Engireer NJ F. Walker has near- | (ESS SHSTNTN ES t= 2 Tol WILLAMS & SUTTON , the improved state road between | SHOES Sayre, Pa, FURS - A S. Allen was in Towanda onl!the Chemung river bridge and the business today. railroad crossing at Morley's mills. Mrs. John Coon is spending the The distanse is a little over a mile day with her mother Mrs. DeKay 3700 te MAKING IMPROVEMENTS Air “Chapman ‘and Charles 2 Shafer of Sullivanville are guests Atras=Comrade Bradley has |B of Charles Fitzgerald. been making some very decided | : improvements in Esq. Tozer's | 8 office, which lets the bright sun | ; light in to warm the coterie of | 0% dsr venerable sages that daily congre | The Destodah club will meet at | gate in that place. This is not al the home of Mrs. Curtis. Thurston, labor of love entirely, for Comrade | Maple street, tomorrow evening. | Bradley is only doing penance for | DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- bd4| PRESS ON PUR- == CHASES OF S$s.00 OR OVER. a Si S\N . SAYRE, PA. Commencing Saturday, December 9, This Store Will Remain Open Nights Until Xmas. Christmas Opening and Sale in Full Force yisit THE STORE THIS EVENING and view the Christmas Exhibition. “It's A e Mecca” for Xmas and all other shopping Read the list, take your pencil and mark he items you are interested in Make an early visit to the store and secure the choice selpition’ no matter from what department. 10¢ articles are moving here at 7c, 8c and 9¢; 25¢ articles nearly always at 19¢, 21c and 23¢; 50c articles at 45c¢, 47c and 48¢, etc, etc. Figure A a — A 7 Miss Lena May Reeves came 2¢ | down from Syracuse this morning £8 | to attend her mother’s funeral. Aa ' % & y AE \ ——— patronize our p licy od ENJa8 In Dry Goods Dep't Art Goods Dep't Miscellaneous A Beaatiful Line of New Silks, Dress Goods, Waistings Gloves Hoslery Women's Neckwear Cmbrellas Christmas Stationery Kimonas, Dressing Sacques Fine Lingerie, Bath Robes Flannel Petticoats, Silk Petticoats Linen Handkerchiefs Table Linen Ribbons, Laces Linen Setts Towels Wool Blankets, Bed Comfortables Cotton Dress Fabrica Bath Blankets Linen Lunch Cloths, Doilies Holiday Aproos Women's Underwear Infants’ Cloaks, Bonnets, Sacques, Shoes, ete. Toys Toys Toys Hook and Ladders Building Blocks Steam Rogines, Trains of Cars Iron Wagons Police Patrols Drums, Dolls, Tea Sets Mechanical Toys, Rattles Magic Lanterns Banks, Safes, Games, ete. he i. A * ar \ Crockery Dep’ $ Digner Sata, Tea Sets, v anes Lamps, Toilet Sets, Bric-a-Bae. The Christmas Line Ready Fancy Pin Cushions Pillow Tops, Fancy Pillows Picture Frames Stamped Linens Pillow Shams Lyon Brand Yarns, Eureka Silk Pillow Cords, Fancy Baskels Pyrography Outfits and Stamped Pieces of All Sorts g Men's Furnishings Rid Gloves, Wool Gloves Mufflers, Christmas Neckwear Umbrellas Saspeunders House Coats Bath Robes Night Shirts, Dress Shirts Wool Cnderwear Collars and Cafls, Cuff Buttons Men's and Boys’ Sweaters Dress Sait Cases, Tranks, Bags, ete Collar and Cuff Boxes Shaving Stands Wardrobe Trunks, Steamer Tranks Books, Bitles Wrist Bags Comb and Brush Sets, Novelties, Cat Glass Pocket Books Wast: Paper Baskets Hampers, Fancy Baskets Framed Pictures, Music Rolls Ink Stands, Jewel Cases Perfumes and Toilet Articles Jewelry, Clocks, Mirrors Fans, Hat Pins, Belts. Furniture Dep’ t Parlor Furniture Dining Room Furniture Combination Writing Desk & Case China Cabinets, Music Cabinets Oak Bed Room Sets Library Chairs, Office Chairs Reed Rockers, Library Tables Couches, Daveoporta Brass and Iron Beds Children's High Chairs Gilt Chairs, Morris Chairs Side Boards, Baffeta Sectional Book Cases, Hall Racks Chefloniers Dressing Tables Large and Small Mirrors Home Furnishing Department A Handsome Assortment of Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares Carpet Sweepers Linoleum, Door Mats. caused by a fall. Mrs. W. A. Cooper reports that Sanford's drug store. 8 ens to Sayre today. | madge block. an unfortunate accident. Got » Free Sasiple Today. Bauer's Instant Cough Cure and be | convinced that it is the best. “Your Bauer's In- stant Cough Cure is a good seller and of any cough medicine on the market. 1 I sell one bottle they are sure to come after the second one and tell their other order soon.” Hours from Sayre at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- Central or Lake Shore Rai Buffalo. Best services and uipment— finest roadbed —unexoelled The Envy of all Women. lon. One cannot possess ft els are constipated, if the liver and kidneys are out of order. | 50 cents. | street, yesterday. x A bowling contest Cards For Sale. | tollo card forges se: For Sale Private Office Below is a copy of a certificate which K {his Certificate, No Will be exchanged for | SHOES When presented at the store of Williams & Sutton, Sayre, Pa, the same haring been pad for by who wishes you to accept them with the compliments of the | Season Attorney-at-Law SPECIALTIES: Notary Public ting of Glass- | Valley Phooe 11 X. | 112 Desmond Street, ¢ A.E BAKER Carpenter and Builder. | 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N. Y. AEN | Elmira and Athens took place at | PHOTOGRAPH OF YOURSELF OR BABY FREE with a Dollar Purchase or over, ith 54 (the Stimson house last night. | to 15th inclusive. REESER, KESSLER, WIELAND CO. 24 | Athens won by 104 points. A - A S 4 be played in 7 ™ — NS) 2) 1 TL {return game is to play po S 47 Rd NR + NY SA Ne NA A ie | Elmira Thursday night. Try an ad in The Record THE oD NUBILE PIANO AND MUSIC HOUSE--D. S. ANDRUS & GO. ) A Beautiful Piano for Christmas / AYAVAY, : For several weeks past D. S. Andrus & Co. have been planning this great sale of ONE HUN- § DRED HIGH GRADE UPRIGHT CABINET GRAND PIANOS for our Sayre store. This § crirocsicar sale comes when it is seasonable and just when the thought of gift-giving is at its " (} height. These pianos are direct from the factory and are the biggest bargains D. S. Andrus & Co. ® have ever made. We want to dispose of every one of these pianos before January 1st. To accom- $l plish this we have marked the prices so low that the manufacturers would be surprised if they # became acquainted with the price. However, we purchased them for spot cash and that enabled dD. 8. Andrus & Co. to own the piano and at- the same time receive a larger discount. Ed These magnificent pianos will be sold on our EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM, by which any family Pi: of moderate means can own a piano. You pay a small sum down; the piano is placed in your g' home; you play while you pay a few dollars each month, and before you hardly realize it the piano or 4 is your own property. Think of the enjoyment a beautiful piano adds to your home! Just at this i holiday when festivities and family gatherings abound, the pleasure of home-coming would be Bi increased a hundred fold by the presence of any one of these artistic pianos. You cannot afford to Bi be without a piano at the price we are asking. Every piano is guaranteed and must be as repre- HM sented, for D. S. Andrus & Co. tolerate no misrepresentations. Pianos will be sold on one year’s $8 trial. This will prove whether you will like the piano. Nothing could be fairer. We almost forgot = to say that the patron does not have to pay interest; nor does he have to sign any contract that is = sent to manufacturers, at whose mercy you would be in time of trouble. The contract you sign §= RIF stays right with us. Just a word about D. 8. Andrus & Co. You have heard about them—for the § 22: firm has become a household word in this vicinity. Honesty, reliability and square-dealing has 8: characterized their every act of business for the past forty-five years. They stand back of every § piano or organ they sell. They are no “fly-by-night” concerns. They are at Sayre to stay. Just read over these few bargains—they are genuine. All modern methods for the scien- Y tific performance of painless opera- tions on the mouth and teeth. 104 South Elmer Ave., OVER THE GLOBE STORE. Please Do Not Ask for Credit Poaitively No Admittance Boarding Gr rr rT SRR SIC RR * Be ; Wd AL TP REC PUPS rhe Ramee PIANO OPPORTUNITY NO. 1 Words cannot convey to you the marvelous musical possibilities of this beautiful upright piano. Whether you are ready to buy a piano now or not, you should not miss seeing this piano. It was bought to sell for $350. The case i9 handsomely carved and finished; the tone pure and melodious. Everything about the piano is mechanically perfect. D. S. Andrus & Co. will se'l it to one of the first hundred purchasers at the Sayre store for only $247. PIANO OPPORTUNITY NO. 2 There are but few pianos made that are better constructed and will give more perma- nent satisfaction than the piano that the manufacturer had priced at $325. It is mag- nificently cased; possessing a wonderfully sweet tone; in action easy and responsive; will stand exacting criticism, especially from com- petitors. However D. S. Andrus & Co. have made a special low price to the fortunate one of the first hundred to be sold in Sayre, and that price is only $223. PIANO OPPORTUNITY NO 3. For those who are extremely particular about what piano adorns their home, we are making a sacrifice on a piano that the mere mention of the name would be immediately recognized as among the piano leaders of today. The original selling price is $300. It is an adornment for any home—king, prince or potentate. Exquisitely carved, artistically designed; singing tone, pure and sweet. D. S. Andrus & Co. will let this one go to some one the lucky first 100 Sayre buyers for only $197 PIANO OPPORTUNITY NO. 4 Here is a piano that it is impossible to wear out. It will meet the criticism of the most exacting musician. The piano has a most imposing appearance, and was purchased to sell for $275. It must be heard and seen, for words again fail us to describe its merits. The tone, action and volume are all that could be desired. D. S. Andfus & Co. are so anxious to obtain one hundred new patrons in Sayre and vicinity that they have marked the price of this one only $165. ESTABLISHED 1860. 128 DESMOND ST. YEAR'S TUNING, SAYRE, PA.