The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 16, 1905, Image 8

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    Wiest Middien
as 5 ST RE
at this result. Two
I be dismissed from the
a few days by the sec
@ navy, the one for hazing
for countenancing it by
$ on duty te report its oc!
basing or countenancing it.
i by the condition of affairs
#0 far as the treatment of |
‘class men are comcerned, Secre
rte telephoned to Rear Ad-
Bands, superintendent of the
A request fo come to Wash.
2 toaference, and the admi-
p In a new and vigorous cam-
¥ Wagel at Annapolis against
p of the navy depart:
hie ores to abolish the evil,
_ Bonaparte announced |
' the officials bere in his abil
dle the situation to the entire
of the department. Con-
: tigation of the condi-
the semy has already been
Iu an resolution Introduced in
bY Representative Loud eof
are the developments in
it against hazing at the
: When Secretary Boua-
| the navy department he
AR official report from Admi-
Prenmor Coffin, Jr. for
un Jerdone Pettus
reing him to stand on
the fall con-!
moan Warren Abbe Van
, Second class man, because
duty he observed the occur
falled to report it. The su-
called attention to the
pmen Coffin and Van
gulity of violating a well
‘regulation for the government
I academy and recominend-
summary dismissal in accord:
the act of cougress
Hurled 100 Feet.
LN. Y., Dee. 15.—An ex-
‘ in the tannery of Raach
Abn street, wreeked a balld
feet away and only slightly
the boiler house from which
toni mines of metal was hurl
Boller went through the side
Swnery, tearing a hole in a
Hor. It was hurled over the
a ‘five story building and land-
he roof of the Weston building,
through to the second oor.
fel! forward. carrying away
portion of the frout wall. Mrs.
Hende, Hobert Weston and
pr were In the room where
ler landed and were burled io
s, but all escaped serious In-
nk Smith, engineer at the
Burned te Deunth.
; Conn, Dec. 15
fire In Barr's block. in East
get, Mary Mano, seven years
to death and Charles
¢ fo years old, was probably
} burned. The fire occurred in
iments of Mrs Mary Minola,
} left the children in the house
‘abe went shopping. Mrs. Minola
d the fire on ber return and
‘the children unconscious and
burned on the kitchen floor.
ptes]l fo carry them outside
y edly burned about the face
Bands, It Is believed that the
en, playing with matches, start
je fire. The financial loss will be
a, MI Banquet at St. Paul.
PAUL, Minn, Dec. 15 —Three
nd I men, besides a
: tisitors, last night sat down
. _ given to James J. HI,
ihe Great Northern rail,
ORT % of his efforts In
northwest. The banquet
under the auspices of the
ss club aud wns the
8 bo affair of its kind ever
the northwest judged from the
b of floral decorations
® O60 the West Shore.
¥., Dec. 15 Three large
éd with railroad officials
made the formal trip
rer oi Bereafter be run over
stow of the steam
oe the first stars
were made, will be turn:
# over to federal government with
fe cvfeinonies ou June 14,
) Anniversary of the ‘hirth” of
President Roose
be fuvited to participate in
hundred delegates were
John Mitchell, president of the Una
Mine Workers of Awerica, called the
coavention of anthracite coal mibers
ing the organization in western Penn
sylvania and the western states which
beld contracts with the bituminous coal
The miners’ leaders plan through the
"convention to request a conference of
the operators. This will be made in
the form of a resolution, and the fol
lowing demands, it Is xald, will be
made if the couference is granted:
A party agreement better known as
recognition of the union, an eight hour
workday; an Increase In pay to all
the wages in effect April 1, 1902
This would mean that the miners
the present awand, For some unskilled
employees It would mean a slight in-
Congratulations Pour In on Heotte-
velt's Future Son-in-law,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-A fiood of
congratulations poured on Congress
man Nicholas Longworth of Ohlo Ly
Lee Roosevelt.
“The engagement Isn't of very long
standing.” be =ald in auswer to a gues
tion. “1 knew 1 was engaged. but 1 did
pot know officially until the announce
ment was made. That's why | had te
keep quiet about it”
“Did you plight your troth aboard the
steamer returning from the Philip-
pines? Mr. Longworth was asked.
“1 really don't know.” he answered,
with a laugh. “I've been in what yon
might call a trance for =o loug that |
am somewhat mixed as to dates.”
After the wedding tn February Mr.
Longworth said be and Lis bride would
probably take a short trip, to be fol
lowed after the adjournment of con-
gress with a European tour.
It is understood thar the ceremony
White House, where Nellie Grant,
daughter of President Grant. was mar-
ried to Algernon Sartoris May 21, 1874.
Self Defemae, Mra. Munckion's Flea.
BALLSTON, N. Y., Dec. 15—The
prosecution In the trial of Mrs. Hattie
Munckton, charged with the murder of
her Lusband, rested its case at the
close of court, and the defendant will
be put on the stand to tell ber story.
The evidence of Deputy Sheriffs An-
drus and Hubbs, who secured an alleg-
&] confession from the accused woman,
was taken, the defense attempting to
prove that the confession was secured
under duress aml with a promise of
immunity, Attorney Andrus, in the
opening address for the defendant, sald
he would prove that she fired in self
defense after Munckton had assaulted
her and threatened to take her life
As It Bhould Be.
“But,” protested the multimillion.
aire’s son, “1 don't want to go to col
“Oh, very well,” rejoined the old
man. "I'll have ‘em bring it to you”
~—Chicago Dally News.
Died For Love.
POLK CITY, Ia, Dec. 15.—Despalr-
ing because of his inabliity to secure
the promise of Jessie Darr, sixteen
years old, to becowe his wife, Harry
Hudson, nineteen years old, blew out
his brains in her presence.
Closing Stock Queiations,
Money on call easier at T{S per cent;
prime mercantile paper, 46G€ per cent;
exchanges, 501.5894; balances, $11.79 817.
Closing prices:
Amal. Copper...
WY N. Y. Central... 154%
Atchison. .......
Norf. & West...
Southern Pac...
Southern Ry..
#% South. ny. pt.
IIL Central...... 177
lackawanna.... 48
Louis. & Nash. na
Manhattan. .... J84
Metropolitan 115% West. Union..
Missourt Pac... 100%
New York Markets.
FLOUR~Dull, but steady: Minnesota
patents, MOS; winter straights, £394
L109; winter extras, 28643135. winter pat-
A gd. absence of pressure wheal
ruled fai steady at about Ye under the
“lute, with trade light: May = 1-16§
TR The price of milk is 51.71 per &
ALLOW Barely steady; city, #4c;
HAY gready’ | hippt 0gtic., good t
~Steady; o o
choles, 507 Sc na, Lg
STRAW- Dull; long rye. Toe.
BEANS-Quiet; marrow, & 103.15. me-
Mum, a 17%; pea, $1751. 77%; red Kid.
Woot. ulet; domestic flesce, BHC.
. a. ro Soman to Srolcs,
cifie coast, i" y For fg ‘1994, ee o
ITT ER—Creame exiras, un
a | seconde, ¥
he 7 frsta,
hie Fates. NRG firsts,
ESE-State, full cream. co Be and
hr and
, September, fancy,
15%¢. 1 October, vest Th
. 1910... average
best. late made, 11 : Ia TINE
EGGS Fresh gathered, extras, per dou-
en, I. ; nearby. fresh gathered, firsts to
extra firsts. o refrigerator. Arata,
Ne; Seconds, 3
LIVE 3 JULTRY — Easter: fowls,
pn. ; ducks, 139180; old roosters, §
eye, 14615. ; spring chickens, he: ;
geese. 13% 15
DRESSED PUULTRY — Steady: fresh
killed fowia, choice, 136 Byitye. do. fair to
oul, IRI. turkeys few and fan-
18g do. fair to oad,
a : roosters,
chink Bai es
Ho ieSe. on iiicks
ens, fair to good ne on", Yee.
uew mammoth battleship Vermont
Van der Veer, of Al-
. Y., has just received one of
was imprisonéd in 1891 for alleged
complicity in the assssination of Alex-
Ireland in 178% and fought with Nelson
at Trafalgar. is now living at the age
0® 123 near Bloomfield, Mo. He fought
in the Crimean war, assisted in the
taking of Sebastopol and in this coun-
try fought in the Mexican and civil
Mrs. Marion B. Baxter is at the head
of the only free hospital in Seattle,
Wash., the bosp%al ship Idaho. Roger
S. Greene and other public-spirited
men of the city bought the ship and
gave it for the benefit of those too
poor to pay for admission to hospitals
Mra. Baxter has been for several years
Guadaloupe county alone numbering
with equal fluency. The governor Is
now nearing the end of his second term
will be reappointed.
Thomas A. Edison came over lo New
York from bis quiet New Jersey home
ried back again.
to the guietude of my own workshop.”
te remarked on leaving “I can't stand
nolsy over here, one of the chief rea-
sons being that you are using so many
of my contrivances.”
Just Possible.
her to." Chicago Dally News.
dreadfully untidy
Mary! I don’t know what the Taker:
will think of you when he cons’
“The baker don't malter, 'm.
milkman’s bia!"
“Pa.” asked Tommy, “what's the
difference between ‘assurance’ and
‘insurance? “Well, my son, one is
what the ageni has and the other is
what he persists In trying to sell you.”
“How long does it take to emply
“I” don't
replied the janitor;
turing I'll Ume "em."
“This is the first {ime you have been |
to prayer meeting in a long lime”
got a job whitewashin’ a chicken coop
an’ buildin’ a fence around a water-
“That barber seems to be doing a’
rushing business.” “Yes. He has in-
“But—er—I don’t |
“It tickles the vanity |
of his patrons. They go around smell-
pression that they own automobiles.” |
Prof. G. Haberlandt, after sindying |
the sensitiveness of the lendriis and
of experiencing regular sensa
The new method of producing gen- |
three hypodermic injections—two *
fore cperation—of scopolamine with
some morphine. Unconsciousness
continues some hours after the opera:
A London chemist, Dr. McAlpine,
oll, for which he claims that it will
abolish the use of expensive chem-
increase the
‘Good Presciption. i
If a man’s life is solitary. he should
indulge in brisk morning walks, fol-|
lowed by cold baths If his occupation |
fancies, he!
should read the biographies of good men
ork Tribune. : :
“He was & man of the alertent wit,”
.re explorer sald. “I never saw his
»(ual in the hilting off of & person's
aaracter with an apposite story, Once
remember, he was describing a Soul
manufacturer of loose business morals.
“Mr. Zeigler said this manufacture:
was like a certain grocer who called
his clerk up before him one day and
* ‘That Iady who just went oul—
didn’t | hear her ask you for fresh laid
* ‘Yes, sir’ the clerk answered.
“ ‘And you said we hadn't any?
* ‘Yes, sir; that is correct!’
“The grocer, purple with rage
“ 'Dide"t yon see me jay those eggs
myself on the counter not ten mintues
ago?! You are discharged. you menda-
cious scoundrel. and see that you don't
look to me for a reference, either.”
Sweet Corn for Bassa.
about the kind of food they take, and |
usually unless he offers them choice live |
bait. Down about Chadds Ford, Dela |
ware county, however, they are not so!
particular. and, if the fishermen have |
been telling the truth, they have devel.
opedl a great fondpeéss for sweet corm. |
a carp lure it has always proved effec |
as liable to get a bass as a carp.
His Worst “Enemy. i
Callar—1I have dropped in, al the re-;
juest of Mr. Kammerer. a friend of yours|
and of mine _to ask you—
Eminent Statesman — Kammerer? |
e's no friend of mine! He takes snap |
shots of me when I'm making public!
geeches. and prints them {no the papers |
- tot him!—Chicago Tribune
She Didn't Halt,
Mr. ~ Timid—]—er—suppose you
Her Father—Yes, young man. and she
told it better than you seem able to.—
Philadelphia Ledger.
Japanese Sailors.
A Japanese marine officer has ex
ors. Most of her coast vessels are
small, but there are a great many of
them, and almost any man taken from
A fishing village has bad emough ex
closed out regardless of
one half price
cost to close out
Folding ironing tables 83¢.
Bible stands with shelf 36c.
Jardiner stands 30¢,
Double rocking horses 75¢.
Doll games, A BO bx
{larger books, notions and
We are herelo stay, Ou Exel 7
cheaper than any house in ¢
Horse blankets at costs.
g J. C
CARY Block, SA
Advertise in The Record.
new and sas
with mow collar, wi
S—— Ei
ut single
= ad
354 double breasted suck suite dos
black and blue
Boys’ Clothing
a made of wat
Fas rpusidnt anna *
OR yink
Young Men’s Pants
breasted ith full skirt, fine velvet collar, broad
Double breasted overcoats
pong men, ie” seams drm
$8 and $10, sale price Fra ahn
$7, now .. ss
and fagcies. Former price $0.00, now. .
Heivy flesced lined shirts Aad drawers, for
mer price 5lo, now. .
T6c and $100 dress shirts... i... .ovvvnviaas
Red 30d blue 10¢ handkerchief, now. ......
85¢ suspenders, now
_ Boys’ knee pants, 50c and 76c, Bow... ......
$1.50 Yizok derby hats, fall snd winter styles
Heavy wool hose, 280, DOW. . ........0vniinns
Men's 50 20d 78¢ heavy jersay shirts. .......
Men's $1.00 fleoce lined heavy jersey shirts.
and 850 » garment. .
lar, double
accompany all
Ess adnRrnuRE
wool lined, $8.00, now.