The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, November 09, 1905, Image 2

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Long Coats in Tan $
Long Coats in Tan
Long Coats in Tan
Long Coats in Mixtures
Long Coats in Tan
9.49 | Fox Boas
Fox Boas
Rich Furs
$ 298
These few items are typi-
Miss Bessie Perkins is in Elmira
$12,000.00 | today.
Miss Carrie Ziegler is an Elmira
visitor today.
your Banking busi-
pay you three per
: per annum [or money
je of Deposit or
a ———
Grant Little of Binghamton is in |
town on business
The Rev. J. H. Boon of E'mira
(is in Waverly today. |
ege of F. A Bell made a business trip
to Owego this morning.
Mrs. Addie Rhoades went to
Binghamton this morning.
of savings is a
Mrs. C. A. Neaves and
went to Elmira this morning
A. Stoltz of New York city, is |
=== | spending the day with S. Ellis.
alley Record
ILLE, Publisher.
w.T CAREY. Biter.
Mrs. A. J Bliss and daughter
| Mattie were in Elmira Tuesday.
Victor Getman will leave to-
morrow for his home at Hicks, N.
i Y
| Mrs E J. Neaves and the Misses
| Wilcox went to Elmira this morn
| ing.
M. J. Kinney, Howard street,
—— | who has been ill with pacumonia,
that's ry to — lis out again.
SNQYHMERR 9, 1908,
A large party of W averly people
will attend the Packer band dance
at Sayre this evening
—— see
Lincoln avenue.
Made For Ald For
Atrocity Vietims, |
CAGO, Nov. 9. To iusnre unit
in giving fuancial akl wade
by the massacres of Jews
sein a call to the Jewish people
was issued here by Adolpl
president of the Independent of
B'ritb, who bas blweu iu tele
porrespondence with the lead
WC all Jewish organizations iu the
fl States and was authorized
the call on beball of the head of
organization. ‘This is the firs!
record that such a concerted
hats ever beens wade by the
evening at
Maud Ells,
club met
home of
The choral club met last night
at the Baptist church. The next
mecting will be in the high school
- —
Salisbury & Co. are turning out
some fine posters for the Spauld
to be held
ing hose company fur
: November 13 to 18
BE Is the call s——
fetime of the awful riots and Mrs Ed “Smith Bas accepted a
in Husaia jee wt all “am position in Hopkins’ oyster bay,
Sith the dea . je living. = y
the in
givors who have Jost thelr
necessitating additional help
- —
large increase business
Sinners aml the maimed mutely
“to a pitying world for ald
each community Is hereby
Ml to organize at once und
further potice for the purpose
funds to aid these destitute
ims. Fands when colle ted
forwanlel to Jacob Hl Schig
York for proper distribution.”
cv Baskets
Price 5c to 2.48.
A full line of children’s rockers,
Prices 98c to 2.98.
Do not fail to see the window display.
AF & CO,
The mandolin club met last even-
of Mrs Merton
I ga street The
at the
beth Don-low
ing at the home
Rey nolds «of
next meeting will be held
home of Miss E
Waverly—The convention of the
29th Masonic district will be held
at Elmira tomorrow and next day
The 20th district comprises four
counties: Chemung, Tioga, Schuy-
ler and Yates.
members from the Waverly lodge
alll represent the local organiza-
tion in the convention.
Waverly—M Strauss, who con
ducts a crockery and glassware
l.on ’
Mr. Strauss fads
because his father
cnly goes to
Waverly—Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Pierce have returned to Waverly
after their honzymoon trip to New
York city and Albany. They are
staying for the present with Mr
Pierce's mother, Mrs O Fk
Broad street
Waverly —The beard of audit of
the town of Barton
ses<ion at the town
The session
row, and all bills against the town
should be presente: | at once.
Waverly—The Lincoln street
liners accept the challenge of the
3rd Ward Stars of Athens to a
game f foot ball on the Howard
street grounds the Saturd y before
is holding a
ball today
will continue tomor-
Edison's Visitors.
Thomas A. Edison has at his bonsc
in New Jersey, hundreds of metal
sheets bearing records of the observa
tions made by many of the distinguish
ed visitors who have called upon him
He pever asks his visitors for thelr
autographs or photographs, inviting
them instead lo speak or sing a few
words into a phonograph. The plates
he keeps in a cabinet
key, occasionally taking a few of them
out and running then: through a phon
ozraph for his own amusement
New Japanese Anaesthetic.
A natural painkiller has just
discovered in a Japanese herb to which
the pame of Scopolamin has been giv
en. The new anaesthetic is said to sur
pass in efficacy all other Litherto em-
ployed means. The sap ¢ stracted from
promotes a deep sleep of eight or ulne
hours’ duration When
awakes he experiences nous of the
agreeable sensations or dangerous are!
er-effects of tne usual anarstbelics
Bauer's Instant Cough Cure
has cured more Coughs and Colds
than any remedy known
ly relieves the most distressing cough
and is guaranteed to cure Bronchitis
and Asthma Bauer's Cough Cure
always give satisfaction as Mr. D.
Greenman, druggist of New Harmony,
Pa. says: Your remedies have giv-
en the very best satisfaction to all
who huve used them, and especially
Bauer's Instant Cough Cure. 1 look
for larger sales on in the fu-'
ture. {da not wan ® be of any,
will order
“1 have learmed my lesson of faith™ 1
“Let me have my meed of the light’
But the Teacher lovingly shook his head,
Tis not faith that ask- for r'ght
And the glet of your lesson is yel Lo learn,
1f you cry for the day In the night
“For Faith is an eagle skilled to fly
On pinlons of trust unbound,
And it soars In the face cof the stormy sky
With a confidence profound,
That joys in the rush of the beating air
Without a thought of the ground
And your meed. my child, for a lesson
Is a rail to a bolder flight,
With its chance for a stronger stroke of
the wing
And the gleam of an inner light
Which knows uo holce In (ts vision keen
Hetween the day and the night
-F W Crannel n Servi *
It Is One of the Disciplines of Life
Which Makes It Worth While
There Is no joy without Its sorrow,
just as there is no rose without its
Friendship means discipline, love
means sacrifice; riches mean responsi-
bility; power means service. Not one
of these things will bring unmitigated
happiness. Every one of them has its
attending sharp thorns, and to hope
to get the rose without the thorns is
to be grievously mistaken
Whoever takes unto himself new
ties of affection increases his cliances
of suffering It may make little dif-
ference to you what happens to a per-
on for whom you do not care, or how
such a one may treat you But attach
yourself to that person by the bonds
of friendship or love, and instantly
he obtains a power over your life
which can cause you the greatest sor
His {liness or misfortunes hurt you
almost as badly as your own. If he
should die, a great black slmdow
would come over your life. If he Is
cold or careless you are bitterly
wounded. In a thousand ways he can
rake you suffer as a person for whom
you cared nothing would Le utterly
powerless to do
Thi the penalty for love or
friendship or every tle of affection. It
doubles our joy. but It also doubles
our griefs, and vastly Increases our
capacity for suffering
I'tiere 1s something terrifying about
these clo:e human associations which
have such tremendous power over us
We shrink from assuming them.
Sometimes seems better to go
through life cold and self-centered,
caring deeply for none, depending on
one’s affection and tenderness
we reason, we may maintain
calm, unshaken poise Impossible
to him happiness depends in
any degreee upon others
This I= poor reasoning. It Is true
that one who loves no one nor Is
loved by any spares himself the pangs
of grief which come with affection;
but it is also true that he only half
live He mli<ses those emotions, both
of pleasure’ and pain, which are neces-
sary to make a complete, well-rounded
{ character
Both the sorrow and the Joy of life
are peeded for its ripening We dare
not shirk the one through fear of
the other The strong heart will ac-
ept love, accept friendship, accept the
{ sorrow they Lring, and, knowlag it all
to be a part of life, will smile through
its tears, and =ay
“It was worth the Aacrince
{the Joy | should never have Kpown
the beauty of Iife Without the sorrow
I should never have known life's mean.
tug”—PRliadeipsia Bulletin,
s |
Increase mn rost-Carus.
Five years ago the total number of
postcards delivered in the United
Kingdom was about 40000C 000; last
yar it was 750000000; and If the
recent rate of increase is maintained,
the total for this year may reach
At the Theater.
Mrs. Youklid—Doesn't it
dreadfully ang) to have to stand up
and +p
Tilloeh Salled Vor Germany|
Lever Took Polson
NEW YORK. No After follow
Ing a woman across the continent in a
gain attempt to persuade ber to marry
him, only to see her board a steamer
for Europe, Walter Herlich, an elder
Iy man, supposed to be from Lindsay
Cal, committed suicide last uight in »
hotel in Hoboken, NI
When Mrs A. Tilloch, a
young German widow, arrived in Ho
bokeu from Hremen on Oct, 19 she
told the people of the hotel where she
stopped that shé was on her way te
Lindsay, Cal, to marry a man to whom
she was engaged
On Sunday she returned and sald she
was on her way back to her bome ip
Germany. The same day Herlich also
arrived at the hotel He was suffer
ing from consumption, for which rea
son It was understood] that Mrs. Til
loch had refused to marry him Mon
day the widow sailed for Bremen, and
last night Herlich was found dead, hav
ing taken polson
He left a note saving that he had
nothiug to Mve four and lnclusing $
to reimburse the hotel proprietor for
the trouble he had given Liw aud te
pay Lis funeral expenses
In the Time of Trouble
It 1s in the time of trouble, when some
to whom we may have looked for con-
golation and encouragement regard us
with coldness, and others, perhaps, treat
us with hostility, that the warmth of
the friendly heart and the support of the
friendly band acquire increased value,
and demand additional gratitude. —
Bishop Mant.
Quickest Route to Chicago, 17
Hours from Sayre
Leave Sayre this afternoon aod arrive
at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing. In time for connections for west-
ern points. This is via Lehigh Valle “i
Michigan Central or Lake Shore Ral
roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth from
Buffalo. Best services and equipment
finest roadbed —unexcelled dining cars.
Bauer's Laxyne Quinine Tablets!
The best remedy for Colds, Head-
ache and Grippe. Guaranteed to
cure or money refunded. Price 25
cents. H. L. Gillespie and Child,
Waltman & Young, Sayre.
Wholesaler of
109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, PA.
Carpenter and Builder.
17 Pleasant St. Waverly N. Y.
Best of Everything
Lockhart St.
Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and
Throat, and the Fitting of Glass
Hours—8-1 : 18
oa 11 y Sundsys by
directly to the office
Broad Street.
New Goods
(Coming in Daily
at the
Racket Store
Water Sets
New ones just in-——plain
and colored glass, new de-
signs, 98¢ and $1.25; worth
one-third more.
Hand Bags
new kind with the
they say in New York city.
00 cents up.
Men's Gloves
Warm and comfortable, a
nice present 25 and 50c.
Sofa Pillow Tops
The new lithographed and
stamped designs—a very
fashionable gift, 25c.
A large line of Christmas
Novelties. Come and see
what a quarter will buy.
Gregg's Racket Stores
Waverly, Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave. |
C. J. CARY, =:
of the Gas Company
Waverly, N. Y.
Rates : ~Wanted, Lost, Found, Per For
Sale, etc, | cent a word each insertion
for first three times, } cent a word each
insertion thereafter. None taken for
less than 25 cents. Situations wanted,
free to paid in advance subscribers.
Want ads inserted by persons not hav-
ing a ledger account with The Record
must be paid for when ordered.printed.
We positively cannot charge want ads
indiscriminately—the expense of book-
keeping and collecting is entirely out of
proportion to the amount involved in
the transaction.
Wanted Roomers and boarders: at
420 Desmond street, Sayre.
Wanted —Girl for general housework,
two in family, washi ig h fod
to right party. Inqu a’ J.
Baker's millinery ns “S28 Broad St.,
Waverly, N.Y.
A competent girl to do general house
work. Must go to Oneonta, N.Y. Ap-
ply to C. T. Hall, Athens. ’
Cards For Sale.
The Valley Record has in stock the
following card signs:
For Rent
Please Do Not Ask for Credit
Positively No Admittance
Furnished Rooms a
For Sale or Exchange.
Double barrel 12 hammer shot-
fon in pectect soul $i for sal4 shesp
or cash, or trade for a good bicycle,
Write what have to offer to
man.” care Valley Record, Sayre. Pu 1160
For Rent
A six room house to rent, No. 108 Wil-
low street, Athens, Pa. Inquire at 305
Prederick street, 150-1w
Ladies’ boa, brown fur with four tails
Finder please retarn to Valley Record
office, leave name, and Fooeivé WAIL.
a black leather chatelaine bag
| ing a small amount of mone
chief snd glove Bring to
| sou St. receive reward.
Jos Steven-
For Sale.
For sale cheap—a six room one-
half acre of land, good well. Ten min-
| utes walk from car line. Inquire Harry
| | Westfall, National Bank, Sayre, Pa. 56*
| “A light two-horse dray. No.1 condi-
| Benson's livery, Waverly. 1065-10¢
ce tee———————
heating stove suitable for store
jor ETFS will be sold cheap. x
! Record office.