The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 13, 1905, Image 3

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    back, $10.00 to $15.00.
just half their regular
M. E, Reeder of the Chippewa
‘stock farm at Hughesville, Pa,
was the guest of A. P. Wieland
for a few hours today,
Miss Jennie Bennett of Sayre
Miss Luella Fisher of Waver-
I topioyes of the Valley Teie-
company, are visiting friends
Elmira today.
‘The house of Mrs. Katherine B,
awes, York avenue, Towanda,
s entered by burglars recently
d several articles of value taken,
ding a shot gun and a watch,
There is no clue to the guilty par-
ties. Last night a man was dis
covered in the McFarlane resis
f had been left to sleep in
be housd. Last night one of them
went [to the house about 8 o'clock
ad failed to get in as the keyhole
3 the front door had been obstruct-
ed. While he was trying to get
key in the door a man jumped
it of the window and ran. The
icer pursued and a running fight
The burglar got away in
The Valley Record
“All the news that’s fit to print”
Don't forget the bazaar of the
M. E, ladies at Miss Flory's.
The Ladies’ Aid society of the
Presbyterian church will meet at
the home of Mrs. H. S. Corbin,
109 Hopkins street, tomorrow
A me A A ee ————
All members of the Howard
Elmer Hose company are re-
quested to meet at the hose
rooms next Sunday afternoon at
two o'clock.
Mrs. Mary Lee died at her home
in Albany township Dec. 3. She
was 57 years old and leaves sever-
al children, among whom is A. A,
Lee of Sayre.
There will be five eclipses dur-
ing the year 1906. One only will
be visible in this section, an eclipse
of the moon which will occur on
February 9.
The members of Cumming's
dancing class will give their final
reception in Eighmey's hall to-
night. Tighe's orchestra will fur-
nish the music and dancing will
begin at nine o'clock and continue
until twelve.
The members of Cummings’
dancing class willggive their final
reception in Eighmey's hall on
Wednesday evening from g to 12
Tighe's orchestra will furnish the
music. The teacher and members
of the class extend a cordial invi-
tation to their friends. 183-3
The ladies of the Methodist
church will conduct a bazaar in
Mrs. Flory's store on Lockhart
street, beginning tomorrow and
continuing until December 24. A
fine line of useful and fancy articles
will be on sale. The proceeds are
for the benefit of the church.
The delightful weather of the
present month is of a most enjoy-
able character, in a way, but danger
lurks in the atmosphere and the
grip germ is flourishing. Within
the past few days many have been
Swesessful Outcome of Tests
Now Being Made Will Dis-|
pense With the Services of
Several Engine Crews
If efforts recently put forth by
the Lehigh Valley are successful
there will be a material reductiod
on the number of engine crews at
Hazelton. The officials of the
company are watching with ioter-
est the work of sevéral new heavy
eagines that are hauling trains up
the mountain at that place. The
engines are supposed to be cap
able of hauling nearly twice the load
that the ones formerly in use did
and recently several heavily loaded
trains have been pulled up the
mountain by one engine, whereas,
it formerly required two locomeo-
tives. The consumption of coal is
not much greater and when the
fact that the labor of a number of
men will be dispensed with, the
saving to the company can readily
be estimated.
Thanks to the Lehigh company
there are no idle men at Beaver
Meadows. Under the Coxe regi-
me there were several black-listed |
men at that place, but with the
transfer of the Coxe interests to the
Lehigh Valley company, the nar
row, Czar like, unchristian policy
and a more liberal and broad mind.
ed spirit has taken its place. That
which applies to the colliers at
Beaver Meadows applies in a like
manner to other colliers which |
formerly belonged to the Coxe!
property. The change in the atti
tude toward the men is much ap-
preciated by the latter, and in com-
mon with the rest of mankind they
will have something to rejoice over
at the approaching Christmas time.
The Loomis opera house was
filled from dome to pit last night,
and it was one of the most en-
thusiastic and well pleased audi-
ences of the season. Simple Si-
mon Simple, a musical comedy
creation, built to furnish laughter
for the multitude, filled the bill to a
point beyond adverse cnticism.
The company is by far the best of
its kind that has been seen in this
valley in many moons. Three
excellent commedians furnished
merriment and the musical num-
bers were way above the average.
The work of the soloists was of a
high character and the chorus com-
pletely filled the house. The cre-
ation is absolutely without rhyme
or reason, but as a mirth provoker
it is the real thing. The company
was a large one and carried a fine
lot of scenery and the wardrobes
were magnificent. Among the
lovers of musical comedy the show
is gaining an excellent reputation
all along the line, and it deserves it.
During the month of November
Sayre's population was materially
increased by the arrival of several
families, the heads of which have
secured employment in the new
ghops. The present month has
also witnessed the coming of new
faces and the faces of the real
estate men who rent dwellings
wear an anxious look. At the
present time there is a decided
scarcity of houses and the indi-
cations are that the condition will
grow worse instead of better.
Many of the newcomers are said to
come from the farming country,
having been attracted by the in-
ducements offered by the Lehigh
for work in this place.
Merchants who desire a chafige
of their advertisements in the
Daily Record must have the copy
Power House Employee Met With
a Painful Experience Late
Yesterday Afternoon
Late yesterday afternoon Charles
Drew, a resident of Atheas, who is
employed in the new Lehigh Val-
ley power house, was taken to the
hospital suffering from internal
burns received by inhaling a quan-
tity of steam while working in a
pit underneat an engine. Drew was
engaged in repairing the fire box
of the engine when a fellow work-
man who did not know that Drew
was in the pit, turned on a cock
which permitted a dense volume of
steam to escape. Drew managed
could do so his lungs filled with
the hot vapor, and when discov-
ered he was suffering from internal |
hospital ambulance and he was
removed to that institution. Al-
a considerable quantity of the!
steam his condition is not regarded |
as serious by the hospital surgeons
and he was able to be removed to
When Drew was taken to the
hospital a report gained currency
that three men had been scalded
in the power house and that two of
them were in a critical condition. |
The report was absolutely without
On tomorrow afternoon on the!
farm of Mrs. J. L. Tracy, situated
one and one-half miles from this
William B. Packard, special agent]
for the division of zoology of the|
Lautz Bros. & & Co. have opened,
a premium office in opera house |
block, Fulton street, Waverly, |
untii December 21st. Redeem |
your Acme, Master, Marseilles and |
Snow Boy Washing Powder fronts
Special: Express wagons given |
for 100 wrappers. 181—11
is toappear in new form,
in RAL
Richard E. Connelly Met With a
Decidedly Painful Injury in the
the Big Shops This Afternoon |
Richard E. Connelly, a machia- |
ist, who resides at No. 408 North
Wilbur avenue, met with a serious
and painful accident in the big!
shops this afternoon a few minutes
before 2 o'clock. With others
Connelly was engaged in stripping
onc of the Lehigh Valley engines
A chain had been fastened about
the heavy iron frame to prevent its
falling. The chain, however, had a
few inches slack in it and allowed
the frame to fall just enough to]
catch Connelly's left hand, badly!
crushing the bones in the knuckle |
joints and tearing a great hole
| between the thumb and forefinger.
He was taken to the hospital where
Ott and his assistants. The doctors
at the hospital say that while the
' somewhat shortened on account of
‘having to remove a portion of thé |
‘bone, that the hand will otherwise
be in fair shape.
The Bradiord C County Medical
ber of drawers for
knives and forks, etc.
ecision Rendered Today Pre-
vents Candidate for Mayor of
count of Ballots.
A message from Albany was
received at the stock exchange in
to the
cflect that the New York State
Court of Appeals had decided the
clection cases agamst W,
Hearst, the independent i
Congressman Mial E. Lilley of
this congressional
been placed on the elections com—
mittee of the house of representas
tives and also upon the committee
Smoke Peer’ s Straight Five, a
fine fragrant cigar
Take a Policy in the
:N. P. &
ind in the grand jury room of
recent election, who on the ground
| terday. A large number of phy
sicians were in attendance and” it
was one of the most interesting |
meetings that has been held ina
long time. Drs. C.J. Cummings,
M. A. Hunter, C. H, Ott and H. S
Fish of this place were in attend-
{ cases and the reasons therefor,
Workmen tor the Lehigh Val |
ley are engaged today connecting
| the station with the water mains
which lead to the company's new
reservoir. Heretofore the Sayre
| Water company’s water has been
used at the local station, but when
| way is finished the company will |
| be using water from their own
votes cast, demanded a recount of
the ballots,
The stage of the Loomis opera |
intricate scenery used in the trans- |
iorming, spectacular first part with |
| John W. Vogel's big city minstrels |
| which will be seen here tomorrow |
The funeral of the late Mrs Kate
Oper was held from the Church of
the Epiphany at nine o'clock this
clergyman from
Pittston officiated. The burial
‘took place in the Catholic ceme. |
| tery at this Cotteryatthioplacs:
grade of Farniture
load our
Now on hand. Now
opportunity to buy a
made. Every
is your golden
goods bought during
will repay you.
sale will be stor-
A timely visit§l
Pays Dividends Each Five Years
{ Has the Largest Membershi of Any
cal Organization in Sayre
Paid in Sayre Durieg i Yourst
| Fo wr Disability
For Death
For Dividends
Assets Nov. 1
District Manager,
VaLrey ‘PHONE 114
25c for a two ounce bottl
‘of vanilla extract, when yo
‘can get 4 ounces for th
'Say-e Drug store? Tele
phone your order.
For Sale
A well matched team of work ho
for sale at a bargain. E. E R
117 Pac LALLA avenne, avenne, Sayre,