The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 19, 1905, Image 3

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    1906 calendar.
Call and get a
slightly shop worn goods
Also a few
and are offering them at
188 De Desmond Street.
When You
Are Thirsty
and feel the need of a dainty,
sop wot you reach -
Drigg's Soda Fountain,
where you will be served to
best of our ability. In
af our beverage vs ue
We sim to please the
The The Valley Record
“All the the news that’s fit to print”
Dressed dolls from 10c to $3.50
at Athens racket store.
Smoke Peer’s Straight Five, a
fine fragrant cigar
Royal Tiger flour $1.35 a sack
(Sayre) Athens racket store.
Just received, a large consign-
ment of sample slippers. Try a
pair at Beloud's.
You save money by buying
Xmas gifts at Athens racket store.
Frank Rose, a native of Italy,
and a resident of this place, has
filed his notice of intention of be-
- coming a citizen of the United
Inspect our genuine cut glass
at factory price at Athens racket
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Thom-
"as Sedden of No. 522 North Elmer
avenue, is ill of scarlet fever. The
house, has been quarantined by
Health Officer Brougham,
Fine art calendars, celluloid
novelties, post cards, etc, at Athens
We will examine eyes free and
give 10 per cent discount on your
until Jan. 1st.
Barxun & Tavior,
131 Lockhart St.
Buy your Xmas candy at
Athens racket store 10 and 20c¢ a
At the regular meeting of the
Aerie of Eagles to be held
Thursday evening twelve can-
for iSiupérthip will be
Call and inspect the largest line
of holiday goods in the valley at
the Athens racket store.
There will be two performances
at the Loomis on Christmas day.
Neighborly Neighbors, a musical
comedy, will be presented afternoon
and evening. The matinee will
begin at 3 o'clock.
Call and see the finest line of
parlor lamps in the valley. Price
always right at Athens
Whether you have little or
much to spend for Christmas you
can find gifts to please you at the
Athens racket store.
Everyone come to the supper
and entertainment in Red Men's
hall, December 21, under the aus-
pices of the Daughters of Pocahon
tas. Supper from 5 uutil 8 o'clock.
Entertainment commences at 8
sharp. Ten cents for all. 189-3
W.P. Wood went to Wilkes-
Barre this morning on business,
Richard C. Cook and Arthur
Drake, of this place, are serving as
jurors at Towanda this week.
Charles Beibach, who has been
spending several days among
friends and relatives in Bingham-
ton and Lestershire, has returned
to his home in this place.
Agnes Kunetchskey, the young
Hungarian girl, is still being an-
noyed by the persistence of the
two men who are suing for her
hand and heart. Last night in
company with several others her
two lovers congregated in front of
her parent's residence, and as their
actions were of a suspicious nature
a call was sent in for the police,
Chief Walsh, accompanied by an-
other officer, went to the Kunetch-
skey residence. They found
the men standing on the sidewalk,
but as they were doing nothing to
disturb the peace and quietude of
the neighborhood no arrests were
made. Miss Kunetchskey still
declares that she fears her life is in
danger, but as the police are unable
to obtain tangible evidence it is
useless to arrest her would be
Ata meeting of the Star Build-
EE ae airy
and Was Last Seen Headed
For Elmira
by the Towanda police authorities
for horse stealing, and if the cflorts
will be in custody by the time this
copy of the Record is in the hands
of its readers. - Karly yesterday
received a telephone call from offi-
cer Guy Hollon of Towanda, stat-
ing that Nowles had stolen a team
in that
seen was
of horses and a wagon
place, and when last
headed for Sayre.
panied by a young woman, said to
be one of the Heeman tribe, and
also a little child
He was accom-
As Nowles was
South Waverly near the state line,
the chief at once went to the place
and while there ascertained that
the man he was after had arrived
there ahead of him and had stopped
only a short time. The chief also
learned that Nowles had secured a
pair of thills and turned one of the
animals loose, so that when he
arrived in South Waverly he was
only driving one horse.
From South Waverly Nowles
headed toward Elmira and the
police of that city were notified to
be on the lookout for him.
The animals stolen by Nowels
were old and of little value, but as
horse stealing is a serious crime
even in the efete cast,
doubtless do a long term of service
for the Commonwealth if captured
and convicted.
A A a
Mrs. Frank Miller, a resident of
Nowles will
Mrs. Mary Albright, of
street, Binghamton,
underwent an operation at
Packer hospital in this place.
was suffering from
cancer, and
Binghamton and embraced
Christian Science faith. The treat
died as above stated. The cor-
ceased was 21 years of age he
decided that she had a perfect
right to employ any means
treatment that she chose. The
coroner issued a death certificate.
AP ————
The Christmas attraction at the
Loomis will be the new musical
comedy, Neighborly Neighbors,
with the popular comedian, Mr.
Tom Waters. Neighborly Neigh-
bors is a mixture of bright and
witty lines with a lot of catchy
musical numbers which are sung by
a chorus of well trained voices
The company supporting Mr
comedian ever had.
being personally guided by the]
masterful hand of Mr. Frank W.|
Nason. Matinee and night. The
matinee will commence at 3 o'clock. |
Archer LL. Laws and H. Stanley
formed a co-partnership for the
practice of their profession. They
have opened an office on the sec-
ond floor of the Laws block. Both
are deserving young men and will |
doubtless make a success of their |
community of interests,
Lautz Bros. & Co. have opened |
block, Fulton street, Waverly,
until Decembes 21st. Redeem
r Acme, Master, Marseilles and
wrappers, a
| |
Omar DimmocY, a Cripple, Meets
With An Unfortunate Acci-
dent While Working For the
Lehigh Yesterday
%.Omar Dimmock, a Lehigh Vals
ley employe, is lying on a cot in
the Packer hospital suffering from
yesterday afternoon in falling from
a foot bridge which crosses a gully
small station two
miles east of VanEtten. Dimmock
lost a leg several years ago ina
accident, and since then
has been compelled to use a peg.
Recently he has been employed at
situated a few
the Lehigh
In order to get
the tracks to the pumping
station it was necessary for him to
pass over a plank bridge. In so
doing he slipped and fell to the
ground beneath, a distance of sev
eral feet
a pumping station
hundred feet from
tracks at Shields
When picked up he was
found to have sustained a fracture
of the right hip. He was placed
on board an engine and brought to
the hospital at this place.
The members of the local post-
office force arc becinning to feel
the effects of the annual flood of
yuletide mail. The mail handled
during the Christmas scason is
many times greater than at other
stated periods of the year. While
it is usually not of a weighty nature
it 1s very bulky and consists of
week the Chrismas rush, so far as
mail is concerned, will be at its
height, and the clerks and carriers
service should be patient and not
kick. The carrier is having his
the heart.
The funeral of Helen A Terry,
J. F. Warner, pastor of the Metho
officiating. Appro-
Williams. The pall bearers were
The casket was covered
with beautiful flowers, tokens of the
her young friends.
morning for burial.
Bert |. Woodruff, the man who
who was arrested at East Troy on
ling burglarized several residences
{in that place, and who when taken
| confession, was sentenced yester
‘three years’ sentence for house
| breaking.
The real live genuine
Claus may be seen at almost any
He |
{takes pictures and entertains visit- |
you visit the big store don't fail to
go to the third floor and see the
ony. live Kris Kringle,
ep ———
tion Concerning Borough Or-|
dinance Which He Says Is|
Being Flagrantly Violated
The Record is in receipt of the
following query from a well known
local physician, regarding the anti-
spitting ordinance which
adopted by the borough council a
year ago last summer
“What has become of the ordi-
nance prohibiting expectoration on
the sidewalks and other public
places? Beautiful stores, a credit
to Sayre; but outside filthy streets,
littered with expectoration, a dis
grace to Sayre
able law
Is this commend-
to become obsolete?
There are enough tuburcular bac-
cilli and other disease producing
germs thus thrown upon the pave-
ment, to be gathered up by shoes
and clothing and carried to the
homes to menace the health of the
entire community. Post the no-
tices as they were originally and
and then make an example of a
few offenders, and the nuisance will
So far as the ordinance itself is
concerned The Reeord presumes
that it has been assigned its proper
place in the borough archives, and
there has never been a single
The police can hardly be blamed in
the matter, however, as persons
who use the sidewalks and various
hallways about town for cuspidors
are not in the habit of expectorat-
ing in the presence of the guard-
ians of the peace. Unless the
police are witnesses to the act they
are powerless to make arrests, and
as private citizens who doubtless
many times sec men and boys
expectorate upon the walks do
not care to enter complaint, the
violators of the ordinance are guar-
anteed almost absolute immunity
from arrest and conviction.
The local lodge of the Modern
Woodmen held a meeting last
night and elected officers as fol
lows: Worthy consul, Hariy L
Wollcott; worthy advisor, Charles
l.. W. Dorsett;
W. J. Marble.
appointed chief
Shear, S Kiff
a board of managers. The
rapidly and has
recently received a large number
of applications for membership.
a l,.,.,.,aiii»!’-s’”'h
Damiano Quazio, of Groton,
Jones of Sayre were admitted to
Fred Dougherty of Rummer-
ficld was discharged this afternoon.
| Cabinet for Christmas. -
ed by the entire family.
{least money in the valley,
ber of drawers for
knives and forks, etc.
Lehigh Valley Officials Grant the
Request of the Citizens of That
Place---Other Railroad Notes
The citizens and business men
of Hazelton are rejoicing over the
fact that the Lehigh Valley is to
commence the erection of a new
depot at that place
years the
association has been fighting for a
station and the meantime they
have been confronted with apathy
on the part of the officials of the
company which looked almost like
refusal. Oa Saturday last, howey
er, general manager M. B Cutter
announced that station
would be built. It will probably
be three stories high and contain
room enough to accommodate the
clerks and transact other necessary
No details as size
has been given out, but the offi-
cials have assured the people of
Hazelton that the structure will be
a fine one and one which will in
every way be a credit to Hazelton,
For three or
four Business Men's
a new
business. to
Every available crew was pressed |
into service Saturday and yester-
day to relieve the congested coal
traffic. On ‘account of a number
of wrecks which occurred at vani-
ous points on the line last weck
coal trains were blocked, and the
trainmen have for the most part
been compelled to work right and
day. At Coxton the ya: ds
badly congested and it toc k hours
to clear the tracks.
Edward Fowler, the Lehigh Val
ley engineer who was injured at
the lumber yards in Hazelton some
weeks apo, has
and is
once able to
more handle
A penny social will be held at
the parish house of the Church of
the Redeemer Wednesday evening
The proceeds will go for the bene
25c for a two ounce bot!le
of vanilla extract, when you
can get 4 ounces for the
same money at the Wes'
Sayre Drug store ? Tele-
phone your order.
Take a Policy in the
You Do Not Have to Die to Win
It Protects Yuu in Sickness or Accident
Pays Dividends Bach Pive Years
Has the Largest Membership of Any L
cal Organization in Sayre
Paid In Sayre During Fre Y 3
For Disability : ‘e
For Death
For Dividends. .
Assets Nov. 1
Benefits Paid.
District Manager,
VarLiey 'Proxe 114
Wholesaler of
109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, P
Best of Eve
Lockhart St.
C. J. Kircuin
Especial care and prompt |
tention given to moving
Pianos. Household Goods, 8
Everything New and Up-to-Dats.
( tions
Thomas Ave, Opposite L. V.
Rates $1.50 ud Day.
Try an od in The Record
stick with every pair
$3.60 each
ibe, and up to & LT
Gem Safety Razors, 1.50
Regular Razors, 7 5¢
Razor Strops, 25¢ to
£1.50, £2.00, $2.50 each
Roasting Pans, 25¢
Clothes Wringers, £2.00 10
216 Desmond St., Sayre.
322 8. Main St, A