FREIGHT OR EX. PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. Each * been given marching orders. Rain Coats SECOND FLCOR No two alike, and 23 styles to seleet (rom. Many “are genuine Cravaostte. Values are one-third more than marked prices The season is favorable aad prices adjusted to SECOND FLOOR ~The prices are so cut, that it means you get? All pew. all stylish, all well tailored, and we mike _Did You Get One of Our Clear- ance Sale Bulletins ? I not, ask for on= by mail, and we will sapply you It gives you an opportunity to bay weara- Juvenile Section Cuts that appeal to peuple that know. Go-Carts 3100 SLE value at 8.75 value at . 350 £00 value at They ara China Sheep and Iseland Lamb, 1. $350 - 1.23 Rugs, Carpets, Mat- tings and Linoleums Actual count shows 98 rugs put on oar foors this week. All the pew desigus and values are under- priced one-third. They inclade: Bigelow's velvets, Hartfords, Axminsters and Tapestries, Smith's Ax- minsters and Tapestries, also Smith's one piece Col- onial Tapestries, Wilton velvets, Roxbarys Ta- pestries and Moquettes, | This department recently fitted out a grod home in West Philadelphia -the prices did it. Over 100 room size rugs to select from. Size 0x12 814.50 tq £3850, The offer on Saxony Auninster carp=t is good till January 31st, made, laid au’! lined, 8Sc per yard, Select early. A number have been sold this week: but offering applies lo every pattern in our stocks, Other carpets as low as 25¢ per yard. Some Good Special Values Bleached maslin, 13 in. wide, a regular 7e vala€ at bln Calicoss, dark gud lizht, none fer, Ho. Oae lot Percales, rogalar at this store, Se, sale price, ile, Brown muslin, a very special value, Se. but the best to of- Edgar. Grant returned to’ Cook academy yesterday. The grand jury completed their | work and adjourned at noon today D.W. Tripp went to Sheshequ in today to attend the funeral of Wm Sayder, Mrs. J. S. Patterson of "Cuba, N.| Y, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. | Mott Mitchell. “Mrs. J. A. Gould went to Ulster | last evening to attend the Segar funeral today. Mrs. Silas Darling of Lansing- burg, N. ¥., is visiting at the home of A.C. Amold. _____- — * Erastus Kellogg | has sufficiently recovered to sit up. His wife came to Athens today. Rev. Allen is suffering. from ear trouble and had a slight operation performed yesterday. W. H. Shaw and wife and Miss | Myra Shaw attended the Sayder | funeral at Sheshe "quin today. N.Y, is visiting at the home of Charles Ward, Herrick street. Mrs W I Everhart went to| parents, Miles Smith and wife. Mrs. Howard Baker of Asheville, | Kansas, who is the guest of Athens! friends, is visiting Ulster friends today. Mrs. Eliza Gilbert and children home of E street. H. Brown of Ferry with us. al sale, every day was a big LOT NO. LOT NO. All women's fur top slippe 1 -LOT-NO: 2°. + = FOR WONMEN-—WEST WINDOW. Odd lots of LaFsancs some Patrician, LOT NO. 4 BASEMENT : large assortinent of Men's Shoes, ‘val-| ue 1.50, 98c. LOT NO. 6 BASEMENT Black and Tan Army Shoes, value 3.00, $2.25. . 3 £ S rs and warm Set 30.00, now 18.50. If Interested Don’t Delay. 1 Col'nsky 35.00. now 22.00. 1 Natural Squirrel! 2d 1 Natural Squirrel Set 27.50, now 15.50. . 1 Sable ‘X now 16.50. Sayre, ru i an BR tors from 25. 29 and 30¢ to 19¢ and 39 A Lincoln clnb was organized in| | Jas Watson Dyer is sec | if NO HE Is absolu It can A MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC : We have had the pleasare of doin 2 basiness now almost a year on a strict cash basis. The resalts have Es Pbaan itislact ivy Lo ourselves a by this system we have been able to bh emine otly fair with you on the - i108 of every artinsle parchased of ns. Yoa have not PAID CREDIT STORE PRICES, nor the itews of st accoants, bootkeapers, collectors, ete. incident to a credit store policy. Wa shall not*devits fron this plan ia tha faturs, except we have opened an inst Mdlment proposition for All be he } : those d=siring Furnitures, Carpats. Rags, Matting and apholdery, on no other gro inds, than apon request of wil e held int 1S B 1ptist church “man # friends vad pate 7s thus making ib possible to have the use of hous: faraishings and pay for them on this cvening. Rev. Sawtelle will | | : oN sassy payments. We know nothing that should stand in our way of supplying you with more goods, We Hp 5 L carry the assortments and you get the prices. We urge comparison. pres ch. Re 4 | N == i J tte -— i i : ie pr —— i | thorn mont W: T. GAREY, JUSTICE OF THE " PEACE Athens last evening is president and J LL retary, The union evangelistic meeting | * Office Maney & Page Block, Rooms formerly occupied by the Iate John R. Murray. Office hours: —9to10 a. m.; 6:30 to8 p,m. Atother times daring day at Valley Record office, I ————— i. A —— : \SGDGAS DG ASDLATN\E PI lep 2 RY vg . ROT N V Weller and wife, J. M. 33 APR Ths 2 + i 8 | Clark, C B Tyrrell and O E. Lov- . ell attended the funeral of Wm Snyder at Sheshequin today Complete Line Of = Starrett’'s and Sawyer's Fine Mechanical Tools Kept in Stock. ee —— BOLICH BROS’. HARDWARE Desmond St We would like to try our on your cheerful a TY TTT TTTTTTTTT TTT YT YTYTY TY N. G Wettnttller and sister Miss Katherine stopped in Athens over night on their way home from Ith aca to Milan, returning home this | morning. { your attention the following special proposition: eh «tq ~~ BEGINNING SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, mties | The Fidelity Building and Sav- | ings Association has elected as president P. E Decker and as sec- | ¥ will give for TWO WEEKS ONLY the benefit of over 30 years continuous prac- tice at the following low rates: retary |] W. Beaman. A new! series of stock will be issued) — : Gold erowns, 22k, 30 gauge, seamless $4 to $5. February 3 The business of the | e work, per tooth, $4. past year has been exceedingly | prosperous Gold fillings, $1 up. Remember these prices are only for the two weeks beginning Jan. 20 and ending Feb, 3, and for CASH only. The gold I use is prepared by J. M. Ney, one of the oldest and most experienced metallurgists of the United States, which is sufficient guarantee of its ex- cellence, as any dentist will tell you. » DR. J. W. MURRELLE, 1106 CENTER STREET. ATHENS, PA. ILEHIGH AND SCRANTON HILL & BEIBACH At the Lowest Possible Prices Orders can be left at Went Sayre reg. B€St Of Everything . 2 Store, both phones; or st the Erie street LAWS & WINLACK, | Attorneys and Counselors| at Law. A GENERAL LAW BUSINESS TRANSACTED. | LAWS' BUILDING, 219 DESMOND ST., | Valley Phone I80-A. Sayre. | n. R. TALMADGE | ’ Eine Ar. C. J. Kiron, == SAYRE'S LEADING LOOMISOPERAHOUSE. i DRAYMAN. ORCHESTRA Especial care and prompt 8 Serietly UpioDate Maalo furnished 3X tention given to moving of | for Balla, Parties sod all maaner of Bos- Pianos, Housebold Goods, Safes | oy aumber pisces etc. cab vai ory 3 closet or a poretlalin’ tub in place of the * old copper tub ~ now have, may be what you want. How about it? For Dentists to advertise, so we take this means of bringing to Amalgam or silver fillings, 50c to 75c. Cement fillings, 50c. Extraction, 25¢c. Plates, $5.00 to $8.00. MINING COMPANY MEETING Athens —The Athens Mining | and Development Company held a meeting last evening and the exec utive committee had a consultation with the contractors who are to put down the well, and it was de cided to begin drilling on Monday Major Nutt and Charles Ostrander appointed inspectors, Nutt and Ostrander will be on the ground all the time, each to be on duty 12] Murrelle’s Printing hours, alternating, and they will| Office make a record of the specimens brought up and the distance of the underlying strata, so that the na ture of the formation may be ascer- tained. The company means busi “The S f Pla 0 pealaen | atisfactory Place. WILL BE WARM | Athens—The borough election bids fair to be a warm one. The two dentists that are contending for the office of school director in the second ward are getting in some good work; Geo, A. Kinney has consented to be a candidate for burgess and Nate Weller is in the field for the same office. There are seven candidates for the office of tax collector. " BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Athens— Yesterday was the 12th birthday anniversary of Mary Ruby surprised her at’her home on 206 ing, food fra well watered. Houses {Bridge street. Games and music| bunpin prices. Sayre. Bring Your Job Printing to | M PROCAS, > Greek-American Confec- Re! tion and Candy Store Nios eB Special Al West Mixed ME te, 2lbs Nice Fresh Mixed Chocolaes 2ibs. . BR Nice Fresh Candy ; Made Every Day § Fancy Box Candy Fruit of All Kinds 222 Desmond Street, 44949904 x yards at Sayre, Valley Pbone 2m. COLEMAN HASSLER, ng : H. L. TOWNER, N. D. Sayre. a on vuuiesl JOUHEY SHOTEL : Hours—7 to 9a m,1t08,7to8 p.m, OFPFICE—SAMUELS BLOCK. alley Telepbons 27x. 128 Lockhart St, | LE BAKER Sanern Carpenter and Builder. | conrmACTOR AND BUILDER. 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N.Y. | Plane and Estimates Furnished | 525 Stevenson Bt, Sayre, Pa. =F, H. IRIS LA NE, bidddididididdidiidiidididdidddedd TAT TITITTTITTOOTITTTYTYYY TAILORS, a From four to eight skilled job printers and a new, up- equipment are at your service. Our patrons say we have the disposition to Please; We keep our promises. CLOTHIERS, *424449 HABERDASHERS. Adds dddsididddbididd TYTTTTTITITITTITTTYTTYTTYTYTeTY Everything New and Up-to-Date, First Class Ad He + Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V. Biles. Rates $1.50 Por Dey. "HORSESHOEING AND GEN ER- ERAL REPAIRING. | Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave., Sayre, Valley Phone 142a. — * Have bad prer thirty years’ ex perience in practical horseshoeing and tee work to pleass. Your patronage solicited. The East Wav- erly Shop. W. E. MILLER. AAA AL ALLA LLALLALALLALALL ALS TEI TITTTITIITTyoyrvyvyyvTIovTYvTTeY TT TTT TT TTI TIT TTTYYYY™Y™ AAA LAALALLL SL ALLS 8 ALAS AR | WE PRINT ‘The Valley Record REAL ESTATE BARGAINS ! EE SAYRE, PA.