The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, January 10, 1906, Image 3

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    Winter Suits and Over-
coats. It will be to your ad-
vantage to look at what we
have to offer in our Hand
Tailored Clothing.
Hand Saws, 75¢, from $1.00
Hand Saws $1.00, from $1.25
Hand Saws 40c, from 50c
Hand Axes 75¢, from $1.00
Nail Hammers 25¢, from 35¢
N. P. Plumb Nail Hammers 35¢,
from §1
Bracket Saws 10c, from 20¢
Chisels 25¢, from 45¢
Carpenters’ Snips 25¢, from 10c
Pipe Wrenches 25¢, from 75¢
Pipe Wrenches 50c, from $1
Pipe Wrenches 75¢, from $1.25
One window full of remnants from
inventory at 5c. Your choice.
An enamel ware sale at 10¢, your
choice. Those who have bought
enamel ware of us at other sales recommend us highly on the quality of
the ware we sell
¥316Besmond St., Sayre. 322 8. Main St., Athens,
Wr If you don’t trade with us we both lose money. “wu
The Valley Record
Is Buying
Presents Here
“All the news that’s fit to print”
A touch of genuine winter
Heavy fleeced underwear for 33c
at Kaufman's bankruptcy sale.
Perhaps we can please you.
Kindly examine our stock of Per
fumes, Leather goods, Toilet Ar-
ticles, Novelties, Bte.
C. M. Driggs
Prescription Druggist.
Baok Bullding, Sayre, Pa.
Smoke Peer’s Straight Five, a
fine fragrant cigar
Big bargains in shoes at Kauf-
man's bankruptcy sale.
Fresh made York state roll but-
In box and tablet ter at W. S. Wright's, 206-2
form, now on sale
200 silk vests, all sizes and colors
ranging in price from $3.00 to
$6.00, must be sold at $1.50 at
Kaufman's bankruptcy sale.
Great Removal Sale
Of box paper, tab-
lets, b books,
{ Ationery, sup- ~
"plies, etc, begin-
and continuing for
two weeks.
Mrs Wood of Towanda, will
give a dance and reception in
Pharmacy hall, West Sayre, Wed-
nesday night, January 10. All
are invited, 206-2t
The bgpkrupt stock of Max
Groeper who formerly conducted
a tobacco and cigar store on Lock-
hart street, is being appraised today
by E. E. Reynolds, I. A. Williams,
and H. L. Gillespie
Tax Collector Plumstead is get-
ting hot after delinquents. Yester-
day one man was arrested for non
payment of taxes and the collector
says there are a number of others
who will get in trouble if they
don't settle.
Of the many books that Bertha
M. Clay has written, none has had
the popularity and been so widely
read as “Dora Thorne.” This ex-
cellént love story has been drama-
tized by Lem B. Parker and will be
produced here on Friday at the
The phenomenal success of
Rowland & Clifford's new produc-
tion, “Dora Thorne,” has shown
that the popular taste appreciates
something more than vaudeville or
reet, left on train 8 this morning
visit friends in New York.
water rents are now due and
at the office of the com-
~ Ten per cent discount will
I | il ARE Nl
= |
Has Been Ordered by Commis- Struck by Lehigh Passenger No.
sioners to Collect a Certain Tax 8 at East Waverly This Morn
but Finds He Has No Legal ing
Means of Enforcing the Order Tony Carr, an Italian section
Collector Joha Plumstead and hand, aged about 20 years, was
Attorney I. N. Evans went to To~ | struck and instantly killed by the
wanda this morning on a most |Pginc drawing Lehigh passenger
important matter of business, one | I" No 8, between 8 and 9
involving a fine point of law, and | @'clock this morning. The train
the outcome of which will be|W%as in charge of Conductor Fearon
watched with the closest attention | © Hayden street, Sayre, and engi~
on the part of the taxable inhabit- | eer Jacob Laoux, also of this
ants of this section. Among those |Place. The Italian was working
on the tax collector's duplicate is with several others near the East
an item assessed to a widow for | "Waverly station when a west bound
money at interest. It has been |fTeight came along. All of the
entered upon the docket as a judg- | ™e™ with the exception of Carr
ment in her favor, but she claims | Stepped clear of both tracks, but
that she receives no interest and | C3fT stepped onto the cast bound
it is exceedingly doubtful if she | track dicectly in front of the pas
ever gets the principal. In view of | SCMECT. which at that moment came
this contention she absolutely re- | whizzing by, running at a high rate
{of speed. He was struck by the
fuses to pay the tax against her.
The county commissioners through | Pam of the pilot and thrown a
their attorney, Willam Maxwell, considerable distance from the
have ordered Collector Plumstead | track. The train was stopped and
to collect the tax, as the former 'D€ €ngine crew went back to]
refused to exonerate her. Plum- | where he lay. He was dead when |
stead has made a search for prop- found, having been killed instantly. |
erty belonging to the widow but| The skull had been crushed and
has been unable to find any. Now {there were numerous bruises on the
he asks the commissioners for | ‘funk. The coroner of Tioga
instructions. It is contended that €OUnty was called but decided that
a woman can not be arrested and |" 'RQuest Was not necessary.
imprisoned for non-payment of ’
taxes, and the collector appears to GRAVE DIGGER § PROTEST
be up a tree so far as this feature of etn |
the case is concerned. The tax| And now the grave digger reg~ |
and additional penalty amounts |isters a kick. In fact, in some |
now to over $1300, and this is| places they are kicking good and!
more than the tax collector feels | hard One of the fool laws passed
like paying out of his own pocket. |at the last session of the legislature
Mr. Plumstead intends to stay in|
Towanda until the question is|
settled, if it takes the remainder of |
the winter and all next summer.
Albert H. Otis, a Bradford
county farmer who lives near To-
wanda, has been missing since
Saturday and his family are becom-
ing alarmed. Otis went to the
county seat on Saturday forenoon.
Saturday night at 11 o'clock he
left the home of Sherman McCor-
mick in that place and has not been
seen since. It is said that he
intended to board a train for Rum-
merfield. The night station agent
at East Towanda says that a man
answering Otis’ description jumped
aboard a freight train on Sunday
morning, but further than this the
man’s family have been unable to
find any trace of him. He has five
children and they are of the opin-
ion that he has met with foul play.
The “Binghamton and Elmira
papers speak in glowing terms of
Kirk Brown and his company
which is booked for the Loomis
this evening. The company is
declared to be the best popular
price organization that has yet
appeared in either of these cities
and the theatre-goers have simply
gone wild over the performances
In Binghamton Mr. Brown played
a two weeks’ engagement and each
night the Stone opera house was
packed to its capacity. A large
crowd went to the Loomis this]
afternoon to witness the matinee |
performance and the indications |
are that the house will be packed |
again tonight.
Since the close of the holiday |
scason there has been a. decided |
falling off in freight and passenger
traffic on the Lehigh Valley, as well |
as nearly. all other railroad lines |
The ensuing six or eight weeks |
will probably be distressingly quict
in railroad matters, and in fact all
other kinds of business will suffer
an appreciable falling off In|
March, however, the railroads will
experience a rush of business and
when the railroads are busy it can
be almost itively asserted that
and which went into effect on the |
first of the month, was one requir- |
ing that graves hereafter dug in|
Hostlery Completely Burned to
the Ground and Serious Con-
flagration Is Averted Only by
Snow Covered Roofs
Wysox suffered a disastrous fire
yesterday dfternoon, when the
Dougherty house was burned to
the ground, and had it not been for
a fall of snow the night previous,
which protected the roofs of the
adjoining buildings, a much larger
conflagration would have resulted
I'he hotel caught fire in the attic
from a defective chimney, and as
the town is without organized fire
protection, it burned to the ground
quickly. The male portion of the
inhabitants of the place devoted
their cfforts to saving buildings
adjacent to the hotel and by a dint
of hard work were successful.
The loss will probably reach
$3,000, which is partly covered by
insurance. Coggswell and Swingle,
former residents of Towanda, were
the proprietors of the burned hotel.
The Howard Elmer hose coms
pany last night clected the follow
ing officers
President, Robt. Cullington; vice
president, George LeGrand, fore~
man, J. D. Munn
John Carroll, second assistant,
Robert Cullington. recording secs
retary, George LeGrand
J D. Munn; pipe men, George Le
Grand, J. D. Munn, Robert Cul-
lington, john Carroll;
clerk, ] D Munn; trustees, George
LeGrand 2 years, J. D. Munn
first assistant,
secretary, | Munn, treasurer,
|this commonwealth shall be nine |Y<?™ John Hunt one yoal, Tepre-
| fact in depth. Heretofore six feet | SSMtative to fire board, George Le
| ave Been considered deep enough | Grand, first assistant chief, George
for practical purposes, but the new LeGrand ae © fr
law says the grave digger shall go men's relief, Geofpe LeGrand, J. D.
three further towards the bowels | Munn, Robert Cullington; delegate
picking and shoveling is easy or
not. In several places grave dig
gers have organized strikes and
refused to dig graves more than |
six feet. The other day in a place
down the state a funeral party was
compelled to wait for three hours
in order that the grave digger
might complete his job as the law
required. In this case the deceased
had died of a contagious disease
and the law requires that the body
shall be buried within thirty-six
hours after death. The grave dig-
ger claims that the time is insuffi-
cient to dig a grave that will meet
the requirements of the law.
The stockholders of the National
Bank of Sayre held their regular
annual meeting at the bank build- |
ing yesterday afternoon and elected
the following directors: S R. Payne,
W.R. Raymond, N.S, Johnson, C.
H. Ott, M. D, Martin H. Sawtelle,
Lewis Eighmey, M. P. Murray, F
E Lyford, L. W. Eighmey. Im-|
mediately after adjournment the!
directors held a meeting and elect- |
ed the following officers for the!
ensuing year: S. R. Payne, presi.
dent; F. E. Lyford, vice president, |
M. H. Sawtelle, cashier; L. W.
Dorsett. assistant cashier. The
condensed statement of the condi-
tion of the bank at the close of
business November 8, shows the
institution to be on an excellent
financial basis,
On account of ill health of
owner, a long established mercan-
tile business in this valley is]
offered for quick sale at go per
cent of stock inventory. Address
inquiries to Business Opportunity,
care Valley Record, Sayre, Pa.
An engine drawing an eastbound
freight train broke down just out- |
side the west limits of the yards|
this morning, delaying No, 4 for
to state convention, George Le
Grand, alternate, J. C. Wood; dele
gates to five county convention,
George LeGrand, Robert Culling
ton, representative to valley fire-
men’s association, J. D. Munn, J. C.
Wood, John Carroll
William A. Lewis of Burlington,
W. W. Rorick of Cayuta, N. VY,
John Hawkins of Sayre, and Mrs
Nellie Jayne of Meshoppen under
went operations at the hospital this
Otis Johnson, a machinist's
helper, was at the hospital this
afternoon to receive treatment for
a laceration of the left thumb,
which he received while operating
one of the machines in the new
Reco Sebrico, an Italian track
hand, sustained a fracture of one of
the toes on his right foot this
morning. He was carrying a tie
when it slipped from his hands and
fell on his foot. He went to the
hospital for treatment.
———— A ——
David Elwyn, a member of the
Kirk Brown company which ap-
and evening, paid the Record a
most pleasant call this forenoon to
renew old acquaintances with the
editor. Mr. Elwyn will be remem-
bersd as the capable heavy char-
acter actor with the Roth-Moore
company which played a long
engagement at the park last sum-
mer. During his stay at the park
Mr. Elwyn acquired friends by the
score, all of whom will be pleased
to learn that he is engaged with
what is conceded to be the best
popular price company on the road
All taxes must be paid on or
before January 16th or five per
cent will be added.
J. L. PrumsteD,
205 7t Collector,
Tax Collector Will Hereafter
Resort to Drastic Methods to
Make Delinquents Settle
Yesterday afternoon Tax Col-|
lector Plumstead caused the arrest
of Rudolph Fleischutt, whom it
appears i1s in arrears for taxes.
Fleischutt was arrested by Chief]
Walsh and after being taken into|
custody wanted to give bail. As
the law does not permit bail to be
entered in such cases Fleischutt
then wanted a hearing. The law
again proved and obstacle and the
matter was finally adjusted by the
pnsoner giving security that he
the delinquent taxes
within five days. The amount of
the taxes and costs is $8.40, and
Nick Stafford, of the firm of Staf.
ford & Hope, the Thomas avenue
grocers, became Fleischutt's secu
ntp and thereby obtained his lib-
erty. If at the end of the five days
the taxes are still unpaid the tax
collector will resort to the law in
such case made and provided
A personal magnetism, com-
bined with distinct originality,
places Miss Emma Bunting, the
dainty “little comedienne” who is
to appear at the Loomis all next
week in the exclusive ranks of her
profession. The plays provided by
her management this
the majority of which have never
before been presented here, have
been selected with minute adapta
bility to Miss Bunting's homeo-
gencous versatility. The support -
ing company is first class in every
respect, and local patrons are
assured of performances which in
real point of ment equal, if not
excel, the majority of high price
The scenic equipment
carried by this company 1s replete
would pay
season, and
with many new innovations in this
line, which will be seen during the
course of the week. The special
tween the acts at every perform
ance arc of a high class order, the
roster comprising such artists as
Herbert H. Power, the
comedian; Al Rayno's troop of bull
dogs, the greatest animal act in
entertainers in singing, dancing
and acrobatic evolutions
The members of the local Aerie
of Eagles are making preparations
for their ball to be given in Eigh-
mey's hall on Thursday, the 18th.
A handsome program has been
prepared and the Loommns opera
house orchestra of six pieces will
furnish the music, The ball prom.
1ses to be one of the events of the
season and will no doubt be well
Since the cold snap began the
ice man and the coal man both
a self-satisfied grin that is
worth going miles to see.
25c for a two ounce bottle
You Do Not Have to Die to Win
It Protects You in Sickness or Accident
Pays Dividends Each Five Years
Has the Largest Membersilp of Any Lo-
cal Organization in Sayre
Pald In Sayre During Five Years:
For Disability
ForDeath.................. =
For Dividends
Assets Nov. 1.
Benefits Paid...
District Manager,
SAYRE, PA. 112 Desmond Street
Variey Puons 11a
© 4,750,000
Complete Line
comme ees
Starrett's and
Sawyer's Fine
Tools Kept in
Greek-American Confec-
tion and Candy Store.
J Nice Special Fresh Mixed
candy, 8 pounds 25
1lbs... 35
¥ Mixed Chocola
Nice Fresh Mixed
31ba.......... ieee
| Nice Fresh Candy "
( Made Every Day
§¥ Fancy Box Candy
Fruit of All Kinds
Desmond Street,
There is no nook nor cor-
ner where The Valley Rec-
ord does not circulate
Bargains in Choice
Building Lots
500 buys a Stedman S§, lot, 50x140,
fico buys a Hopkins St. lot, 50x150,
ot corner Stevenson and Stedman,
Lot on Allison St, central,
$1500 yn new housy and lot pear
silk mill,
$1300 buys a house and lot, corner
River and Lockhart,
$2100 takes new house, modern Ime
provements. Madison street,
$2100 takes seven room house, North
can get 4 ounces for the
same money at the West
Sayre Drug store ? Tele-
phone your order.
modern | :
Wag gg Me di