The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 11, 1905, Image 4
WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. PP REFSER KESSLER. WIELAND Co. "THE BIG STORE WITHES LITTLE —_ SAYRE, PA. Store Closes Daily at 6 P. M. Except Saturday and Two Evenings After Pay Day. Furs! Furs! SECOND FLOOR Furs! As the season advances and gets colder, the demand is greater for furs, The good, substantial kind that wears, and gives satisfaction; that's the kind we sell A large variety of fine far pieces at $5.00, $10.00, © $12.00, $15.00 up to $40.00. Mafls to mateh at $7.00 to £2000. Other neck pieces at £3.00 up fur sets in 5 variety of styles at $1.25 to $4.00. Children's Wooltex Styles The demand for this justly famous make of coats and suits is increasing daily. as the ladies become more acquainted with the make, e trade (Waver- ly, Sayre and Athens) bat peorle from Towanda, Owego, and other surrounding towns are buying them here also. The workmanship is perfect and styles always newest, and yoa will hd D kinds of wear. Prices $13.50 to 827.50 We are sole % Athens. We have not only done a large business on these coats with hom find these coats suitable for all agents of the Wooltex styles for Waverly, Sayre and TRADE MARK WOOLTEX Fashion Faultliess Look for This Label, && No Coat Genuine Without It. Not every customer can afford to buy a Wooltex garment. For those who cannot we yaried stock to select from at $7.00, $10.00, $12.00 and £15.00. SEPARATE SKIRTS in all styles, colors and fabrics at prices to suit. Rugs Rugs Third Floor have a large Notion Department First Floor New line of coronation pieces, size 22x22. and 27x27 at prices 1c to 47¢. Newest dainty neckwear for ladies. Let us show vou the new line at 23¢ and 50c. Other at Se, 10e and 15e. Lamps Lamps Basement These long. dark evenings we are soon coming to ~ will be much brighter if you will let us supply you with your lamp needs. We can furnish you with gas, ~ #lectric or oil lamps in an endless variety, Gas drop " lights at $248 up. Electric drop lights, $2.48 up Ofl lamps complet- at 25¢, 40¢, §7¢, Tc, 8c. Large NEE fable lamps at $1.47, $1.75, $2.19, $3.19 up to $9.08 $5 Gas mantles at 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 26¢ to 40c. Night lamps for sick room. 48¢ to S3c. 12x12, I8x1N, ; 3 We are headquarters for all Kinds of rugs. Bel we give you a partial List of with which we can fill your orders at Sheik velvet, wool face, 30x54 at $1.50 All wool Smyrua, £250. Onlya this number left and will sell them at the £2 ng rw goods carrisdd in stock ones few of special 36x72 at price of § 10 wire tapestryrugs, 738 at $1207, best quality, ronds 0x12 at SIS 57. Smith's tapestry 0 wire rugs 0x12 at $16.37; price for this quality £15.00, Fine assortment of Smith's Axminster rugs in light and dark colors; very handsome parlor rugs, 8x12 at 821.87 (fer Se usual Velvet rugs, 9x12 at 22250 to 232.7540, Wilton velvet, 9x12 at £32.50 to $34 57 New line of Umbrella Stands at $12 $1.58, to $7.50. a Stdineres at 10¢, 15¢, 18¢, 5, $1.37, $1 50 SPECIAL £2.50 rug, at $1.87 £ REESER, KESSLER WIELAND GOMPANY § OPOTNHUHON A FAULTLESS BEER The following article appears in the United States Trade Rejorts, a publication devoted to financial, agncultural and mechanical inter- ests: There has been considerable discus- sion of the different Kinds of beer since so much attention has been given to the discussion of pure food products, and many are found to give bad aftereflects. The United States Trade Reports has al- ways fearlessly discussed are of general interest to its readers, and we have received several letters concerning the different kinds of beer on the market. We are asked to recom- mend the best and purest, and which leaves no bad effects after drinking. We have made a careful investigation locally, also referring the matter to our representatives in all the principal cities, We feel jostified in saying that the beer which we find to surpass all others in purity and ¢leanliness 18 made by the Datterweich Brewing Co, of Olean, N. Y. The above-named firm stands high in the commercial world, and is well known for its business tact and enterprise, as well as for its integrity. This beer serves as a tonic as well as a beverage, We have no interest in making this com- mendation, except wo give credit where credit is due, as has always been our policy, and we have not the slightest hesitancy in recommending this beer to our readers. We advise all patrons to call for this beer, especially for invalids and those of impaired health. It has been a custom of this paper to furnish its subscribers with reliable in- formation on any desired subject free of charge, that they may designate by let- ter of inquiry addressed to this office, The United States Trade Reports has the largest circulation of any tiade pa- perof its class, and po other publication could afford to maintain such a large stall of experienced editors to make these investigations, and depend solely upon its subscription list for support, We are certain that all dealings which our readers may have with this firm will prove mutually beneficial and profitable, It isa pleasure to us to give this firm our editorial recommendation, and, at the same time, to supply our readers with reliable information on such an important subject as this. For sale at the leading bars in Athen, Sayre and Waverly. E. A. WiLeex, Distnbuting Agent. A.E.BAKER, Carpenter and Builder. 17 Pleasant St. Waverly N. Y. TOUHEY'S HOTEL | Bverything Som and Up. and Up-to-Date, First sy doubtiess argue that the maa Thomas Are, Opps V.8 never find the victim's pocketa™ | =Houston Post. Y We are offering Axminster rugs, 30564, ig 5c to $1.47. a regular 5) Perfectiy Safe. Miss Oldham in the night and found a sacking her trunk She did fot scream, but looking him square in the tye, she pointed to the dour and sald *leave me at once, sir! “Oh. that's all right. madam lhe bLurgiar, as he backed {@oor, “I had no intention of pou "Chicago News the middle burglar ran ARNOKs said toward the taking Making Up for Lost Time Mrs. Tungay -You can't imagine {how convenient [ find it to have a tele phote in the house | don't see how we ever managed to get along without it Her Husband-—Yes, | Jou want a first-class Without any trouble, he | you find It. [I tried nine | you up to-day and were Lusy talking to s§ Chicago Tribune : . Keep the Ball Rolling. “We have them to sell. We - : have the following ranges in stock such topics as in imagine, convenient to call you Ww times very time mebody else — Desmond St. "ELMER A. WILBER, Wholesaler of Sayre. Yalevard trying him for think he's a coming Freshmar football half-back Miss Bryumaure sh he'd come il the way ha i : 10 intro. ress They're team 1 Le phia P the visitor, i your great grandfather in the That was h Kadd, pompously but didn’t carry it 4id that for him, of phia Press ciation Is z repited Rich ley he His man Ours Plhilade A Professicoal View Do you think these pumerous {nves- tigations and arresis w to put an end ww graf’ No AnEwWered “but they'll incompetent petition HILL & BEIBACH care Best of Everything : Lockhart St. i sere Mr gorve to Dustin Stax, off a lot of unprofessional com- D Star SCAre and Washing: He Couldn't “The police have arrested a man and Bis wife for holding up and robbing | women ia Golden Gate park.” Hd ERD Mrs. Joseph Hines i is on a short trip to Philadelphia. - Misses Irene and Mary Warner ‘are in Milan to spend Sunday. Robert Rith of Lock Haven, is the guest of Dr. Cowell for a few days. Mrs. H. N. Weller went to She- shequin this morning to spend Sunday with her patents, Mrs. George A. Dayton was an over night guest of friends in town enroute to her home in Towanda Miss Ballentine, one of the teachers in Athens high school, went to her home in Smithfield to spend Sunday. Mrs. C. A. Hoffman and daugh- ter Ethel were in town over night on their way from Corning to their home in Towanda. Rev M. B. Wood went to Es. itelle, Sullivan county, this morn- ing to attend the dedication of the new Church of Christ Mrs. H. D. Hess telle, Sulllvan county, this morn- ing, to attend the dedicating ser vices of a new church today Mr and Mrs. C. I. Hess and Miss Bessie Tompkins have been visiting at the home of H. D. Hess, and returned to their home in To- wanda this morning. went to Es The marriage of Miss Anna Schrier and Charles Reagan of Waverly, will take place at thej Catholic church in Athens Tues day evening, November 14, at 7:30 o'cleck Now is the time to put in your winter cabbage and celery. Thirty large heads of cabbage and fity giant heads of Pascal celery deliv- cred to any part of Athens or Sayre for two dollars. 1. T. Hovr, 151 6 Valley Phone 153 y Dr. E. M. Cowell and wife en tertained all of the teachers of the town in an evening of unalloyed enjoyment at their pleasant home on South Main street last evening There were twenty six present and the social features were of the most cn] oyable kind Our commdes of the Grand Army should attend the lecture at the M. E. church Fnday evening, November 17, to be given by Dr. Ihfl on the Boys of ‘61-65. Dr. Ihff was a good soldier, is an elo~ quent talker, and he will give a re- cital of facts that will stir up all of the patriotic their hearts ATHENS CHURCHES Presbyterian—Services morning and evening conducted by Rev. W. H. Sawtelle. “Christ and Him Cricified” and “The Fountain for Sin," are the subjects respectively for the day. Sunday school and C. E. as usual, . Episcopal— Services morning and evening conducted by the rec- tor, Rev. W. E. Daw. Sunday school as usual. Mecthodist—Rev. J. W. Young of Newark Valley will exchange pul pits both morniag and evening Sunday schoci and Epworth League as usual. Baptist—Services morning and evening conducted by the pastor Rev. Mr. Allen. Morning subject, “Full Steam Ahead” Evening subject, “Divine Love.” Sunday School and C. E. as usual. Catholic— Services conducted by Rev. M. F. O'Rourke at 8 a. m and 10 a. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. cmotion In Universalist— Morning subject, “Our Duty in Little Things." Ev- ening subject, “The Good I See in the Presbyterians.” Sunday school as usual. New Book on Sale Athens—The new book by Geo. Selinger Kimball, author of Piney Home, is now on sale at Sanford's drug store, Athens, and Jump's drug store, Sayre. It is entitled, “‘Jay Gould Harmon" and is a sec- life and interest, If you begin it cused by Brether-in-law. " WHITE PLAINS, Alpert V. Dele i deavoring to secure the release of Bs bride from asylum, te which she was the evening fel: lowing her ma was arrested at the close of the bha- on a bench warrant issued by Record er Goff of New York city, Reid bhav.' ing been indicted by the county grand jury upon a charge of bigamy. Reid denounced his arrest as an outrage and denied his guilt He said the arrest was not unexpected, as his brothers in-law had hinted at some thiug of the kind. Reld said his fiset wife die] Lefore he left England somé yeqr= ugo, aud he denied that be mar | ried any woman in Canadas, as bad been intimated He was taken at once to New York yesterday bLy Victor Delano, Mra. Reid's brother, whe told of various ee centric acts of his sister Mrs Vie tor Delano testified to the same of- fect Ir Samuel D Lyon of the Bloomingdale asyluin testified that Mrs. Reid was deficient (u moral sease and mentally, but that she had greatly improves] while in the asylum and was not actually insane THE AUTO AS MEDICINE. Pr. G. W. McCaskey Says We Arve In Need of Fast Motion. CHICAGO, Nov. ll —Automobiling [i is one of the best cures for bodily In firmities due to poor operation of the digestive organs, according to Dr. Q W. McCaskey of Fort Wayne, Ind, who addressed the American Academy Lof Medicine at a meeting here. Hig subject was “The Physiology of Recre- ation,” and he took a position said by members of the soclety to be pro gressive if not revolutionary. “Mental depression can destroy entirely the ef- feet of food and cause digestive disor-* ders of the gravest nature,” Dr. Me Caskey said Recreation has a most beneficial effect, and the desire to go te a restaurant after witnessing a pleas! ing performance at some theater is due wainly to the effects of having one's mind relieved and thus Influencing the flow of digestive flulds “For recreative effect most persons peed some sort of diversion which con- tains fast motion, and this exXplains the popularity of mutomobiling. the benef eial effects of which 1 know by expert: ence ———————— Indianapolis Would Own Gas Plaah CHICAGO, Nov. 11.—Hights of the city of Indianapolis to purchase the plant of the Consumers’ Gas Trusl| company of that city were argued bere before Judges Grosscup, Kohlsaat and Seaman in the United States cir cult court of appeals Indianapolis eity officials are endeavoring to secure A reversal of a decree of Judge Baker | of Indiana, who held that the «ity had uo right to purchase the natural gas plants of the company ie—— The Only One. He—1 dreamt last night I proposed to a pretty girl She -What did | say? New Yorker | Big Salmon Crop. Alaska's canned salmon output ls timated this year at $10,000 000, Wenther Probabilities. west winds | Fair; FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. | Closing Seck Quoiiions. | Money Hi pay | cent Prime mercantile paper, doy ped cent Exchanges | 2 TS Dalene ca, $13.7. 017. total Imports of dry goods al the port of New York for the week ending | yesterday were valued at $2335.21 Closing prices Amal. Copper on call strong at N. Y. Central Atchison Si, Norf. & West B&O 119% Penn R R Brooklsu R 1 ns Reading C.C.C & 8 1. iY Pook Island Ches & Onilo 53g St Paul Chi. & Northw JI Southern Pal D.&H n= Suuthern Ry Erle 44 South. Ry. pf Gen. Electric 18414 Sugar ji Central 175% Texas Pacific Lackawanna ¥ Union Pacific louis & Nash, 148% UU. 8 Steel Manhattan 166g UB Steel pf Metropolitan 115 West, Unlon Missour! Pac ] “la 1% | | Hy | 3% | 175% 6 4% ay Hn | in| ny | | New York Markets. FLOUR—Dull and barely steady, Mins | esotla patents, $655 3, winter stralg hts, Haas winter extras, J29g31 3 ghia] patents. M3504 WHEAT-Dull and easier as a resuit o big Argentine shipments, lower cables a realizing by professionals December, | BLauthe., May, LHJTH 5-1sc BUTTER Creamery, extras, per poun BY (Mercantile Ex hang. Jha Quotation, extras, 3c. i, firsts, seconds, Iwill; thirds Nes Ba extras 3c. state dulry, tubs, iray | ., firsts, DR scconds, Ga thirds 17g ise CHELSE State, full cream, small adh) large colored and white, Se Aube, faly | cy, 13§¢.; October, choice, : fair ood, 17%WUII%c.. light Ita, ": ke : bart sklma, prime, 1 us common Ww fu skims Thai tly EGGS State selcctled, white, fancy. Xo g£ic.; mixed, extra, 5 firsts, 2XYrc , dirves, 154017 gi6c refrigerator, April brands ar firsts, Wir Ma) packed, " | summer Per eax, | TALLOW — Barely steady. city, ce | country. #584 HAY ~ Stes Ady: good te choice, SigElily. Easy POUL RY per pound, igeons, per palr, 3« RESSED POULTRY ty picked, per pound, 15% old Wis alr and under ice, 10% good, re ; Pennsylvania nnd nearby cholce, Ng greta to extra , Checks I “ ked, fancy! shipping, ogtic | Ung Frys ous Es Chic Ke ne pring oc. | nearby, turkeys, 14 | Turleys, asprin 106§18¢. , scalded, brotlers, 4 pounds tt Philade iy vhia, ary oP ked | Hi. ; New ork and ten nevi Ix chickens, roasting, Pounds to A and over. Philadelphia, yi} pleked 140 | dx. ; New York and PYunsy vans 10g14c. | fowls, Philadeiphia, ry pl ked J3gise old cocks, dry Sn 9c. , scalded, Be.) ese, eastern, white, per pound, 18g il ark, 154) 1% stime, large, white | r doxen 129%; dark! 7; culls i DRESSE ID “UE ATB-Calves slow at Sl 13% for city droseed veals, gle f country dressed and #{ for russel) and fed alves, mutton weak at per pound and lambs sjow al sgiie; | i country dressed hogs steady at sgs per pound for lightweight T\aT%c n medium and Wye. for heavy hog» } Live Stock Markets, ' CATTLE go Hght. market ot ehotce, i prime. OG; fat py. mat =) squib 5 oad mixed FURSH DN fl {1 #0 A pl Fob D: LY - — 7 — = This is a rare chance to price. get a good Overcoat at half 308 BROAD STREET, A Laughing Matter, “Pop'” “Yes, my son’ “What Is a horse laugh?” “Why, a horse laugh, my boy, is one the nag gives when he's drawing a dis car back to town."— {| Yonkers Statesman Cause and Effect. Mifkins—Is your friend Hix well off? Bifkins—He was Mifkins—Then he has lost his for- Bifkins—No;, he got married last ~Chicago Dally News Cautious “Why does Bliggins losist on carry- fog that shabby umbrella?” “He's afmald to get a pew one for fear it would prevent somebody from giving him one on Christmas. —Washington Star Striking an Average. “He has bought an absolutely nolse- | less automobile “1 suppose he off: els it with that ex- tremely loud automobile suit | saw him In yesterday.”"—Cleveland Plain Dealer When They Got Home. Bhe—You know very well that | had | | very little to say He—Yes, | know you had very little! to say. The trouble Is it took you so long to say it. — Yonkers Statesman. Wanted to See. “Ma caught me lookin’ through the| keyhole at sister an’ her beau.” “Gee! Did she lick you?” Naw. But she made me give her the place.”—Cleveland Leader. { i { The Air He Feit. Knicker—Do you ever feel musie in { your feet? | Bocker—Yes: but It's mainly Green: | land's Icy Mountains.—N. Y. Sun Helped Herself. She—Did she Rissed her? He—No; [| beileve she just helped] Bersel? — Yonkers Statesman WAVERLY, N. Y. When You Want Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Pocketbooks, Pen- cils, Inks, Crepe Papers, Games, Novelties, Toys, Souvenir Post Cards, etc. Lowest Prices at Weber's News Parlors 126 Lockhart St. D. CLAREY COAL C0, Lehigh Valley Coal ‘HARD AND ) SOFT WOOD | Best Quality & Prompt Delivery Guaranteed Btreet Yard 1854 SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYHAN. Especial care and prompt at- to moving of ' Pianos, Household Goods, Safes Label.