is the Lehigh Valley engineer, who res | record which H, Jacobs established sides in Sayre at the corner of | here yesterday. Jacobs ‘has been Elmer avenue and Mohawk street, {boarding with John Touhey, lands islying on a cot in the City Hos- lord of the Touhey hotel on pital at Buffalo suffering from se- | Thomas avenue, and the landlord vere burns which he received near alleges that Jacobs left the hotel that city late yesterday afternoon. | without paying for his board and Hill was the engineman on the | lodging. Yesterday Touhey went engine which was drawing BJ6 before Justice C. S Gay and and when a short distance out of (secured a warrant for his ex Buffalo he began to operate the in- | boarder’s arrest. When arraigned jector on the engine. , While so | Jacobs was represented by Attor- doing the injector broke and ins Iney C. C. Yocum and he moved his stantly Hill was enveloped in [client's discharge on the grounds steam, and before he could beat a|that the complaint did not allege retreat was severely scalded about that a crime had been committed. the face and shoulders. His hands The motion was granted and a new were also badly burned. He was complaint and warrant were issued taken from his engine by.the fires [and Jacobs was again arrested. He man and hastened to the hospital. | was released a second time on mo- While the burns are not of a ser- tion of his attorney and then Mr. ious nature they are very painful. | Touhey took another course to It will be several days before he [collect his board bill. He caused can leave the hospital. an attachment execution to be Mrs. John Hill and Mrs, Henry |issued, and now Mr. Jacobs will be Champion, relatives to the injured [unable to secure wages due him man, went to Buffalo today. for labor performed for the Le. MCRACKEN HELD TO ws COURT OF SESSIONS SAYRE SUNDAY SERVICES Charged by His Wife With Fail- Presbyterian Church Morning service, 10:30. ing to Support Their Two Small Children Sunday school, 11:45. Christian Endeavor, 6:30, Bveaing service, 7:30. : be Rev. E. C, Petrie, Pastor. Church of Christ John C. McCracken was held to | Sroring service, 10:30. court today in the sum of $200 Christian Endeavor, 6:00. bail, charged by his wife with fai]. | Eves ing to support their two children, aged three and six respectively, McCracken and his wife are living | apart under articles of separation, | and she has caused his arrest sey- eral times, alleging nonsupport of | the children. Two weeks ago Mc- Cracken was again arrested and when arraigned for a hearing he | entered into another agreement | whereby he was to provide his| children a suitable home. Pending the fulfilment of this agreement the case against him was held open | until today. This morning his wife appeared in court and stated that he had not kept his promise and at the conclusion of the hear- ing McCracken was held to court, WAS LYING IN THE STREET | Last night shortly after twelve o'clock a man was found lying on the sidewalk in front of Vanduyn & Hawkins’ restaurant on Des. mond street. He was helplessly drunk, and as the weather was somewhat against outdoor sleeping purposes, he was taken to the lock up for the night. This morning Officer Corner took him before Justice C.S. Gay. The man re- fused to give his name but said that he was a soldier and that he was on his way to Washington, D. C. After a few words of advice as | to the danger of drinking, especial- ly when the thermometer is at the zero mark, the man was allowed to £0 on his way rejoicing. —emn NOTICE service, 7:00, he Rev. M. B. Wood, Pastor. Lutheran Church. Morning service, 10:30. Sunday school, 11:45, Evening service 7:30, The Rev, EM. Beysher, Pastor. Baptist Church Morning service, 10:30. Sunday school, 11:50. B. Y. P. U. meeting, 6:30. Evening service, 7:80. The Rev. IL W, Bingham, Pastor. — Church of the Epiphany First Mass, 8:00, High Mass, 10:80, Sunday School, 2:00 p,m. Benediction, 7:30 p. m. The Rev, J. L, Shanley, Rector, Church of Redeemer Communion 8:00, orning service 10:30, Sunday school 12:00, Evening service 7:30. The Rev. F. T, Cady, Rector, nnn Wheelock Memorial Chapel Preaching service, 2:30. Sanday school, 8:89, Methodist Church Men's meeting, 9:80. orning service, 10:30, Toney een) 12:00, unior e 3:00 p. m. Epworth League, 0-8. vening service, 7:00. © Rev. J. F. Warner, Pastor, Very Cheap Traveling Beginning Feb. 14 and continuing dai- {ly until April 8th, the Erie R. R. will sell colonist tickets to al and numerous Interior points at very low rates, which will be quoted and all other information given by calling on or writing any Erie tioket agent, or J. H. Webster, D. P, A, Elmira. N, Y, 226-e0d LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE The Tioga Hose Presents | MR. CLIFTON MALLORY { In the Great English Comedy Want ads inserted by persons DAVID GARRICK not having a ledger account with The Record must be paid for when | Suppqrted by ordered printed. We positively | MISS GENEVIEVE DEAN cannot charge want ads indiscrim. | And Local Talent inately—the expense of bookkeep. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ing and collecting is entirely out of proportion to the amount iavoly- | ed in the transaction. Evenings, Feb. 22-23. Grand Holiday Matinee Thursday after- noon at 1:30, A.].GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. COSTUMES English court of the peri Plans and Betimates Furnished | od of 1742, by Hermann and Miller, 535 Stevenson 86. Sayre, Pa, | SCENERY —Ry Seaman & Landris. INCIDENTAL MUSIC by Mrs. Clifton ey E. M. DUNHAM, Mallory, Musical Director, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. | A Musical Extravaganza by over 00 peo- | ple will precede the Action of the play, | Reserved Seat Sale Opens Monda | Reteryed Seats 80c and G AM, allery Offies:— Rooms ¢ aad §, Rimer Block, Loekbert Street, Sayre, Pa. Solid Oak $11.00. Solid Oak $17.00. Solid Oak up to $26.00. Pictures Framed. CALDWELL'S FURNITURE STORE 205 Desmond Street, Valley Phone 181. TAKE A POLICY WITH THE NATIONAL PROTECTIVE LEGION The safety of any busincas Our Assets Liabilities : No. of policies in force, 13 Dividends paid past year Disability paid past year Death, paid past year 61,830 61 E. F. MERCEREAU, Dist. Manager, Office 112 Desmond St., Sayre. PATENT MEDICINES AND DRUGS is in its management. Invest] January 1, 1808, Las 4, 7.812, Gain of about 40,000 past year ch $1,810,02¢ 81 287,167 BO : LIM og GUT PRICES! —— eee Creditors will sell all stock of H. L. Gillespie at prices lower than ever offered in Sayre. GILLESPIE'S DRUG STORE 201 LOCKHART ST, SAYRE, PA. Cover Your Fire Losses with a policy in one of the firm insur Why carry such a risk when we'll do it for you at very reasonable rates. We'll name the rate on any property at your slightest suggestion. ——————————— FRED]. TAYLOR SAYRE, PA. a cs Wm. B. McDonald, D.D.S. gives new life and lustre to old tables, chairs, furniture and picture frames. It is the ideal finish for floors, interior wood work, bath rooms, sash and sills Thirteen colors—100 differ ent uses—75¢ a quart can. All the best and most widely advertised goods are always to be found at this store and at prices to please every purse. BOLICH BRO'S HARDWARE Desmond St Sayre All modern methods for the scien- | tific performance of painless opera- tions on the mouth and teeth. 104 South Elmer Ave, OVER THE GLOBE STORE Advertise in The Record. Sere ce TO THE SICK AND AFFLICTED Almost every case of chronic disease can ni be cured {ff the orop- er wedicine is used. , Often aliopathic med- | U3 icine is ueedod, other | Mu times, homeopathic or | [HB electric, and some. times all. The poly pathic method used by The Doctors of the Eleotro Medical Institute, includes | all systems, Call and at least investi- | ate this method. Consultation is free | Bi and private. The doctor will be at 7 The Tioga Hotel, Waverly From o Feb. 12 to Feb, 18. Greek-American Confec- tion and Candy Store. Nice Special Fresh Mixed candy, 8 pounds... 25 Ibe... 35 Mixed Chocolates, 3 Nice Freah Mixed Chocolaes 21bs ‘res aaes 45 Nice Fresh Candy ers Valley Recor,