The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 16, 1905, Image 4
FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF S$s.00 OR OVER. SAYRE, PA. Saturday, December 9, This Store Will Remain Open Nights Until Xmas. across the hearth, and the strin:s to everyb dy's purse is loosed. 1 { We have provided amply for everybody, allages and all walks im life, It would seem from the ‘throngs and lively buying, during the last week, immediately following our Christmas opening, the 11th, that our Yuletide offerings bad been accepted as high authority, and complete selections for Holiday shoppers was to be I und here, | in the weak. ht pus in un Christ being . K io gone tonm rrow, ‘clock a. m., till 10 0 elock at iia arly ge you f Bayre, th y but might be Jou kh fh a - . : $ Dressed dolls from 10c to $3.50 at Athens Racket Store. Miss Frances Jewell of Ulster spent the day with friends in Athens Royal Tiger Flour $1.35 sack.” Athens Racket Store. Rev. W. H. Sawtelle will preach in Ulster tomorrow afternoon. You save money. by buying Xmas. gifts at Athens Racket Store. Miss Marie ‘Stacey of Troy, is visit ing her brother, F. W. Stacey, In town. Inspect our genuine cut glass at factory prices at Athens Racket Store. Comrade A. J. Fisher of Towanda, was calling upon his Athens friends yesterday afternoon. Toys, games, books, lamps and In fact every desirable gift at Athens Racket Store. Edgar McKinney of Grand June- tion, Colorado, is visting hie parents, Mr. and Mre, C. E. McKnney Buy your Xmas. candy at Athens Racket Store. 10 cents and twenty cents per pound. Mrs. P. L. Decker of Towanda, Is visiting at the home of P. BE. Decker, South Main street. . Fine art calendars, celluloid nov- ens Racket Store. ith his parents. gotting up an entertainment to take place at the High School hall Wed- an admission fee of fen cents will he charged, music fund. misister to Sweden, recently states that he is to go to Norway about the first of January lo attend some official - duties there. all. diplomatic relations between the two nations have not yet terminated. NARROW ESCAPE At about nine o'clock this mora- teamn across the rallroad crossing ocrat wagon and driven by Adam Tompkins was following behind his wagon. Mr. Campbell got across the tracks all right but the team driven by Tompkins got frightened at the noise of the hammering in the Bridge Works and made a sudden jump which broke the cockeye in one of the traces. There were four freight trains coming from different upon the wagon when Mr. Campbell came to the rescue and grabbed the trace and whifletree and snaked the wagon across the tracks to a place of safety. bell's prompt action saved the wagon from being wrecked and prevented a 2 ~ = i Ko It SR Ww \ This Certaficate, No | ONE PAIR OF. TT roe — .. Will be exchanged for the Express Company keep busy landing late and still have others coming. Some lines are broken bat are plete to the last practical moment, tage. d advan wo could list toda helped < | Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Tripp went to \p Sheshequin this morning to spend the >>| day with friends and relatives %: | Call and ‘inspect the largest line of| ~ ATHENS CHURCHES { holiday goods In the valley at the ON | | Athens Racket Store. dy — + Ed. Whiting and wife and children SN went to Ulster this mornng to spend serious accident. shopping at the Big Store puts a community of interests ng vo Episcopal. Services morning and SVeping as usual by the pastor, Rev. . B. Daw, Universalist. Services morning and evening as usual by the pastor, A case of one half gross Ice Skates arrived today and as a result of helog Expressions are heard on every hand of tho values we gi se, the assort- late In the season to advertise, they goon sale at manufacturer's cost to us ments we show and SAYRE SUNDAY SERVICES Presbyterian Church on a par with cities three and more ti-ues the size A the day at the home of Herm Griffith. mas stooki We ba Santa Claus will begin taking pictures Monday and continue until Christmas night. doessed like him and looks like bim. Pictures Scand 10e, A real Santa, “1. V. R. R. Excursisns Friday and Saturday of each week, of a single fare. This brings your shop- ah to the migimum. This rate holds good from all stations between Tunkhannock and Geneva. 2a) S16 : Ld ea 09a) I 7 ENA ¢ 0m N / __A SERANTHA LOOMIS OPERAHOUSE *cOA ORCHESTRA the Lowest Pc Possible Prices Strictly Up-to-Date Music furnished ean be left at Weat Sayre for Balls, Parties and all manner of Soc- | are, both or at the Erie street ial Functions, either public or private. | ‘ ak Baers, Valley Phone 27m. Any number pieces desired will be for- | = nished. Call Valley Record for terms, | ete. Csrde For Sale. | The Valiey Record bas in stock the | following card signs: For Rent For Bale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Furnished Rooms Boardirg lor lamps in the valley. Prices al- Rev. Dr. W. G. Simpson goes to West Pittston tonight to assist in the fomorow. Whether you have little or much to spend for Xmas. you can find gifts to please you at Athens Racket Store. Reid Macafee, a student at the Massachusetts Technlcology School, Boston, is home for his holiday va- cation. Gip Snell has taken Charles Mills’ goats to train this winter. We shall expect to see them fitted for trick goats after he gets through with them. Miss Genevieve Young, who, with her mother, Mrs. BE. B. Young, have That Are Attending * ae ——————— PR HH H-.HD Rev. Will A. Kelley. Catholic. Early mass at 8 o'clock and high mass at 10 a. m. Sunday School at 2 p. m. Baptit church. Services morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. F. L. Allen. Morning subject, *“‘Prepara- tion for the Messiah. Evening, "The Turning Point. Methodist. Miss Cora Bonnell, mis- siopary to Chia, will address the meeting in the morning. No ser- vices in the evening. Presbyterian. Preaching by Rev. W. H. Sawtelle morning and evening. — Public Property. Blackberries an! mushrooms, by law, are not private property when grow. ing. A person may be prosecuted for {respass on land where they grow, but not for theft in taking them. Not So Easy. It is easy enough to name a brand of cigars after some great maan, but not so easy to keep the quality of It up to a degree that corresponds with bis greatness. Looks After Children. The Alsatian city of Mulhausen not ouly provides free baths for its school children, but free medical inspection and dental treatment Bome Batisfaction. If we can't be quite happy In this world, we can have a lot of things which other people think would make them happy.—Puck. Autbs Hurt Rentals. Because of the dusi raised by auto mobiles it is getting to be difficult Ip Eogland to rent houses on roads used Is the new Laxative Tonic that is so highly recommended for the cure of Constipation, Liver and Kidney trou- bles, impure blood, headache and all ills arising from an unhealthy state of the bowels. Syrup of Prunes is mild and pleasant to take. When in need of a mild laxative or a thor ough cleansing of the system, try Syr- up of Prunes, it causes no griping or unpleasant feelings. It is just the medicine needed in every family. Get a free sample bottle and give it a trial. H. L. Gillespie and Child, Waltman & Young, Sayre. Get a Free Sample To-day. Bauer's Instant Cough Cure and be convinced that it is the best. It is guaranteed to cure or your money re- funded. C. W. Giddings of Week's Mills, Me., writes, “Your Bauer's In- stant Cough Cure Is a good seller and gives the best satisfaction of any cough medicine on the market. I have never had a bottle returned. If { sell one bottle they are sure {0 come alter the second one and tell their friends of Its merits. I will send an- other order soon.” For sale by H. L. Gillespie and Child, Waltman & Young, Sayre. Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at § o'clock tomorrow morn- In time for Stangotiont for west BEIViC qi poe ’ ] Morning service, 10:30. Sunday school, 11:45. Christian Eadeavor, 6: 30. Evening service, 7:30. The Rev. B. C. Petrie, Pastor, Church of Christ Moringa service, 10:30. Sanday school, 12. Christ aver, 0:00. Evening service, 7:00, The Rev. M. B. Wood, Pastor. Lutheran Church. Morning service, 10:30, Sunday school, 11:45. Evening service 7:30. The Rev. E. M, Boysher, Pastor. Baptist Church Morning service, 10:30. Sunday school, 11:60, B. Y. P. U. meeting, 6:30. Evening servioe. 7:30, The Rev. LL W. ¥. Bogham, Pastor. Church of the the Epiphany First Mass, 8:00, High Mass, 10:30, Sunday School, 2:00 2, =. Benediction, 7:30 Pe le The Rev. J. Li Shsnley, Rector. Church of R Redeemer Communion 8:00. Morning service 10:30. Sunday school 12:00. Evening service 7:50. The Rav. P. T, Cady, Rector. Wheelock Memorial Chapel Preaching service, 2:30, Sunday school, 3:30, Methodist Church Men's meeting, 9:30. Morning sesv 10:30. Sunday school, 12:00. Juaigs 1 League 3: 0 oh pworth Evening service, Rev, J i ~ Warner, Pastor. JOHN ©. PECKALLY, DEALER IN Foreign and:Domestic Fruits. Olive OI rt 8 I—Quart 850, Gallon $3.00. 15 different kinds of Macaroni at low prices for this week. No. 5 Rlizabeth St,. Waverly There is no nook nor cor- ner where The Valley Rec- ord does not circulate H. L. TOWNER, NM. DB. Specialties. Digeases of Women and of the Rectum. Hours—Ttofam, 10h Tto8p. m. Ly) BLOCK. Wm. B. McDonald, D. D. §. All modern methods for the scien: performance : | true values of the many cereal and er breakfast foods is at your every week day in the year at this high grade grocery establishment. Culling out “seconds,” Tooter bona Sb Shult If this line, as in all other lines Ina cery business as well conducted ay this Prices? Items are so many that we must ask you to call and inguire, » will pay you.