VERLY'S DEPARTMENT STOR! TOWN CLOCK BLOCK PENING OR CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES - e : have opened up in the past few days a large and handsome collection of Christmas Novelties. You'll find on display here thedarg- DERCHIEFS, ‘SHIRT WAISTS, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, TRIMMINGS, We qudte a few: ® FURNITURE, - - QUILTS, PICTURES, SKIRTS, BATH BLANKETS. THE NATIONAL ~ BANK OF SAYRE. Capita $50,000.00 B. A. SAWTELLE, Cashier. i Hi iv i pi he Valley Record pe x MURRELLE, Publisher, = W. T. CARRY, Editor. Published every afternoon except Sun- F us Marrelle’s Printing Office, Sayre, a party which 1s 1861 aig the jour over the trall from Salt Lake to Los , have departed from Salt Lake Los Angoles over {he Salt Lake ra!l d, as guests of Senator William A The party, in special Pullmans, - going over practically the same te that they traveled by wagon and foot in 1851. mm——————— Taking No Chances. The following advertisement appears 2 Devopabire newspaper: “Widower, | Amity, renting a small farm Dea! idge. wants a housekeeper; go ping person, and one that has! with views of marriage, if the Apply,” ete. Lord Minto as Jockey. uo Lord Minto, who is to succeed | FRANK BE. WOOD, Representative News and advertising matter may be loft at Gregg's Racket Store, Waverly. After 12 o'clock noon call the main office at Sayre, Valley "phone 141A. Holiday goods at Strong's. H. B. Graf went to Stroudsburg this morning. Pyrography outfits at Strong's. Mrs. John Seacord of Lincoln street is quite ill. Mrs. Harvey Morgan went to Nichols: this morning. Mrs. E. J. Neaves has returned home, after visiting relatives in Canton for several days. —— Pyro. etched wood at Strong's. - Mrs. F. F. Tucker went to Pitts- ton today to visit her mother. Arthur Hallett has returned to Waverly, after spending a few days at Geneva. Fancy calendars at Strong's. A large number attended the hop given by the Misses O'Farrell last evening. E. E. Handrick of Fargo, N. D., was calling on friends in town to- day. Post cards of Waverly at Strong's Mrs. F. A. Reynolds of Cayuta avenue went to Corning this morn- ing to visit her sister. a... SL Miss Mabel Hallett, who has been visiting in Corning for the past week, has returned home, Miss Jennie Freedman, who has home in Meshoppen today. The price for The King of Tramps which is presented at the Loomis tomorrow night will be 10, The third degree was conferred Soyered a jockey's outfit. At the ¢ pn of the ceremony he mounted : Borse. galloped ten miles, and reached destination just in time to win the | ity steeplechase. bn eaee ci—. We Have That The ladies of the Baptist church \are preparing to hold a rummage sale in the near future. It will be | held in the ¥. MCA building. Xmas Present RAF & CO. ELECTED OFFICERS Waverly—At a meeting held H., elected the following officers : President, Wm, Gleason; vice president, M. Kenrick; recording secretary, J. J. Kanan; financial secretary, J. P. Falsey; treasurer, T. F. Carmody; sentinel, Wm Haley ; sargeaot at-arms, Patrick Hurley ; standing committee, J. F. Walsh, A. Bums, D. L. Hurley, Thos. Murray, Phil Kerrigan, The ladies auxiliary of this order have recently raised £10,000 with which they have endowed a chair of history at Washington. CAME BACK BEARLESS Waverly—W. H. Lockerby has returned home after three weeks spent in the wilds of Sullivan county, Pa, searching after bear. He came back bearless, but with a large addition to his stock of ex- perience. It is said that his repu- tation as a slaughterer of big game produced a panic among the denizens of the forest and that they all fled from the county as soon as he arrived within that district. LOST PAGEACE FOUND Waverly—Mrs. William Wood- worth, who resides in this village, sent a package of merchandise by mail from Ithaca last March to her daughter at Mt. Morris, N. Y. The package was lost and no trace was found of it until last week when an Italian was arrested in Owego for robbing the mails, Mrs. Woodworth was notified this morning that the package had been found and was requested by the authorities to identify the con- tents. MUST GIVE BONDS Waverly—The town board held a meeting yesterday morning. It was discovered that several of the town officers, who were required to give a bond, had failed to do so. A motion was made and carried that the clerk look up the matter of bonds, and those officers who had failed to comply * with the requirements of the law, be requir- ed to do so within ten days. Mrs. Fred F. Smith, who has | roads. been seriously ill at her home on Clark street, is again able to re- sume her duties in the office of her husband's plumbing establishment. The young people of the Baptist church held a social Jast evening inthe church parlors. A very enjoyable evening was passed in playing games and other amuse- nients,! [Excellent refreshments were served. A tourist arrived in town last LAST NIGHT'S SHOW “A Rowdice of of Coon Hollow,” the beautiful southern drama in four acts, which has pleased theatre goers- for the past fourteen years, was given a very creditable pre- sentation at the Loomis last even- ipg. The attraction is. under the personal management of Archie C. Allen, whose stage career began nearly forty years ago. has assembled a competent cast of performers and last night's presen- tation was well received by the patrons of the Loomis. The play is considerably out of the stercotyped melodrama form and contains a story of absorbing interest. The plot is clever and original and the various members of the company took advantage of the many opoprtunities afforded by the lines and action. A troupe of colored plantation singers and dancers add much to the enjoyment of the entertain- ment. The buck and wing danc- ing of one of the colored perform- ers was the finest ever witnessed in the house. BECUILING THE PUBLIC Waverly—The attention of the police has been called to the fact that a woman named Heeman, and who is said to reside ‘on Center street; is begging in this vicinity. She plays on the sympathies of the people by telling them pitiful stories of hard luck. The police say the woman's husband is able to work but exists on what his wife can bring in by beguiling the pub- lic. Itis not an act of charity to assist such people, and encourages these parasites to live at the expense of others. NOTICE Want ads inserted by persons not having a ledger account with The Record must be paid for when ordered printed. We positively cannot charge want ads indiscrim~ inately—the expense of bookkecp- ing and collecting is entirely out of proportion to the amount involv- ed in the transaction. Smoke Peer’s Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow momn- ing. In time for connections for west- ints. This Is vis Lehigh Valley, Mic Michigan Coutra) or Lake Shore Rall- $3.00 double Jarth bom fin est roadbed —unexocelled Advertised Letters The following is a list of the advertis- ed letters remaining in the Sayre mr office for the week orling Dec, 4,1 MEN, Lilley, Thomas Marble, BE. R. McAllister, James O'Brien, M. C, O'Brien, Timothy Roberts, A. H. Roberts, Tim Weaver, R. Brooks, (8) Brown, H. J. Curtis, John DeWolfe, Ernest Durliog, George Jackson, Kane, Frank, ro Hin Een; Mrs. A Mie, pu ey i ir Chai” Dominico Chiers. Mary wo Jf not called for IN THIS SECTION Tucsday I December 12: IT WILL SAVE You a lot of Pain and Expense to have your teeth attended to in time. You will find the “Decker Method” of extraction ab- solutely painless. | Remember our motto: “SATISFACTION GUARANTEED." NOTE OUR PRICES Examinations and éstimates free, Teeth extracted without pain Vitalized air Silver Slings. inne ihn Gold fillings . . .. Full set teeth. Gold Crown, 23k Crown and Bridge Wor Work, per ‘tooth. 5.00 Dr. Deckers Dental Rooms 225 Broad St., Waverly, N, Y. Open Evenings. Sundays 10:00 to 1:00, Valley Phone 50 A. The Only Office In the Valley Using Vital. 1zed Ale. kKntertainment ple 00 500 | this line, as in all other lines in a gro-| ‘00 | cery business as well conducted as Shin Prices ? Items are so many that w mast ask you to call and inquire; will pay you. It SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and the P Fitting of Glass- es. Hours—9-12; 1.5; 7.8; 1Sndaye by appointment, ’ Wheslook R. H. DRISLANE, Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates] Furnished. 103 Lincoln St. Bayre, Pa. A.J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and Estimates Forniabed 525 Stevenson Sk, Sayre, Pa. L. B. DENISON, M. Of Course you will entertain this winter and will therefore need some ore lof the following: Mottoes, Fancy Lace Paper Doilies, Birthday Cake Candles and Holders, Souvenir Boxes for candy, ele. We also make Wedding and Birth- day Cakes ‘to order; Hand Decorated if desired. Also all kinds of Fancy Cakes and Dainty Rolls. Satisfaction Guaranteed, GEORGE PAINTON, 3.5 Broad Sreet, Waverly, N. Y. TOUHEYS S HOTEL & Both Phones. D. tuations free to paid in advance whioor vanie, Notice. For Rent Third floor of the Glaser block. Elee- trie light, bath room and all modern im- provements. Enquire at Glaser's Loan office, Lockhart street. 170 The Beach House at the corner Packer and Elmer avenues. All modern ments. Eaquire of = 61-m., . The Retard, has She beet iHotise Bradford | Lease ever printed In county; | Bova aud of a) 3 a | for Justices and. lL bles. i Wanted. { Wanted—To rent a small house im- | mediately by a good tenant. Three in family. Inquire at Record office. Boarders wanted at 420 Desmond S&. rl wants sitaation to take _— po) children or do light ht houstWosg: Enqire No. 304 8. Wilbar 17%-1w Fgh Nim, VaR per * . You. Ply.