The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 13, 1905, Image 4

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A Beautiful Line of New
Silks, Dress Goods, Waistings
Women's Neckwear
Christmas Stationery
Kimonas, Dressing Sacques
Fine Lingerie, Bath Robes
Linen Handkerchiefs
Table Linen
Ribbons, Laces
Linen Setts
Cotton Dress Fabrica
Bath Blankets
Linen Lunch Cloths, Doilies
Holiday Aproos
Women's Underwear
Shoes, etc.
Art Goods Dep't
The Christmas Line Ready
Fancy Pin Cushions
Pillow Tops, Fancy Pillows
Pictare Frames
Stamped Linens
Pillow Shama
Lyon Brand Yarns, Eureka Silk
Pillow Cords, Fancy Baskets
Pyrography Oatfits and Stamped
Pieces of All Sorts
Books, Bibles
Wrist Bags
Comb and Brush Seta,
Novelties, Cut Glass
Pocket Books
Wastes Paper Baskets
Hampers, Fancy Baskets
Framed Pictures, Music Rolls
Ink Stands, Jowel Cases
Perfumes anil Toilet Articles
Jewelry, Clocks, Mirrors
~ : Fans, Hat Pins, Belta,
Furniture Dep't
Parlor Furniture
Dining Room Furnlture
Comb'nition Writing Desk & Case
China Cabineta, Music Cabinets
Oak Bed Room Sets
Library Chair, Office Chairs
Reed Rockers, Library Tables
Couches, Davenports
Brass and Iran Heds
Childreu's High Chairs
Hook and Ladders
Building Blocks
Iron Wagons
. Police Patrols
Drums, Dolls, Tea Sets
Mechanical Toys, Rattles
Magic Lanterns
Banks, Safes, Games, eto.
Gilt Chairs, Morris Chairs
Side Boards, Baffets
Sectional Book Cases, Hall Racks
Dressing Tables
Large and Small Mirrors
Men's Furnishings
Kid Gloves, Wool Gloves
Mafflers, Christmas Neckwear
House Coats Bath Robes
Night Shirts, Dress Shirts
Wool Underwear
Collars and Cafls, Cuff Battons
Home Furnishing
Crockery Dep't
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Vases
Men's and Boys’ Sweaters -
Dress Suit Cases, Trunks, Bags, ete
Collar and Cuff Boxes
Shaviog Stands
Wardrobe Trunks, Steamer Tranks
A Handsome Assortment of
Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares
Carpet Sweepers
Linoleum, Door Mats,
The L.V R.R. will give
/ Ly 3 \N i)
ov re Ny
excursion rates, of single fare, between Tunkhannock and Geneva,
Miss Elizabeth VanLoan went
to Elmira today.
J. N Bender of New Albany was
transacting business here today.
A large crowd went to Towanda
this morning as witnesses on the
Huff-Russell land suit.
Rufus Thornton went to Green-
wood last evening to attend the
funeral of E B. Gilbert
A.M. Hildebrant was summon-
ed to Standing Stone this morning
on account of the death of his
mother. ae
Frank Cole, who has been at
the home of C. W. Tidd several
weeks, returned to Muncie, India-
na yesterday.
There was a large attendance at
the singing school conducted by
H. C. Johnson in the Baptist
church last evening.
H. P. Crayton and wife returned
to their home in West Franklin
this morning after a short visit
with their sons in this place.
Eonginnecer N. F. Walker, I. L
Northrup and Sol Minier went to
Towanda today to appear as wit-
nesses in the Huff<Russell suit.
Mrs. Sylvii B. Norrish went to
Alba last we k to attend the quar-
terly convention of the W,.C. T.U,,
but was taken sick and is yet un-
able to return.
Margaret Wells, who has been
visiting friends in Samithboro and
Barton, and for the past few days
has been a guest at Geo. Richard's
returned to her home in New Era
this morning.
Athens—As the season is too
far advanced for the boys to tussle
over foot ball games the public
will get infinitely more solid
amusement if they go to high
school hall tomorrow evening and
see the wizard Durno perform his
to Reap the Benefits of An Ex- |
traordinary Trade Deal---D. S.
Andrus & Co, the Hustling
Piano Firm, Expect to Make
Ope Hundred Homes Happy
This Christmas Time
Just after D S. Andrus & Co
had planned the great
Sayre it was learned that the price |
of pianos had advanced materially, |
and that the manufacturers were
literally snowed under with orders.
However, true to their word, this
hustling firm is going right on
with their plans as laid out. As a
consequence the citizens of Sayre
and vicinity are going to reap the
benefit of one of the greatest piano
opportunities ever offered.
in the world. D. S. Andrus & Co
were extremely fortunate in plac-
ing the order
pianos for their Sayre store, and
we predict that 128 Desmond street
will be a busy place for the next
the D.S. Andrus
Payment System—a few dollars
down and a small sum each month
It 1s a very simple plan and you
own your piano without missing
the payments, they are so very
small. By this system of easy!
piyments thousands in this vicinity
have become owners of pianos who |
could mot pay cash down. It is the |
determination of D. S. Andrus &
Co. to make onc hundred homes
happy this Christmas tide if ex-|
tremely low prices on high grade
pianos will doit Then the influ-
ence of these homes will thorough-
ly advertise the house of D. S.
Andrus & Co
{Christmas is Goming
[2 And wou't it be a good thing to do Lo give a pair of Shoes, Slip-
Ag pers or High Top Boots to some member of the family or friend ? ii
4 We have a plan that will make it easy for you, and increase the |
2 pleasure of the recipient. Below is a copy of a certificate which
[74 you can purchase; specify the brand of shoe you wish to give, then
2 present the certificate in person or through the mail.
his Certificate, No
.. Will be exchanged for
When presented at the store of Williams & Sutton, Sayre, |
Pa. the same having been pand for by. .............. oT
who wishes you to accept them with the compliments of the
Men's felts
and rubbers $2.00! Six pair cotton socks 25¢.
Full line of millinery. Ladies’
Men's one buckle arctics $1.00
and children’s trimmed hats at half
That is just what price; also baby bonnets at half
price. This line of goods must be
closed out regardless of cost or val-
We have a line of misses’ coats at
one half price.
: air.
magical feats of legerdemain. Tick-| we want, and that is how we can Pp
! Men's four buckle arctics $2.00
ets on sale at Sanford's, afford to quote such low prices. If pair. $
Ea you make your selection now we| (ya have all other grades of men's
will set it aside for future delivery. | } oc and rubbers at the lowest
In addition, D S Andrus & Co. prices
will give absolutely free with each| Fine stock men's Outing flannels and ginghams at
piano a stool, scarf, music book, pair. | cost to close out.
one year's tuning, a guarantee that| Great cut price in ladies’ and| Men's linen collars 5c, six for 25¢c.
the piano must be as represented [children's shoes and rubbers. Lad-| Folding ironing tables 98¢.
or money refunded, and the piano | ies’ rubbers 40c up. Bible stands with shelf 35c.
delivered to your home without a| Best line of men's and boy's caps Jardiner stands 30c.
cent of expense to you. Do notin the city for 25¢ and 50c. , Double rocking horses 75¢.
forget to call at 128 Desmond| Great stock union-made men's Doll games, A BC books, and
street, for you will be welcome | Wear. larger books, notions and school
whether you purchase or not Overalls and jackets 50c and 75c. | supplies.
Full line of underwear, all kinds. We are hereto stay, our expenses
Work gloves and miltens from 10c are light; and \we can sell goods
up. | cheaper than any house in the val-
Men's woolen socks 10c, 15, 196 ley.
and 25c. | Horse blankets at costs.
Suit in Ejectment is Occupying
the Attention of a Large
Number of Athens People
Athens— Some of our legal
Have you ever tried paying cash for your goods? Don’t you know that you pay
for the other fellows bad debts under the old credit system; which is both ruinous to
you and your tradesman. We buy for cash and sell for cash and propose to give our
‘eustomers the benefit.
Guuboat Makes Newport After Tore
rific Battle With Hurricane.
NEWPORT, R. 1, Dec. 13.—The lit
tle gunboat Wasp, formerlysthe yacht
Columbia, limped into port under one
boller and several sails after a terrific
battle with a north Atlautic hurricane,
duriug which sbe sprung a leak aud
was kept afloat after her pumps chok.
ed through baud balling Ly her entire
The little vessel was blown nearly to
the gulf streawn by Sunday's storm and
was nearly two days getting back to
port. At one time the water, which
came ip through a leak iu the stern,
fouvded her engine room, and for ten
bours on Sunday the Wasp was at the
mercy of the waves. The crew of six.
ty men, a third of whom were naval
apprentices and unused to such bolster-
ous conditions, balled for many bours
with buckets und succeeded In freeing
the engine room. Hospital Steward
White sustained a broken rib, but re-
fused to give up his place in the ball
ing line.
The success of Chief Boatswain Hugh
Sweeney, the commander of the Wasp,
in bringing his vessel through the hur
ricane under such trying circumstances
received the commendation of the ofli-
cers at the naval training station here,
to which the Wasp (8 attached.
The Wasp bad a crew of sixty men
aboard, and it was feared that she had
foundered In the great gale that sivept
the eastern coast for forty-eight hours
A dispatch from New Bedford says:
“Rolling in the swells and well down
in the water, the lighthouse tender Aza-
lea plowed her way slowly loto port at
dawn, baving om board the fourteen
men rescued from the Nantucket South
shoal lightship No. 88. These men were
rescued In the open sea after a thrilling
fight for life, which continued many
houls until every man of them wns
staggering from weakness following
logs of sleep and exhaustion.
“Until the little lighthouse tender
puffed Into port the opinion had, been
general along the Atlantic coast that
the lightship bad gone to tht bottom
aud that the men aboard ber had per-
ished. The Azalea herself experienced
a bard fight for life, aud only her
staunch build saved her from golog aft-
er the big lightship
slippers 50c
© A visit to the West Sayre Cash Store, corner Keystone Avenue and Lincoln
Street, will convince you that our motto, LARGE SALES AND SMALL PROFITS
“OUR AIM TO PLEASE,” is the only way that we do business. A glance at a few
' of the prices below; shows what can be done with a little ready money.
" Pure Leaf Fard
5 Creamery Batter
Dairy Batter 22 t0 25
25 Eggs 26
5 10 Ibs Buckwheat Flour p7)
5 Good Green Tea 19
, 8 bars Oak Leaf soap p49
0% 9 bars Ace Soap 2%
10 Men's heavy fleeced Undershirts and
Drawers, the kind that is uvsually
Ib sack Granulat-d Sugar
sold for Boe, at 39
Men's all wool Shirts and Drawers that
usgally sell for $1.00 to $1.25, at 70
All of ‘our men's. boys’, ladies’. misses’,
children's, infants’ Shoes and Rub-
bers to go at 10% discount daring
this sale,
Ladies’ fleece lined Undergarments, all
perfect goods, at 21
Children's wear from 8¢ up.
These Prices Will Continue Until Dec. 16
For the Christmas trade we have added a full line of
Toys, Dolls, Games, Etc.
(Candies are Strictly Fresh at Prices that Will Keep You Chewing
New Brick Block, Next Door to Bradford House,
lights and a score of witnesses : Ze ;
went to Towanda this morning to| H., H. Mercereau, Bring Your Job Printing to «
appear in the great land ejectment
suit of Huff vs. Russell. This Attorney-at-Law | Murrelle’s Printing
tary Pub
controversy has been going on for Ha ie
the past two years and some nice Special attention to Pension Papers.
“The Satisfactory Place.”
: Valley Phone 11 X
questions of law are involved. 4.
112 Desmond Street,
Henry Hufl purchased the Snell
farm at Milan and claims that| Wm B. McDonald, D. D. S.
Cherry Island was included in it. 5
George Russell claims that it be-| All modern methods for the scien-
longs to him by a prior occupancy | tific performance of painless opera-
and which he has worked several tions oF tho month ja wo
ears. Mr. Huff brings his suit of| a ve.
meat and claims that he can | OY ER THE GLOBE STORE
force title to the property. The =
suit has been tried before arbitrat- A. H MURRAY, MN. D.
d some of the witnesses here |
swore that George Russell has|
worked the island for sixty years.| Diseases of the Eye, Har, Nose and
and the of Glase-
Maynard & Son and LT. Hoyt | Throat, Lote 15; 7.8; Bandays by |
are attorneys for the prosecutor, | appointment. Ofics, Wheelock Block. |
and Wm. Maxwell and J. W. Ing |
ham for the defendant. The trial |
will occupy several days.
Don’t Fail to Visit the 5 and 10 Cent Counter
At this counter you can make a J or 10 cent piece stretch in purchasing power,
like a piece of rubber. There are articles here that other stores charge almost
double for.
We carry a full and up to date line of Hardware, Tinware, Groceries, Dry Goods,
Notions, Shoes, Rubbers, etc.; at prices that will astonish you aud keep you guessing
Notions, Sho WE PRINT
we do it.
The Valley Record E
Exs-Queen Lil's Petition,
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. —-A petition
from ex-Queen Lilluokalan! asking fer
the payment of $10,000,000 to her was
presented to the senste by Vice Presi.
dent Fairbanks. The petition was ac
companied by an autograph letter, as
follows: “I have the honor to laclose
herewith a copy of my petition and
claim to the cougress of the United
WEST SAYRE CASH STORE Quickest Route fo Chicago, 17.
Corner Keystone Avenue and Lincoln Street. is Ah ny CORA FO Ey
me et A E BAKER
quest your excellency’s belp. Ing. In time for conasctivts Jot west- : : . asi matt R
1) you, therefore, and implore the provi- ante AiR 1
& Young, Props iiiiic yy
Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive
Try an ad in The Record.