The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 28, 1905, Image 2

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    22.00, 23.50, 30.00.
$298, 3.98, 4.00, 5.00. 5.98,
6.85, 7.00 up to 10.50.
We solicit your Banking bausi-
pass, and will pay you three per
cent. interest per annum for money
jeft on Certificate of Deposit or
‘Savings Account.
The department of savings is a
special feature of this Baok, and
all deposits, whether large or
small, draw the same rate of
ie Valley Record
Smee i —
B MURRELLE, Publisher.
W. T. CAREY, Editor.
Babliahad every sttorucon excep t Sun-
a4 Murrelle's Printing Office, Sayre,
Sabeeription, $3.00 per year; 15 cents
Batered as second-class matter May
10, 1905, at the postoffice at Sav== P-.
‘ Aot of Congres: Li Maren 3,
— Revsevelt Club Celebrated.
ST. PAUL, Minn, Oct. 28% Theodore
Roosevelt's forty seventh birthday was
eelebrated In St. Paul last night by the
i Roosevelt club with a bau
net ut which 400 covers were laid for
enthusiastic admirers of Presiklent
Roosevelt. The banquet ball was ap
propriately decorated In national col
ors and portraits of President Roose
velit and other prominent national 0g
wres In the Republican party. Justiov
Jaggard of the Minnesota suprems
Lolrt was toastmaster, and he paid a
plowing tribute to Theslore Roosevelt
in Iotroduciug President A.B Stick
“et. the Chiengo Great Western
“who landed the president lo
a toust od “The [President and the
Few Are Not
We can’t all be rich men bul there's
pothing to hinder us from trylog to
He Is Oh
The man who never saw a joke prob-
1hiy never looked in a mirror
Cheap Cremation
The cost of cremating a body la
is only three francs
no saving unless Fur-
of good construction
rchased. We place be-
our customers some-
g very attractive and of
plutely new design in
ctior of Couches.
The variety is as great as
styles are pleasing. At
cent discount until
mber 1 we offer an ex-
nt quality i in everyway;
Fall Shirt Waists
1.50, 2.50. Very handsome
A Silk Special
The very best
F. Howard is in
Schenectady on business
Attorney F
Miss Rose Mitchell of Bingham-
ton is visiting friends in town.
Evans ale
now on
street, Waverly.
draught at
309 Broad
Attorney F. E. Hawkes and
family left this morning for New
York city where they will spend a
few days >
Mrs Bruce Corbin of Constan~
been visiting her
parents in this village, returned to
tia, wha has
her home yes terday.
The residence of A. K. Gore on
Pennsylvania avenue is nearly com-
pleted. It the finest
IS one of
Dumble of
in town today.
Chicago 1s
os He was a
former and is now man-
ager of the Dunlap store in Chica-
ig - -
Mrs. John Slawson of New
York city returned to her home
after a short visit with her parents
Mr. Mrs. Chas Miller
rioward street
Seward of
N.Y, been
visiting his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs J. B
to his home,
and of
M Clark
who has
Glazier, has returned
accompanied by his
~The end of
street near Clinton avenue
Waverly -
is a very progressive part of the
Building 1s going on ata
rapid rate. Chas. Swartwood, Jos
Drobnyk and A Hildebrand cach
J. D. Hoagland is
making extensive improvements on
the Sedgwick property rccently
purchased by hm, and Mrs. Ben-
nett has improved the appearance
o" her place by the addition of a
coat of paint and a new roof.
a new in course of
Our advertisers will confer a
great favor if they will hand in
copy for changes in advertisements
not later than 6 p. m. on the day
before the changed form is to
appear. We find it difficult to
give later changes proper attention
For Remodeling the Tioga House
Into an Odd FellowsTemple
Waverly—There will be a mect-
ing of the directors of Manoca
temple this evening at Chas C
Hoagland's. Architect Pierce of
Elmira will submit plans for re-
remodeling the Tioga hotel into an
Odd Fellows’ temple,
plans will be acted
The bonds of Seward A Baldwin,
treasurer, and Judge Frank Bell,
tion. The lodge is in a prosper
ous condition and the membership
is There
are at present seven candidates for
and these
upon at the
will also receive atten-
increasing continually
initiatory degree.
Waverly —A sketch of the plans
has been received from Arthur M
Gibbs, architect, of Elmira giving
his ideas for remodeling the old Y
temple, have arnved and there will
be a meeting Monday - night for
the consideration of the plans sub
mitted, when some
probably be taken
action will
The enormous success of “Hu-
man Hearts” during the past ten
years is a direct refutation of the
idea entertained by so many theat-
rical managers that sensational and
are necessary to a play to assure
its success with the public. Such
plays die out as soon as the public
interest wanes.
drama possessing the merit of
“Human Hearts” The lease of
life accorded such a play 1s not
dependent on a momentary inter
est, excited by some cnime, but on
the firm, solid basis of humanity
and human feelings. It touches
our heart strings, rouses our lateqt
better instincts and makes us feel
kinder towards our fellow maa, for
having witnessed 1t.
“Human Hearts will be present
ed this season with an especially
strong company of players, and the
same fidelity to scenic and mechan.
detail that made its former
visits notable. The engagement is
for Monday, October 30, at the
to Towanda this noon to meet the
Susquehanna Collegiate Institute
eleven at that place. A large del-
egation of rooters accompanied the
local pigskin kickers.
Harlow Welley of Franklin is
visiting D. F. Edmonds.
Cornelius Carmody is viliting
his son John Carmody.
Misses Lola and CoraWestbrook
will spend Sunday in Ithaca.
County commissioner M. J. Mc
Nulty of Troy was transacting bus-
iness in Sayre today. ’
The Misses Hazel Alexander
and Leona Smith of Owego are
guests of Sayre friends.
Mrs Steve Fisher and son went
to White Haven this morning to
visit fnends and relatives.’
Miss Charlotte Lewis of To-
wanda is visiting friends and rela.
tives in Sayre for a few days
Mrs. A C Coddington who has
been visiting relatives here return
ed to her home in Elmira today.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coon and
Miss Julia Ryan of Towanda are
visiting Mrs. Dan Stark, Miller
Mrs. S. E Leyden of Buffalo,who
has been visiting relatives in To-
wanda and Sayre, left for her home
There will be preaching at the
Milltown chapel tomorrow at 2:30
p. m. by Rev. J. F. Warner.
“A hot bath, hair cut, shave and
shoe shine, all at the Utopian Bar-
ber 233 street.
shop, Desmond
Rev. W. S. H. Hermans will oc
cupy the pulpit at the Church of
Church,West Sayre, Sunday morn-
ing at 10:30
et ties
Dr. W.S. Hermans will speak
at a umion evangelistic service at
He is an able speaker; don't
fail to hear him.
Hunters are complaining of the
scarcity of spuirrels in this section.
The season has been open for near-
ly a month and but few of the
frolicsome little animals have been
A large number of cement
walks have been laid in front of
various properties on Lincoln
street. A sixty-foot stone walk
has also been laid in front of the
property of Mrs. S. J. Hyatt on
Keystone avenue
The sidewalk in front of the res-
idence of Fred Luckey on Wilbur [150
avenue has been raised to the
grade under the direction of street
commissioner D. I. Field, and in
compliance with a resolution
| passed by the borough council, »
At the Presbyterian church to-
morrow morning service with the
pastor in charge. Sunday school ©
11:45. Endeavor meeting at
designs and col-
black silk on the
Our Furniture
Accidental Victory.
A blunder resulted in a sweeping
victory at the battle of Minden, August
1. 1759. ‘Ten battalions of British |
troops, mistaking the order “at sound |
of drum” for “by sound of drum. = sud-
denly charged and overthrew three al-
visions of French cavalry—a feat um-
paralleled In all warfare
Navigation on the Po.
The Italian government will spend
$23,600 000 to improve navigathon on
the river Po, Italy, and fits tribu-
tarles, 48 00 horse power energy will
be developed along the Po for indus
trial enferprises, the annual rent of
which will yield the government $200.
Srrigation as Well.
For a nice mint julep a Tom Collins
of a highball or a uice, clean shave, or
a halr cut, or anything in the grocery,
hardware, dry goods or millinery line
call at the City drug store. Also drugs
for sale - Irrigon (Ore) Irrigftor
Presbyterian Church
Morning service, 10:30,
Sunday school, 11:45.
Christian Endeavor, 6:30,
Evening service, 7 :30.
The Rev. E.( . Petrie, Pastor.
Church of Christ
Morning service, 10:30,
Sunday school, 12,
Christian Endeavor, 6:30,
Evening service, 7:30,
The Rev. M. B. Wood, Pastor.
Lutheran Church.
Morning service, 10:30,
Sunday school, 11:45,
Evening service 7:30,
The Rev. EM. Beysher, Pastor.
Baptist Church
Morning servies, 10:30,
Sanday school, 11:50.
B. Y. P. U. meeting, 6:30,
Evening service. 7:30,
The Rev. I. W. Bingham, Pastor.
Church of the Epiphany
First Mass, 8:00,
High Mass, 10:30.
Sunday School, 2:00 p, m.
Benediction, 7:30 p. m.
The Rev. J. L. Shanley, Rector.
Church of Redeemer
Communion 8:00,
Morning service 10:30.
Sunday school 12: 00
Evening service 7:30,
The Rev. F. T. Cady, Rector.
Wheelock Memorial Chapel
Preaching service, 2:30,
Sanday school, 3:30.
Methodist Church
Men's meeting, 9:30.
Morning service, 10:30,
Sunday school, 12:00
Junior League 3:00 p. m.
Epworth League, 6:30,
Evening service, 7:00.
The Rev. J. F. Warner, Pastor.
— ett mme—
Get a Free Sample To-day.
Bauer's Instant Cough Cure and be
convinced that it is the best. It Is
guaranteed to cure or your money re-
funded. C. W. Giddings of Week's
Mills, Me., writes, “Your Bauer's In-
stant Cough Cure is a good seller and
gives the best satisfaction of any
cough medicine on the market. I
have never had a bottle returned. If
I sell one bottle they are sure to come
after the second one and tell thelr
friends of its merits. I will send an-
other order soon.” For sale by H. L.
Gillesple and Child, Waltman &
Young, Sayre.
Quickest Route to Chicago, 17
Hours from Sayre :
Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive
at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing: In time for connections for west-
inta. This is via Lehigh Valley,
Mie igan Central or Lake Shore Rail-
roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth from
Buffalo. Best services and Sql pure
finest roadbed —unexcelled dining cars.
Bauer's Syrup or Prunes
Is the new Laxative Tonic that Is so
highly recommended for the cure of
Constipation, Liver and Kidney trou-
bles, impure blood, headache and all
iis arising from an unhealthy state
of the bowels. Syrup of Prunes is
need of a mild laxative or a thor- |
ough cleansing of the system, try Syr-,
up of Prunes, it Shutes no SHping or
Forerunners 5 of
In buying a piece rol china |
at an art store you pay a|
good price for the china and |
an additional sum for the
“art.” At the Racket Store |
you get your money's worth |
in the article. The reason:
We buy in large quantities
and are satisfied with sell-
ing at the usual low Racket
Store prices.
Then China is one of the
principal departments of
our business, and our large |
stock affords greater oppor-
tunities for selection than
is the case where china is
only an inconsiderable side
Real Japanese Ware
We have just put on dis-
play a consignment of fine
Japanese ware which is par-
ticularly handsome in shape
and decoration.
The Chocolate pots in col-
ored enamels and gold that
we have marked at $2.50
would bring $4.00 at most
stores. There are pin trays
as low as lc. Bonbon
dishes, hair receivers, salts
and peppers, mustard pots,
vases, cream pitchers, etc,
25¢ to 50c and up.
You will find in this line
a hundred or more sugges-
tions for a dainty gift.
Austrian al Bavarian
Hand Painted China
An extensive line show-
ing the latest fancy in the
large fruit and flower de-
signs at the usual low Rack-
et store prices.
Gregg's Racket Store
Waverly, Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave.
C. J. Kiron,
Especial care and prompt at-
tention given to moving of
Pianos, Household Goods, Safes
Ready for Business
Having refitted the billiard, pool and
lunch rooms recently leased of F. 8, Wol-
cott, | am now prepared to serve all cus-
towers in a satisfactory manner. My
ialty is quick lunches of all kinds.
pn patronage solicited. Oysters and
clams in season. Try a cup of our new
coffee, 8. BUTLER,
Op. First Nat'l Bank, Broad St,
107-1m Waverly.
Wholesaler of
109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, P,
as opened a real estate and col:
lecting office in Room 2, T
Building, Sayre, Pa.
Wm. B. McDonald, D. D. §
All modern methods for the scien-
tific performance of painless opera=
tions on the mouth and teeth. =~
104 South Elmer Ave,
Diseases of Women and of the
Hours-7tofam,1t08,7Tto8 p.m,
Valley Telephone 27x. 128 Lockhart SE
Office, Rooms 2 and 4
Talmadge Building, Elmer A
Valley Phone at office and
Sale, i § cent a word Lost, Joan: Jo
for first three times, } cent a ae
insertion thereafter, None takem
leas than 25 cents. Situations wanted,
free to paid in advance subscribers. .
A go" Lekont girl to do
wor Must go to Oneon!
ply to C. T. Hull, Athens.
For Rent
A seven room house in East rgd
rent. Call on James Smith, 604
Main street, Athens, Pa.
= Notice.
The Record, has the best E
Lease ever iteq in Bradford cou
also Yeut | and Wo R
Books; a of Legal E
for Justices and Constables.
For Sale.
A new Smith Premier
bargain. Call at Record
Two parlor stoves in good
cheap, at Kepler's gas supply
Broad street, Waverly,
Desmond street,
Mgr. 117 N. East street, Sayre.
Cards For Sale.
The Valley Record has
following card signs:
For Rent
For Balé .
Private Office
Please Do Not Ask for Credit
Positively No Admittance
Furnished Rooms
The Queen City Orchestra,
of experienced musicians, and
all the latest music, is p