‘Weather Gopds. Snow Shovels 25¢ to 45¢c. Sidewalk Cleaners 25c to 35¢. Steel sleds 60c to $2.00, pleaib ¢ Flyer sleds $2 © $4. Boys’ Skates 50c to $3.00. a Hockey Stick Free with every PRGiirs Skates 75¢c to $3.00. GED. L. ROBERTS GO. 216 Desmond St, Sayre. 322 8S. Main St, Athens. - If you don't trade with ra wa both lose money “w. 1s ‘what we are interested in. Our prices are what will interest you. We mean “To Keep Up Interest. Everyb dy works at our house to give you the bent values at the lowest prices A liberal sav- * ing on every dollar's purchase of us. 3 FREEDMAN * Rr 508 Broad Stree fbat is more attractive than a well-lighted - store ? draws trade. It holds trade. It shows prosperity. i8 a winner. The Humphrey Arc does it. Try it. ing to warm yoar radiator ? Equip your radiaters with our Foot Warmer : cause he didn't buy. 1 For decorating radiators we ® poll the fines’ fhe of bronze on the | market. 4.11 colors, - H.R. TALMADGE Plumbing, Heating, Tinning, Both "Phones, Elmer Ave, BLACKSMITHING | HORSESHORING AND GENER- | ERAL REPAIRING. PITTSRURG, Dec. 11L~With ali complications, 8 pew liinsa phase was added to the Corey case when It became fully known that while one of the sisters of the president of the United States Steel corporation is ln Reto, Nev, by the side of the wronged wife, another sister is in Par Is “chieeriog up” Miss Mabelle Gilman, the comic oper siuger, whom, It is, sald. Carey will marry as soon aschis wile obtains a divorce from him. At has long been known that Miss Ada Corey shded with her pister-in-law though ber Lroiber hus besu good to het In a Buancial way, she sacrificed everything and gave ber moral support to the deserted wife. She is with ber Bow, and all the money of her ml aire brother cannot tempt her away. The other sister, who is in the French capital, ls Mrs. Elizabeth Riggs, who is known amoug the members of her fam- ily and her lotimntes as “Bird” For in Paris and of late bas been the con Gillman. Mrs. Riggs has no sympathy for Mrs. Corey and would heartily like to see her brother divorced, so that he would be free lo marry the dashing comic opern star. Hoth women Bave been studying ufider Jean de Reszke It became definitely known that Co- rey was asked six months ago to resign from the head of thie steel corporation At that time be liad been chirped with indiscretions which the directors of the steel corporation considered were not In keeplug with the dignity of the posi- tion Corey held down. WATCHMAN KILLED HIM. Italian Confesscd to Shedting New York Physician Through Fright. NEW YORK, Dec. 11.—-Autonio Cal ob the buildings amid which the mur dered body of Dr. Johu Matheson was fouud Friday morning. was apprehend. ed by the police of the Tremont sta- They found-the Italian in an Jtallan boarding house in Mount Vernon Fridnds had arranged, the detectives learned, to take him to Philadelphia, but he seemed glad to full into the story willingly “Shortly before 4 o'clock. Friday morning.” he sald, “I saw a head poke over a plle of lumber at the other end of which I was sleeping alongside of a fire. [I thought the man was a thief and called out to him to know what he wanted “I fired a shot at him, and as he Jumpad up I fired four more. 1 think it was the first shot that hit him, be case | was so badly frightened the others must have gone wild “The man fell to the ground. T walk- od over and ‘saw I had shot him. 1 then ran to the home of Mr. Lavelle, my employer, anf told bim I had shot a man He told me | was crazy und ordered me to go away from the house. I was frightened and rgn away.” Immigration the Great Problem. WASHINGTON, 11 fu pre senting the sunyal report of the bureau of immigration, Commissioner Geueral Sargent refers to the magnitude and gravity of the problems presented by the growth of the allen population of the United States. “These problems” be declares, “loom so largely in the prospect of our country that it may be said, without giving Just cause to charge exaggeration, that all other questions of public economy relating to things rather than to huinan beings shrink Into comparative insignificance hes Ex-Hotel Man Shot Himself, BINGHAMTON, N. Y, Dec. 11. — Hugh C. Hest. the well known former hotel man who shot himself in the head in this city on Friday afternoon, [s dead here. ‘He did not recover con sciousness. Mr. Hayt was sixty-two Years old. He was for twenty-one years proprietor of the Rathone hotel in Elmira, and for eight years he con- ducted Hotel Bennett ln this city, re tiring from there four years ago. Whiteman Goes to Aubara Frisesm. BUFFALO, N. Y, Dec. 11.—Aloaso J. Whiteman was taken to Auburn prisen today to Legin a term of eight yoars Tor defrauding the Fidelity Trust company of Buffalo by means of forged and raised papers. This, according to Whiteman, is the first time that a cen- viction on a criminal charge agalust him has stood the test of appeals to bighér courts, although bis name has figured in many senzational cases. Report on Organised Militia. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.—Getieral F., C. Ainsworth, military secretary, in his anntal report on the militia of the United States says It is estimated that about 75 per cent of the organised mili- tia would respoud to the call for troops to repel invasion or suppress Insurrec- tion against the authority of the Umit. od States, the percentage being the same as that estimated for the preced. ing year, Califernia Bik Drive As a result of the second day's drive of the herd of wild elk which for years have made their feeding grounds on the Miller & Lux ranch at Button-wil- uw, 30 miles south of Bakersfield Cal, 23 perfect Specimens were cap- (ured with the lariat, and of these 20 'ived (0 be transferred to the govern ment reserve at Bequola park. At least 175 animals are still at large. =o: task of transferring the herd {s to be aban dosed for the present Ought to Work. Here is an old recipe for maki balr grow Bim you will ha cs there is always a large demand for fifteen and 25 cent story books, and for chiliiren's illustrated story books. E : HOLIDAY CHINA Sema of our best pieces are still here, and we will make special® prices on them. See the bargains we are offering in Toilet and Din- ner Sets. Greg's Racket Store Cor. Broad SL. and Park Ave., Waverly, N. Y.! A Demonstration That Demoastrates troe values of the many cereal and oth- er breakfast foods is at your service grade grocery establishment. Calling out “seconds,” we offer none but firets in this line, as in all other lines in a gro- cary business as well conducted ss this Prices? Items are so many that we must ask you to call and inquire, It will pay you. C. U. INGHAM & CO. Entertainment ple Of Course you will entertain this winter and will therefore need some of the following: ~ Mottoes, Fancy Lace Paper Doilies, Birthday Cakk Candles and Holders, Souvenir Bozes for eandy, etc. We also make Wedding and \Birth- day Cakes to order; Hand Decorated if desired. Algo all kinds of Fancy Cakes and Dainty Rolls. Satisfaction Guaranteed, GEORGE PAINTON, 345 Broad Sreet, faverly, N.Y. ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of WINES, LIQUORS BEERS AND ALES 109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA BOTH PHONES. C. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE GARY BLOCK, SAYRE, ee no PRESTD mci For Mechanics, | J: Pombery, Printers, aod Painters. It removes all machine y | | ink and paint without injury to | | the hands. Price 10e. Cures ‘Chapped Hands AN EXCRLLENT SCOURING BOAP | A el Ask your druggist and grocer for it, 4 IT Both Phones, ————- i ———— a. mst s Higitship shoals. It cae by wire'ess, hut the cry of distress from Captain dni getaen was evidently tut short, and It is f ed that the ship. which has bean were aboard tier Bas been saved No boat, even had there beet time te lautch one could baye lived ia the ter rific sea running. -In hier cobdition, unless some ing ship was able (0 render ANsfbtauce, there would pot be one chance in a thousand for the captain apd his crew. In a seventy mile wind even ‘the stoutest vessel with powerful engines In excellent trim would have a bard 8gbt, nptfo speak of an indifferent ship with u leak sprung and ber fires out. The Marconi Vireleas Telegraph com- pany sent the following message to the station at Blasconsett, Nantucket: “Advisa all incoming ships Nantucket Hightship supposed to be sinking. Try to assist her" It 1s expected that the gunboat Hist, which has gone to the rescue, on reach: Ing the shoal will wire the fate of the ship to this port. While the navn] officials at the tor pede station realized fully the serious ness of the accident to the lightship, there is more anxiety at the tralolug station reganling the whereabouts of the gunboat Wasp, which at dark’ had bern out forty “ight hours without be- ing The guniat Wasp is the converted yucht Colmubin, whileh was purchased Uy the government at the Sutbrenk of tbe Spanish war Sle Is a trifle larger than the Hist, but was coniparatively new Phen pur- chased Ly the givenunont The Wasp stifled out about dark Satunlay night to ald the brig Harry Nyuith, said to lie in a bad position at the entruuce of Vieeyanl sonmd. The Wasp carried a crew of eighty nen, was commande! by Chief Boatswain Hugh Sweeney and was provisioned for three days. STOLE ROYAL QIFTS. Christmas Boxes rv Prestlent, King and Kaiser In Pawp, VIENNa, Je. 12 President Roose- velt, The Kalsér and a king or two have been robbed of (he Christmas presents which the shal of Persia intended to give them. Each potentiate was to have a diamond studded minlatore portralt of himself, and AJi-Bagnir, a Pervian Jeweler In this city, was commissioned to do the work in true oriental style. All had finished the portraits of Mr. Roosevelt, Ewperor Francis Joseph anfi Kalser Wilhelm when he was obliged to go to Paris for more dia- montds and turned the finished portraits over to another Perslan, Machmed Ba: g1, for safe keeping. When All re turnad he found a nice little “letter awaiting him, _Ghut no Baga. The mis- sive contained a fue assortment of orl- ental greetings, wishes and kotaws— and a pawd ticket Machmed, It seems, pawned the sbalf's portraits the dhy be recelved theur and immediately ®et out €or It: aly. He was subsequently arrested in Florence, but had only ‘a few hundred francs in his possession. The shah has refused to take the por: tralts out of pawn, and All declares it would ruin him {o do so. ————— Pulp Mill Destroyed; Loss, $38,000. SKOWHEGAN, Me... Dec. 11.—A fire probably eansedl by an overbeated con nection im the shafting destroyed the large mill of tlie Skowhegan Pulp com- pany. while the adjolning factory of the Maine Spinuiug company was bad: ly damaged by water. The losses will aggrogate §38.000 FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. losing Stock Quotations, Money on call strong at 10 16 15 per cent, Prime mercantile paper, S006 por cent. Exchanges, $1740.02; balances, 36,987,788 Closing prices: § Amal, Copper... 5 N.Y. Central... 180% fig Norf. & West, , B&0..........03 Pan R RR... Brooklyn R. T.. 85 Reading C,.C,.C.&StLL.I6 Ches. & Ohlo.... 1% Bt. Paul Chl. & Northw. 184 Bouthern Pac... DH. .........; Beuthern Ry.... % South. Ry. pf... Sugar .... Erle Texas Pasifia... Gan. Electric... IIL Central... IT Union Pacific. ., U. B Steel... . Louls & Nash, . 1 U. B. Steel pf... West. Union... AUTH Yi Metropolitan Missouri Pac New York Markets. FLOUR — Firm, but gulet; tents, $4.85¢5. winter Straights fe: winter Skuas, LEgLE, Ear pat- ents, WEA —Afllar openths firm on unfa- ra Argentine weallier naws and bhigh- or at Russian shipments, wheat reacted un- {ler largar Sir heest receipls realls- in, Tine oR ran under fine weathar abd larger receipisz at Chicago than expected; May, TA LL oki A city, #%c.; country, AY Bteady: shipping, W{tko.; good te choice, BOOTY C Ted Kidney. Tia Minnesota BEANS ui mikrrow, SH toler ot wd omman to Bh i. gnc a he } ng . 1906, oe (004, 1904, 10g ; olds, UTTER—Creumer extras, r und, 3s; firsts, ware »COD. bei. t > firsts, CEES SE REESE Sale 1 Tali esta, Whe, and Be white, fancy, ApSuplea Tr. ae October, ‘beat, 13% ; falr, a #-Fresh gathered, extras, dow Re nearby. f:#sh gathered, Arata 0 1 mE CLT - Quist, fowls, he 1965 roosters, urkeye: os spring chickens, Lglde ; } SO RESSED rouLTRY pad: killed fowls. choos, fair We: free e olen and do, r to Toot red] Side nate Re ie ister, Pc. : maa y Laur save may. be a litle: diferent rom t el 3 may teed different TREAT) WEES ihe same poisoraus :URIC ACID may canis ths pat and sedecing nn every case; hat did ft over o5ur 0 you that the treatment saited 10 your Seithior mi Bigs ost be right for you? Athlophoms {o remove ie oP ACID in ev'ry case. and when 1aktn is connection vith ove FREE TREATMENT. which we study fo adapt to vour spe- Eialgreds, 15 abraliiely sure to give relitl and if followed conscientionaly, effects a Permanent Cure, H. L: GILLESPIE sells ATHLOPHOROS, ani will give you 3 quistion blank %0 send 10 for the FREE TREATMENT fiited fo your case . “EOS CO New Haven,Conn DONTEE FOOLED Into paying a big price for a Roaster | just because they claim everything for it. We will sll you A Savory Seamless Steel Roaster for $1.00 ~—]t is the—— BEST ROASTER ON EARTH |= . dt Is Seamless, Sanitary, Easy to Kzep Sweet and Clean. It will make a tonzh fowl or piece of mea} tender and erisp, baste it perfect- ly, brown it beautifully and Yrihg it out of the oven full weight and with every particle of the nataral favor and nutri- | mént preserved. With proper ears it will lasts lifetime and give you pleagor- and satisfaction every time you nse it. If it falls to comeup to our claims in any particular bring it back and get your money, BOLICH BROS. HARDWARE Desmond St Sayre Bargains in Choice/=: Building Lots fois oo i Lot corner Stevenson and Stedman, cheap. Lot on Allison St, cen'ral. $1500 bays new "hous 25d Jot pear silk mill $1300 buys a houss and lot, corner River and khart. $2100 takes new house, moiemn im: provements, Madison atreet, iy takes seven room house, North mer, $2000 boys wodern im proved, new house, Frederick St., Athens, Lot 80x158. F. J. TAYLOR. HILL & BEIBACH CAPE Best of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. G. J. Kiron, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. . Bepecial care and prompt at- tention given to Moving of Pianos, Household Goods, Safes am, [O16 : H.-L. TOWNER, M.D. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rectum. | Hours- Toa m, 108 78pm, OFFICE—-SAMUELS BLOCK. Valley Telephone 17x. 138 Lockhart 86 | §} (JOHN 0. PECKALLY, = Forelon sndomestic Frolts. Olle Ol Quart he, Gallon SLO. © d ‘Macaroni at Pr. ru ly cnet Suvday. eck pia © ok Fit i Glen Buen: Pama PRUaScIphLs, Daliimace wed Vocation, in Air Aas PM, MJ geek dare roeton, New Albany “Dn Halls, W w WESTROUND, st Dally for Genes, Buffals, olala Wap M btm potas we ix, Batavia, Bufalo. Commas for Niagara Pails aad f= Dally for i med, Tthaga, a. Sree for Niagara Fails, Toronto, mm 0: tr for Lockwood gg re Maris Corners Se Gore, TE SATE, re hE BEE uh Detiolt. as so Tay and rg Se b: Fir M. Rally avert Sendsy, Sack Dia. | Fede Hg Nlsgara xia Fails. er Trumansbary, Spencer, B: a Geners and Manchester. AUBURN DIVISION, AM. “Week sr 1:05 2% Syracuse, Utica Moravia, Asburs, ga. and 3:50 » Read The Record P.M. Daily for Owego. barn, Syracuse Ulies and LOOMIS OPERAHOUSE - ORCHESTRA Strictly Up-to-Date Music furnished for Balls Parties and all manner of Soo= fal Functions, either public or private, Any number pieces desired will be for- oished. ” Calf Call Valley Record for terms, Contractor and Builder Plans and- Estimates Furnished, 108 Lincoln St. WANT ADS Ratea :— Wanted, Found, For Sale, ote, § cout a word Lost, Found. Hie for fires three times, § ach lascrtiv ingortion thereafter. - None taken for - less than 25 centa. Bitaations raed, free to paid In advance subscribers ‘Notice. Want ads inserted by Inga docohine must be when ordered printed. vely cannot charge wantads nstisctitning U1y the expense of hook- keeping and oeting ia entirely out of roportion ‘to the @ transaction. For Rent ie light, bath foom and all mpdern Re provements. Enquire at Glaser’s Loan office, Lockhart street. 1701 A suite of rooms io the Andrews block, corner Elmira and Bridge streets, first Bot Avie. of ar SVL W, En | re © » 507 Elmira street, At “Two furnished roows with all modern improventents; No. 200 Chemung ri § | Waverly. 1538 A suite of rooms Tota small family on the second floor of the Shaw block. ~ All modern improvements, Apply Wo He Bhaw, Athens, ~ Foar houses for rent. A ply. in Blovens, rooin 7, Blmer bloc Wanted Ww jdtres Honuctaper, care The econ For Sale. mot 50 acres, very heaps 'W ge fob Jmproved i ae” Waverly: also on 200 acre ‘gro, in able semi-annually, Add Waverly. Becond hand beating - 1 have a to Fup