REESER KESSLER [| rt ree | PRESS ON PUR. £ BIG STORE WITHEEB LITTLE PRICES. CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. SAYRE, PA. Evenings Succeeding « DAY MORNING, | i gelling during the winter. 2 now, but can't last long at the C sharp cuts made on this seasonable merchandise OME EARLY AND STAY LATE = 6,000 Yards. American, There are no better made, 5c 2,000 Yards. Waverly Zephyr Ginghams, play Lockhart street window, 2,000 Yards. i patterns alike. Fo Comfortables, to us, 89cup. Shoe Department Red's Cushion Sole Shoes for women. A regular $350 value Special introductory price for ¥Fiiday and Saturday, $2.69 Boys' and Girls’ box calf and Dongola Kid, Carlisle Shoes, Goodyear welt. Regular $2.50 value, $1.89. Prints 52 patterns, our See dis- Friday only 5¢ Gent's Furnishings Small lot of pineapple knit sweaters, all colors. A strong $100 value, 69. Men's part wool hose, a 15¢ value, 10c Men's underwear. 50c value now selling at 30c. $1.00 value now selling at 60c. $1 50 value, now selling at $1.19. $2.00 value, now selling at $1.39 boys’ No two Bath Special Sale of Ladies’ Collars FOR FRIDAY ONLY 100 lbs. * Saturday forenoon only. ‘make 8 comparison with what DoaF AW AA ~ FOTOS N Your Job Printing to Office From four to eight skilled job and a new, up-to-date are at your service. say we have the please. We keep Talmadge Bullding, Elmer Ave., Sayre. Yalicy Phone |128x. WE PRINT The Valley Record W. T. CAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Office Maney & Page Block, Rooms formerly occupied by the ate Jobn R. Murray, Oflos hours: 9 to 10a m.; 6.30 to8p m. Atother times during day at Valley Record office. fh AAALADAALAALL SS AL 8 oA 88 848 8 SLOP ITITITITTITITITTITITITTTITYTY ~ BLACKSMITHING HORSESHOERING AND GENER- BRAL REPAIRING. Hate bad over thirty years’ ex- horseshoeing work lo Your Tha Wav- 10 ft. case filled with Linen Collars, embroid- ered and faggoted edge. 12¢ values for 7c 25¢ values for 17¢c 100 lbs Basement Specials Thursday, "Friday and Saturday 2 and 3 hoop Corry wood pails, a regular 17¢c value, 12¢. No. 8 wash bailers, tin, 42¢. No 9 tin wash boilers, copper bottom, sale price 70c. No. 8 parlor brooms, 25¢. Sleeve board mith padded top, sold ordinarily at 50¢, our a dollar will do | prica 2 Enameline, 9c. Enameline, 5c size, 3c 10c size, 6c. Jardiniers, 10c up Furniture, Rugs and Carpets or cash. Consult gur pan. 8% a T%: Installment ITH 2% NE _— OET%a i IPE HSE A Gala Dramatic Festival A Week of Grand Productions Commencing MONDAY, FEBUARY 12, Six Nights, Novel Medical Treatment. Io a Loudon hospital a wave sireu is hears. When once it is discovered that selected, and an attempt is made Lostim- arouse the If the tuning fork is not suffi- of u resonator Six Matinees. — English in India Of the natives of India, about 2,000,- Special bill matinee and night on 000 can pow read English Lincoln's Birthday (Monday) re Chas. H. Rosskam Too Light. , Presents the “mm CHONG STO0K CO | In Extraordinary Repertoire Big Vaudeville Features Be tween the Acfs —————————— One Better «Marrying for love Is great and lovers never rue it But marrying for love and wealth Is muh superior 1g It —Hous! on Post i | r————— | | A NATURAL CONCLUSION. | NIGHTS: Thursday The Suburban. Friday —-Quo Vadis, Setarday The Scout's Revenge, MATINEES: Thursdey ~The Mystery of Malvern, Friday Fanchon, the Cricket, Saturday Cindrella, | Prices — 10, 20 and 30c. 10 and 20e¢. Sale of seats commences Friday at {9 a. m. at the W.U. Tel. Office Mrs Noolywed-—-Obhb, Jack' there is! the tramp | gave my biscuits wun FILL & BEIBACH week Nooly wed — Chicago CAFE i . { * ‘Best of Everything Hu tere will be few times when be { Ww have to break bh © ; . i — Rec a dy Lockhart St —— . A Long Time. Debutante And did you with your first husband? Chicago Matron—Yes, inueed, dearie —@& long time. We came home from our wedding trip wgether — Judge Matinee — It must be his ghost - | Journal A Qulet Man's Advantage Thre man who thinks before he speaks May rot often be heard live long Sayre. FISH, FISH If you want fish try S. J. Bellis on how happy ENzabeth street. You can buy the best Fish there every day. Phope orders = promptly attended to Valley Phone 66x. Bell Phone 138w MISSES TABER & LAMBERT | Sayre Art Parlor. Peychical. 129 W. LOCKHART ST. Tommy—Pa what is meant by aute ha tT suggestion? pt Pa—It's when yoor ma drops & hint | Ser she wants one —N. Wanted More Silence. “Tis ever woman's lot to suffer in silence He Yes, and uf they'd only let us| suffer in the same way we'd be Tit Bits She Those Hats. “Is my hat on straight? “Perfectly ” “Then It's on crooked, walt a min ute till J Ax it; It ought to tilt a It tie." —Houston Post. A. J] Roell has returned to New York. hs Delos Dubois was in Greenwocd today on business, E. B Carner was transacting business in Elmira today. Charles Hosmer played at a dance in Wellsburg last night. The ladies’ whist club met at the home of Mrs. | M. Felt this after- noon. The young hes’ "ine club met at the home of A, S. Buckley last evening. Barney Kain and | hn B Ackley were transacting business at the county scat today. Mrs. L. H. Patton went to Dushore today to visit her sister, Mrs George Str ng. L G Marshall went to Smith field this morning cows for an"Athenian. Mrs. J] H. Ludwig and children went to Milan today to visit at the home of Jacob B flert to purchase Mr. and Mrs. ‘Howard Brigham are guests at the home of John F, Kingsley, Walnut street, The oil well is down 850 fect and the gas 1s from a pocket to the height of five fect fl swing Mrs. Henry Puweil of Towanda has been the guest of her brother, J F. Kingsley and returned hom this noon. Miss Jennie McKenzie, a trained nurse, went to Dushore this mon ing to take charge of a case in that place. E.] Carner went to Piladelphia to day, where he will reside in the future His wife and daughter will follow on Saturday. Francis Cole, one of the oldest men in Bradford county, is in quite fceble health at the home of his daughter, Mrs Delos Dubois Seth D [Hawkins has purchased the Allen house on Chestnut strect of M. P. Murray, and will take possession April 1 81,000. Consideration Mrs Henry Covey and daughter Amy and the Misses Ada and Dora House went to Moxie this morning to visit a short time with friend- and relatives, The Ladies’ missionary societ: of the Presbyterian church met at the church parlors last evening Refreshments were served and sev eral gentlemen were in attendance It has been decided to admit gentlemen as honorary members hereafter on payment of one dollar Mrs. C. H. Graves recently sent to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D W. Tripp, a postal card on which is engraved a picture of Castle Tyress one of the old residences of a celebrated crowned head of Sweeden in the fourteenth century, was built in the year 1300, and de- stoyed in 1400. It was rebuiltin the year that Columbus discovered America. It is now in a good state of preservation. Very Cheap Traveling Beginning Feb. 14 and continuing dai- ly until April 6th, the Erie R. R. will sell colonist tickets to all Pacifico Coast and numerous Interior points at ve low rates, which will be quoted and all other information given by calling on or writing any Erie ticket agent, or J. H. Webster, D. P, A, Elmira. N.Y, 226-e0d er —— ct fp Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- In time for connections for west- g nts. This is via Lehigh valley, Mie Central or Lake Bhore - roads. Rleeper $3.00 double berth from Buffalo. Best services and Sibipment finest roadbad - anexorlied ing cars REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ||: Small Farms, Large Farnns, Good Build- ings, good fruits, well watered. Houses for sale or exchange. All at bargain prices. Houses to rent. ANDRK EW EVARTS, REY Talmadge Blk Home phone 81.m Executor’s Notice Letters testimentary on the estaie of dats ct Ath- ereases of Tem Per Cent. aa YORK, Feb. 15.-The demands made by the miners at their conference With the coal operators here today Are given as follows: First —A trade agreement between the operators and the noion which will be a full and complete recoguition of the union Second —- A reconstruction of the present conciliation board, so that each of the three anthracite districts shall have a separate and distinct beard, the compositien of these concilintion boanls (6 Le determined by the opera tors aud district officers of the union Third. —An eight hour day for all classes of Iabor, skilled and unskilled; working in and about the mines Fourth.—A 10 per cent increase in wages without exception to all classes of workmen and to luclude employees of the independent collieries as well as the coal carrying rallroads es of labor in the anthracite districts unable the anthracite commission Curious Pranks Played on Steamer Sarnia at Cartagena. NEW YORK, Feb 10 quake of cousiderable which plaved curions praopks Hitle serious dapusge was reported by the steamer Rarmia, which bas arrived bere from Cartagena, a seaport of Co lombla, The shock was felt while the Sarnia was moored at a dock in the Larbor of Cartageua, The day was cloudiess and the weath- er nearly perfect when the Samia sud: deuly began to roll and plunge. liume- diately there was a report like that of a small cannon, and the four Incl Hawser which moored the steamer to the dock snupped in two. Smaller craft about the harbor were wore serfously affected, sowe of them striking violently against the docks while others were swept completely clear of their moorings The Colotublan warship Cartagena, Iylug wear the Sarna, had a similar ex- perience to that of the latter steamer, bréaking a four inch mooring rope. aps SUGGESTS GRAFT. magnitude, moore! Defeated Russian Admiral Rojestvens sky's ‘Story of Disaster. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. 15.— "Per haps 1 am guilty to some extent for our defeat aud perhaps my subordinates did not do ail they might have done, but af all events we who fought the battle were pot thieves,” sald Aduiral Rojestven sky, who addressed the Imperial Tech. nical society on the causes of the de feat of the Russians at the battle of the sed of Japan The admiral made po specifications regarding rascality in the coustruction or equipment of the slips, but he cow mented at length on the destructive ef fect of the heavy Japanese shells which when they only exploded In the water near the Russian vessels cracked their plates and opened great leaks, while those which bit the Russian ships were as destructive as wines A young lleutenaot during the dis cussion attempted to lay the blue on subwarine boats, but the admiral de pled that submarine boats or mines were used duriug the engagement, "Another Theory. “1 don't suppose the Indians will ever get entirely over their desire to punish the whites for the wrongs to thelr race.” “No,” answered the college profes- sor; “It is possible that Instinct which makes them such aggressive foot ball players." —Washington Star FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call firm at # per cent; prime Mercantile paper, 5,ytly per cent; exchanges, Bes §41.178; balances, $13.64 013 Closing prices Amal Copper. 113% 10% Atchison N's 5% B&O . 1 Brooklyn R. T.. & Reading C,.C.C&B8t.L 104 Rock Island Ches & Ohlo oy 8t Paul ’ Chi & Northw. xy; Scuthern Pac D &H.. 713 Bouthern* Ry Erle # Bouth. Ry. pt Gen Electric 173 Bugar .. 1. Central 176% Texma Pacific Lackawanna 4%, Unlon Pacific louls & Nash. 1497 U. 8 Steel Oy Manhattan 199% U. B. Steel pf. ln Metropolitan. .. 130% West. Union n Missour! Pac 101% N. Y. Central Norf. & West Penn. R. R.. BY 1044 New York Markets, FLOUR-Duill and unchanged, Minne sola” patents, MOGI, winter straights Rg winter extras, $1763. 3; winter patents, Wg w WHEAT—Influenced by a severe cold wave In winter wheat sections and cov ering of shorts, the wheat market was firm at 3c. advance; July, 0% U% lc; Bepielnp en Rog 5% ¢ UTTER--Creamery, extras, per pound, Ze. (Mercantile Exchange official quota tion, extras, ¥7c.); frets, 23g Mic sec. onds, 18@T%¢ thirds gic eld, extras, a9dc firsts. 15Glic ; seconds, 1TYlic state dairy,. tubs, extras, %{3c rats p= onds, 18gisc., thirds, 15@lic HEE Esk State, full cream, small and large. colored and white, Beptember, fun. oy, I45c.. October, best 1345g 13% . late made, small, average best, 12%¢C., large 124¢.; fair, gic light skims, fail Ly choice Flic. winter made, 10010%C | art skims, prime, WW g%y | 00d, Me common to falr, T@7%c ; Il skims. ¥ ae EGOS—-8tate, Penusylvania and nearby, selected, white. fancy, MgSc.. choice, 24 P-& mixed extra, Mic ; firsts, 18 LIVE POULTRY -Bpring chickens per pound, lic. fowls, lic. roosters, old, 5; turkeys 14c pigeons r pair, 8 DRESSED POULTY Hrollers 4 pounds per ir and under, Philadelphia, r pleked. MSc. ; New York and Fean- i 140 . roasting chickens § pounds per pair and over. Philadelphia, dry picked jar. New York and Penn Sylvania x fowls, Piilsseipbig dry picked. Ite ey ; od. fost , dry plcked and scald prime. large, white, per donee $2 ook mixed, $25; Sark, 5 a" culls DRESS MEATS — Dre Jressed beef in moderate request at per 3 pound, with a little extras beef ot roi & Po ealves stead rte ja 0-0 per po oa ay Greased veals for country : nd ao A a ei: r uv ® » vonatry spring lambs steady at MEL per 4 Are only a part of the big assortment i@ of our Walk-Over line, which now offers you i New Styles New Lasts New Leathers ts. the order of the | |'day. As a city, we | will inevitably have anew Town Hall, 1% a complete sewer vor, system and fue hh pavements, | You can add to *™4¥ Trains leave Sayre as follows: EASTBOUND. A.M. Dally for Towands, Tunkhase - Bo on, WY Wilkes Bame, Manth . phils, Allcniown, Sebitiius New A.M. ET i 3 Wilkes Barre, Gien Summit’ Springs, ° hem New To, Pulladeipas, Beltimars Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wilkes-Barre; A.M) Dally for Summit a Haves Junction, Bethihen New York, Phil. Washlagton. aM. M. Suaday oalp, for Athens, Milan, 10:00 TA ville, SN. and n more comfort and | a: 12a P. BE hl better health. And] 12a) eet Miah Oh Sis ime it doesn't cost so!jem, Fo 8 ork, Philadeiphis, ue Ask us about 21 a RT me DO IT NOW, | mh iin Shank es Baltimore’ fom ele wey 50 LET et en Duash fold, aile Wiliameport, Wralngiage Lacey. WERSTBOUND, H.R. TALMADGE, aoe Both *Phoses, fernl] 108 ln LH. MURRAY, M.D. ES RSS SPECIALTIES: Niagis Felis sod Forouin, a uns 1 Diseases of the J a Har, em AM. Week days oul Throat, and the Prope Or aa Palle, Torouto, Lockwood, Noted rs w=. Hours-81%; a hv Mol Ga. | Fr. M. EN Dt ut jo Rochisier, wpolntment. Office, Wheelock Block, 3: es oad, Odea L. B. DENISON, M. D oh Bay fr Tacs ramaly, Ih Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Corners, Geassvs, Clifton. Conaets for Niagara Palle, Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. plier ees Valley Phone at office snd He 35s ya Repre Sxeift Sustay, Hack Dis: Rochester, residence An up to date! 8 bathroom ora good | $:00 fiat Fi heating system will | bo Re Negtows: Bet phis, Baltimore and add value to your! property, gwe you! Bafalo, Cieago, Ragas Pail, Daroh, Culenge; oy age Nuns P.M. So De oon an 0:38 = rie ir Bh pe AUBURN DIVISION. ALM. Wesk days ouly. for Owegs, Free: beast Ne alr Ha M Auburn, Rorivie A tbern, “Westmont, P.M. Daily for Owego, Freeville, Corte A 3:50 tnt: comand, SE, Ma, A ey SS There is no nook nor cor- ner where The Valley Rec- ord does not circulate H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers. Valley Phoue 11 X. 11 Desmond Rtrant, Ayre Try an ad in The Recnid Our Spring Hats AND Neckwear Have Arrived SAYRE, PA. St, ———— po EEE a WE . ———— a —— a ———————— —————