@ invite a careful inspection of * néw line outside fabric, lining, most important of all, the new ve shoulders and perfect fitting The new cut shows the only ever made that will not It fits right, stays right and tee it to be right. © can show you a lot more about our clothing that you will find in no other make: besides, it don't cost Be, any more than the ordinary f you have never bought a Rochester fland- Tailored Suit you've missed something “Come in and Maney & Page SAYRE ATHENS “we OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL Jleolel. Strauss Br Conne: 10U ARE MAKING MONEY When You Buy These Goods. Sayre Store. A big line of enamel ware little price Pie te all sizes deep and shallow Egg Poachers, Stew Pans, Tea Pots, Handled Fry Pans Tea Steepers Lady Finger Pans Tube Cake Pans, C ups, Patty Pans, Mugs, Pudding Pans, Trays, Covered Pails, Omelet Pans, Colanders, Broilers, Strainers Oval Baking Pans Mustard C ups, Mixing Bowls, Baking Pans, Custard Cups All Priced at 10c Each. ata 216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. ing from paecumonia. The Queen Esther Circle will be entertained this evening by Miss 101 Hopkins street, Harry Wilcox, a former Sayre resident, is in town today. Mr. eral store at Franklindale, . this morning. He is chairman of ‘The Valley Record “All the news that’ £ at to print” Loca BREVITIES Harry's Choice—unexcelled sc C. W. VanSyckle is back on his The Rector gas lamp and man- 151-6 There will be a meeting tonight | of the business men's association Strictly fresh oysters by the 146t1 Sale of H. Sattler's stock of | until every article is sold. 147tf Mrs. Irvin Armstrong, of Gar- den street, is confined to her home by illness. She is suffering from appendicitis. W. R. Isley has just completed family house on South Wilbur av- A fair sized crowd attended the macy hall by the Hosmer band. This is the second of a series of Mrs. Elmer Jackson entertained ! who have been} spending a few days with their brother, Dr. W. B. McDonald of | this place, have returned home. LATE RETURNS Late returns received by The ord this afternoon at 3:30 , 70 out of 72 election dis- ls in Bradford county show that fin has a majority of 260 over Berry's majority in the y will reach 1,000, while the her home on Lincoln street last Inight. Games and other amuse- {ments were indulged in and all | spent a most delightful evening. DIED AT HOSPITAL Mrs. Amelia Thrasher of Du- shore expired at the hospital this morning at 6:55 o'clock after a brief illness, The deceased under- went an operation Monday morn- ing and was apparently recovering nicely. This morning pulmonary embolism developed and her death followed in a few minutes. She Democratic Candidate for Sheriff Wins Out With a Majority of from 200 to 300 BOSSES DUNBFOUNDED OVER THE RESULT Remainder of Republican Ticket duced Majorities---Stinging Re Lilley and His Cohorts --Sayre Comes in for Its Share of the Glory The clection in Bradford county yesterday was rather an apathetic affair and the vote cast was light, barely sixty per cent of the clectors in the county registering their choice. The returns show that the Republican candidates on the of the office of Shenfl, have been elected. Job Griffin of Athens, the Democratic candidate for sheriff, has been elected by a majonty ranging from 200 to 300 votes. of shenff was somewhat in doubt. Griffin's election is sure other candidates received majori- ties, but they are light and not in keeping with Republican majorities of former years. that Harkness and Marsh, Repub- have been elected county commis- sioners. The election of Griffin comes as a surprise, especially to the Repub- lican ring, the members of which So certain were they of Codding’s election that they can hardly be- lieve their own senses. In fact they were so sure that they laid down and thought it was useless to trot their candidates, out and show them to the voters. The ap- preciable reduction in the gnajori- ties given the remainder of the ticket has not caused so much ex- pression of surprise, as it was known that the state ticket would be pruned and the leaders conced- ed that the county ticket would suffer thereby. county is gratifying to republicans who have grown weary to boss rule. With the exception of the sec- ond ward (“Connelly's ward) Sayre did her duty at the polls yester- day. Independence reigned su- preme. In the first, third and mo 82 111 55 County Ticket SHERIFF Codding, Rep... .. Griffin, Dem. 9 Ellsworth, Pro 35 PROTHONOTARY Gordon, Rep M127 Whitman, Dem 68 39 VanDyke, Pro, 13 TREARURER Waters, Rep 85 12 | Barehill, Dem, 5 64 Stiles, Pro 2 77 REGISTER OF WILLS | Dewey, Rep. 9 118 | Passmore, Dem, 71 60 | Sumner, Pro Nn 2 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Harkness, Rep = 1 5 | Marsh, Rep. 63 105 MeNalty, Dem x3 6g Beecher, Pro 2 Bentley, citizens 51 : AUDITORS 72 110 as 9 2% 5 i 33 : 1 § 112 [0% si ay Keyes, Rep | Gorham, Rep. Lull, Dem. | Fee, Pro 61 107 19 | CORONER Lee, Rep ‘ Chaffee, Dem Kingsley, Puy | SCHOOL Bo BONDS TR i | The $16,000 bonds issued by the | school board to pay for the indebt ‘edness incurred by the erection of Ithe West Sayre school sold to the First National bank of Sayre today. At a meet- ing of the board of directors held | recently it was informally decided to sell the bonds to the bank above building were intention to proceed in a formal manner. The bonds have been | sold, however, and the sale will be ratified at the meeting of the board which is to be held on cvening next. Friday a HOSPITAL NOTES Owen Langéford of Sayre, and Miss Bertha Thurston of Athens | underwent operations this fore- noon. A cylinder head fell on Joseph J. Hause's left forefinger at the car | shops last night and caused a severe laceration. He went to the hospital for treatment. BROCKWAY ELECTED Zebulon R. Brockway, fusion candidate for mayor of Elmira, was elected at yesterday's election by a handsome majority. Harry Bo- gart, also a fusion candidate, was elected city recorder. The Dem- ocrats will have a big majority in the common council. Republican candidates carried Chemung county, . SLIGHTLY “YELLOW” Some irresponsible person circu- lated a report about the streets that there were two murders committed {in Philadelphia as a result of the warm election contest in that city. Today's telegraphic dispatches, however, fail to give any account of murder having been perpetrated in the Quaker city yesterday. received a solar-plexus blow, from the effects of which it will proba- bly never recover. Men who have always been identified with the in- terests of the Grand Old party ter a protest against the further! toleration of methods of coercion in Bradford county. The count of! the ballots shows that the large! HOME TEAM WON The game of foot ball between the All Elmira team and an aggre gation composed of Sayre Athens players was one of the | most exciting contests ever wit- | nessed in this section. The game {resulted ina decided victory for latter team. The score stood 11 and prefer a decent, self-respecting | money, rather than to place the same trust in the hands of a man who represents all that is rascally and disreputable in politics. The voters of Sayre who knifed the Republican state ticket yesterday and registered a protest against Lilleyism are to be congratulated statement shows the way they did | it: State Ticket STATE TREASURER WARDS — A ——— The board of school directors failed to hold a meeting last night It was the regular monthly meet- ing night but only four members showed up. As these were not was taken until Friday evening next, nr Manat FELL ON SLIPPERY WALK i Darius Swartwood fell on the | his way to TH ITE All Efforts to find Charles A. Beckman's - Friends Unsu« cessful. The funeral of Charles A. Beck- | man, the barber who died at the | hospital on Sunday evening of per- | nicious anemia, was held this after- | noon from J. W. Grumme's under- | taking es tablishment at 4 o'clock, | the Rev J. I. Shanley, pastor of the Church of the Epiphany, offici- ating Proved | The remains were buried at the expen:e of the county in the All cf the authonties to locate catholic metery. efforts on the part the relatives of the deceased proved unsuccessful. “A HOT OLD Ti TIME.” If there is anything some] “The Rays” merry musical farce “A Hot Old Time,” will no doubt favor when Ic 2 cu it 1s presented at the omis next Friday It is crowd with ludicrous situations, | around wirch is woven a reason- able story The comedy is pro- | duced by not less than twenty comedians, who also introduce specialties during the performance which are said to be clean and up to datc duced consccutively for the past ten years, the terest of the public seems to continue unabated, Wm McRobie and Harry Mack taking the parts of “Larry Moon ey A supporting company has been se- cured, cach member being chosen for his or her fitness for the role portrayed RESULT WAS A SHOCK. It was a decidedly quiet election in Sayre hough it has been pro- are and his “double.” strong There was absolutely no trouble about the polls and the police had no diunks to care for last night One would have thought that it was Sunday yester- day from the deserted appearance of the streets, and the hush which prevailed about the various polling places led those acquainted with the situation to think that there was no interest in the result. The returns show, however, that those who did vote had been doing some quiet thinking. Never before in an election in Sayre borough were there so many split ballots, and the result comes as a shock to those who have for some years engin- ecred the Republican organization rl Qn JUD DELIVERED THE G00DS Out of yesterday Ss wreck FE. | Connelley, prospective postmaster of Sayre, and for many years lead- er of the Republican party in Sayre, appears this morning com- placent and smiling. The sccond ward, over whose political destinies he has long presided comes to the front with handsome majorities for the entire Republican ticket. Jud delivered the goods as he has done for the past ten years and it is the only bright spot in the horizon for the machine. POOR HUNTING SEASON Hunters are having unusually poor luck this season. The season has been open a little over a week and are many complaints from huntsmen, who say that the wet weather is decidedly against them. Rabbits are in poor condi tion and their meat is wormy. It 1s expected that within the next few weeks the conditions will im- prove. there em AA ———— FRANK DESHON COMING Frank Déshon the leading com- median with the Miss Bob White” company, last season, will soon be at the Loomis in"The Office Boy’ JUST BEFORE County Yesterday Was a Stinging Rebuke to Bradford County's Tricksters and Riog- sters A Democrat was elected shenif of Bradford county at the electior Other candidates Republican ticket w held yesterday. on the n by the st a ; which has returned big Republican majorities the peo reduced majorities and was unmercifully ple have risen in their might and entered a protest, and the result is gnashing of teeth in the camp of the Lilley- and the self | api »ointed bosses of the Republican | party. The result of election the the end of bossism not on! ly in this state but Bradford Voters went to the polls yesterday in an independent weeping and wailing and ycster lay . marks beginning of in county spint determin. ed that it was time to take matters the gang In hands and wrest from the The returns are gratifying to that clement in the Republican their own hands of the party graft Today the bosses and their fol on the boss rule and lowers see the hand writing wall. They know that when the people take matters in their own hands that it means the downfall of trickery and disreputable meth ods. They know, the result of pesterday’s election means that hereafter the voters propose to too, that to who shall be elected to office and who shall not Boss Lilley and have worked have something to say as his henchmen their own downfall, and have no onc to blame but them- By the use of dirty politi- cal methods and disobedience to the will of the people Lilley and his have carned the supreme contempt of every honest Republican in Bradford county. he honest element in the party yesterday administered to boss rule a stinging rebuke, a rebuke which will cause the gang to seek the tall timber until after the smoke of the battle has passed away. Eventually, the gang will lay plans to redeem the prestige lost in yesterday's elec- tion and the voters must: not be caught napping. Remember that the gang is on the run and the only way to keep them there is for the voters to go to the polls as selves following however, secrecy of the election booth pre- are a ballot that will eventually mean the complete and final down fall of Boss Lilley's rule in Brad- ford county. NEIGHBORS, ATTENTION A special meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America is called for Thursday night at Trainmen's hall, Talmadge building. All members arc urgently requested to be on hand By order of manager. a — Advertised Letters The following is a list of the advertis ed letters remaining in the Sayre post office for the week ending Nov. 8, 1000, MEN, Darius Bennett, Ernest Ely, Harris, Arthur Howell, Dell Sattice, G, Strehler. WOMEN, Miss Lizzie Burk, Miss May Bonnett, Miss Iva Chandle vr, Mm Thomas Jordan, Mrs, Fred Reynolds, Miss Ella Van Tine Mrs, Armenia Whitside, Pearl Walters FORRIGN, Juan Kalincrok, Joe Pulitano, Fallo Gaetano. Vittorio Denardis, If not called for within two wieks they will be forwarded to the dead let ter office. Ask for advertised letters, giving d ‘te, and bring one for adve rtising. Nov, 6, 1905, Goorge Frank Steele cent to pay J. N. Weaver, P. M ANDREW EVARTS Has opened a real estate and col lecting office in Room 2, Building, Sayre, Pa Talmadge esa methods for the scien- ti ormance of painless opera- | tions on the mouth and teeth, He you want a first-class ~ . RANGE | to sell. We have the following ranges in stock Sterling, Dockash, Happy Thought and Garland Steel Ranges, BOLICH BROS’. HARDWARE Desmond St. ITS SIMPLY ps THIS Te L Health and hap- mm piness are what you!| I} most desire in life Toa and you can't enjoy either fully in a house which does} not contain an up-¥ to-date bath-room. Now we do Plum- bing and do it well. If you engage us to fit up a bath- room for you there's only one thing that you'll be sorry for and that is, that] you didn't have it{:# done sooner. We ¢ have them Plumbing, Heating and H.R. hi Both "Phones. JOIN THE National Profectiv Legion. Fifteen years of business has to us we can do all we elalm, : Assets Augast 1, 1005, $3,115,000, Pays $15.00 per week - for sickness ora gi for loss of limb or eye. $5.00 to $600 at death. Cash dividends each five years: ol $2.00 to £4.00 per month. E. F. Mercereau, Dist.Masager Both Phones. DJ TAYLO Sayre, Pa. FRE R E | D | If you haven't a ‘home and want one, | lor if you have one you| J. want to get rid of] 7 |call, write or phone} Taylor. fl haven't ‘what you want I'll [try and find it tor] L yon O | R FT STAR Charles G. Ann ATTORNEY AND COU AT LA Waverly, Ready for Busin Having refitted the Inneh rooms recently leased ¢ cott, I am now pi to se tomers in a sa Ma |Your patrons is quick patronage solicited. in season. EAL Tal 332 Broad St,
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