The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, December 01, 1905, Image 4
Tu SAYRE, PA. It means leisure Through the excercise of system and intelligence in of bing at this jose; We go to the manufacturers and importers for foreign and do- Dry Goods Dep't STREET FLOOR Francis Johnson bas received Ray Finch played foot ball with Mansfield yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. Siegel Kiff spent Thanksgiving in Alba. tion of the monument in Ander- ee ————————— sonville prison December S. R. Payne and fomily spent Thanksgiving in Towanda. Mrs. T. S. Newman is in Owego | visiting her brother, Ed. Fuller. southern prison a short time dur-|& |ing the war, FAMILY RI AMILY REUNION L. W. Forrest has been granted | an increase of pension to $24 per Athens—Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Stal- month. Department SECOND FLOOR ~~ Alotof 12 kinds band knitted angors caps, some with tabs, others with down trimmings around frout. Priced at 70¢c and $1.50. Silk caps, wool lined, some fancy others plain, strong. Priced at 39¢ to $1.50. Children's sleeping garments, made like a union wait, with feet; beavy Saanelette; sizes 4 to 10 years. _ Priced at 8c. Have you had a Photograph of you or your third ficor front. Rare Values in Com- fortables and Blankets STREET FLOOR Near Elevator If in need of them buy now. The weather favors Comfortablea heavily lined, in coverings of various goods, all well knotted and tied. Bome beautiful art $1.79, $1.98 and $2.48. ~All wool blankets, colorings blended softly as a For Saturday and Monday Only 2,000 yards outing, about 3 dozen patterns, very heavy welght, and today on the strong cotton market could not be replaced at our offer to you. ” For the two days, a good 10c value Cc Ladies’ Flannelette Skirts and Night Robes Real Value 1-3 More We clip prices close to move them, Skirts at 23¢, 39¢, 48¢c, 5S¢, 89¢, and 75¢. All values including 38c, and over are scalloped, beautifully stitched and some oross banded with various shalings of wash- able ribbon to match the colorings nicely. A Notion Value Or 1-3 to 1-2 More Genuine Sorosis lambs wool insoles. Sizes from children's size 4 to ladies’ size 8. Comparison with other values on the markst will reveal their trae worth. Priced at 20c and 20e. Shoe Section Special Children's Leggings ia Jersey, corduroy, and leather. Some with full batton, others with backies at top. Priced at 25¢, 39¢, G0¢, 75¢ and $1.00. D. E. McMahon and family spent Thanksgiving in Troy, their | old home. Geo. Williams of Walnut street lame foot. are visiting Mrs. Cole's mother C. A. Weller and family spent Thanksgiving at the home of O. E. Weller in Milan. Miss Ethel Christian of Lacey ville is the guest of Mrs. Juniata Brown of Ferry street. I. R. Horton and wile are visit- ing Mrs. Horton's father, N. V. F.E. Luckey and A. J. Taylor were on a hunting trip in the wilds around Ulster yesterday. Edward Payne witnessed the Cornell- Pennsylvania foot ball game | at Philadelphia yesterday. yesterday. Mrs. James ames H. Codding Codding of New Y ling reunion and family dinner. | This is the first time that the fam- lily met in Athens and they were | guest received one. | Athens—Married on Wednesday | @ | evening last at the M. E. parsonage, | Athens, by Rev. Dr. W. G. sim son, Joseph Leroy Hibbard and|§ of assortments too many to list. But keep in touch with the store, and should you call daily you will fiud new goods you had not seen the day before. Our selections your will find unique. All the choice odd things you have heretofore been able to find only in cities will be represented In our massive selections, Puorchases intended for Christmas Gifts will be held for future p) Spa) ‘entertain your Boys and home evenings. RIT - Girls at ts for the babies. ‘Lockhart St, CAFE Zea N)3Y) NT : DR + i ~ 0) ~-% es, 596 350L¥ TF TN ¥ oR COAL OOAL ANE CHURCH J. W. BISHOP Rev. Dr. SHIpeon Preached -) There is as much difference in Appropriate Sermon to Large Ppioprisie ® 8 | between white and yellow sugar. Congregation Yesterday. | We sell nothing but the celebrated Athens—The union Thanksgiv- | Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- the Methodist | cite, We also sell Bituminous and church yesterday were such as to | Loyalsock coal and all kinds of inspire every patriot with a true wood. appreciation ol what our true| grandeur as a nation consists. We are all too prone to muse on the Our specialty is prompt service and the lowest market price. little “heeding the moral elements | J. W. BISHOP, that have conduced to the eleva-| | 103 Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg. tion of our government and people. Both Ph Ie is a good thing for us to occas- WOOD WOOD WOOD lionally turn our thoughts back- ward to recall the mercies and blessings that have given so uch | Into paying a big price for a Roaster jast because they claim everything for success to our career. Dr. Simpson took for his text | Deuteronomy 26—9, which recites | the fact that a Divine. Leader had |}, we will sell you brought the Children of Isracl to a land flowing with milk and honey, and states that the same Almighty | Power had directed and brought | us through great tribulations to the land we now possess. This conti~ nent which had for ages lain in the solitude of obscurity, was revealed to the gaze of the world at the op~ portune time when Europe was emerging from a great conflict, A Savory Seamless Steel Roaster for $1.00 —~—Jt is the- BEST ROASTER ON EARTH and it became the asylum for those | ‘be loft at West freedom. Through trial and pri- vation and sacrifice they have es-| tablished this great mation on the | firmer and more enduring founda | It Is Seamless, Sanitary, Easy to Keep Sweet and Clean. It will make a tough fowl or piece of meat tender and crisp, baste it perfect. | tions of moral and civic freedom, | i, brown it beautifally and bring it out jand now the nations of the carth | of the oven full weight and with every | P ‘are watching and catching the | particle of the nataral flavor and nutri- | ‘the light from us that shall bring | ment preserved. With proper care it! ‘them to a higher scale of civiliza- | will last a lifetime and gismyou pleasure | | tion. | and satisfaction every time you use it. but they were such as to give us a| your monday, éstimate of our blessings, bid we are under, and to the sentiment : ATHENS her sister, Mrs Henri Stulen. 1 Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Campbell of Elmira have been visiting at James | Watsons and went to Towanda to—| Meat Dept.. { Pork steak . r—— { Pork chops . Morris Shepard and wile of To- | Pork roasts . wanda spent yesterday at the home | | Porter-house steak of their daughter, Mrs. F. W.| Sirloin steak | Stacy | Link Sausage — | : eevee “Our Own" sausage George L. Fuller and wife went Head cheese to Ghent yesterday to spend the Liver sausage . . . ‘ | Frankfurters a George L. Horton and Rump roasts, boned Pork chunks Prime ribs, boned and rolled .12% 4 Ib fancy pickled pigs’ feet . . .25 7 Ib best plate beef 25 7 Ib best brisket beef vva25 Whole pig hams, sugar cured and smoked California hams . or Finest Baltimore oysters . . Joseph McDaniels and wife spent Thaaksgiving with Mrs. McDan- liels sister, Mrs. E. W. Kellogg in Elmira. . Mrs. Delia Waters visited her sister, Mrs. Irene Allero, yesterday and returned to Monroeton this morning. Mrs. C. Hunsiker and daughter, Miss Mary, returned from an ex- tended visit to Washington, D. C, last evening. 10 . 08 «30 Grocery Dept Miss Ruth Hall of Towanda spent Thanksgiving with Miss Ethel Winters and returned home this morning. The Ladies Potatoes, bushel Apples, peck . .25 Kamner's special coffee . 25 The quality of this coffee makes it very special. * 3 Ib fine tea 10 lbs Morley’s buckwheat flour Cyclone bread flour . . Pure lard 7 Ib Compound lard 10 bars Oak Leafsoap. . . . 7 Ib gloss starch 75 Whist Club of Athens were entertained yesterday afternoon by Mrs. J. M. Fel, South Main street. A meeting of C. F. Moore camp Spanish American War Veterans will be held at their rooms in To- wanda this evening. P. C. Forbes and wife of North Rome and C. B. Arnold and wife nf Vawter spent Thanksgiving at the home of A. C. Amold. 3 cans pink salmon 3 cans red salmon . . . 2 boxes honey 3 cans Monogram syrup . . Mrs. John H. Baker-and daugh- | Headlight oil ters Mabel and Lonetta spent|3 qts hand picked beans . . .. Thanksgiving at the home of Syd. |6 crwesio EB GARNER Trustee LOOMIS OPERAHOUSE ORCHESTRA Strictly Up-to-Date Maslo- furnished lf Panclions, she and all msaaner of Soo- either publio as private. ieceas desired will be fur- Cal Valley Record for terms, A. H. MURRAY, WN. D. | | N.F. Walker went to Towanda |today to appear as a witness in the | Chemung Trolley Injunction case to be argued before Judge Fanning today. | The Ulster river bridge is com- | pleted and as soon as the inspec~ {tors make their examination and report, it will be opened to the | public. mon is spending the week with C, T. Hull and amity and Mrs. Kim- FUR THE REPAIR DEPARTMENT There is wisdom in economy. 3 i few “shekels” by having your old shoes repa SHOES Sayre, Pa, 4 Probably many miles of service are still left : ik Ji those shoes, and if brought here our skilled repairs £ 3 g er can add many more. Only a reasonable charge for high class work. —— WE SELL CANDEE RUBBERS THE KIND IT PAYS TO BUY. The extension heel on women's rubbers is a} ns @ strong point. If you have been wearing the kind § U; without the heavy heel extension, just examine gthem and see if they don't wear out at the heel vi voy quickly. TE SERRE — — ad Tap Sole Arctic. § CISCSERR BE EEE — wh wg Our Sample Overcoat Sale being so successful we J note the public is always looking for REAL BARGAINS We have placed on sale 100 suits in assortment to suit any taste, likewise your pocketbook. i Prices starting at $4.50 for a good serviceable suit, equal to any $6.00 suit. ; |B. FREEDMAN| | IAN For decorating radiators sell the finest line of bronze on nase All colors, HR THLMADGE : Plumbing, Heating, JOHN GC. PECKALLY, DBALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Olive Oil—Quart 85¢, Gallon $3.00. 15 different kinds of Macaroni at low prices for this week, No. 5 Blizabeth St.. No. 8 Blasters 8t. Wevetly BOTH 'PHONES. Garpenter and Builder. | Th dl 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, K.7.| Try an ad io The Reco: . As the Thanksgiving rush is now over, Murphy : & Blish, the stylish tailors, are prepired ta § make you on the shortest notice one of those swell suits, such as have : made this firm popular. Murphy & Blish