The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 22, 1905, Image 1

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    E 1, NO, 193
. — .
is as much difference in
quality of coal as there is
ween white and yellow sugar.
sell nothing but the celebrated
high Valley fresh mined anthra-
‘We also sell Bituminous and
sock coal and all kinds of
Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg.
Both Phones,
‘E.E. .. Reynolds,
; § For sale in Athens,
REAL ESTATE Sayre and Waverly.
acciacnt INSURANCE
Property Bought, Sold and
—Rxchanged —
117 Packer Ave.,
Walley Phone 230x. Sayre, Pa.
Loans Negotiated, Insurance Writ-
ten, Houses Rented, Rents Col-
: lected, Taxes Paid.
Metropoiine, Magazine
arent addresses if de-
Sayre, Pa.
WHEN You want a
8 of good, pure
you should insist
| having]
¢ methods for
and it costs
Charges Roosevelt and Higgins
With Personal Ambitions
Ex-Geverner Accuses Present Hauler
of New York State With False-
hood In Hegurd to Speaker.
ship Contest.
NEW YORK, Dec 22 —Former Gov:
eroor Odell, chairman of the state Re-
publican committee, made a statement
in which he said? “1 charge President
Roosevelt and Governor Higgins with
lnjecting their personalities into the
speakership contest. They will be to
blame if disaster results. 1 and my
friends have not wade this fight. but
now we are for harmony, and we will
have it If we have to fight for it”
Governor Odell also said, “1 charge
President Roosevelt and Governor Hig
gins with a deliberate attempt to wreck
the Republican party iu this state for
their own personal ambitions”
Mr. Odell's accusations were a part
of his comment on the situation grow
ug out of the contest in the Republican
party in this state for the speakership
of the New York state assembly Mr
Onlell declared himself in favor of E A
Merritt, Jr. several days ago
On Monday last Governor Higgins
came out lo favor of J. W. Wadsworth,
Jr. Mr Odell sald
“I notice that Governor Higgins said
be never was for Merritt. Shortly aft.
er cievtion | went to Governor Higgins
and asked him whom he was for for
speaker. He eliminated all but Mer
ritt and sald that peither New York
nor Buffalo conld have It because it
would stir up opposition agalost the
cities. | asked him If Merritt would
be satisfactory to him, and be asked me
to see Mr Merritt and ask him some
“1 saw Merritt and reported to the
governor, and he sald he wax satisfied
1 clearly understood he was for Mer
ritt and was wever so surprised as
when be switched his trolley. This is
the worst case of duplicity in politics
I bave ever known. Merritt is abso
lately right in saying that the govern
or agrewd to support him. He offers!
to the governor to stay out of the con
test If thie governor wanted him to do
“Led by the collarless and coatless
Young man who took us all to defeat in
1581 [apparently referring to J. Sloat
Fassett], William Barnes, Jr. Colonel
George W. Dunn and others with sore
thumbs visited Washington and stirred
up all this trouble
“If President Roosevelt Lad the good
of the party at beart be could have
sent for me at any time. and I would
have been glad to confer with him for
the sake of obtaining harmony in the
party. If that had been done all this
trouble would Lave been avolded with
out warffire
“So far as gratitude is concerned.
Governor Higzins certaluly owed me
something. lustead of putting out the
band of friendship he chooses to throw
Stones at those who have been his
friends. Higgins could have told we
that be did not want we or Merritt to
be io this affair, but lustead be throws
stones. If the president wanted re
forta [ was friendly, and they could
bave had it”
“If Governor Higgins and Mr. Roose
velt had wanted reforms they could
have bad them. [1 challenge either of
them to contradict what 1 say And
right now I make the prediction that
Assemblyman Wadsworth will uot be
elected speaker of the assembly’
“Will Mr. Merritt be elected” was
“1 do not know.” replied Mr Odell,
“but I do know that Wadsworth will
pot be”
Congressman Cocks of the president's
own cougressional district, said that he
had called at the White House to con
sult with the president as to the atti-
tude of the assemwbiyman from Nassau
county about the speakersbip contest
The president said that as a citizen of
Nassoa and a constituent of the assem-
biyman, If bis advice was asked. he
would state that in his opinfon Mr
Wadsworth was au deal candidate for
speaker; that it would be the Lost pos
silile thing both for the party and the
state If he were elected
Assemblyman Wadsworth said, “I
believe Governor Higgins statement
that President Roosevelt did not die
tate my candidacy, and I thibk Gos
enor Higgins is abundantly able to
take care of himself”
Mr. Wadsworth sald LE: would not
attend the conference of Republican
assemblymen called In this city today,
although he had received au invitation,
He added: “I was never more confi
dent than | am this minute that 1 wil
be elected. | have received Assurances
that make it absolutely certain.”
EE —
Fassett Sopports Higgine.
ELMIRA, N. Y., Dee. 22 ~(ongress-
man J. Bloat Fassett when shown
Chairman Odeil’'s Interview, in which
the latter blamed Fassett for the pres
ent condition of things in the Repabile-
an party, and the statement of Senator
Malby threatening impeachment pro-
ceedings against Governor Higgins,
said in part: “The talk of impeachgient
of the governor is rank nonsense. [t
is much better for a governor in office
wha Is likely to be held largely respon.
sible for party action to do everything
in bis power to uplift the party in the
his own Meliah interests to
Canal Commissioners Confrmation
Held Up on Account of Bishop.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 --Congress
bas adjourned until Jaw. 4
No effort was made by the senate
commitire ou inferoceanic canals to
hold a meeting for the purpose of con
of the isthmlan canal commission, the
coufirmations of which were reconsid
ered by the senate on Wedsesday. It
was agreed by members of the commit
tee, however, that the nominations
should not be taken up again vatil aft
number of absentees
else was taken by surprise at the sud
den developments whereby the coufir
mations of six canal
were recousidered and the White
to the senate
Senators Allisou and Hale had given
the president assurances that the nom-
ination of Jusvph Bucklin Bishop as
cabal commissioner to succeed Wallace
few Democrats
worst of the canal troubles was over
for awhile
Mr. Bishop, formerly executive secre
tary and head of the literary bureau of
the canal board at $10.00 a year, as a
full commissioner, with the understamd
linmediate cause of the senate's out
break. It was seen that the president
had devised a way to give to Mr. Bish
op $7540 a year as commissioner and
$2500 a year as secretary, thus allow
plainly indicated opposition of the sen
ate to the high salaries the commission
pays. This flank movement of the ad
ministration stirred the senate to its
Representative Williams (Miss) has
introduced a bill which provides that
hides, leather, shoes. boots, saddles and
harness imported shall be duty free if
the country from which they come ad
mits the products
of the United States at its minimum
tariff rate
Mrs. Sarah Whitmire, a
Killed by Robbers.
Mrs. Sarah Whitwire, 8 widow aged
Oty three years, was murders! in ber
home near the village of Muncy Val
ley, Sullivan couufy Robbery is be
lieved to have been the motive. Mrs
Whitmire lived aloue
obe Answering his knock on the door
he entered and found Mrs. Whitmire
Iying in a pool of blood with her head
badly battered. The sitting room of
the house showed evidence of a strug
gle. Mrs Whitmire was alive, but un
could be summoned That robbery
was the motive for the crime was evi
dent from the fact that every closet
and drawer in the house was open and
Coroner McHenry and District At-
toruey Hill of Sullivan county are mak-
obtalued a clew Ite Rev. S. B. Bid
Hck of Muncy Valley drove past the
house earlier than Flick's arrival. He
saw a Lorse tied to a telephone pole
near by He did not stop to invest!
Kiog'sYneht a Hackensack Freighter
NEW YORK, Dec. 22 The bark rig
ged auxiliary yacht Hildegan!
of gay parties in which King Edward
George Gould, Howard Gould and oth
er owners were the principal figures, is
doomed to the humiliation of being
transformed iuto a common, ordinary
freight conveyance on the Hackensack
river. Frank R Long of Hackensack,
N, J, and Jacob L. Swayze bought the
boat at a public auction a few days
ago for a sum less than $10,000. She |
now tied to the dock at Kaofwan's pa-
villon at Little Ferry, N. J. on the
Hackensack river
Cuban Cabinet Opposes Palma.
HAVANA, Dec. 22 The cabinet has
annulled the decree of President Pal
wa expelling Jose Planino, the Italian
agitator, from the island. Pinuino on
Sept. 10 at a meeting of Liberals re
ferred to President Pulma as a “fool
and traitor aud later by order of
Secretary of the Interior Andrade he
was deported on a cattle steamer to
Cartagena, Colombia. He was refused
admittance to Colombla and was re
turned bere and afterward was de-
ported to Halifax
Ships Must Steer Wide of Dewey.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. A warning
wus sent out Ly the hydrographic of
fice to the eotire shipping world re
questing ship captains to ook out for
the flonting dry dock Dewey so that
sips might vot pass between the dock
and the vessels which are towing her
to the Philipploes. Strung out in tan
dew formation, the dock and the four
accompanying ships will extend con-
siderably over a mile
Bosten Hotels Defy Moran.
BOSTON, Dec. 22. ~The four botels—
Young's, the Parker, the Essex and the
Adning Housethe liquor leenses of
which District Attorney John Moran
declared were inoperative on account
of violations of the “sereen” law, had
their barrooms open for business as
Duke Wiss Right to Sue.
NEWARK, N J, Dee. 22
Hendricks on Stand Admits
Lax Inspection Methods.
| state Superintendent Tells Why He
Did Not Discover Estravagance
and Corruption In Big
NEW YORK, Dec. 22 State Super
intendent of losurance Fraucis Hen
investigating committee, confessed that
{ be had been nothing more than a fig
| arehead in the office Lie has held since |
i eXx-Goveruor Odell appointed bim in
His testimony made clear why the
| Bred jusurance companies which have
| been pilloried during the last two |
months by the committee and Chief
Counsel Hughes have received clean
bills from his department
He admitted that be bad not enforced
the laws, had left examinations to sub
ordinates who did uot report to him
and had permitted boands of directors
to run thiugs In their own way LB
obly concern being that death claims
were paid. Extravagance and corrup |
tion in management be has not bother
{ed himself about. His theory has beep |
that the easiest way is the best way of
doing things
Hendricks has been accustomed to
, leaving everything to the other fellow
The other fellow in the state depart
ment of Insurance Is and has been
since ING Chief Examiner Isase W
Vanderpool. In 1902 and 1%3 Hen
dricks left the examination of the Mu
tual Life to Vanderpoel, and Vander
{ pol didn't find out that Rickard A. Me
j Curdy was getting $150,000 a year and
that the rest of the McCurdy tribe was
mliking the company. Hendricks jeft
the examination of the New York Life
to Vauderpoe! last year. ‘Lhe examina
tion lasted from January to August
The result was the saze— Nylic stayed
{in its hole, Andy Hamilton's “yellow
dog" stayed in its kennel! and George
| W. Perkins kept his fattor's letter In
| his pocket
| Inquisitor Hughes begau the exami
nation of Hendricks by getting from
{ him the fact that Kate Hendricks is
| eiployed in the department as “confi
| clerk” al $254: a year. Hen
cks is a banker in Syracuse He is
; reputed to be a wealthy man. He was
: appointed to office by ex Governor
i Odell In February, 1900. His salary Is
$TO0 a year, with an allowance of
$1.70 annually for traveling expenses
Summon og Hendricks to the witness
stand cae ax a great surprise. It was
| belleved that the investigation of the
stale’'s (psarauce department would
not be taken up until next week at the
| In answer to m question from Mr
| Hughes Mr. Hendricks sald: “Since |
{ bave been In office I have never at
tempted to manage an insurance cow
| pany. It bas seemed to me that the
management of a company should be
properly placed in the hands of its of
“Now, Mr. Hughes, what you bave
developed bere is dishonesty. 1 don't
believe that any amount of examina
tion by an insurance department will
stop dishonesty
“Now, we will take the Equitable
Unless we had had belp from the in.
side we wouldn't have got anyth ng
We could not find dishonesty ou the
LONDON, Dex hewry Harland,
the American uovelist, who wrote
“The Cardinal's Snuffbox Mademol
selle Miss” “Comedies
and Errors” and other well known
works of fiction, Is dead of consump
tion at San Hewo Mr. Harland had
been very ll since May At that time
his physicians gave him little encour
agement, the disease having advanced
to a point where recovery sectued im-
possible Mr. Harland was forty
three years old and leaves a widow
who was Miss Allue Merriam of New
York. He had no children
“Grey Roses”
Storm In Wyoming Valley.
heavy rain and wind storm, which
practically reached the dlinensious of a
hurricane, has swept the Wyoming val
ley. One man was Kllled. and property
worth thousands of dollars was de
stroyed in this city and surrounding
towns. Telegraph and telephone wires
were brokeu down in sll directions,
and for several hours communication
was cut off
Togoe's Farewell Address,
TOKYO, Dec. 22 Fleld Marshal Ya
wmagata has been appointed president
of the privy council. Adiniral Togo,
now president of the general staff of
the navy, in his farewell address to the
officers and men of the combined Jap
anese fleet warned them to be lu con
stant readiness for emergencies. . He
concluded with the words, “Victors, tie
your helmet strings tighter.”
To Bring George Washington In.
WASHINGTON, Dee. 22 - E. Woixls
superintendent of the capitol, has ap
peiabedd to the committee on library of
the house of representatives to save
the Greenough statoe of George Wash
ington, now on the esplanade east of
the capitol, from further destruction
by exposure (oo the weather Nr
Woods asks that the statue be placed
indoors %
Iinly Sends a Warship,
SHANGIIAL Dec. 22 The Italia
armored crulser Marco Polo has arrly.
od here and has been ordered to re
main anti the re-establishment of tran:
ntercelicgiate (hess Tournament af
New York.
NEW YORK, Dec. 22 -At the con
clusion last night of the first day's play
sentatives of Columbia university took
the jead over Harvard and Yale, with
Columbia was pitted against Prince
a half points
enfs Harvard played Yale, and the
E Schroeder, IL. P. Wolff, O. Brown
aud HH Blumberg played for Columbia
apd W. Ward, C Willams H G
Greenland and RB Hinds for Pr
Columbia will now Harvard,
Princeton ihe
concluded tomor
and Yale will play
tournament will be
csar Declares Martial Law
at Moscow.
ital Ceased as if by Magic<Fifty
Thousand Workers Strike ian
Inifon For Freedom.
been proclaimed here, and norinal life
bas ceased as If Ly magh The
Plog of the trains was the fis
that the general strike had
eumipioyees of the miunk
zetustvo left their offices sign
Is lailway work stopped lik
Students Will Fight Decision.
NEW YORK. Dec. 22 —A mass meet
ing of Columbia students will be held
in Earl hall today to protest against
the faculty's action in abolishing foot
ball and discouraging intercollegiate
athletics. The general opinlon express
ed by Columbia students is that they
hive been grievously wronged and
that all their traditions been
overturned They have resolved to
fight desperately for what they con
sider the life of coliege spirit at Co
lumbia &
Chief Hayes Got Handicap.
NEW ORLEANS, Dev. 22 The fea-
ture of the programme at City park
was the five and a bhaif faricng bhandil
cap [here were eight starters, and
Garnish, one of the top weights, was
backed from 7 to 2 down to 3 to 2. but
be pever wus prominent, while Chief,
Hayes, Czaraphine and Lucey Young
finished noses apart tn the order named
Columbia's {ane Spree (hamplons.
NEW YORK, Dee. 2 lu the an
nual cane sprees held betnovgn sophio
mores and freshmen at Columbia unt
versity the syphomores won
out of the seven lo the featherweight
spree M. Townsend, ‘ON defeated 1
Lulirs "8; RB B Tucker, ‘is
E A Ulmsaun ‘vi and E Rr:
MW wou from A S Shewmmon
r bouts
u from,
Racing at Ingleside
third race at lugleside Bob Ragon, at
T to 1, found the track to b liking
and. ridden vigorously by W
defeated the favorit by al
most a length. In the fourth roce three
outsiders, at 40 to 1, took the moneys
May Holladay beating Expedicat and
Ray, all noses apart
Iu the
Crussipn i
Silver Sue at Ascot
LOE ANGELES, Dec 22 Silver Sue
at 14 to 5, easily defeated a bunch of
two yearolds at Ascot. Old Dutiful |
heavily backed at 16 to 5, got home in
front of Golden Light. In this race]
Hersain carried the barrier thre igh
the bunch and the dangling webbing
interfered with the field
Gold Enamel and Flue Pirate. §
heavy track Wt the fair grounds told
agninst the favorites, aud only two
Gold Enmmnel and Blue Pirate, wers
successful In each couse the fave rite
was driven hard to win
Avolded Home Rule Question.
LONDON, Dec. 22 Sir Henry Camp
bell Banneroan's first speech since he
accepted the prefiership was delivered
at Albert ball last night before a mass
wieeting under the auspices of the Lib
eral federation. The premier carefuily
avolled the question of home rule for
Ireland, He sald that the tiscal ques
tion was the prime issue of the eam
paign whose
winistry “made a midaight titting on a
murky December evening A feature
of Nir Henry's spesch was bis ane
nouticement that the government had
decided to stop the importation of
coolles into South Africa until such
time as the question could 1+ decided
by & South African parliament
iRainst Rovernment
Attempt on Heyea' Life.
WASHINGTON, Dec, 22 The state
departinent has received information
by cable that an attempt was made in
Bogota to dispose of President Reyes
ag an incident to a plot for overturn
Ing the government Iu con
there wore many
irrests of prominent
men, who were to be tried by court
martial Among thew was a former
minister of the « net and five lead
ers of the oppos No detalls are
Kiven of the reasons for the attempt
upon General Rey os
Why Bryan Did Not Accept.
MANILA, Dec. 22-W. J Bryau has
cabled from Hongkong declining Act
Ing Governor Ides invitation to be his
guest during his stay in Manilla for the
redason that he comes as a NEWS paper
representative and vot as a private cit
izen, stating that by his acceptance of
the acting governor's hospitality he
would feel placed under certain obliga
tons to the government, which he
might wish to write about In the near
Fiaz Half ) Masted For (onley Faneral
BOSTON, Dee 22.-The memory of
George H. Conley, superintendent of
the public schools of Boston, who died
bere on Wednesday, was honored at a
special meeting of the Boston school
comimnittee. Eulogzistio resolutions wers
adopted. It was voled to close all pub
lic schools today, the das of the fu
neral, and to have all the school fag
placed at half staff
Quarrymen Are Out,
Operations In the slate quarries of east
With in Ove winutes
AK} men were idle
Ibe printing offi closed
Bo GeWwspapers are ubilished
bank clerks will join the
Many strike leaders and the men
bers of the Workmen's council of « dels
gates have beey
The striking railway men are
ed to the
coining trains with revolver =
In the Baltic pr
Are revolting badily, seizio
tewth and are [eet
Vifioes ths
tive committe
At Riga a popular lead
Faxitne fie
orator and is
res olgtioiiists
Hugh Watt Cenvicted of inciting
Agents to Marder Wife
LONDON, Dec. 22 -T
trial of Hugh Wat: th
ber of parliament, ob
ing hired
wife, Juiia
gents to fuurder
Watt, and
Jeauchamp, ended with
guiity Watt was
years penal servitude
lhe § £¢ lu suSEmwin
the most extraordi
whole story, he thought
fmprobable that any
ot tid swear to su
moderu Limes
«tion of the sanity o
sv the jury Lad
to do but find a vendict of guilty
eon raised,
Continuing the pointed out
that the former Mr
Watt would place Watt in exactly th
1s {t would enable
death of the
him to legalize Lis warriage to Lady
Violet Beauchamp, which t present
was Hiegal because Mrs. Watt Lad
clined to have her divorcee made
deed of settlement
Mrs. Watt, which Watt
Ihe jury was out nearly
Mrs. Ingerick’'s Statement
Mrs Georgia lugerick, who w
salted and severely injured whe
wire murders] about three wo
an lnteryiew lere
declared that
ago, gave
she positively
15kedd for water amd
been hurt. Mrs. lugerick says she soon
claiming that the Olneys had
remembers nothing further When she
left the house her daughter was eating
dinner. Davis, who Hyves next to the
Olney farm, Is now serving a
of sixty dass ju the Goshen fail for
toxication He was the first one to
covep the
the cellar
body of thie murders girl i
4 Nonunion Man Shot Dead.
NEWARK, OO, Dee. 22 The third
death resulting from the strike of S00
metal polishers at the Wehrle S
works, the places of these |
having been filled by nonunion men. o
curred last night, when Homer Loar
was shot and Killed while cogage! in
a ght with some fifteen or twenty
strikers, during which time many shots
were fired. The strikers immediately
dispersed, and it is pot known whether
any of the shots fired by Loar injured |
Lis assailants Nao
irrests have been
Loar leaves a widow and two
Mr. Longweorth's RilL
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 Represen
tative Longworth of Ohio has intro
duced a LIL In congress providing for
the purchase ut a cost of not over $3
Wa of bhulldings for the United
States missions at all of the
capitals where this government wain
tains ambassadors or ministers Mr
Longworth explained that the
lying purpose of the bill
the necessary great
wealth for the holding of high Jdiplo
watle oflice under the United States
If to remove
qualification of
The War He Looks at 10
CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 22 We are
glad to accept so called tainted money,”
said the Rev, H « Balley, pastor of
the Antioch Baptist church, in announe
ing the acceptance by his congregation
of Sm given by Jolin DD. Rockefeller
“It Is not
from, but where it goes, tht counts
where the money oomes
All Philippine Bide Rejected.
bids for
grants for the construction of railroads
In the Philippine Islands recently sats
mitted to the bureau of insular affairs
have been rejected becanse of de
partures from the terms of the circular
calling for proposals,
Weather Probabilities,
Tair; west winds,
Bring Your Job Printing to
Murrelle’s Printing Ret
; Office uctions
“The Satisfactory Place.” Holiday Goods
From four to eight skilled Job]
{printers ‘and a new, up-to-date
equipment are at your service,
One Day More
to Make Your Purchases
Our patrons say we have the
disposition to please. We keep
. }
our proms, You will find our lines
still well represented, hav-
tg been replenished every
day this week from heard +
lquarters at Scranton, only
Hour hours away.
We have made some deep
cuts in the prices of Christ-
which are a
[little out of our re cular lines:
L530 pillows 1.19
1. Ale HY (
A. 1, GREEN Io Jan bag at
0 hand bags oY
Valley Phone 142a.
40 opera bags AY
> 3 a 0 opera bags wo
Plany and Estimetes Furnished| - umbrellas 3.98
825 Stavenson Sb. Savre, Pa. 1.00 umbrellas 3.25
' 3.00 umbrellas 248
{Le B. DENISON, M. D. 2.50 win] rellas 2124
i 2.25 umbrell: 1
Office, Rooms 2 and 4 2.00 1.7% a
| Talmadge Building, Eimer Ave : a
Valley Phone at office and 1.00 umbrellas 1.24
residence 1.00 wimbrellas 39
Good lines to select yom.
H. H Mercer reau,
Notary Public
Special attention to Pension Paper
Vallsy Phoas 11 X
112 Desmond Street,
Ladies’ Neckwear
We have received ship-
ments of neckwear nearly
every day this week, We
offer some new ones tomor-
row at 25¢. All 30e collars
will he sold tomorrow at 25¢.
Contractor and Builder .
Plans and Estimates Furnished. Handkerchiefs
Our handkerchiefs are
without doubt the handsom-
est ever offered in this val-
LEIGH VALLEY RB, R.|::. vicina for
— lows: He, 10¢, 121e, 15¢, 18¢
(In effect Dec 3, 190%.) 20¢, J7c¢, and 0c. Globe
Trains leave Sayre as follows Ye > Se ‘4 a
pt TS Warehouse values all, of
them. 4
12: 2: nk. Fiitiwee Wires tore. aah
Dress Goods Spetials
husk, Allegtown, Bethicheni New
1.00 Panama, black and
York Philsd cipmia, HAI more «uw. Washinton
M. Daily for HeuEBAmnach , FH isd
): 2 ihes Batre, Glen Fummil
colors, 8Ye; Toe quality O8c,
ale quality ie,
Silk Waistings
PRilade!s his, Balt
1.00 Moire, good range of
colors, the; 1.00 Plaids, wood
assortment, 85¢; 73¢ Plaids,
good assortment, Gic; 1.00
Radium and Shadow Silks,
Dally escept Buatay, Back bia | VC,
2. 10: 2 Buy for Yeoman! Tuanknan
n wk Pittston, Wilkes = Gir Sum
mit Mauch Chunk, Allentown, = shem New I bi li
York, Phi Haden Baltimore = Weahingion - in Nn
Waverly gus FM Week days d 6 e S
n'y ph ¢ Athens, Ulster Towanda Mon
roeton, New Albany, [Vasnote, Salles
’ Halls, Wil Hapwport, Wysiuviug, Lacey
i=, Tunkhenaock, Pltston an! Wilkes Barre
Dally for Gegeva, Fulfalo Niag
ara M is wwonta, Detroit, Chicago. st
Loni and points west
Daily for Genes ester, Ca
; iHiek atavia, Bul. Coanecis fo
isgars alls qn] 29 1
cso oe Olobe Warehouse,
b:J0: Spencer Ithaca Trumaos ang Jar
urners, Geneva Roo hoobey vi
alo Compects for Niagata Falls Toroute, Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave.
lian and Chicago
1:00 Sein Fam |
burg Mlayts Coruers, Geneva, Roch
ter, Batavis oe Malo and Niagars Falls
Lehigh Valley Coal
103 Lincoln St. Sayre, Pa,
Bethlehem New ¥
and Wash uglon
AM (Waretly S454 4) Week
. for Athens Ulster Towsnds,
1, New Albany, liushore, Satie
e Wiltiamsport, Wyaturing Lacey
ville, Tunkhannock, Pittston acd Wilkes Barre
AM Waverly & AM Daily for
. Towanda Tunk mock Pittston
Wikes Barre, Glen Sommit springs
White ilaven, Fenn Haves Jusction, Mauch
Chunk Allentown, Bethlehem, New York, Fai
sdeiphia, Paltimore and Washington
M Sunday culy, for Athens, Mi'ar
I: ser, Towanda, Wyslusiag Lacey
10: 0 Ye: Mestoppen and 1 shannxk
Waverly 133; PF M) Ls
Tod ands, Tunghesnock, Fills’ n
w kes Barre, Glesm §.ramit Springs
Win Haven Mauch Chunk, Al -utown, Bethie
bem New York, Pulisdelphis, Heitimore and
Some new patterns at
special prices for Saturday.
Dislly for Geoevs, Koghester
3: 4 Slaton s, Estavia, Bafalo
aily far lack wood, Odesas
Re tefl (Watkins Valois, Lodi, Gillet
Varick an! Geneva
Daily for ithaca, Trmansbus ww ele
. 'aken CGeners, C1
. srrings, Vick ofhesler, Caled min
Batavia, Buf Niagara Falls
Detroit, Chicago, SL Laois Poinis west
FM. Daily except Punday, Risck Dis
: mond Kypress, for ere, Roc heste
Rulleio, Niagara Fall}, Detroit, Chicago
st “Louts and potats west,
M. Dai'y for wood, Van Riten,
* ay ithaca, Trgmansbary, Hays
Corners, Geneve and
AM Week days
3 ville, Cortiand,
Moravia, Auburm,
ror iaven, Syracuse, Utica
FM. Daily for Ow
h land, Canastota, Gr
Bern, SyTecnee, or
Cards For
The Valley Record
following card signs:
For Reat
Best Quality & Prompt Delivery
; Guaranteed
Bradford Street Yard Phone, 138d
Office at Raymond & Rpts Store, Sayre
= C. J. CARY,
for Owego, Free
masiots, Groton,
1s oar
to be
as low
the vs