The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 09, 1905, Image 4
Harvey Page spent lastnight in | § the lockup and appeared before Burgess Macafee this moming to answer to the charge of drunken- |} ness and disorderly conduct. Helff was fined $2 and costs, 1 ATHENS CHURCHES Methodist — Services morning | 5¢ and evening conducted by the pas- | 3 tor, Rev. W. G. Simpson. Morn- ing subject: “The Perfect Law.” | 8 Evening subject: “Christ the Lib- + erator.’ Sunday school and Ep-!K worth League as usual, WE FILL MAIL OR- .DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- 3| PRESS ON PUR- N CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. J. Fraser Purse of Philadelphia lis the guest of Atheas friends. F. L. Estabrook and wife are visiting the latter's parents in Michigan. Emest Amold and wife of Wind: ham are guests Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pendleton. -> ANDRD + SAYRE, PA. Commencing Saturday, December 9, This Store Will Remain Open Nights Until Xmas. % [christmas Opening and Sale in Full Force a) A Nae JENN Mrs. Mame Thompson of Trinket is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fice. Sd Furs? If so it would be wise to} make your selection now. Fox Scarfs $4.65 to $35 00. & AN + ISIT THE STORE THIS EVENING and view the Christmas Exhibition. \e the Mecca” for Xmas and all other shopping. Read the list, take your pencil and mark ¥ the items you are intefested in. Make an early visit to the store and secure the choice 38) selections no matter from what department. 10c articles are moving here at . 7c, 8c and Oc; 25c¢ A articles nearly always at 19¢, 2lcand 23c: 50c articles at 45¢, 47c and 43c, etc, ete. Figure “It's BLL) Ee The Japanese social at the Pres- byterian church last evening was a very decided success. patronize our policy. In Dry Goods Dep't A Beantiful Line of New Silks, Dress Goods, Walstings Gloves - Hosiery Women's Neckwear Umbrellas Christmas Stationery Kimonas, Dressing Sacques Fine Lingerie, Bath Robes Flaonel Petticoats, Silk Petticoats Ligen Hand kerchiels Wool Blankets, Bad Comfortables Bath Blankets Linen Lunch Cloths, Doilies Holiday Aproos Women's Underwear Infants’ Cloaks, Bounets, Sacques, Shoes, etc. Toys Toys Hook and Ladders Building Blocks Steam Engines, Trains of Cars _ Iron’ Wagons Police Patrols Drums, Dolls, Tea Sets Mechanical Toys, Rattles Magic Lanterns Banks, Safes, Games, ete. Crockery Dep't Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Vases Lamps, Toilet Sets, Bric-a-Bae. Toys Art Goods Dep't The Christmas Line Ready Fancy Pin Cushions Pillow Tops, Fancy Pillows Picture Frames Stamped Linens Pillow Shams Lyon Brand Yarns, Eureka Silk Pillow Cords, Fancy Baskets Pyrography Oatfits and Stamped Fieces of All Sorts Men's Furnishings Kid Gloves, Wool Gloves Mufflers, Christmas Neckwear Umbrellas Suspenders House Coats Bath Robes Night Shirts, Dress Shirts Wool Underwear Collars and Cuffs, Cuff Buttons Men's and Boys' Sweaters Dress Suit Cases, Trunks, Bags, ete Collar and Cuff Boxes Shaviog Stands Wardrobe Trunks, Steamer Tranks Miscellaneous Books, Bibles Wrist Bags Comb and Brush Sets, Novelties, Cut Glass Pocket Books Waste Paper Baskets Hampers, Fancy Baskets Framed Pictures, Music Rolls Ink Stands, Jewel Cases Perfumes and Toilet Articles Jewelry, Clocks, Mirrors Fans, Hat Pins, Belts Furniture Dep't Parlor Furnitare Dining Room Furniture Combination Writing Desk & Case China Cabinets, Music Cabinets Oak Bed Room Sets Library Chairs, Office Chairs Reed Rockers, Library Tables Couches, Davenports Brass and Iron Beds Children's High Chairs Gilt Chairs, Morris Chairs Side Boards, Baffets Chefloniers Dressing Tables Large and Small Mirrors Home Furnishing Department A Handsome Assortment of Carpets, Rags, Art Squares Carpet Sweepers Linoleum, Door Mats, to 15th inclusive. PAP ely V3) 3g) NY Fy +. fa \CK Zee RAZOR ph 40% v he V \ hg i) re IN Mrs. H. F, Keeney of Laceyville Stevens of South Main street. William Stethers returned to his home in New Albany this morning after a visit with friends in town. J. T. Stalford, the jeweler, has a splendid window display, beauti- fully illumined with électric lights B. J. Houscknecht of Oneonta, Mrs. E. L. Heverly, returned home this morning. — Mrs. John Sheeler and daughter Ruth went to Macedonia this morning for a short visit with her father, M. M. Hicks. Mrs. P. A. Prince of Ulster, who & 3 (dg 3 he q &% S + 2 - 2/ her home this morning. Trinity church choir this evening at 7:30 o'clock sharp, and it is requested that all attend and bring their music. The young people of the Univer- salist church will hold a Christmas ject: “Teaching the Scriptures.” Evening subject: “Life’s River.” Sunday school and Christian En- deavor as usual. H. Sawtelle. Morning “Preparation for Spiritual Service.” Evening subject: “Laying Up For) the Future.” Sunday school and Christian Endeavor as usual. Universalist—Services morning | § tor, Rev. W. A. Kelley. Morning subject: “Purity.” Evening subs ject: “The Omnipotence of God.” Sunday school as usual, Episcopal—Services conducted by the rector, Rev. W. 'E, Daw. Holy Communion at 7:30 a.m; Service and sermon at 10:30 a. m,; Evening sermon at 7:30. Catholic—Services conducted by Rev. M. F. O'Rourke. Early Mass at 8 o'clock; High Mass at 10:00 o'clock; Sunday school at 2 p. m. DATES WERE WRONG Athens—The notice in some of day, December 15-16. is now excercising sleepless vigil {and trees in this vicinity, has given Mr. Packard will be at the Buchanan farm Dec, 13; at Sayre on the Tracy farm Dec. 14, and at Smithfield on the Marten $8.50 to $25.00. Squirrel $5.00 to $15.00. J \Oppossum $3.50 to $14.50 {i Children’s Sets a a a N & Blish, the stylish tailors, are prepared to make you on the shortest notice one of those swell suits, such as have made this firm popular. Murphy & Blish, SAYRE, PA, | Next to Postoffice. D. S. Andrus & Co. are determined to make the Piano and Music Store at Sayre the very best of its kind in northern Pennsylvania and vicinity, We are in Sayre to stay and will endeavor to prove to the people of the city and surrounding territory what honesty, reliability and low prices will do in the musical lines. Just a starter D. 8S. Andrus & Co. have ordered one hundred (100) pianos for the Sayre store, to be disposed of at specially low prices before January 1, 1906. We want one hundred new patrons in this locality who will use their influence with their neighbors in placing pianos in their homes. ‘As an inducement we have marked prices on these pianos that will sell them before that date they are so low. The house of D. 8. Andrus & Co. has enjoyed the confidence of its patrons for over forty-five years. Reliability has been their watchword. Every promise made is conscientiously fulfilled. "They tolerate no misrepresentations on the part of their employes. D. 8. Andrus & Co. guarantee every piano they sell. This they are able to do, for all pianos are thoroughly tested by a corps of competent experts. These long years have taught them what is best in the piano market, and out of the four hundred different makes of pianos they have selected twenty-five of the best. They give this experience gratis to their patrons. Every piano will be sold on one4ear's trial. children. strument has more than paid me,’ Said a lady to us the other day: BARGAIN NO. 1 This massive Cabinet Grand Upright Piano lis one of the handsomest of its kind made. The surpassing musical qualities of this piano has made it rank among the leaders in the piano world. The architectural design is ex- jquisite, the carving the work of an artist. {The tone is rich and sweet; the action is easy. The manufacturers made this piano to sell for $350, but D. S. Andrus & Co. are going to sell it for only $217. BARGAIN NO. 2. Here is a piano that inmediately impresses one with its solid worth, its honest construc- tion and durable qualities. This piano is par- ticularly admired by lovers of music who are looking for that melodious singing tone. We have them in magnificent Walnut or Mahogany cases, also in colonial style. The makers want us to sell it for $325, but D., S., Andrus & Co. will sell it now for $223. BARGAIN NO. 3 Unique in design, rich and attractive in appearance, this piano is one of the best sellers on the market. Its full, mellow tone is reson- ant with melody. It holds its tune and tone. It can be had Walnut, Quartered Oak or Ma- hogany. The durability of this piano is is unquestioned. They have made friends of everybody in the home wherever they have been placed. The original selling price is $300, but until January 1st D. 8S. Andrus & Co. are going to sell them for $197. BARGAIN NO. 4 For those who want a piano for a small} amount of money, and yet one that is thor- oughly good in every respect, pretty in archi- tecture, beautiful in finish, sweet and pure in tone; easy of action, one that will stand a life- time of service; it is here. We do not hesitate] to guarantee it. You will be surprised when you see it, and will ask how it can be sald for 80 low a price as D. 8. Andrus & Co. are sell-}. ing it, which is only $165. 1 PIANOLAS. | ESTABLISHED 1860. Stores also 3 at