WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX. PRESS ON PUR. CHASES OF S$soo OR OVER. certainly ia very gratifying to the management } and “We Do What We Advertise.’ to know and feel that the baying public bas You will always find “We Advertise What We Do” or quality you wish, be or Mink. Is a hous:hold necessity. It holds ev also the steps saved to the good housewife, preparing a meal. Think of the work it saves; for mislaid articles; it actually cats your kitchen With a Hoosier Cab- and everything in its place. We Winter Underwear 5 For Ladies, Misses and Children ¥ % Ladies’ fileeced lined vests or pants at 25¢, 30e and 48s, Union suits at 9S¢, $1.00, $130, and $1.89 “Ladlies’ black tights at 50c, $1.00 and £1.50 Misses’ and children's vests or pants at 10 * 15e, 20¢, 25¢ and 30c. 8 Infant's Department This is the seison of the year when mothers pro- © wide their little ones with warm clothing. ‘gapply from our Infants’ Department. Infants shirts “and bands at 19¢ to 50c. Raben’s infant shirts at 47¢ Infants’ flannel skirts at £1.10 and §1.23 | Iafants’ bootees at 12je to Soc. Wool Hosiery Barly buyers will fiad a good line to select from. © Infant's wool hose in pink, blue, red, white, at 25 " Misses’ wool hose at 25¢. Ladies’ wool hose at 25¢ "Hie, 48¢ and Thc. 12 (et your Ladies’ and Misses’ Golf Gloves at 43¢ and 5H New line just in Gents’ Furnishings Men's ribbed and fleeced lined underwear at {ce to 31.48. Union iva shirts ar per garment. Wool underae snits at 98¢, X1L3S and $1.08 at 23¢ to 47c double breasted, vithout collars, ir at Us Be per garment at Bsa, wldravwers Men's Manuel shirts, Others at 81.45, with or Men's Overalls and jackets, rood 8c quality, Best quality anion made at 5c union wade Men's wool socks at 15¢, 23¢ and 23¢ per pair. Garment Dept. If you are a reader of the Ladies’ Home Journal, or the Ladies’ Home Companion, you cannot help know of the merits of Wooltex garments. We sho style that's new and every fabric that The manufacturers confine them to believe this store to be the shop valley Look For The Trade Mark Ww every + fashionable, us because ping they center of this No Garment TRADE MARK Ww oO oO L T E X Wit hont Fashion Faultiess | |; We are sole agents for the ghove Sayre and Athens, lime in Waverly, SRS > PR a BS ~ 0 SOs RRR AN % Rk \IL mes BOROUGH ~ a) ) R) iff Receives Big Majority Over His Republican Opponent— Other Republican Candidates Poll Usual Votes Athens. —The election yesterday there arose a storm about the time the concl ing for. The principal contest was between ‘Codding, Republican can- didate for shenff, and Job Griffin Democratic candidate for the Gnffin received 449 votes in the same four wards, while Codding polled 113. Ellsworth, Prohibition, received 47. This gave- Griffin a majority f 336 over Codding, and 28g over both Codding and Ells- worth. Frank Waters, for Republican, only received Democrat, urcr, 369 49. I I 14 Kness, votes: Bushnell, Stiles, Prohibition, 31 for Commissioner, Republica#, re- Marsh, Republi- can, 2435; McNulty, Beecher, Prohibition, 68; Bentley, citizens, 142. In the State ticket Democratic Prohibition, Independent Lincolr ] 308 ceived 27G votes; Democrat, 200; Berry, Plume 16, votes for Treasurer, while Republican, r 1 The candidates for Jndoes of the Supreme Court John Stcwart, Ree publican, received a large majonty, Rice, Orlady each had nearly a party vote while Beaver and The news came late Job Griffin had been elected by a ity of between 100 dau. at night that ma He the morning 400 could hardly realize it when news was wired! this He has quict run but the people seemed to made a very think they wanted him, and he will be ready to serve them. 3 3 = FRE — scat today. Miss Elizabeth VanLoan is in Elmira today, Samuel Kunes and Dushore today. wife went to M. P. Murray was up to his office on crutches this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stonier have returned from their wedding trip Miss M: Ary ‘Wel les of Towanda the guest of Miss Julia Haverly his visiting Park. Miss Grace wanda this tives mother, Mrs. L. Moore went to To- morning to visit rela Vine Crandall and son are on a Harry If fishmg trip in Potter county Charles Ostrander spent election day roaming through the forests hunting C. W. Tidd and Marion Ind, last « their son Gorge wife went to vening to visit The uptown foot ball team in a game with the Monitors yesterday won in ascorcof 6G too C K Miles of West Say re, ‘went to Towanda this morning with the election returns of his ward. N. C. Harns has entered bail for Henry Klaufelt and he is released until his case is called in court. Lyman Hasley, formerly the Mansfield Advertiser, has taken a position in Jordan's job office. J W. Smank, who has been vis- iting his daughter Mrs. O. L. Hav- erly, has returned to Washington, went to to organize a Mrs. W Simpson [eraysville today G Woman's Home Missionary socie- iy. W. D Gillette, a clerk in Kar- i i SHOES FURSS§ them. ah | their BY | to be found anywhere. any specified time. a SRC SS. 7 al ENE ese 5 ner's store, was called to his home the serious illness of his mother. Dr. J. W. Murrelle returned today from a business trip, Hon. R. S Edmiston and Mr. i of ladies at dinner at the Stimson house today. Now is the time to put in your winter cabbage and celery. Thirty large heads of cabbage and fifty | giant heads of Pascal celery deliv- cred to any part of Athens or Jayre for two dollars. IL. T. Hoy. 151 6 Valley Phone 153 y. Given Royal Send-Off . Athens—Cyrus B. Hartwell, the gentlemanly proprietor of the ton- sonal parlors on the “flat iron,” South Main street, dressed up in A large crowd was watching | them and sent them off with a| It is understood that in Bing. hamton Partnership Dissolved Athens— John Fice and John J Bradley dissolved partnership yes- tcrday. The hereafter will be conducted by Fice & Son business with the same class of agricultural , at the old COAL mplements, etc stand. COAL COAL J. W. BISHOP the quality of coal as there between white and yellow sugar. | We sell nothing but the celebrated Lehigh Valley fresh mined anthra- cite. Loyalsock coal and all kinds of Our specialty is prompt service and the lowest market price. J. W. BISHOP, Both Thornes wOoOD WOOD WOOD SAE TENSEES OS Sa = SENSE When You Want Books, Stationery, Blank Books, Pocketbooks, Pen- cils, Inks, Crepe Papers, Games, Novelties, Toys, Souvenir Post Cards, ete. ns | Largest Stock. Prices at Lowest 126 Lockhart St. D. CLAREY COAL CO. Lehigh Valley Coal HARD AND SOFT WOOD Guaranteed - Bradford Street Yard Phone, 1 Office at Raymond & bRaspts Store, Sayre. JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Olive Oil ; Mavary ni ad Toe aon, : Fo. 5 Elizabeth St., Waverly. COAL At the Lowest Possible Prices. Orders can be left at West Sayre | Store, both phones; or at the Brie 8 yards at Sayre, Valley Phone 27m. COLEMAN NASSLER, 'LOOMISOPERAHOUSE ORCHESTRA Strictly Up-to-Date Music furnished for Balls, Parties and all manner of Boo- ial Functions, either public or private, : Any number pieces desired will nished. Call Valley Bord ra ete. H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public _ Special attention to Pension Valley Phone 11 ¥, 112 Desmond Street, A {verti e in The Record Tryavulle an ad in The Record,
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