160 The Athens Cadets will meet at’ city hall tonight. "DO YOU WANT PIANO Of course you do, and you want one that cap rely on, one that will give satisfaction days out of every year. That is the only kind D. 8. Andrus & Co. sells. Every piano is ful- ly guaranteed and will be sold on one year's trial. If not satisfactory at the end of that per- iod or mot as represented, it will be returned to us without a cent of expense to the purchas- er. Hereis a brand new piano, direct from factory, guaranteed for 10 years, and the 3165 The above piano or any other piano or organ will be sold on the D. S. Andrus & Co. Easy Payment Sys- tem —without interest. By this plan nearly every family can own a piano. As a lady said recently: “I have MARTYR PRESIDENT Veterans Observed Lincoln's Birthday Yesterday in a Most Fitting Manner Clyde Park returned from Sid acy, N.Y, yesterday, C. H. Decker was “transacting | business in Elmira today | or its controlling muscles. in sach cases oan oly | be L through application wuit- Ee made to correctall defects. 1 make a ial existing atady of t testing Wu all faint pr can assure a er gorrection wherever it exisls, Harry Crandall received a nice] The exercise at Grand Army {dog by express this morning. ' hall yesterday afternoon in com- Mrs. Miles Finch gave a thimble | emorgtion of 1,ncoin's ;bitihday party to her Kiends this afternoon. [ere lughly imeresting and, were nd {largely attended. The dinner to Miss E. M. Haynes went to the old soldiers and their families ‘Burlington today to remain onc | took place at 12 o'clock and lasted week. ‘until 2 p. m. The tables were Michael B. Doran v was in i Wilkes | 1094ed with soldier 1100s and aj! Barre to consult an eye specialist great Many. delicacies Hit the veterans never tasted while on | today. : : ’ " active duty. The “icast of soul Belladonna, Atropine or other mydriatic, injurious drugs, all of them, and belopging to a past s in the science of optics as applied to eyesight testing. | make use of the latest and most improved scientific instruments for determining the possible nce of diseass, and to measare accurately all errors of re- ion and muscles. I Recommend Glasses Only when positively needed and clearly promising good results. Considering the character of the work Il do my charge fora thosough examination of the eyes and glasses is moderate. W. H. BAIRD, Eyesight Specialist, Remember the place, Corner Broad and Clark Streets, Waverly. The only exalasive optical parlors in the valley. THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. Capital - $50,000.00 Surplus - $12,000.00 We solicit your Banking busi- ness, and will pay you three per gent. Interest per annum for money joft on Certificate of Deposit or ~ Baviags Account. ~The department of savings is a special feature of this Basak, and all deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. NM. H. SAWTELLE, Cashier. — J. H. MURRELLR, Publisher. W. T. CAREY, Editor. Es re eee Published every afternoon except Sun- at Murrelle's s Printing Office, Sayre, ——— = Advertising rates reasonable, and made _Emewnon on a8 second-class matter May 8 the postolos at Sayre, Pa, Aet of Congress of March 8, Ba: “All the news that's fit to print” TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1908. Rs AN EXPERIENCE OF THE “30” CLUB. There was nothing to distinguish Bim as a showman until] he wrote ifs Bame on the register al the Castle bho tel, “Charles A White, ‘The Hoop- tongs Circus.” Hale, the night clerk, recognized the same of the big circus lustantly and 18 an effort to be courteous be sald “You will ind & most congenial busch of fellows here, sir. There are ors on the morning newspapers, com and, In fact, men from various call ings, who make the ‘Castle’ their home. This bunch is known as the *Thirty Club,’ and. while It is an un chartered organization, it meels here at midnight to while away three hours. Come down to night gir. and 1 shall be glad wo make you acquainted.” Mr. White came down about baif- Past 12. As the prospective member stepped from the elevator Hale met bim and ushered him forward as be said: “Gentlemen of the Thirty Club, al- low me to introduce Mr. White of the ‘Hooptongs Circus. He is a newcomer and | have tendered him an lovitation fo join the ‘Thirty Club When the conversation turned to the circus business White told a few anec- dotes about circus life, and no doubt would have (old more had it oot been futerrupted by Chin Wah a Chinaman who entered at this time Chin Wah wore a brogd smile, White WAS surprised to see all the members 6f the “Thirty Club” dig up their pock etbooks and hand over the amount the Chinaman asked from each ove. Chin checked off the money as he got IL and was bowing himsel! out when Little the foot racer who was always late at the “Thirty Clol. came in As the door closed White remarked upon the whole proceeding as a strange “Since you mention it sald Crowell, 548 does seem & bit strange But there is ® touch of human interest in that Chinaman's relation to the “Thirty Club.’ Three years ago Humphrey the restaurant man, was going home one - miwhe when he , vind that Chir Anan Regular $3.50 at $1.98, i | sitting down on the sidewalk a bioek or =o from here The Chinaman éx- plained that he had slipped on the Ice and strained his knee and that he needed assistance to get home. alone so came here and found the “Thirty Club in session piained what he wanted we adjourned the meeting and took the Chinaman to his little laundry around the corfler “Weaver, the reporter. who knows | many of the Chicago Chinese teered to take a note to his brother and an hour later Weaver relurned with Chin's brother put on the sprained knee “Under the ‘Thirty Club’ Chin Wah and ever since that time he bas done our laundry work. He is ‘on the square to a pen- ny. Not one of us questions what he demands If anyone In the ‘Thirty Club’ is broke and want's to borrow cent that way He has a place just around the corner.” “That's singular,” remarked White “It is seldom a Chinaman will lend his money “Well. Chin is all right pot a man in the crowd fight for him if he had to find" But the sentence was never finished he alr was rent with a wild scream Chin Wah fled past the hotel. Close behind was another Chinaman. He peid something in one hand, and he too, was yelling. He was running a ciose second to Chin Wah Visions of assassination by bighbinders flashed into the minds of the “Thirty Club.” Without walting for hat or overcoat they fled to the street to a man and took up the chase The second China- There 1s but would You will “Thirty Club.” The usual crowd of night hawks who roam near the Castle hotel joined in the chase Chin Wal ran three blocks and then stopped He was exbausted though! the crowd and had given up the race for his life. The second Chi- paman rat wp to Chin Wah and also stopped Then came the “Thirty Club” bunched like a Derby fleld. They grabbed the second Chinaman and forced him against the patrol box. Lit. tie had his arm in a grip like a vise Lockwood pinned him against the patrol door. They were ready to handle him without gloves when Chin | Wah broke in “What's the mollo you He no hurt me” “What are you running for? used the crowd Me run claich with him LOX clar to-night Him gotte laundly ail Clatchy Lallabee stleet care here one-thirty. That's all Little and lockwood glanced at the What they had taken to be a long bladed Knife present for Humphrey's daughter. The “Thirty Club” laughed at adjourned to the office of the Castle hotel. After breathing hard for ten tinutes Kromer, man, sald Gentleman, | move that we make it unanimous that the ‘Thirty Club’ pass up the Chinese question” Friday evening the Milkmaid's Convention will hold forth in | the Bap*ist church {home of Miss Anna Keefe, North | street, last cvening F. E Eastabrooks of Stevens- | ville was calling on Athens friends | | yesterday afternoon James Smith received a large | istock of shoes at his stare, 604 | | South Main street, which he 1s | | offering at bargains. The Junior Auxiliary of Trinity | church will give a Valentine social | at the rectory Wednesday night | All are cordially i invited Mrs. Ruth | visiing her daughter, Mrs. T. W | Keech, a short time, and returned Ito Rushville this morning Mrs. | G Kuhnle of Towanda, came to Athens to attend the Grand Army anniversary exercises yesterday, and returned home this morning. | Miss Cynthia Gustin and Mrs | D. V. Campbell were the guests of day, and rcturncd to Burlington | this morning. Mrs. E. F. Loomis and child | came from Troy today. Mrs Loomis joins her husband, who has become an Athenian, and they will reside here for the present Hosmer's band elected officers last evening, as follows Chas, Hosme Johnson; r, secretary, treasurer, P. W Robert Archer, Calisher and E dward Ackley. Kunes; M.C directors, That debate at Sanford’s hall to take place this evening will be ex citing. Rev. Will A. Kelley will lead in the affirmative and A. G |\D rn will take tlhe negative Le rces at 8 o'clock and get a good seat. CUTTER TIPPED OVER | Mis A T. Keeler of Smithfield, {was coming down Main strect | yesterday afternoon with a horse cutter and after she had crossed the Lehigh tracks she met | another team at the bridge works Com Go early and |and in turning out her cutter tipped | over and she was thrown out. The | horse was frightened and ran down Main street and she held on to the lines and was dragged a short dis {tance. The horse was captured on | South Main street and the cutter | i eago Record-Herald Humane Idea Dress reform for horses (8 a French- man's Idea. He has lovented a collar which is adapted to horse anatomy and omfortable to the equine fashion para- gon Ergo A Japanese doctor, Baron Suyemat- fu, has at last found one dread dizeave hat comes from kissing Lupus Is un- tnown in Japan: so is kissing ore ——! —Detroit Free Press there- Tallest Steel Chimney A steel chimpey 260 feet high was recently successfully south Wales kind in It is the tallest of ita the In the world Reg- had righted itself so that only one thill was broken. She then re sumed her journey home BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY On account of ill health of owner, a long established mercan- tile business in this valley is offered for quick sale at go per cent of stock inventory. Address inquiries to Business Opportunity, | 'care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa. 203 Very Cheap Traveling Beginning Feb. 14 and continuing dai- ly until April 6th, the Erie R. R. will sell colonist tickets to all Pacific Coast and numerous interior points at very | low rates, which will be quoted and all | other information given by calling on or writing any Erie ticket agent, or J. H. | | Webster, D.P. A, Eimirs. N. Y. 226-e0d | | Quiskiat Route fo Chicago, 17! Hours from Sayre commenced at 2 o'clock, the Com- mander, Artemus Weller, presiding and the deligbtful program arranged by the committee | gone through with until interrupted {by an unforscen accident First Iwas a prayer by Rev. W. H. Saw- [telle, then the “welcome” by little i Miss Gertrude Lenox, afer which { Miss Clara Kelley sang the com- |rade’s song, after which Dr. W. G.| | Simpson gave and clvquent address was followed Ruth Morcy. | ham Lincoln. This was i by a recitation by littlc jmenced to recite the “Whistling | | Regiment,” which p | | incidents in arm: she was entering into the ull spint | of the theme, and the air was filled with the entrancing hai nies of “Annie Laurie” Stage, all at once Mrs. Rice was taken ill and fell in a Those present will never forget the tender pathos of that scene and the words that came from Mrs soul depths found a lodgement in the most sgcred emotions of the heart. This ended the exercises, but the incidents of this meeting will be a treasure of patriotism for life's unending memories as long we have an existence Rev. Mr. Sawtelle pronounced the | benediction and the meeting was concluded. rtrays some Swoon, Rice s las THE TE87. Tre time comes to all, Tha! tests the soul as by a fire We halt belween the spirit s call Ard our own woridiy seif-desire ‘Tis then one Light reveals the way One question gnakes cur duty clear, €o think upon the Christ and say ‘What would He 30 If He were Lere?’ f trial All other rules may fa! but this Applies to every word and deed You cannot wander far amiss, If you its golden precept heed Lat Him become your constant goal; And when divergent paths appear, Propound this query to your soul: “What would He do If He were here?” What would He do? To be lke Him! The dream of that makes [ife seem sweet Although our paths are often dim, Twould be a lamp before our feet, And, as we turned to It, ‘twould Le A growing fame from year (0 year, To light us to Eternity- “What wou!d He do If He were here?’ =J. A. Edgerton in Ram's Horn, SHOES 604 Bouth Main street, has just pat in al fine lot of calf shoes and other up-to- date varieties. Prices all right. Re-| manper, Ea —_____- e} E. M. DUNHAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Offic? Lockhart Btreet, Sayre, Pa Auditor's Notice The undersigned auditor, by the Orphans’ Court of Bradford coun- the piano while paying for it. mercy you would ba Established 1360 Sayre, Pa BIG LINE decayed or ulcerated teeth. teeth. i i | i § | tribution of the funds In the hands of W. | B. Haft, administrator c. t.a. of the es. | tate of Rebben Stiles, late of Troy town- | ship, deceased, will attend to the duties | | of his appointment at the office of David | id. Panny ng, Faq. in Troy Boro, Pa. | Priday the 23d day of Pebruary, 1906, - | one o'clock, p. m., at which time and | | place all persons are required to make their claims before the auditor or be de- | barred from coming in upon said funds. Joseph W. Beaman, Auditor. Athens, Pa., Foatiaty 26, 1908, | MISES TABER & LAMBERT Sayre Art Parlor. 129 W. LOCKHART ST. line of Raney { i } Gold crowns, to $5. Bridge work, per tooth, $1. Gold fillings, $1 up. . AGENTS WANTED. Everywhere to sell teas, coffees, sploes, | premiums with all orders, such as lace {boys and girls to make money after school hours, We also give rizes 0 au and girls selling a amount, | such as watches EO rns: ete. These prizes come extra do not include your regular Sousslaniss, Meo and women are making in- information to the SAYRE SPECIALTY | WORKS, Box 115, Sayre, Pa. i TOUHEY'S HOTEL Byarything New and Up-to-Date. First- C Accommodations. Thomas Ave, Opposita L. V. Station Sayre the best House Bradford county; Pt The Record, has and For Sale or Rent sorner Mala and JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Frults. 600 gallons of pure Olive Oil just re- ceived. 300 boxes of macaroni and im- | ported cheese. All direct from Italy. No. ¢ Rlizabeth St., Waverly WANT ADS Rates :— Wanted, Lost, Bale, sto, § cent a word op. an ¥sed for first three times, } oent a word each | insertion thereafter. Nome taken for leas than 26 centa. Situations wanted, free to paid In advance subscribers. Wanted. Men wanted, to commence work on | Wednesday, Febroary 14, thirty men and three teams, to participate in the | harvest of 4,000 tons of ice at my plant | at Millt .wn, being the first movement | of my elevating and conveying sppar-| tos. F J. Tlliman, veper in small family. $14 N, Elmer avenue, 3 sonable, ATHENS, PA. For Rent uor store t rea- 2361 Athens. In- Enquire at Glaser’s Loan 1788 Notice. ¥y when ordered want 1 Lost “ ! ol. Huitabls. SE ——————————————— iia