® Ara = [Tr{} = - TE 543] 3 j § [113 Ql 1 - ow - = rt - — 7 A fp OF SAYRE. Capital - $50,000.00 Surplus - $12,000.00 FRANK E. WOOD, Representative | News and advertising matter may be left at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly, | | After 12 o'clock noon call the main | | office at Sayre, Valley "phone 142A. ~~ ——— Xmas seals and cards at Strong's. We solicit your Banking busi- peas, and will pay you three per cent, interest per annum for money left on Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account. The department of savings Is a | Mrs. A. H. Gore is in Elmira | today Xmas bells and tags at Strong's. Attorney F. A. Bell is in Owego today. Xmas presents at Strong's. A c— Mrs. Harvey Ingham went to | Addison today. MN. H. SAWTELLE, Qashier. Xmas post cards Stroag's. Mrs. F. A. Bell is spending the The Valley Record | day in Elmira. et ————————— J. H. MURRELLE, Publisher Dr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Annabel W. T. CAREY, Editor. | Went to Elmira today. Published every afternoon except Sun-| Dr. Post of Tioga Center called ay at Murrelies Printing y Sayre, on Waverly friends ycsterday. Pa. | Subscription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents | moath. | or - PO verti he: sud ade Rev. Father O'Gorman of Bent known oa application. | ley Creek spent the day in town. Entered as second-class matter May | 10, 1906, at the postoffice at Sayre, Pa, Sider the Act of Congress of March 3, a Lf J. A. Mcad of Pine street went to Elmira and Big Flats this morn- ing. Miss Elizabeth O'Dea has ac cepted a position in Hopkins’ oyster bay. “All the news that's fit to print” TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 18905. sn ee pn Advertised Letters The following is a list of the advertis- ed letters remaining in the Sayre post office for the week ending Dec. 11,1905. MEN, Miss Grace Lawrence has ac- mae a fectionery store. ————— — Frank Blasczynski has complet- ed the improvements on the inter- Burgess, Leo Montgomery, Harry . Brown, H. J. (2) Pearsall. Luther ior of his barber shop. Beaty, Frank Sutton, Ed — Case, Simon Trowbridge, Wm. : —- Bon R. Tops, H. Miss Elizibeth Denslow of Wa- WOMEN, Rogers, Mrs. Lottie Tuttle, Mrs. Watkins, Mra, Effie If not called for within two weeks they will be forwarded to the dead let- ter office. Ask for advertised letters, ivi date, and bring one cent to pay r ad vertisi Dee. 11, 1905. J. N. Weaver, P. M, attack of appendicitis. Miss Edna Collins of East Wat verly is ill aunt, Mrs. W. H. Denslow o Waverly street. Mrs. Sarah Ruthmen and daugh ter left last night for Los Angeles, where they will spend the winter. John Maroney was taken to the county seat yesterday. He couldn't produce the five so he is a guest at the county lockup MRS. ESTER LEWIS Waverly—Mrs. Ester Lewis died last night at her home on Park Place at the age of 86 years She was well known in Waverly, having been a resident of this vill- age for many years. Deceased, owing to her advanced age, had been in feeble health for some time past, but had been confined to her bed for only about a week previous to the time of her death. She is survived by one son, John who is employed in the railrood offices at Sayre, and two daughters Mary, a school teachor at this place, and Mrs. George Adams of Geneseo, N. Y. One brother resides in California. The faneral will take place from the house tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. The Rev. P. R Ross will conduct the service. PURCHASED MEAT MARKET Waverly—S. J. Bellis has pur- | chased the meat market formerly (conducted by C. M. Frisbie at No. | 7 Elizabeth streel. The market | will not be opened for business for [a week, In the meantime the shop will be renovated, remodeled, paint- ed, and made thoroughly up to lis expects to open for business on | next Saturday or Monday, when he will be prepared to furnish the i line. JOHNSON DROVE HORSE INTO DITCH Annimal Was Extricated After Some Trouble But No Dam- age of Consequence Was Done Waverly—An accident that ter- | minated very fortunately occurred { last night on Pennsylvania avenue. near the Presbyterian church for ‘the purpose of laying pipes. The ditch extended nearly across the | street and was unprotected by any ‘railing. A red light had been placed at the curb and another at the outer end of the ditch. These two lights furnished the only warning. The driveway was only six feet wide and on the west side of the street. Cyrus Johnson, who resides on Howard stredt, was driving down the avenue andidrove directly between the two lights, the horse falling into the ditch. The harness was removed after considerable difficulty, the ditch partially filled at one end and the animal climbed out. No damage | was done except some slight strain which the horse received. i qs | AL. MH. TYRRELL THAT PHUNNY PHELLER | Yesterday the holiday shopping | season opened in Sayre, and in the | | early part of last evening the main | streets were well filled with pedes- | | trians who were out apparently to | sce the display in the various win- cations arc that holiday shopping will be brisk from now on. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT Invitations have been issued an- nouncing the marriage of Miss Sadie Elizabeth Bradley of Athens {to Leo George LaBarre of the same | place on Wednesday evening, De- cember 27, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A Bradley of No. 204 East Pine street, Athens “Simple Simon Simple” is really an old English pantomine brought and contains all of the elements of (these highly enjoyable entertain- |ments, singing, dancing, ballet | divertisements, plenty of comedy, | clever acrobatic stunts and num- |berless other enjoyable features, | At the Loomis tonight. | Smoke Peer’s Straight Five, a | fine fragrant cigar } ‘of vanilla extract, when you ‘Sayre Drug store? Tele- ‘phone your order. SERIE SAE SAT i . PRO teeth attended to in time. You will find [J) i the “Decker Method” of extraction ab- #8 solutely painless. # Greek-American Confec- B% ; tion and Candy Store. MAKE EVERY DAY NICE FRESH CANDY. = All kinds of Chocolates, Taf- Ih fy and Fancy Box Candies. All BE iM kinds of Fruit, Ice Cream and Bb HE Hot Soda. a lot of Pain and Expense to have your | 3% Remember our motto: “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.” NOTE OUR PRICES Box papers, ladies’ and gentle- men's purses and pocketbooks. Mechanical toys from 10c up. Penny toys, whistles 1c up. 5 and 10 cent novelties. Books from 3c ups. Paper bells 5¢ up. Watch for our display of station- ery this week. Fine Line of Holi Examinations and estimates free, ine ine 0 0 y Teeth extracted without pain. .....§ 25 Vitalized air... ... ceveises 0 Goods Silver fillings. ..... es a6 . Gold fillings .. $1.00 up —— Full set teeth +... DOO Gold Crown, 22k. ..... ... b.OO Crown and Bridge Work, per tooth. 5.00 * Dr. Deckers Dental Rooms 225 Broad St.,, Waverly, N. Y. Open Evenings. Sundays 10:00 to 1:00. Valley Phone 59 A. Ized Air. -_— Weber's News Parlors LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE oes. sore ve THURSDAY, DEC. 14. |L_ B. DENISON, M. D. Valley Phone at office and residence JNO.W.VOGEL'S BIO CITY (MINSTRELS pea ESTATE BARGAINS | o Y TEST" Small Farms, Large Farms, Good Bulld- > THE BEST BY TEST ings, good fruits, well watered. Houses and Lota for sale or exchange. All at bargain prices. Houses to rent. ANDREW EVARTS, : = | Room 2, Talmadge Blk. Prices 25c¢, 35c, 50c, and 75c | Home phone 61-u : 7 JOHN W. VOGEL'S BG CITY MINSTRELS | STOLEN FROM A CABOOSE Waverly—Saturday night a coat | We Have That Xmas Present ..., wo... “0m mh . 211 caboose that was standing under Among the Xmas bargains you will or 0 8 the coat Wibiefly Begining tought the find Re I compare 5 the hon- ‘belonged to the conductor of the yp. tore local union will meet in| est values we are ornering. |train and contained several passes|yp. A OU. W. hall located over Don't fail to see the new parlor and of the train crew were near the NOT THE DAY FOR TRIFLES Christmas too often signifies a confasion of trifies. That Christmas day, which brings a single splendid gift, is a day that lingers sweetly and clearly in the memory for a whole lifetime, , Our Immense stock of Farniture, the largest ia this valley, offers the best possible opporta- nity for satisfactory selection of a handsome holiday gift. Here are a few suggestions: A . morris chair, a beautiful rocker or parlor table, couch, writing desk, book case, picture, music cabinet, eto. An hour in our store will be a delight to you. |and other articles of value. None | Tracy's drug store, and not in . B. McNitt' h - s . . | caboose at the time as it had been ¢ wile Ml s barber Shep Nr music cabinets, just arrived. [left standing while they did some |p 14 Rede ate |e, . eeting nig r Be sure and see the latest and most **ichio8 in the yard. [the second and fourth Tuesdays in . . the month. A large attendance practical dressing able ever FUNERAL HELD YESTERDAY of ve members is desired tis a - | evening, because of the momina- on the Marke | Waverly—The funeral of Hiram jon a GRA & CO | D. Baker, late proprietor of the | —- | Baker House at Chemung took| [ .. : gh Valley painters are en- 3 ye hon |e in puna he robo F Dealers and F al Dir . g at Weatherly. When it is com- urniture S uneral Directors. odist church. tion a at ale ou : Broad St. and Park Ave. Waverly, N. Y.| Bacon has neat holiday Books, also be given several coats, | i $ $ :