. THE VALLEY RECORD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1905. KONE BANKRUPT [FELL INTO VAT OF TOWANDRS 0s IA Useful Christmas Present NATIER SETTLED ~~ BONG, LIOUID 15 WAVERLY'S GAN ve vie» Se | Cabinet for Christmas. The : ood meals that it will hel Suit in Which Sayre Parties Were | E. B. Gilbert Met With Fatal Ac- | The House of Heeman Migrates Fou prepare wil a oer help Interested Amicably Adjusted cident at Greenwood----Has' From the County Seat to the at Towanda This Morning Relatives Residing in Sayre New York State Town ed by the entire family. We have the finest Cabinet for the The suit in which A. E. Allyn,! E. B. Gilbert, father of Harry! Lyman Hceman, Sr, his on eas Iorey In the valley, as trustee of the bankrupt estate of | Gilbert and Mrs. Albert Billings of able wife, Mr. and Mrs. Francis $10.00 S§I3.50 SI400 Michael Kane, was plaintiff and |this place, while working in the | Heeman, and Fred Heeman and| Hard Maple Frame with the National Bank of Sayre defend- | tannery at Greenwood Sunday | Harry Heeman have decided to | Cottonwodd Top, tilting flour. ant, which was to have come up | night fell into a vat of boiling remove from Towanda to Waverly bin, utensil closet, moulding «| for trial before Judge Fanning and | liquid and was so badly scalded | and “anyone who desires to come and meat boards, large num- a jury at Towanda today, was |that he died of his injuries at about municate with them will hercafter | DET Of drawers for spiceg, settled out of court. The terms of | 2 o'clock this morning. {find them at the latter address jenives and forks, etc. settlement are not known but it is| Mr. Gilbert wasa night workman | CALDWEL understood that an adjustment was |al the tannery and there were k S FURNITURE STORE made satisfactory to all parties several persons near him at the concerned, hime of the accident, who rescued © Ii nomle sign of Mild Winter. If you put off buying the Winter Overcoat you aT Tr he re Good Clothing, peveras hard to get a8 now. We can show you in a few minutes what is cor- rect al any price you want to pay between $6.00 and $20.00. For the old or middle aged man we: have the three-quarter length coat in black or oxford—mixed meltons with med- ium loose back, $10.00 to $15.00, The young men's stylish, tourist over- coats, loose back, can be worn with or without belt, cut 52 inches long, made by Rochester's Best Tailors, $10.00 to $20.00. We have no side lines, our business is Clothing, ollour time ia for the benefit of our customers. Some special values in Suits. Come in and see. MANEY & PAGE, 7s | The decision of the Heemans will | not be regretted by the residents | of Towanda and the police in that4 town will be SAYRE. ATHENS. AT HALF PRICE We have gone through our entire stock and selected from our various lines such articles as have not sold fast enough to suit us. Also a few slightly shop worn goods and are offering them at just half their regular price. Our object is to close them. out and keep our stock new and up to date. It may pay you to look over our one-half price counter. I. A. SAMUELS, JEWELER, 138 Desmond Street. SAYRE, PA. The The Valley Record “All the news that's at to print” TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1905. LOCAL BREVITIES Many from this place are in Towanda today attending court. Read J. W. Grumme's furniture advertisement published in today’s Record. H. O. Hansen's men have nearly completed placing screens in the center of the well at the pumping station. A tramp who slept naked upon a newspaper in the borough lock- up is said to have been a literary cuss.” Mrs. Joseph Drake of North Ea seriously ill. Officer Julius Voegel is acting in the place of Chief of Police M. H. Sawtelle is in Towanda today as a party at interest before the county court. James Everett, of the local post- office force, is suffering from an affection of one of his eyes. Mrs. J. D. Reeser and her son John Reeser, of Dushore, are in Sayre today holiday shopping. W. S. Wieland of Nordmont, Pa, who has been the guest of his brother, A. P. Wieland, for several days has returned home. Marvel Orchell is ill at the home of his parents in West Sayre, suf- fering with scarlet fever. The house has been quarantined. SEATS GOING FAST The advance sale of seats fot John W. Vogel's Big City Min strels, which will be seen at the Loomis on Thursday proves that in this attraction, the indications at this hour warranting the assump~ tion that late comers will in all ever willing and anxious to patron- ize meritorious offerings and that they appreciate the fact that origin- been the dominant purpose of Mgr. Walsh today, the later being con- fined to his home by illness. Harry Shores, the genial clerk at the Wilbur House, has been confined to his room in the hotel since Thursday last, suflering from quinsy. His many friends will hope for speedy recovery. The Ithaca daily papers speak in the most flattering terms of the production of Simple Simon Sim- ple, which was given in that city on Saturday night. It will be presented at the Loomis this evening. “Simple Simon Simple” which played two performances at Ithaca on Saturday was pronounced by the critical students to be the most entertaining musical comedy seen there this season, and Ithaca gets the best on the road. When you have your picture taken at the Big Store you are given a check showing your order. You should be careful not to lose or mislay this, for it must be returned. Absolutely no pictures will be delivered unless this check is returned. 3 182* SE —— f————— The members of Cummings’ dancing class will give their final reception in Eighmey's hall on Wednesday evening from g to 12 Tighe's orchestra will furnish the music. The teacher and members of the class extend a cordial invi- 183-3 Miss Bonnell, the well known missionary to China who is in this section on a leave of absence, will address the members of the mis- siomary circle at the Baptist church on Thursday afternoon. Tea will be served and a social The case grew out of a transac- | him at once. His injuries at the tion which occurred just previous | time were not considered danger- to Kane being forced into bank- | ous but he gradually grew worse ruptcy some four years ago. It|until the hour of his death this appears that a few days before the | morning. petition was filed Kane sold cer-| The funeral will take place on tain notes to the amount of $2200] | Wednesday at 2 o'clock. He is sur- held by the National Bank of | vived by a large family, Harry and Sayre. A. E. Allyn, one of the | Mrs. Billings of Sayre and Charles creditors of the bankrupt, and who | of Binghamton, besides those who was afterward appointed trustee, | reside at home. Mr. Gilbert's claimed that under the bankrupt | father, Norman Gilbert, was a very law Kane had no night to fopse| prominent man in Bradford couaty of his property, knowing that he) was insolvent, and then virtually | make a preferred creditor of the | PAINFULLY INJURED Worrell D. Andrews, who resides {at 103 Draper street, met with a bank. Had the case gone to trial | it is a mooted: question what the] outcome would have been. W hile | painful injury while working at the the law is quite clear in the subject | | shops yesterday. Assisted by a it doubtless would have been an companion he was engaged in driv- exceedingly difficult matter to fur- | ling mails in a ceiling when the nish proof that the bankrupt liq | hammer he was using slipped and uidated the notes knowing that he | pis hand struck a big sliver which was insolvent. | entered the middle finger of the : {left hand. The sliver was driven HE WENT T0 SLEEP |into the member lengthwise and | caused an ugly looking wound of One night last week there was| considerable length. He went to an entertainment at one of the|the hospital where churches in Sayre which was |body was removed. the attended by quite a large party of | ree DIDN'T STAY LONG young people. Among the num-| ber was a young man who had accompanied a certain young lady | * nM, Hockslider, formerly train distributor on the D.S. & S, who came to Sayre yesterday to accept to the church. During the course a similar situation with the Lehigh of the evening the young man mentioned was missed and as the at this place, worked one day and resigned. Mr. Hockslider is al- hour for going home approached a diligent search was made for him, it being known almost to a certain. leged to have said that the work ty that he had not left the church | o.5 o; radically different from that to which he had been accustomed that he didn't believe he cared for Every nook and commer in the church edifice was carefully looked the job. His successor has not as yet been named. foreign into but despite the fact that nearly averyone in attendance took a hand in the search the efforts were unsuccessful and the young wom an was forced to go home without her male escort. Several of the party, confident | that the object of their search was in the building somewhere, contin: ued to look about. Presently one of them peeked behind the piano, and there sitting in the corner, sweetly sleeping like a babe in its mother’s arms, was the missing young man He was gently aroused and told that the entertainment was over and that the greater part of those | in attendance had gone home, | including the young lady whom he had accompanied. It is said that then and there he resolved that hereafter he would take a nap in the afternoon previous to being out at night. ——————— A p————— WILL GIVE BALL The members of the local Aerie | of Eagles are making preparations | for a grand ball and reception to be given on New Years night. The | ball will be given in Eighmey's s| +4 hall and a large number of elabor- | Eo ate invitations will be issued. The | music has not yet been decided | 2 upon but it can be safely stated | ed that it will be first class. The ball | promises to be the event of the | season and will doubtless be large- | Q ly attended. | ae y atten [O SOAP WRAPPERS REDEEMED < Lautz Bros. & & Co. have opened a premium office im opera house | block, Fulton street, Waverly, untii December 21st. Redeem your Acme, Master, Marseilles and Lantz Naphtha soap wrappers, and Snow Boy Washing Powder fronts INDUCEMENTS 4 picased. Recently Officer Hollon made some rather uncom plimentary remarks concerning the Heemans, two of whom were in court charged with petty thievery The officer stated that the family any in that section. It appears, however, that the members of the family took umbrage at the offi In fact they flared up and got mad, and in their mad ness declared that they would not They determined to migrate to Waverly, but unless they mend their ways they will not fare any better in the New York state town than they did at the county seat. The Wa verly police are eternally vigilant and have an excellent facuity for rounding up chicken and clothes line thicves. It bchooves the house of Heeman to turn over a new leaf and do it quickly FUNERAL TOMORROW The funcral of Mrs. Kate Oper, of Thomas avenue, cer's opinion live in Towanda any longer. whose death occurred at the hospital yesterday morning, will be held from the Church of the Epiphany tomorrow morning. Interment will take place in the Catholic cemetery at this place. Et — UNDERWENT I OPERATIONS Francis | McCleary of Owego Clarence Dill of Sayre; Mrs. Wm. A. Angevine of Owego, and Anson W. Tuttle of Sayre were operated upon at the hospital yesterday The first three named were suffer- MALONE’S NEW PAPER The initial number of the Ma- lone (N. Y.) Telegram, published daily by Charles M. Redfield has been received at this office. The assistant editor of the new publica tion is H. E. Cunningham, former- ly editor of the Valley Record The Evening Telegram starts off with an excellent advertising pat- ronage, the news columns are filled with well written happenings and the Record predicts success for the new paper and all connect ed with it. IT WOULD BE WISE In speaking of the ject of consolidating the bor- oughs of Sayre, Athens and South Waverly, the Owego Daily Record says: “With the start that Sayre made the increase certain to come within the next five years it does seem prob able that this would be WELT CONES There is a lively contest on among the Valley railroad men for | positions on the yard shifting crew to be put on at Weatherly. Many of the men have filed their applica- tions. On account of there being no Sunday work connected with it the position is considered among railroac men to be a good one. pro has and great 4 Wisc Break up Your Cold And cure your Cough with Bauer's Laxyne Quinine Tablets. Guaranteed to cure Headache and Grippe. Price 25 cents. H. L. Glllesple and Child, ing from appendicitis, Waltman & Young, Sayre. SEAR Take a Policy in the N.P.L: You Do Not Have to Die to Win It Protects You in Sickness or Accident Pays Dividends Each Five Years Has the Largest Membership of Any Lo- cal Organization in Sayre Pald in Sayre During Five Years: For Disability -- L180 For Death 2 . 18281 ® For Dividends $2,225,000 4,750,000 E. F. MERCEREAU, District Manager, SAYRE, PA, 112 Desmond Strest VALLEY Pose 11 aA LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY. DEE, 12, The Nixon & Zimmerman Operas Co. Present the Cartoon Musi- cal Extravaganza SINPLE SIMON SIMPLE,” Book and lyrics Ww Chas. H. Brown and Otis Wood, Faultlessly Presented by Assets Nov. 1 Benefits Paid Company of Sixty. Singers, Dancers and Comedians. Prices to suit all purses 75¢, §1 25¢, 50¢, Three Rows $1 50. Advertse ia The Record GRUMME'’S [t is gennsrally concaded we not only carry the largest stock, but thy finast male, Every grade of Farniture piece of furniture will be marked in plain figures, and the prices so low that it will be a temptation to bny during this great money saving sale, Xmas is soon here and we want to un- load our MAMMOTH STOCK Now on-hand. Now is your golden opportunity to buy a FINE GRADE OF FURNITURE CHEAPER Than any place in the Valley. THIS IS NO CHAP FJRITURE Bought especially for this sale. All goods bought during sale will be stor- ed for Xmas delivery. A timely visit will repay you. GRUMME'S DESMOND ST, SAYRE, PA. BOTH PHONES. Special: Express wagons given for 100 wrappers. 181—11