THE BIG STORE WITH! SAYRE, PA. Evenings Succeeding row something else, DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. R. Paydays and Two + Garments and tion. We have nothing w 3 Suits Furniture, Get our cash pr osition of this splendid offer bat stylish osition or our pru See Lockhart | or equalled can find } that are the best For bed or bath robes ad to $1.75. $3.50 value reduced to 295 now $4.37. s at 98¢ 1,19. $2.00 now $139 225 now $1.50 5 value reduc- Turnover Collars is 124c Children's 43¢ Men's and Boy 39 and 1%¢ Rugs, Carpets, Etc. ices or our installment prop- already availed themselves : to furnisn their Why ? Because our prop- es cannot be competed with the assortment—you in need of at prices ‘Call on the third floor man- Street Floor. Linen Fagoted Edge. Our price =H uality, now 19¢ , pow XN 8 43 and 25¢ quality, now have located it of ~ Ia ’ SI pa I Spa NO 2 \ . 2 NEN pe wel Sl) lt RS SAN Murrelle’s Printing Office “The Satisfactory Place.’ From four to eight skilled job printers and a new, up-to-date equipment are at your service. -~ Our ns say we have the to please. We keep promises. —— crs A CASE OF THUMPS Turfmen Deny Truth of Foul Play With Lou Dillon. CLEVELAND, 0 Feb 13 ~The story from New York involving EE. Swath ers in indal buolit around his pos session of the $3,000 gold trotting cup won with Major Delmar from Lou Dillon at Memphis in 1904, wherein the mare Is alleged have been “doped.” Is denied by Cleveland borse meu Private telegrams from Mr Smathers In New York and Millard Sanders in Pleasanton, Cal, deuy tle charge. The telegrams follow Swmatbers—Ir: filling my apswer 1 denied the charge as being absolutely false. You of all wen sbould guess who ls back of the whole Latte Sanders—Btory absolutely false 1 have never made attidavit of auy kind regarding Lou Diilon's race with Major Delmar at Memphis or any other place H K Devereux of Cleveland, oue of | the 1moft prominent amateur relusiien | iu the country, witnessed the ruce for the cup Just as the horses turned to score said Devereux 1 as to Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave., Sayre, Valley Phone |28x. WE PRINT The Valley Record W. T. CAREY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SA L5548. ev YYe Office Maney & Page Hlock, Rooms formerly occupied by the iste Jobn R. Murray, , Office hours: 9 to10 a. m; 6:30 ; 08 p, m. At other times daring day at Valley Record offices, ALAA LMLLMLLLLLLLLLESL PPI TTIITIITTITIVTITTETY BLACKSMITHING HORSESHOEING AND GENER- ERAL REPAIRING, i { The Eat Way- ing Lou Dillon, say to Billiugs that the trotting queen was In perfect condi | tion. But she had coverwl scarcely a quarter of a mile Lefore It was seen that something was wrong with her Sbe could pot keep up her gait, und a mile ln 215 wonid have been a fast vue at the rate she wus going “Ihe heat was Huisbed slow time, and in the second heat it was plain thet the mare was in coudition for a race An examiuatiou by a veterinary disclosed the fact that | Ler stomach in bad shape No definite statcinent concerning her ill ness was wade It was called a cuse of the thumps fo very no was Gift of a Battery to Meaelik. VIENNA, Fel 13 It is stated ou | good wuthority that the Austrian Huu. | gArian go Las fully | equipped battery of wountain guns as | a gift te Ewperor Meuelik of Abys | sinla The Austrian crulser Pauther took the battery to Jibutil French Somaliland, from which port the guus were sent to Addis Abeba, the capital of Abyssiula It le assutued that Ans tria sent the gift to Menusllk alin tivu for the action of Italy lu seuding « wountaln battery to Prince Nicholas of Mouteurgro verntuent seul a iu ret Cassie Chadwick 11] In Prison. COLUMBUS, Oo, Fel LLM t sle LL Chadwick pital at the When Mrs as 0 the dep prison hos femal Chadw irtment again ck vutered thie pen wot live to serve out Lier tern Twenty-two Dead In Mine Disaster CHARLESTON, W. Va. Feb 13. { Twenty-oue bodies Lave been recov | ered from the Parral wine io Fayette county. It Is supposed that only one body remains fo be recovired, making the total fatalities twenly two. ee ————— Miners Hesume Work. DUBOIS, I'a, Feb 18 At mass meetings beld at Punxsuluwuey and Reynoldsyille the terms of settlement reached by officials of the TTuited Mine Workers and Geuernl Manager LW Robinson of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg coal interests at conferences beld at Punzsutawnpey were ratified and the employees of the company re suined work today. The winners went oh strike the first of just week, olleg ing that the operators were not ving up to the agreements embodied ju the Altogun scale ea————————— Wants Military Park at Ticonderoga. WASHINGTON Feb 13 -A project for the estublishwent of a wilitary park at Ticonderoga, N.Y. was discussed with the president Ly Representative Flack. in whose district Ticonderoga is located. Mr. Flack in a bill which he bax introduced lu the house proposes that about 400 acres surroundiug the old Fort Ticondervga be the purpose of a military acquired for park. The of some of the historic events of the ODESBA, Feb 13 Ikaul bars, governor geueral of Odessa, Is suad a proclamation saying that every General arms or who ls found lu possession of The proclamation covers the governments of Kherson and Odessa, of Bessarable, Ekateriposiay and the Crituea iuciusive Dewey Is Overdue. WASHINGTON, Feb 13 ~The navy dock Dewey The last was on Jan 22, when it was 1.900 miles from Gibruitar At the rate of 100 miles a day, which it was figured could be made under favorable weather conditions, the dock should have reached Gibraltar an Sat. urday from the dry Gladden's Seventieth Natal Day. COLUMHBUSR, © Feb. 13 Hev Washingtou Gladden, moderator of the Congregational church, Is lo receipt of wany telegraios and letters on the o casion of his seventieth birthday. The comitpunications are from all over the United States Tesarkana Fire; Loss, $75,000, FEXAKKANA Feb, 13 destroyed half ofa city block bere, en talling a los of about £75000 The Gre originated jn the Covington hotel, Bag raisers saloon, the Pullen bulldiug and Jugraw block suffered from the Bames Tex Fire High Jumpers. The “Holy Jumpers” certainly are jumpers. FRANKJE. WOOD, Represcniative News apd ‘advertising matter may be left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. After 12 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, Valley ‘phone 125X, =~ - -— bus, Ohio, last night. Walter Franks Ithaca, calling on George M. Lege today of is Mrs. J. C Vau! Atta will enter- tain several of her fiionds dinner party this evening. at a All kinds of up to date photog raphy at Coe & Webster's, 342 Broad street, Waverly Ping pongs a specialty; 28 for Zi 234 3t Mrs. Gilbert Fonte ent tertzined a company of ladies at her home on Fulton street last of the birthday of her on record in Sayre in a long | ume. 1he disease usually appears in epidemic form and about a year! ago there were hundreds of cases | ily in the city of New York. The medical fraternity have never been able to demonstrate its cause, nor Us is it claimed to be contagious, but it usually makes it appcarance in epidemic form. It broke out in this |§ first among the Indians| previous tothe Revolutionary War, | © “spotted fever” by the physicians of tht day from the fact that red spots appear upon the chest usually in a few days after the attack. Later day science de- veloped the fact that the disease was the result «f un inflammation of the spinal cord and the meninges, hence THE CANDEE RAILROAD ARCTIC Has becom famous for hard wear. Do not buy the ordinary when you can get the extraordinary with a heavy ap sol= and hess] at the same price. and was called PROGRESS (EHIGH VALLEY R. R. Is the order of the ' day. Asa city, we will inevitably have a new Town Hall, a complete sewer system and fine pavements, ; You can add to the general im- _ prove ment. An up to date bathroom ora good | (In effect Dec. 3, 190%.) Trains leave Sayre as follows: EASTBOUND. A M. Dally for Towanda, Tunkhan- rock Pittston. Wits Rerte, Monch Chunk, Allenic Bethlehem, New ladeiphla, Baitimore and Washington. pt Daily for Tunkhannock, Pittston, J) Sito fore vcs unr Anemos: caro: aven, Ma 30 5 New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and W ashiagton. 0 AM. (Waverly 4, suly { Jot Athens alls, ne, Wiliam | ville, Tunkhannock, 8: oh) Tomas ha Tei 6 A. oi Daly or Mil ly, PL il Cnr TRE Cr ni White Haven, Pean Junction, a the name “cereb:o spinal m-rengitis A FORTUNE. FOR YOU Pp rty lal 2.3 ou wing copyright on a book thit can be | rinted anywhere it trifling expense, offers same for sale to tively this copies S43 A. M.) Week days hens, Ulster Towiada, Mow wralustng, Lacey om cash buyer for a comparas insionificant When issued 540 f the first 1,000 were sold in one month {rom the public- ty afforded by a the work that appeared in paper at Washington, D C on sight to cvery sportsman at $1 sum public ition was pnt single review of heating system will | chunk Allentown, Bethlehem New York, Phil-- add valus to your | SEF Baltimore and Washlogton. y A.M. Sunday only, for Athens, Milan, property, give you| pi er Jowasda, Wysiusay, Lacey more comfort and | FP. M. (Waverly jaa P.M. for Towan Lh LE better health. And | 1 iin Barre, Glen . a a News. it doesn't cost so bem, Sev! York, ch chant deni much. Ask us about it. DO IT NOW, Pr yr ™ Loi fo ate Busafs] Black Dia- pc nock Phi! Pikes Barre ‘Glen Sum~ mit, Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, New York, Philadeiphis, Baltimore and Washington, P.M (Waverly 4: 32. ul Week days Mon po Boer for Athens, i Albany. Duar a Silamaport, Wyalusing, Lacey- Lacey ville, Tunkhannock WRSTBOUND, A. AM Dally for Genew oh Riumto, Ii ,» Chicago, ay Tone A.M. Daily Et. Wiser edonla, Batavia, Puffalo. ei Niagara Valls and Toronto. A.M. Dally for Lockwood, Vas Mitew, per. The reason for its being of fered for sale is that the owner, needs moncy in a hurry. Address all inquiries to Blue Stack, care of The Valley Record. 236 2 Pe ———————— H.R. TALMADGE, Both "Phones. timer Ave. 1:5 LAWS & WINLACK, {0 Fas 10 Connects for och Palle, Toronto, Detroit and Chicago. 1 00 M. hg eg Toy oe bare, Haris Borners, Geneve, Roch burg, Hayts ter, Batavia, re farts Earners Niagara a Falls. A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS | 3:40) Sci busta Sei" TRANSACTED, oe lias) viol, Lod, Sibert: Olibert, — = Ithaca, aca, Trumassbure, Inter LAWS' BUILDING, 219 DESMOND ST. 0:00 iis. Valley Phone 180-A. Sayre. Bats GOODNESS. It Makes Its Seal and Stamp on the Soul of Man and Is Manifest ed in Character, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. But goodness hath its seal and stamp on the soul of man. Is not this what Wordsworth means when he speaks of the old statesman’'s face as “channeled and furrowed with ten thousand noble thoughts and deeds?’ Was {t not this Teunyson had in mind when he said that Mary's cyes were “homes of silent prayer?’ Az you recall your dead, can you not close your eyes and with the {fnper vision behold some whose faces as glorious as an {lluminated mie sal by some old master? Ah, what a company of saints have I known here, who now are known to God and have been welcomed and are beloved by those wh about Him' What marks on the human face, stamped there forever Lv the angels of peace and of pity! What lines of loveliness lent by those artists named sympathy and kindness' What loveliness Is lent by the angel of sacrifice and service! What {mage shall I find rich enough to set forth the character of some men and women who have met the angel of God In the way, and are not! [I will liken them unto some cathedral in a foreign city on a dark night Coming around the corner of that narrow street in Cologne suddenly tHe cathedral rose before me, glorfous as a temple let down ont of heaven from God Its lofty arches and towering pin: nacles seemed like candle flames sud- denly frozen in thelr upward flight to ward the throne of God. The lights within lent luster to windows, holding the faces of angels and seraphs. Fra grauce from the waving censors filled the air and fAoated skyward and from within came the sound of organ musle, with peal on peal risiog as If In search of those singers that on the midnight alr sang of peace op eartlr, good will to men. Ob, glorious cathearal! illum- {nated cathedral, home of music, elo quence and beauty, with all thy bells pealing hope forth upon a weary world! to the end of life, thou shalt be the imape of these great hearts that God's true temples, for his wor Against all such characters there These living gospels make infidelity petty. ln the presence of these heroes and saints atheism shrivels up like a leaf and disappears Hke smoke Against these arguments of mobile life there Is no opposition. Great is the value of some old parch ment, that holds the lines of an Arie totle, written 200 years ago. But what | js that parchment compared to the hu- man face, written all over with the marks of the Lord Jesus.—Rev. Newell Dwight Hills, in N. Ww. Christian Ag vucate M. Dall Burdett (W a Ha Corners, Geneve, Clifion ctor, Rochester, Caledonia, Counects for Detroit, Fut St. Louis and points west. EM, M. Dally tact Sanday, Black Dat Ripres. ior Gepevi, Rochester sais Palle, Detect, Chicago, b: 3 s2 do, Mage: C. J. Kiron, iit mms SAYRE'S LEADING Week days only fr : 0h M. Week dave ouly. for Oey. Treat DRAYMAN. . ) Soria Aube vis Aubsin, We E Forth Bspecial care and prompt at- 3: a0 fund. Canaiots Qroton, Marais. ow ention given to moving of Pianos, Household Goods, Bafes etc. re o stand There is no nook nor cor- ‘ner where The Valley Rec- ord does not circulate TAILORS, SAA Anasss ss aas sassy) CLOTHIERS, HABERDASHERS. rise ship! ifs no argument FLEE REP EEFFPPEI R000 EPP PREP E P00 0000000000400 SAYRE, PA. TRsAURM. © YY. 1a the cow purple tn he ie