gos. Boxwood handles, steel rods, fast color, glona—ithe dest umbrella value you ever sao. 26 inch $1.00; 28 inch $1.25. AT BOLTON'S. 's Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. Both Phones, NATIONAL BANK Ave, Sayre FIRST E. E. Reynolds, ESTATE For male in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. asciaent INSURANCE on ris Bough a 3 —Rxobanged — lavestments Loans Negotiated IIT Packer Ave., Valley Phone 230%, Sayre, Pa. "ALEX D. STEVENS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Losoa Negotiated, Insurance Written, Houses Rented, Rents ‘ROOM 7, ELMER BLOCK BL a ta subsctiy tion in the Tabard Inn Library, on or before November 10th, we will . give one book FREE; this means you get two “dollar and a half” books, for the price of one. Remember this offer is good only until the 10th of November, and will not be repeated. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. 20x Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. Keep Strong Always : ‘Make every atom of our vitality count. juild new tissues be- . ne the old give way. ings Wino ase a wine of Stazmaiers: - MALT EXTRACT 3 before each meal and - by the physi- aitending the state medical conven- AMNESTY UKASE OUT Osar’s Proclamation of Pardon to Political Prisoners. Se —— KISHINEEF . MASSACRES * RENEWED, Se Called Patriotic Bands of Marder- ers Devastate Jewish Houses and Shope at Nikolalev and Odes sa~Pillage In Provinces, ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 4.-The amuesty nkase bas been signed by the czar, which means the release from Jail of all political prisoners. The em peror refused to include in this class political murderers and persons who have attempted assassination for po- litical purposes since 180 It is officially announced that the government has granted freedom of the press. The restrictive regulations are agsnulled apd the Issue of fresh restric tions prohibited, A workingmen's secretly printed pa- per Lere says: “We have freedom of meeting, bit our meetings are surrounded by troops Freedom of speech is given, but the censorship remains. Freedow of learn. jog is given, but the university Is occu- pled by troops. Inviciability of person is given, but the prisons are filled with arrested men. Witte is given, but Tre poll remains. A constitution is given, but the autocracy remalus. All is given and nothing Is given” The “loyalist” council has issued a notice pointing out the necessity of arming workers for a decisive struggle for the convocation of a constituent as sembly based upon universal suffrage with a view to the formXtion of a dem- ocratic republic. Three rallway stations have-beed burned between Odessa and Shmerin- ka, and the postal service has been suspended. Collisions between armed forces continue in three districts. Cas- uaities are believed to number about 800. The national holliday in celebration of the anniversary of the cuperors ascension to the throne was marked by the formal raising of the general strike in St. Petersburg. While the railroad strike has not yet been declared off, mauy of the rallroad men are return- ing to work, and trains ure belug got through. Deplorable rioting in the provinces are still in progress, especially in the south. The most horrible stories of massacre and pillage by mobs and at- tacks upon Jews continue to pour in. A dispatch from Kishineff says: “A horrible massacre bas occurred here. Hundreds have been killed. All the hospitals, pharmacies and hotels are full of wounded and mutilated per- sons.” A telegram from Nikolalev says: “The whole town Is In the hands of patriotic bandits, who are devastating the Jewish houses and shops and beat tng Jews to death without the slightest hindrance.” The authorities here bave similar news from other southern cities. . After a fairly quiet night shooting again commenced in Odessa. The Red Cross is busy attending to the wound- ed. Up to the present ne Christian shops or houses have been touched The principal hotels are {ull of the better class of Jews, secking refuge from this week's diserders. Bodies of police, escorted by squads of Infautry, are placarding the city with notices from the mayor appealing te all peaceable citizens to remain in- doors unless the most urgent necessity takes them out. The recriminations of the different factions in regérd to the responsibility for the outbreak are bitter. Official ciroles blame the Jews, but the Liberal leaders declare the disorders were en- gineered io St. Petersburg Firing Is still going on throughout the city. Trade is at a complete stand- still. Provisions are still obtainable at greatly enbanced prices. It is impossible to make a correct estimate of the number of killed and wounded. During the pillage of the Jewish stores at Romny fifteen stores were burned te the ground and many more were sacked. The rioting began when a crowd killed a rich merchaut for re fusing to take off his hat to a red flag. Many persons were killed Banker Will Fight Charges, MILWAUKEE, Wis, Nov. 4 —Henry Goll, former assistant cashier of the First National bank, indicted for em. bezzlement of the funds of the bank in connection with the defaulting pres ident, Frank GQ. Bigelow, will make a desperate fight for liberty. He has made arrangements for the first move in this direction and will file a de murrer to certain counts ju the iudict- ments under which be is held. "Mikado's Birthday Celebrated. SEOUL, Nov. 4.—The birthday of the emperor of Japan was celebrated here, At the Japanese headquarters foreign: ers as well as Japanese and Koreans were elaborately entertained. The re- turn of Baron Hayashi, formerly Japa- nese minister, and the proposed visit of Marquis Tto are expected to signal fz8 the Japanese declaration of a pro tectorate and the agsumption of con: trol of Korea. Sawmill Boller Blew Up. PETERSBURG, Ind, Nov. 4 -Ry LIENCHOW MASSACRE. I » Details of Murder of Missionaries hy Chinese Moh. HONGKONG, Nov. 4 The massa- ere at the Ameridhn Presbyterian mis- sion at Licuchow, when five persons were killed amd twe severely wounded by a mob of Chiluamen, was caused by the action of two members of the mis sion, the daughter of Dr. Machle and a deaconess, In endeavoring to dis suade a number of Chinese worship- ers from offering prayers to an dol The two women are sald to have seized the Image which the Chinamen were worshiping and refused to re turn it, The mob destroyed all the American missionary establishments and subject ed the missionaries to many outrages The bodles of the five persons who were Killsl were thrown into the river Six French priests Hving in the vicin)- ty were not harmed There is no fear of further trouble at Lienchow A Chinese mandarin dis patched soldiers to the scene as soon as he heard of the trouble, but they ar rived too late to save the missionaries A Canton dispatch says that Dr Machle requested the removal! of a street theater near the hospital on account of the noise. This reyjuest In cenused the Chinese, who, becoming vie lent, attacked the hospital The mob then paraded the streets ex hibiting a skeleton used in the in struction of the medical class and al leging that It was an exawple of the forelguers’ Inbumanity to the Chinese people Becoming frenzied, the crowd burned the hospital, the girls’ school and the residences of the missionaries Dr. Machle, Mrs. Machle, their ten- year-old daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Pearle, Dr. Chestnut and Miss Patterson took refuge in a cave. The mob pursued them and killed all except Dr. Machle and Miss Patterson, who escaped to the Yamen. Dr. Machle was badly wounded, The American gunboat Callao and two Chinese gunboats, with members of the American board of missious, are proceeding to the scene of the mas sacre, ’ The emperor on wing informed of the massacre Immediately issued an edict directing that all the guilty per- sons, including officers who neglected thelr duty in affording protection to the missionaries, be subjected to ex: empary punishment. The emperor di- rects also that adequate protection be afforded for all missions, — HAD A MISSION. - Girl Ran a Fake Charity and Kept the Family, NEW YORK, Nov. 4 Granite 16 in. all w 7h¢ Adora (new blue) 4 Ai Crepe SAC Flannels, Me hair Sy 50. nm. Armure 44 in. all w il WoO 1 TN Ox S125 mixtures 52 in. 21x Dress Goods Sale Uontinv jes 2 + Saturday and. and Mon Toweling One bale just the same as before. R¢ kind. Saturday ; 2 Monday te He Globe Warehc