The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 27, 1905, Image 3

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    We invite a careful inspection of
new line outside fabnc, lining,
most important of all, the new
concave shoulders and perfect fitting
The new cut shows the only
Frunt ever made that will not
hana. It fits right, stays night and
tee it to be right.
5 oa show you a Jor more about
- our clothing that you will find in no
other make; besides, it don't cost
pu "my more than the ordinary
have never bought a
d-Tailored Suit you've
Tnisied something.
Maney & Page
4 EN -~>
ha a
Chet Jteafel. Jivauss Br Conme.
There Are But Two
have much and have little
Families in world—
—but we are helping the
family by selling much for
Carving sets 75c to $4.50.
Roasting Pans 10c to $1.00.
Food choppers $1.00 to $3.
‘216 Desmond St., Sayre.
322 8. Main St., Athens.
That we are maki
ng very extensive
season, more so
than ever before.
and our stock is
not yet half in.
138 Desmond Street.
Look for the coupon.
Rev. J. L. Shanley is a 2 Towioda)
‘visitor today.
J. F. Vail is in Rummerfield on
‘business today.
0. L. Smiley of Towanda was]
visiting friends here Saturday.
ess trip.
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Smith, 408
mond street, are spending a
t days with friends in Ithaca.
arry Roberts of Pittston spent
yp with his parents, Mr. and
T. Roberts, on South Elmer
Seymour Wilcox of Pitts-
kh was here Saturday house hunt-
Mr. Wilcox will manage the
pat market on Lockhart
The Valley Record
“Al the news that’s fit to print”
Look for the coupon.
| “The Wizard of Oz" at the Loo-
| mis tonight.
| Smoke Peers Straight Five, a
fine fragrant cigar
| Karl Driggs sang a solo at the
| Church of the Redeemer last night.
| —— ——
| The curtain will rise tonight on
| the first act of “The Wizard of Oz"
lat 8 o'clock.
| Mrs. Rice will sing a solo at the
| services to be held in the Church
|of the Redeemer on Thanksgiving
| da
| Louis J. Russell as Abner
| Granger in “North Carolina Folks"
lat the Loomis, Thanksgiving.
matinee and night.
Services will be held in the
Churclf of the Redeemer Thanks
giving morning at 7:30 o'clock and
in the evening at 7:30.
The ladies of the Methodist
church are planning to hold a ba-
zaar in Mrs. Louise Flory's store
on Lockhart street, beginning on
December 24 and continuing until
December 25. Fancy articles of all
descriptions will be on sale.
Harry Moore, who was killed in
the foot ball game between Union
College and the University of New
rk on Saturday
And While Be Was So Think-
ing, Woman's Condition Be-
comes Serious.
Because her husband belicved
that she was shamming, a certain
Sayre woman hovered between life
and death for nearly five hours on
Saturday night, suffering from the
effects of a quantity of laudanum
which she had evidently taken
with suicidal intent.
The husband it appears is in the
habit of going out nights. He isa
good fellow and nothing
worse than to visit certain places
where the dice are shaken for the
cigars. His wife, however, object-
ed to his absence from home, and
when he left his house on Saturday
night she followed him. He went
to a certain hotel and was soon en-
gaged in rolling the ivories for the
drinks. While thus employed his
wife sent a messenger into the ho-
tel for her
left the game and went to the
her lips and drank the contents, at
the same time declaring that she
had taken laudanum. The hus-
band refused to believe it, and 1n~
stead of getting frightened pro-
ceeded to laugh at her. They
went home together, and as the
woman showed indications of being
dopy her husband helped the mat-
ter along by dancing her up and
down the room, still thinking that
she was feigning. For an hour or
more he continued to walk her
about but finally the husband be-
came alarmed. It soon became a
difficult matter to keep her on her
feet and she showed every evi-
dence of having taken some pow-
erful drug. Thoroughly alarmed
the husband sent for a physician
and when the latter arrived he
gave the woman an emetic. The
contents of the stomach were ex-
pelled, but there was no smell of
laudanum. The woman, however,
continued to grow worse and for
four hours she was in a critical
condition, the drug having become
thoroughiy absorbed in her system.
After heroic work on the part of
the doctor she was revived, and to-
day is pronounced out of danger.
Athens Driving Park
Arrangements have been coms
pleted for another red hot foot ball
game at the Athens driving park
on Thanksgiving afternoon. The
Sayre-Athens combination and All
Elmira will be the contesting teams |
and lovers of sport are assured of a |
first class game. The local aggre-
gation is showing up with the
goods. On Saturday they put the]
All Ithaca bunch out of business, |
notwithstanding that the latter team |
is a strong one. The Elmira
aggregation has a fine record and
will come here Saturday prepared
to wipe the local contingent off the
face of the earth. The game will
be called at 3:30 o'clock.
The new Esty organ, which was
recently purchased for the Metho-
dist church at this place, has ar-
rived and is being installed in the
church today. The instrument
cost in the neighborhood of g1600
and is a handsome affair. It will
be a valuable acquisition to the
church property and greatly appre-
ciated by the members of the choir.
Dan Mitchell, an Italian em-
ployed in the old shops, was struck
on the head this morning by a fall- |
Woman and Ghild Burned to
Death in Fire Near
- Towanda
The Inmates of the House Were
Stupefied by Alcohol When
the Flames Broke out
Mary Shaylor, a dissolute char-
acter, and Henry Whitmiller, an
eight-months-old babe, were burned
to death in a fire which consumed
the home of William Ackley in
Towanda township at an carly hour
yesterday morning. The Shaylor
woman was almost completely in-
cinerated, while the child was sQ
badly burned that it died five hours
after having been removed from the
burning building.
Ackley’'s home was situated just
outside of the borough of Towanda
and for some time has been a resort
some time the nights have been
for disreputable characters.
gies of those
Saturday might a party consists
ling of Mr. and Mrs. William Ack:
ley, their son Will, aged 24 years,
their daughter, Mrs. Charlie What.
miller, their granddaughters, Flor-
ence Johnson and Louise Whit-
miller, both young girls of 6 or 7
years, their grandson, Henry
Whitmiller, Jerry Decker, aged
{about 45, a relative of the Ackleys,
Delbert Vanderpool, George Van-
derpool, Joseph Vanderpool, Pency
Johnson, Levi Parker, a miner at
Barclay, and Mary Shaylor, gath-
ered at the Ackley home. In the
carly part of the evening Will Ack-
ley, the son, and Mary Shaylor
secured a half dollar and left the
house. Nothing more was seen
of them until after the fire. The
remainder of the party drank algo~
hol and danced. Neighbors say
‘that they heard a noise in the
| house until 2 o'clock, but after that
it was quict. About 4 o'clock a
man residing in the vicinity of the
Ackley home saw flames issuing
from the windows of the bedroom
down stairs. He rushed into the
house and saw a child sleeping on
{a couch and surrounded by fire.
| He grabbed the child and took it
to a place of safety. Later it was
| removed to its father's home where
lit died. In the meantime a crowd
|of neighbors had gathered about
| the burning building. Suddenly a
'man’s body fell from one of the
(upper windows and struck the
| ground, It Will Ackley.
| His face and hair were singed and
| his shoulder had been broken by
{the fall. He was picked up and
| said that Mary Shaylor was in one
| of the rooms upstairs. No atten-
{tion was paid to the woman but
the men directed their efforts to
other children
who congregated
ward saving two
which were in the house
efforts were successful. Jerry
Decker was also in an upstairs
room and he jumped from a win-
dow. He was found to be severe-
ly burned and was removed to the
| home of James Ackley and placed
under the care of a physician.
I' appears that Will Ackley and
the Shaylor woman had returned
to the house without the knowl-
edge of the other inmates and had
gone upstairs and went to sleep,
having drank frecly of alcohol
which they purchased in Towanda.
Ackley is badly injured and may
made to save the contents, When
the cinders had cooled all that was
left of Mary Shaylor was tangled
up in a set of bed springs. Her
piece of flesh,
Fails to Ring Time Recording
Clock and in Order to Square
Himself Claims to Have Been
Knocked Down by Robbers
This morning a story was circu-
lated to the cffect that last night a
night watchman employed in a
certain - Sayre establishment had
been knocked down, rendering him
unconscious, and while thus in a
helpless condition the perpetrators
of the deed had thoroughly ran
secked the place over which the
watchman had charge and had se-
cured considerable booty. Diligent
inquiry elicited the fact that while
there was some foundation for the
rumor, that it was simply a story
originated by the nightwatchman
who had fallen asleep at his post
and had failed to ring up a time
recording clock. He said that
during the night he was knocked
down by masked men and that
shortly after the men left him he
became unconscious. This morn-
ing a man employed at the estab-
lishment examined the night
watchman but there were no marks
to indicate that he had been rough-
ly handled. His story 1s believed
to have been a fake as nothing in
the building had been disturbed
The Lehigh Valley
Company announces that on and
after December 1 a demurrage
charge of one dollar per day will
be made upon each car of coal for
water shipments remaining unload
ed 72 hours after its arnval at
Perth Amboy. It is further stated
that owing to contemplated changes
in storage facilities at Perth Amboy
no specific allotment of space will
hereafter be made to any shipper,
and a charge of ten cents per
month will be made for storing
coal when storage space is avail
able. This is a radical departure
from the established policy and will
seriously affect most of the ship-
pers using the Perth Amboy docks.
The Lehigh Valley has bins for
storing 200,000 tons of coal and
has heretofore permitted shippers
to store coal in the bins for an in-
definite period without charge
. Se
Saturday's Foot Ball Game was
Witnessed by a Large Crowd
and was a Red Hot Contest
The foot ball game between All-
Ithaca and
Saturday on the Tioga Point
grounds at Athens was one of the
best and hottest contested games
of the season. There was an im
mense crowd out and the proceeds
will be very encouraging to the
team won by a scoreof §too
Campbell and Park were not able
to play, which greatly weakened
the home team, but they expect to
be on hond for the Thanksgiving
game. Gallinger made the touch
down for Athens-Sayre, but he is
nursing a lame shoulder as the re-
sult of the hard tussel. He will be
able to play in the Thanksgiving
game. The Ithaca boys are not
quite satisfied with the result and
are trying to arrange for a return
game to be played at Ithaca next
—— A eran
Phocbe Munn, relict of Alanson
Munn, died at the home her son
Kizer Munn in Lestershire, N. Y |
last Saturday, aged about ;o years
The family formerly resided in
Litchfield and were among the
early settlers in that region. The
tuneral will take place from the
West Sayre church tomorrow
ed by Rev. Mr. Howard, a former
Prd of - deceased, Rev. M.
Norman Ackley, Charged With Hamlin & Mitchell
Highway Robbery, Sent’ E vai lo Your Pleasure
the Penitentiary for 7 The Wizard of 0
and 6 Months
Norman Ackley, a former Sayre Suberb Scenic Pro-
resident with a decidedly unsavory |
record, was on Saturday last sen-
tenced to 7 years and 6 months to
the Eastern penitentiary by Judge
Fanning at Ackley |
pleaded guilty to the charge of CATCHY MUSIC,
highway robbery committed at the, NOVEL DANCING.
{ -
A lum- Advance Sale Friday.
Laquin visited PRI E$ , $1.00, $1.50.
county seat during the progress «
the Bradford County fair.
berman from
the 50¢, T5¢
fair and
imbibed freely o no free list.
At night he lay down
near the New York & Susquehan-
na tracks When he awoke his
containing a sum of
money and a check for $24 were THANKSGIVING
missing. The following morning Matinee and Night .
answering Ackley's des- |
cription attempted to cash the
check at one of the banks in To |
North CarolinaFolk
wanda. Later Ackley was arrest-
ed at Wilkes-Barre. At the same
llussell appeared at the Loomis ;
last Thanksgiving in
time a warrant was issued by the
“The Middleman
4 man
late Justice John R. Murray, charg-
Ackley with attempting to]
defraud a boarding-house keeper
John Brundage of the
house, was the complainant. Prices
n 95
—— i ——————— IC HH
M shinee, adults 50c, cb
ight, $1.00, 750,
GET YOUR PHOTO 5 ne rien
FREE OF CHARGE Entertainmen
you will entertain this
inter and will therefore need §
f the following
Mottoes, Fancy Lace Paper Doilies,
| Birthd day Cake Candles and Holders,
Sourenir Boxes for candy, ete.
We ae ) make Wedding and Birth
should not fail to cut out the day Cakes to order; Hand Decorated
in the Reeser, Kessler,|;s j.5ir0d Also all kinds of Fa
Wieland Company's advertisement | Cokes and Dainty Rolls.
akes ¢
printed in today's paper. The| Satisfaction Guaranteéd.
company has engaged the services GEORGE PAINTON,
of an expert photographer direct 315 Broad Sreet
from New York city and on tos - Warerly 'N. Y
1 .
morrow (Tuesday) he will open a | —mmm————————————
Take a Policy in the
gallery at the big store. He will
N ® P. L
make photo buttons and cach
You Do Not Have to Die to ¥
Of Course
Cut Coupon From Today's Rec.
ord and in Return Secure an
Artistic Button Likeness of|
Readers of the Valley Record
Cou po n
Both Phones.
holder of a coupon cut from The
Record will be entitled to a photo
of himself or herself. While the
All you have to
do 1s to first cut out the coupon
from the Record, go to the big
store, present the same to one of
the clerks and be directed to the
It Protects You in Sickness or Acoldent
Pays Dividends Each Five Years
Has the Largest Membership of Any
cal Organization in Bayre
Pald In Sayre During Five Years:
For Disability
For Death
For Dividends
Assets Nov. 1
Benefits Paid
District Manager,
He will give you a
sitting and in less time than it takes
to tell it you will be presented an
advantage of this offer and you will
want to be among them. Remem-
ber a Record coupon secures a fine
photo of yourself.
t———— i ——
George Miller and Maurice
Wright have gone to Forksville,
They were heavily
the Best Soap Made
TI remo removes all “4 Palas
ink and paint without |
the hands. Price 10a,
Cures Chapped Hands
armed and 1t 1s
into camp in the woods,
for this |
section in which |
said that they are after bear
will go iy
secured a cabin
the camp 1s located abounds with
bear and the Sayre hunters started
out with the firm determination of |
exterminating them
A —
Union Thanksgiving services |
will be held in the Baptist church
at 10:30
Ask your druggist and rover far it,
| Ev ervthing New and Up-to-Date,
i Class Accommodations,
Thomas Ave. Opposite L. V, B
| Rates $1.50 Per Dav.
o'clock on Thursday | ==
The Rev. M. B. Wood B Ch i
pastor of the Chen of Chit, i argains in 0 C¢ y
Building ls
deliver the sermon.
£500 buvs a Stedman St, lok, &
£500 buys a Hopkins St. lot, 0
Lot corner Stevenson and B
The Mask Ball at Pharmacy
Hall, Wednesday evening,
Nov. 29. First class music. | “2% in st. central, 0
Tickets 50c, on sale at $1740 buys new hous) 25d. lot nea
Driggs’ Drug Store. | $1300 buys a house and lob ©
=] | River and Lockhart,
Wm. B. McDonald, D. D. S.| provements, Madison street.
$2100 takes seven room
$2100 takes new house, modern |
~All modern methods | for the scien- | Elmer.