The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 31, 1905, Image 4

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Dress Goods
First Floor
~ Read's Lansdowne in a full line of shades, 40 in
‘wide at $1.25.
Black wool in Voile, Crepe-de-Paris, Wool Crepe-
+ do-China, Broadcloth, Cheviot, Serge, Granite, Pana-
Tamise, Mousseline, Mohairs,
Prices from 25¢ to $1.16.
. " Colored wools in all the popular weaves, Come
BF) and make your selection from the c leanest assorted
stock to be found. No old or shop worn goods. Pri-
pos, 35¢, 39¢, 49¢, 89¢, Tic, Shc, #Sc, and up to $1.70.
Comfortables and
ask “How do I look”
See Karner's ad on first page.
Mrs. F. A Gillette is on the sick
business today.
the veteran soldiers.
Ike Northrup is grading his |
Main street residence.
{| Walter Scott has moved from
| Centre to Spruce strect.
cials on page one today.
Miss Leora Osborne gives a hal.
lowe'en party this evening.
George R. Hill was transacting
business in town yesterday.
Mrs Maria Stacy is visiting at
ithe home of her son, L.. S. Stacy.
A J Stacy and daughter of Le-|
Sr Re)
This is yo op- |
A or any specified time.
% the couniry.
your selection.
Fur Lined Fur Collared
$10.50 $12.00
22.50 12.50
$ O87
ona spent Sunday at the home or Of
1. S. Stacy.
* Comfortables, full size and very handsome patterns.
HExtea values at 98¢, $1.19, $1.57, $1.48, $1.79, $1.88,
E Cotton blankets at 87¢, 98¢, $1.19, $1.37, $1.48, 31.79
_. per pair.
All woo! blankets, 10-4 and 11-4, at $3.75, $4.08,
Pattern Blankets for bath robes at $2.2
$3.50, to $5.67.
American Beauty Corsets
We are pleased to anoounce Miss Pontias, ex-
pert corsetiere representing the Kalamazoo Corset
_ Co, of Kalamazoo, Mich, exclusive makers of the
] above justly famed corsets, who will be at our store
during the period stated.
* We would like very much to have you call and see
“her, wheather you desire to purchase or not. You get
7 them at the regular retail prices, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75,
$200 and $250, besides having them fitted, being
‘SY ‘8 veryadded advantage, without extra expense to
8) You
5, $150,
NOV. 3 AND 4
Qur syndicate man-
afacturer will have a
representative here
with two or three
trunks filled with furs
of every description
At this time we will
take orders for spec-
ial furs, fur coats and
far jackets, of near
seal, beaver, genuine
seal, etc, and price
them to intending
buyers much under
were we to sell them
from stock, and will
bring to your doors a
showing equal to the
largest houses in the
largest cities,
Juvenile Clothing
Second Floor
+ A big lot of javenile caps in leather and cordaroy
" Tamoshanters, at 47¢, Hic, 75¢, and 8c. In auto-
mobile style at 48¢c and 57c.
aH aa I pa SSK oa Rake)
NEED ¥6e
16.37 16.50
A —
visiting Mrs Fred W. Stacy, South |)
| Main street.
Little Miss Helen Ruiles have | —
an afternoon party to some of her
friends today.
wanda today today to visit her
mother-in-law, Mrs. John Nichols
Mrs. T. M. Lilley and
Hattie Lillie went to Powell
morning short wisit
for a with
Hosmer's band will give the first
(of a series of promenade concerts
‘and dances at Pharmacy hall, West
Sayre, tonight
The Fransohnian musical society
{will be entertained by Miss Ida
Corbin at her home on South Main
street Thursdwy afternoon at 2:45
A reception will be tendered
H. Sawtelle in
the Presbyterian chureh parlors
tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. |
{ The church and congregation are |
invited to be present.
Floyd B. Morse, w ho is ‘now |
employed by the Robert W. Hunt |
& Co, bridge inspectors, will make
atnp to Toledo and Detroit in a
days in the
American Bridge company
Members of the Royal Arcanum
are reminded that the new rates
went into effect October 1 and that
the collectors must get the money
in for this assessment promptly in
order to keep the council in good
Try an ad in The Record.
Bauer's Laxyne Quinine Tablets!
The best remedy for Colds, Head-
ache and Grippe. Guaranteed to
cure or money refunded. Price 25
cents. H. L. Gillespie and Child,
Waltman & Young, Sayre
fe Ww
What wonderful bargains ‘you got.
. Do you value your dollars and cents?
is too large to quote each and
and Children’s Clothing.
It will be one of the most
remarkable, unmanageable, money saving
We emphasize
your minds that you will find more Men's
. 750 pieces of Furs from the best makers in the United States
are here to be disposed of for less than the cost of the hare
aking. One dollar will do the work of three dollars. This
~ will give you an idea
#2380 Furs win oot 77¢ $4.50 Furs will go at 1.35
800 Furs will go at 2.98 8.00 Furs will go at 3.98
= 10.00 Fars will go at 4.98 15.00 Furs will go at 7.98
20.00 Fors will go at 0. 98
We have all colors, all styles and all makes. This is the
chance of 8 lifetime to obtain Fars at prices that you never
drenint of. Don't wait ; don't put off, bat buy.
Furs! Furs! Furs!
es’ Suits Ladies’ Suits
$1060 back pebble cheviot suit at $4.75
nso $6.50
black broadcloth suit at $9. 98
30 Ho} eho woth 1 Does it pay you to go to
hen such goods thrown upon the market
Furs! Furs!
Ladies Coats Ladies Coats
All of this seasons make, Some come with far collars and
fur cofls, some ccme with fur collars alone and hundreds of
others very handsomely trimmed and made. Bear in mind we
must have cash and not the coats. A word to the wise is
BUY ! Just think of it.
3.75 7.89
4, 98 $20.00 coat at 9. 98
Ju 104 think of buying a coat? Do you really need a coat?
aa yoa do not need any you can buy one right now at
this sale for a mere soug. Remember we must have the
CASH and not the coats. They are here for you. A word to
the wise is sufficient.
1500 of Men, Boys’ and Child-
ren’s Suits
$7.50 coat at $15.00 coat at
nom coat at
will be sold dufing the next 0 days for the bare cost of trim-
ming and making. Our reputation in the past for earrying
the highest class of merchandise in this valley is sufficient
enough to pack this store with eager buyers when our doors
are thrown wide open to the public
Cash is What We Want and
| Must Have
Our stock is too large and
space is limited to quote any
prices. If you ever bought a
now is the time to buy,
Put your shoulder to the
wheel and let the almighty
dollar do the rest.
Mens 50c working shirts at .29¢
Mens black satin shirt, the best yeity J in the United 129
States, will go at.
500 dozen heavy fleeced B0c underwear will go at : tis c
sale for each. ...
Boys knee pants, the world over 25c, sale price
Mens Turkey Red handkerchiefs and Royal Blue, guaranteed
fast colors, 24 inches square, sells the world over for 2c
10¢ each, at this sale they will go at
No more than b to one customer,
150 dozen mens heavy fleeced lined cotton gloves, leather
tipped, reguiat ries 26e, will go at this sale for or 3
a pair Cc
Odds and ends of mens dress shirts, ar price 0,
78¢ and $1.00, will go at this sale iri, gale «23¢
500 dozen 4 ply linen collars, regular price the world
“over, lic tach, daring tia sale sack.
Ere rEas nad
= HD
Will be the Scene of a Hot Time
Saturday Next—Game Sports
Looking Forward to Exciting
Athens—There will be a hot
time on the Tioga Point race
course next Saturday. Uncle Job,
formerly owned by John Oven-
This has set the sporting
Some of the game
test which will break all previous
records The fact is spreading to
the cities around us and Elmira
and Binghamton will send repre-
Crawford and Mulligan's interests.
Sait Case Mystery fo Be Fally Re-
vealed by Another Arrest.
PITTSBURG, Oct, 31.—1It is the firm
conviction of every one who Is ln touch
with the case that whilé a charge of
wurder has wen lodged against Mor
secretary to the
of the “Shepherd King” company, ln
connection with the Winthrop sult case
ris. Nathan, manage:
That the police have a complete story!
concerning the examination the author
ities refuse to disclose the information|
Boston officers. The police say that
with the purposes!
The determination of whether Na |
It Is known that Nathan admitted |
Police Alexander Wallace that he was |
be says, conducted a maternity home
The Boston
police were immediately notified by
McQualde, aud they started out In
search of the woman. When they bave
the place where Miss Geary went for
mystery wlil be cleared up. Nathan
sald be was not respousible for Mise
Geary going to a hospital
That the crime was done by a wo-
have disposed of the body by cutting
then allowing the case to float.
The authorities belleve that Nathan
a =
California Expross Derailed on
Missouri River Bank.
Accident Caused by Defective Rall
Entire Train Was Ditched and
Coaches Plied Up After Mit
tag Wall of Reck.
KANEAS CITY, Mo, Oct. 31.—In #8
wreck ou the Santa Fe one mile east of
here fifteen persons were killed and
thirty were lojured, some probably far
tally. The wreck occurred gn the Mis
sourl river bank and was caused by 4
defective rail. The engine jumped the
track, and the entire train was throws
into the ditch and turned over.
The train was the regular Califorald
express from Chicago.
The train consisted of eleven can
miles an bour, and
cers of* ie roa
defective ral
Ing the car fo er wi
with other coaches on top of It.
Most of the Injured were In the
The train consisted of one mall ear,
one bagguge car, one coach, one chals
car, four tourists’ sleeping cars, twe
standard Pulimans and one dining car,
The passenger list was composed large
ly of colonization tourists,
Nearly all the sleeping cars remain.
ed on the track, and the forward cars
bore the brunt of the shock. None of
the passengers In the sleeping cars was
burt. The day coach In front of the
chair car furnished the greatest mum
ber of killed and injured. :
The great natural wall of rough
stone luto which the cars were thrown
tore the sides off the day coaches, and
passengers were ground against the
wall and either killed or badly injured.
Oue of the first bodies removed was
that of the dluing car porter, Randolph
Richardson. When killed he was pass
ing through one of the rear cars and
bad just made the announcement,
“Last call for breakfast.”
J. D. Whitemore, one of the injured,
was fu the smoker, which had an old
fashioned coal stove heater, He was
thrown io such 8 way that one leg was
jammed into the broken stove in com-
He was so
covered with debris that be could net
get out, and his foot was burned so
| badly that it had to be amputated.
Dr. Held Wants His Wife.
WHITE PLAINS, N. Y,, Oct. 81—
The hearing on the application for a
writ of habeas corpus made by Dr.
Albert V. Deane Held to compel his
wife's family to give her into hig
charge was adjourued here. The plain.
tif's attorneys stated that they bad not
Reid's mind. Dr. Reld alleges that bis’
wife was kidpaped by her relatives
when she was a bride of but a few
days 3
Mining Plant Destroyed.
ANGELS, Cal, Oct. 31.—The Light-
ner Hoisting works and forty stamping
mills were destroyed by fire; lone,
$150,000. Sixteen men who were In the
wine escaped through the shaft of an
adjalnlug mine,
Broke lis Collar Bone,
HAMILTON, N. Y, Oct. 31.-E
Anderson, "00, of the Colgate
sity football team broke his collar bone
in a practice game here, disabling
or t thie setenn