The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 26, 1905, Image 3
invite a careful inspection of new line cutside fabric, lining, most important of all, the new pave shoulders and perfect fitting The new cut shows the only mt ever made that will not It fits right, stays right and niee it to be right @ can show you a lot more about cléthing that you will find in no other make, besides, it don't cost : any more than the ordinary f you have never bought a ter Hand-Tailored Suit you've missed something. “Come 1nand see" Maney & Page SAYRE ATHENS Wo OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL YOU ARE MAKING MONEY When You Buy Thes: Sayre Store. Goods A lug line of enamel ware little price Pie plates all sizes deep and sh: low Egg Poachers Stew Pans, Tea Pots Handled Fry Pans Tea Stecpers Lady Finger ans Tube Cake Pans, Cups, Patty Pans Mugs Pudding Pans, Trays, Covered Pails Omelet Pans Colanders, Broilers, Strainers, Oval Baking Pans Mustard Cups Mixing Bowls Baking Pans Custard Cups All Priced at 10c Each. ata 216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. ST SEE WHI FOR 10 DAYS ONLY GoldCrowns __________$450 $450 YOU ON GET aT S0 THE FOLLOWING: Bridge Work per tooth_$4 50 Gold Fillings_______$1.00 up Silver Fillings ___50c and 75¢ 132 Lockhart St. The Valley Record “All the news that’s fit to print" THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, dow. LOCAL BREVITES Harry's Chokeunixcslied 5c i Mrs. S. J. Hyatt is having a Arthur Crocker is ill at his home Most of us have to humor our appetites. What more can appeal to your taste than appetizing This is the kind we try sell to We Want Your Trade Yours Truly, C. U. INGHAM & CO. Everything in Groceries. .E. BAKER, Garpenter and Buider Olive streets. There was a large attendance at to be having a good time. ee —— Lost—A ladies’ small purse con taining a sum of money. Finder Wanted— For a small rooms for Centrally family, housckeeping. Enquire at light located. At the meeting of the local this evening the second degree will be conferred upon several candi | dates. Prof. John Cummings, the danc- {ing master, has changed the {ime of each week. A number of friends met with Miss Pearl Kersey, North Lehigh avenue, yesterday afternoon the CONVENTION CLES | Interesting Addresses by Dele- | gates Were Features of Yester- day's Sessions---40 Schools Or- ganized in Bradford County During Past Year The closing session (so far | Sayre is concerned of the eleventh |annnal convention of the Bradford | County Sabbath School Association {was held in the Methodist church night There | attendance and the program was | carried out to the letter, The afternoon session was an in- as last was a large { teresting one, the principal features of which decidedly structive and thoughtful address- which listened to great attention and evident profit The address of the Rev. Homer C. Snitcher on “Enthusiasm” was a masterly effort and contained excel- lent advice as to creating interest in the Sunday school work. Before adjournment there was a business meeting at which the fol- lowing officers were two es were with for the ensuing President, Rev. Martin of Canton; first vice president, Rev. M. B Wood of Sayre; second vice president, Rev. H. Jones of Neath; recording sec- retary, Miss Balliet of Sayre, treas urer, H. J. Halleck; secretary home department, Miss year were elected J. W. Mary Boyle; scc- retary normal department, Rev. C A. Brady. primary department, Mrs. Wm. Lilley. The sum of $25 was donated to the state association. ' An important feature in the busi: ness meeting was the large increase in the number of Sunday schools in Bradford county during the past year. The report showed that 40 new schools had been organized, due largely to the efforts of P. B Waterhouse, a student of Princeton college, whois an enthusiast in the work, and his efforts deserved commendation. The cvening session was” well attended. A praise and devotional scrvice was followed by two ad dresses which were of an interest ing and helpful character. This morning the delegates, numbering seventy, left for Camp. town, where the two days’ program will be repeated RECEIVED ORDERS T0 MAKE SURVEY N. F. Walker Will Begin Work = of Surveying New State Road on Monday Next N. F. Walker has received in- structions from the state commis~ sioner of highways to make the survey for the state road that is to be built in Athens township. The road is to commence at the west end of the bridge which crosses the Chemung river and will reach received as far as the crossing immediately north of Green's Landing. Mr. Walker will begin work on Monday, and the survey which he 15 to make will show the alignment of the road and also the elevation and grades. From the data fur nished by Mr. Walker the state highway commissioner will prepare plans and specifications from which the contract will be let. The actual work of constructing the road will probably begin carly next spring, or as soon as the frost is out of the found STREET INPROVENENTS I'he cement crosswalk ordered at a recent mecting of the borough council has been put down on Miller street at its with the eastern Maple street. Street Commissioner Field had the machine at work on Miller street yesterday grading the roadbed and cleaning out gutters. When he gets through with the task that thor- oughfare will be in excellent con- ion for the winter. intersection extension of David road REFER TO According to Wilkesbarre Papers Machinists in That Place Do Not Want to Come to Sayre The newsmongers in the Wilkesbarre and Hazelton daily papers are evidently putting forth their best efforts to discourage the men who have been w shops at the coming to Sayre. orking in the former place from According to a story recently published it appears that E. A. Mitchell of South Beth- lchem, superintendent of motive power of the Lehigh Valley, and E.T at Sayre, James, shop superintendent and Charles Wilson of the Wilkesbarre the shops at the West End, Wilkesbarre, the other day and asked every man employ- ed there to go to Sayre an mas- ter mechanic shops, visited I- take a The story further relates that the move position in the new shops was made very quietly and that the men were approached separately One of the employes is said to have stated afterward that the offi- cials even went so far as to .co#x the men to go to Sayre It is alleged that the men refused to go to Sayre on the grounds that the place was small, amusements were limited and the only employ- ment for their in the shops or out on the railroad. It is said that offered children 1s the officials met with almost unanimous refusal on the part of the men, notwithstand- ing that in some instances the lat- ter were offered weekly passes, thus enabling them to continue to live in Wilkesbarre every Saturday night and co home the Valley road is Ash largely influencing men to remain in Wilkesbarre Just how much truth there is in any of these stories 1s a difficult matter to ascertain. The Lehigh officials in this place are non-com mittal. MISS EMERSON GAVE FINE PERFORMANCE Was Supported by An Excellent Company and Pleased A Big Audience. A rumor is current among railroad men on the [.chigh that the Jersey Central about to increase its that this instrumental force at ley, and fact 1s in the Mary Emerson in “Will o' the Wisp,” supported by a company of more than ordinary ment, pleased a large audience at the Loomis last mght. Miss Emerson is a young and strong emotional actress and the play which she has chosen this season gives many opportumties to display her ability. She takes ad- vantage of them all, and her audi ence last night gave plenty of out- ward evidence of apprdciation. Miss Emerson has surrounded her- self with a capable company of performers In fact every part was handled an exceptionally fine manner and the show on the whole belongs with attractions of the high class ———— A pe THE LADIES CONCERT I'he young ladies who are to appear at the Baptist church next Friday evening, come very highly reccommended. They de- lighted large audiences in other in have places and are sure to please the people of Sayre. In speaking of the work of Miss Mallery the fol- lowing comment appeared in the Binghamton Press: “The star of the evening was Miss A Mabel Mal- lery in her recitation ‘The First Day at Kindergarten’ Miss Mal. lery surprised her hearers in her broad scope of voice and clever impersonations of so many char- acters.” Of Miss Dean the Bing- hamton Herald “Miss Dean widely known, having made several tours through Cana- da and the south She possesses |& pure soprano voice of fine quality {and is a young woman of charming | py a remarks is Interesting Details Connected With His Official Duties E. J. Quigley and wife of Oil City are guests at the Norwood in Waverly Mr. Quigley is United States Pipe Line Company and his duties Ord today. inspector for the are of an interesting nature narily the company pumps export h time a oil of the cheaper grade throu their high junlity 1s needed at the seaboird and as the pipe used for pumping both kinds of o to and de line but from time to grade same is it 1s necessary for an inspector visit the various stations termine by tests when the inferior oil has stopped flowing and the higher At the present time a 30,000 barrel batch of high grade oil 1s being forced through the line Bradford and today Mr. Quigley will visit the station below Athens the purpose of ascertaining when it quelity begins from for arnves. The export or inferior grade of oil bzars 110 degrees test while the © water white,” or high grade oil, 1s tested at 150 degrees. | In order to ascertain the difference between the two oils Mr depends upon the color, the Cyc but sometimes the hy- drometer is brought into service to determine the specific gravity. The export grade shows yellow while | the water white is colorless. When | he visits the station below Athens | today Mr. will make al thorough test and when he has dis covered that the high grade oil has reached that point he will immed: to Wilkesbarre | where he will repeat the operation to and so on until the scaboard is reached, and at the latter place the high grade oil will} into separate tanks. | Quigley using only, Quigley ately proceed From Wilkesbarre he will go the next station be diverted to use undue Wilkesbarre, hours haste in reaching as at will be forty before the high grade oil that city after he has determined that it has passed the at Athens. Mr Quigley completed his task in this section this reaches pumping station and will leave for Wilkesbarre in the morn- ¥y ing. afternoon —— iy Wes: THE THEATRE No book has ever achieved such stupendous success as has fallen to the lot of “Beaucaire,"” ble comedy romance which Creston Clarke make his appearance in Waverly soon. It will undoubtedly be recalled that this beautiful play, Creston Clarke found last season the best sort of maternal the irresty in will in for his personal “Beaucaire wherever seen, has proven a gen. | uine revelation. This season he is | meeting with cqual good fortune, | entrenching himself more and more | as one of the few really high class | and legitimate star the | present day. It will be a genuine] pleasure for local theatie soers to] welcome Mr. Clarke and his com. | pany in “Beaucaire.” exploitation, and his actors of The Postmasters of Towanda and Sayre Will Unite in Urging Lehigh to Improve the Present Conditions A concentrated effort le by the ppstmasters of Sayre Towanda to ng s is being ma and better curc me mail and passenger %7 ¥ 3 pst ites Te irner of Towanda has for vice on the Lehigh Valley some time past been striving to gain this end, and recently he has 1 ulated of ti ic wused a petition to be’ the seat Cire among business men C intly Lehigh A 5 which ley to As now stand the citizens to th Philadelphia and New York paper: ind req sts the al provide bett mail facilities matters in this firection of Sayre are unable get other mail until nearly noon Residents of Waverly are provided with a morning mail which reaches The west section of Bradford ugh which the tral runs, crn county Northern Cen- also gets an carly morn- and the Lchigh officials vill be urged to provide ing mail, as rood service, at least, for this section of county Deputy Postmaster Price has a petition which he has been presenting to the men of Sayre today, and he has busines signatures ——— A The regular monthly pay -mect ing of the Sayre Building and Loan held Thursday Money will Chas. C. association will be k } p be loaned at 8:3 m West, secretary — i — Smoke Peer's Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar. YouWould Give Considerable To Be Relieved of Your Rheumatism bahly tried wir Rhcuma Did ycu cver try Adflophores H. L. GILLESPIE 1 ited v pve \ 1t and se { advice anid treatment JFHOR vew Haven Conn, JOIN THE Legion. Fifteen years of business has proven to us we can do all we claim. Assets August 1, 1005, £2,115,000, Pays 10 PRONOTE SOBRIETY 1 | “The Reclaimed” is the name of a new which was re- organization cently employed by the employes of the Lehigh Valley. The orpan- 1zation was perfected at Lackawan- na Junction, Pittston, and it will be | auxihary to the general organiza tion which 1s rapidly rowing in| the South and West The object | 1s to promote sobriety and morals ty and discourage vice among the | ratlroad men —o oe FUNERAL OF AWN SMILEY The daughter funeral of Anna of Mr Mrs Smiley, was held privately this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the] latter's home at the corner of N Wilbur avenue and Mohawk street. ‘Rev. Ira W. Bingham, pastor of | Gie Baptist church, officiated. In- Smiley, | and Jay | £15.00 per week for sickness or ace ‘nt. £100 for loss of limb or eye, £5.00 to $600 at death, Cash dividends each five years. Costs $2.00 to 4.00 per month. E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. Sayre, Pa. 112 Desmond St. Both Phones. J. TAYLOR ——————————— - 8) "RED R | | y $ Ll ' | If you haven't aj A home and want one, want to get rid of, call, write or ‘phone | E Al If 1 haven't | q what you want I'll} try and find it for] you, | Taylor. » L 0 —— k= If vou want a first-class RANGE to sell, We have the following ranges wo have them in stock » Sterling, Dockash, Happy Thought and Garland Steel Ranges, BoLIcH BROS’. HARDWARE Desmond St. IT'S Health and hap-’! piness are what you most in life and you can't enjoy, either fully in a’ house which does not contain to-date bath-room Now we do Plum-"® bing and do it well. ] If you engage us to fit up a bath-' room for you there's only one thing that you'll be sorry for and that is, that you didn't have it done sooner. Plumbing, Heating and Tinning H.R. TALMADGE, Both "Phones. Ewer Are. lesire NN DRS. WILLIAMS & LEWIS DENTISTS Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Vitalized Air Our prices are the lowest, workmanship and ma- terials considered. oi Hours: 8:30 to 12; 1to 5:30; 7 to & Opposite Big Store, corner Eimep Lockhart St,, Sayre, Pa. LOOMIS OPERA HOTS MONDAY, OCT. 30, : MR. W. E. NANKEVILLE ANNOUNCES THE NEVER CEASING SUCCESS HUMAN HEARTS An ldolized Story of Lif the Kansas Hills. PRESENTED WITH A Superb Scenic Sensations Marvelous Mechanical Magnitude, 25, 35 and 50 ce ANDREW W EV Has opened a a Teale estate and lecting office in Room 2, ' | Building, Sayre, Ps. Prices