The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 26, 1905, Image 1
Flannel wanl fo Shirts — You see the grey selling at Better ones up oRel $00. to $2.50. AT BOLTON'S. Men's Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. Packer Ave, Sayre. OF SAYRE ie are Both Phones. Renting, Estates Managed Collecting E. E. Reynolds, REAL ESTATE nocaens INSURANCE san Bought, Sold and —Bxochanged — Investments Loans Negotiated IIT Packer Ave., Phone 230x, Sayrs, Pa. For sale in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Negotiated, Insurance , Houses Rented, Rents Al THE{GOODIKIND milation easy and complete; re- sults show immediately. FIFTY CENTS A PINT L. GILLESPIE beleft here for D: L. & W. ib propels attended io by averly ,CLAREY COAL C0. Lehigh Valley Coal RD AND SOFT WOOD Quality & Prompt Delivery Guaranteed giMitoed Skrest Yard Phone: Sa Raymond & Haupt's Store, Sayre Both Phones . B. McDonald. D. D. S. modern methods for the scien- of painless opera- on the mouth and teeth. 104 Bouth Elmer Ave, R THE GLOBE STORE. C. PECKALLY, ‘DEALER IN Orders may b H. Murray, President Roosevelt at Capi- tal of Oreole State. BLUE AND GRAY RIDE SIDE BY SIDE Governor Jeffersom Davia First te Greet Guest nt Rig Rock—Arkansas Seconds Heartily the Wel- come of the South, NEW ORLEANS, Oct 26 Roosevelt apd his party arrived here today from Memphis The mayor, city officials and a great crowd of citl- zens appeared at the depot aud loudly cheered the president on his arrival The president accompanied by Secretary Loeb, Surgeon General Rix ey and John H Mellhenny The president spent crowded hours in aml around I Rock, and Lis jouruey from Fort Logan Hl. Roots, oni the north side of the Arkansas riv- er, to the city park in Little Rock was marked by enthusiastic demonstrations of by thousamds of persons who lined the streets. While in Little Rock the president delivered two speeches, io one of which be denounced lynching, eliciting bearty applause After the president's address before 40.000 persots in the City park at Lit. tle Rock the party was taken to the Albert Pike Masonic consistory Governor Jeffersou lavis was first to greet the president when the latter Jeft the train at Big Rock A reception committee which included United States Senators James H, Ber ry and James P. Clarke, Mayor W. E Lenon amd President George WW. Rog- ers of the Little Rock boand of trade amd twenty other prominent citizens united with the governor in welcom ing the chief executive and bis party. Carriages were Laken to Fort Logan H. Roots, on the summit of Biz Hock, overlooking the city of Little Rock, across the Arkausas river A salute of twenty-one guns was fir. ol at the fort, and the president. after Inspecting the buildings, the grounds aod the garrison, Companies E and F, Thirteenth United States Infantry spent half an hour in the officers’ quar- ters as the guest of Lieutenant Colonel A. C. Sharpe, commagdant, and the other officers of the post When the president left the officery’ quarters he shool hands with the guard of homor, composed of twelve Union army veterans, headed by Colo nel A. S. Fowler, and twelve former Confederates, headed by former Gov: ernor Daulel W, Jones. This guard bad met the presidential party and accompanied it to the army post. They rode In pairs, each former Confederate by the side of a Federal army veteran Each of the veterans was given a ver- bal greeting by the president, who re marked on approaching the group, “Gentlemen, It does me good to see the blue and the gray ridiog together” He called each veteran “comrade.” As the party entered the city park under an arch bearing the inscription “Little Rock Greets You," twelve white doves were Liberated frow the apex of the arch directly over the president's carriage This feature caused great cheering and the president smiled. Govervor Davis delivered an address of welcome, in Which he drew a worl picture’ of the resources of Arkansas, touched lightly on the race question and assured the president that the peo ple of Arkansas were glad Le had come amoung them. The governor's tribute to southern women was applauded by the president. When reference was made by Governor Davis to the famous “rebel yell” the proceedings were In- terrupted by a manifest desire on the part of many In the crowd to give a semblagce of this yell. The president seemed pleased with the effort. United States District Judge Jacob Trieber gave welcome on behalf of the city of Little Rock. He declared that the people of Arkansas, regardless of political opinions, were proud to honor President Roosevelt. The president's opening words, “Fel low Americans,” produced a renewal of the demonstration of welcome His utterances were followed closely by the large audience, and at intervals be bad to desist while his hearers gave vent to their approbation of his re marks. When Le declared that the menace and reproach of iynch law should be driven out of the United States there was much earnest cheer ing. A Jarge portion of the president's audience was composed of negroes The president's declaration that “if a president is worth Lis sait he's the president of the whole country” drew forth plagdits from the” assembled thousands The president was conducted to a luncheon given in his honor As the president sat down the cur- tain bark of where he was seated as cended and a tableau was presented, Twenty-five boys, each attired in a gallor sult, formed a group, which spec tacle won the president's applause He arose aud sald be believed, his auditors knew low he felt about the navy of the United States. The navy of our country, he sald, was the United States’ “big stick,” which would never be used against the wenk unless the weak put themselves in a position, like a bad child, wherein chastisement was necessary He added that the “hig stick” would be kept In such condition that the necessity for ifs use against the strong would never arise To Meet Roosevelt at Key Weat. HAVANA, Oct. 26 At a meeting of President was seven ttle welcome the plicitel Bhat 8 te is OUR TARS AT VATICAN. Officers nnd Sallors of the Battleship MiAncapeolis Cheer His Holiness. ROME. Oet Lieutenant Frank E master Hugh R. lusley, Ridgley, Pay- of Frauk Bowers Littell of the observatory at Washington and forty eight Catholic of the Blates cruiser Minneapolis, now at Na ples They were conducted to Vatican by Chaplain Johnson McC Bellows. His holiness, who was dress sallors $ i | master Mer by Mgr. Bisleti, tificai chambers; tor of the Awerican Solivge bers of the ecclesiastical ceived the Americans iu the Colsistory To each he to kiss while bh ke Kind words pecially to the oflicers. The pope then presented with a basket of beauti of the Kennedy, reg court, rn hall of the gave his hand @ Spe es was caps of the sailors greatly pleased his holiness, pressed his pleasure at the which prompted it The pope then delivered a short ad dress in Italian, which was tragslated by Mgr. Kennedy, thanking the Ameri cans for coming to =ee hi d pressing his pleasure at meeting many representatives of the Awerican navy Addressing the sailors he sald he was glad of the opportunity them “the to the government superiors, as by capa ble sailors and soldiers are made.” His holiness gave his blessing to all present and to their families and friends and preseutsd each with a souvenir medal. When the pope left the hall the sallors saluted him three hearty which throughout the Vatican This presentation who ex thought mn it ex Ri to en of obe and to their ohedience join upon necessity dience stich with cheers resounded MISS ROOSEVELT'S RETURN. Harriman Train Making Fast Time Acroas Continent, CHICAGO, Oct The train of E. H. Harriman, in which Miss Alice Roosevelt 1s a passenger arrived in Chicago lust night at S05 o'cloc K, 00 hours and 44 minutes actual running time since starting from Oakland, having elapsed The train pulled into the Chicago and Northwestern rallroad yards and was at once transferred to the Chicago Belt line and switched to the tracks of the Lake Shore aud Michigan South ern railroad at Forty third street, whence it started east at 9.07 o'clock having Leen in Chicago one bour and two minutes The train wade the distance from Oakland to Chicago in eighteen hours less time than that required for the Overland limited, which is the fast train of the Chicago and Northwestern and the Unlon Pacific raliroads tween Chicago and Oakland The run from Omaha to Chicago, 102%, miles, was made in 10 hours and HW minutes. The time scheduled for the Overland limited between Omaha aod Chicago Is 124 hours 2% special Cal, be- Count Leopohl's (inlms Sustained. LEIFPSIC, Saxony, Oct The con troversy over the succession to the principality of Lippe Detmold, which created much excitement a year ago, has been decided in favor of Count Leopold, the present regent. The de was reuderesl by a ial ar bitrution court selected for this pur pose from the judges of the Imperial supereme court. Protests were made on the ground fhat the entire Lippe- Blesterfeld lone lost its rights of suc cession because Modeste vou Unrub, great-grandmwother of Count Leopold, was pot legitimately descended from the noble family 24 cision Spr Young Irving In “Lights Out.” LONDON, Oct Henry Brodriblb Irving, sou of the late Sir Henry Ir ving, joined the ranks of the actor managers last pight at the Waldor( theater in a well built drama of mili tary life adapted from Franz Beyer- lein's well known German play eu titled “Der Zepfeustreich” and entitled “Lights Out Mr. Irving was give a most cordial reception, which, al though it was to soe extent a man! festation of public sympathy, owing to his recent bereavement, was gen ulpely wou by the of Lis acting fine quality Higgins Appoints Commissioners. ALBANY, N.Y, Oct Governor Higgins appointed the following cow missioners to represent the state at the Jamestown tercentennlal exposi thon to Le held at Hampton Roads, Va, in 1907: Pharcellus BB. Crittenden, Rochester, chief commissioner; Hugh Gordon Miller, New York: Frank C Soule, Syracuse; Mrs. Douald McLean, New York: Sheldon B. Broadhead, Jamestown, Robert W. Pomeroy, Buf falo, and Robert Loe Morrell, New York <4 Te Find Ira Allen's Grave, WALDEN, Vi. (et 2 Governor Charles J. Bell has appointed a com- mittee of five Philadelphia citizens, all former residents of Vermont, which will attempt to find the burial place of Ira Allen. who was second only to his brother Ethan as hero of Revolu tionary days in Vermont The body of Ira Allen is thought to bave been bu- ried In Philadelphia aud if found and identified will be sent to this state for Interment, Plague lias Ran fis Course. JACKSON, Miss, Oct 240 The stats board of health bas released from sery all health officers employed at in fected points, and no more fever bul Joking will be issued from the office. a Raiivonds Tied Up by Strikers. CZAR FLEES TO DENMARK FOR REST Count Witte Duriag Emperor's Abe sence to He Virtually Dictator. Many Killed In Riots at St, Petersburg. PETERSBURG, Oct. 24.-—-The all the Russiau railways Nu rains are or out of Nt troops are streets of thie capital Matters are made worse Ly ta of the workmen in the Putiloff works, the Kolpino works, the drovskl Cotton the shipyands All rail co capital and other points in Russia suspended. Sir Charles Hardinge, British ambassador, who wus started for London on business sup posed to be connected with the pro jected Anglo Russian understanding, is auable to get out of St. Petersburg be there no trains running He will be obliged to depart by steam. boat luformation from ['eterbof has it that, with a view of recuperating from the continuous strain of the past years, the emperor is about to p visit of two months to Der will spend the western Chr at the Danish court. Count Witte Juring the emperor's absence will receive full powers as the head of the entire gov ernment and will bold an office equiva. leat to that of a virtual dictator An encounter took place st night between strikers and drivers who were preparing to take out trafus Revolver shots a number of persons wounded At Yekaterinoslaf fifteen persons were killed and twenty-six injured in a con flict between troops and striker it the Briansk works, the had erected wire entanglements fhe courts, bauks aud offices have been closed It Is reported that the strikers have taken possession of vin which approaching Yekaterinoslaf and destroyed the station bulldings aloug the line Confronted by a situation cial than any since th the political and ial Russia and which sb of amelioration, the emperor's winisters, under the leadership of Covut Witte, held a long couference iu the hope of finding some way out of the crisis into which the revolutioulsts and the So clalists have cast the country The general strike on the railroads is complete except ln few border provinces, and St. Petersburg, Mos. cow and other large citles are as closely beleaguered as if they invested by besieging armies A dispatch from Moscow says thqt no milk can be obtained there and that the prices of meat aud butter have be- come exorbitant since rallway traffic was suspended Tralus full of soldiers returning the east were stopped near Mos the strike. They contain M0 wounded men, who are in a sad condition for want of proper food and Violent revolutionary meetings, in which persons of all classes take part, are held daily in Moscow, and the po- lice do not interfere with them The postotfice refuses to receive reg. istered letters or parceld with money for trausmission abroad At Warsaw the Vienna rn Bave and the city is tied up ST. run inte Petersburg patrolbiug the i strike iron \iexan tills nad Nevsky the is the to -have niunication hwiween cause were two iy a 1nd INArs stinas engine were exchanged, and were killed or where strikers other public a fr was Lave all nares <r. of of beginning upheaval Bin Ws ho signs " almost were from ow by ittendauce of the strike ON OCS Hiway Joined the Woman Suffrage (ongreas, ROCHESTER, N. Y.. ct At the woman's suffrage couference bere the report on headquarters and organiza tion was made by Miss Harriet May Mills of Syracuse. Mrs. Jerome Jef freys of this city made the report of the Fuoderation of Colored W She said the state organization four years old and embraced some eighteen or twenty clubs Tue Susan B. An thony club of this city is the oldest in the state. A feature was the luformal reception given by Miss Susan Band Miss Mary their resi dence here at = Hen Was Ss. Anthony at Seventeen Liquor Men BATH. N. Y., Oct of proceedings instituted excise department el against liquor dealers town of ath re from selling lguor have files] In the Steuben conuty clerk's office Seventeen of the liquor dealers fined £38 each Shaoling Was Tusiifted. TRENTON. N. 1. Oct Bevins, thu young man shot and Killed his father to protect his mother from thi attack Fined, A= result hy state wtions i them 26 the ghteen hw in this straining 1a cense wy here were William Ww hia «t week an effort father's was released from fall by Jos tice Reed. Young prosecute], A that the shooting » ih not be found levine will Cufoncr = jury ie justified Strike Breakers Hurt at Lynn, LYNN, Mass, Oct. 20 Harry Kiz, an Armenian, and John Onizh, Ii thuanlan, strike breakers at the Bro pliy Bros’ shoe factory, were seriously but pot fatally wounded while Jeaving the factory last night In both cases the assailants escaped a Steam Shovels For Digging Canal. WASHINGTON, Oct. NA contract has been awarded by the Panama ea. ores tobe wed in ter Grass, Favorite, Length, NEW YORK, Oct Three favor ites were cessful at the Jamaica track. The Packer stakes, selling, for two yearolds the feature of the cand, was won by a length by the favorite, Water Grass Bad News, favorite, won the last race after leading all the Platoon scored in the first, Sir Tristan favorite, in the secowd; Chimney Sweep iu the thicd and Lord Badge the fifth. Summaries First Race —I'latoon secoud; Dreamer, thind Second Race — Sir Tristan lowmas Billy BB © Third Race — Chime) IVArkie Fourth 1 pric ' Fifth ole Nixth Won by pH sik way a first, Grapple, first; Hal third frst second | ister Sweep Jane Heol thind Water Grass, first Bribery thin onl Badge first vid, King Pepper third Race Bad News, first; Tougor for third second iy Hiaee second Race 1 Att Zeala, secold Hacing at Latonina CINCINNATI O., Oct vorites, « cootd cholo sliders at Latonia event Lieutenant Rice Blue Grass Girl and R stretel turn, the thre Lie None of 26. Three fa wid two out Iu the first the favorite, oommate fell at Liorses Huish the jockeys Lights Out, the «lds on cagily won the steeplechase handicap from Gould, with Ohio King third After winning the final Sea Shark as well Jd Bell finished third, three miles won the ing riderless was injured. favorit. Is Go which mn away Williams Won by Stralght Football hil LIAMSTOWN, Muss, Oct “iliams defeatnd Woreeates Polvtec! > institute football by the score of 23 ta d only score was Williams, when Lawiey secur ed the ball for Worcester and rau for ty yards for a touchdown Willi scores were made straight football 3 in a Raine Thu on a visitors’ made pass by by Dr. McGowan Was Beaten. HARTFORD, Coun, xt feature of the racing at the Charter Oak park was the bir. MoGo the favorite pace Dr. Mct;owan eighth in the first the third, Lut the fourth The ant of = meet defent the 2 after finishing nod second he distanced In wan in als, Wall Was Hacing at NASHUA. N. 1H were tliree events fair grounds =: 14 pace Ossie | Patron dium the Snshua. Oct the ecard track, the 26. — There at the -:19 trot, the tid the untluishied 2:20 pace won the pacing Hal the 2:14 pace apd Me 2:18 trot Naval (adets Won, ANNAPOLIS, Md val academy football team won by a score of 17 to 0 against the light team of the Maryland Agricultural college Liere Halves of fifteen and ten min utes were played, and the visitors were outclassed event Great [ The Na- Prise For Ogdensburg Riflemen. OGDENSBURG, N.Y, Oct I'he Fortieth Separate company of Ogdeus burg was notified by Adjutant General Heath that it had been awarded the first prize of the Thinl brigade for the highest © of merit in rife tice sure prac- Alblon (College Defeated ANN ARBOR, Mich, tvt M Iu thirty-nine and one-half ites of actual play the University of Michigan defeated Albion college at football by a score of 70 te O, ins Ute Irish Socletics Protest. NEW YOLK, Oct. 20. —Arraugements have made by the Un Irish societies of New York to bold a nu in Couper Union to against the series of talpmuents to Prince Louis of berg and the officers aud fleet during their visit to The committee in charge lug has also issued a Addressed to the calisted United States navy fuse to subscribe “wwoker’” for th blue juckets awd ing tleet been ted 158 meeting protest proposed enter Batteu ten of his New York of the meet circular letter tuen of the urging them to re for the ected cutertainment of the marines of the visit pro Foul Play Suspected, BAR MILLS, Me, Oct 26 ~The lecten of Buxton are dissatisfied with the coroner's verdict that in EE Vea A igesd rrodd Landy TUN of lils house, “ee ®CtYV five ol Monday i thie to his death and will ask tin authorities to have the I'he Hved tobbwd veal the was found Citi by ae cidental causes ty wl vib unly exhun it Veazrl id wel to cou selection believe tl who loin Ww pirpde red and thie Chin A German BERLIN belng mide the sugar fa confervooe w plan for sngnr Trust (ht ot veinent 4 irganize tori 0 . i A i nid subpuission 0 i Wi \ factories dri provides for the i { a committee for the conditions of pay of sales by 1 ix | 1 Wil central nying ment of prices I the t periods Sultan of Morocco Yielde, PARIS, Oct 2 St. Rene Taillander ter at Fez fice, says that iH the reoeiyved t the the sultan of Morocco and ns the meeting place for the Moroccan conference Algeciras, Spain, of the confervoee Dropped Dead at Chatenangay., OCGDENSBURG, N.Y, Oct. 0 Ru disease at Chiatsaugay. Ile was the head of the wholgsale crockery house of R. T. Robinson & Son of Ogdens- in north: Jealous of State Rights, COST OF INSURANCE WOCLD 0 UP ment Would Be an With the Privileges of State Interference lLeginlatare. HARTFORD, Conn, tistenn Ot - shinies of preside Palics Le = lo a report Cluposed of trade © Mien SUE Hcy 1d oy tend itt of Le cut dum wrijten it in which hie sa af Hi ivelers with the of timation that iid regulat w ical maunipul agree pL ey which uasurdnce legisls sitld suffer from in the hands of has sufferd oll polit ition than it ul | | | Lie report of the and the unanimously Whereas, the the Las cutliuiticee resolution Was ac cepted following 1s passed pinion of this Lility soll bods of federal super tel by the Hon senator New Jer nas advisa slon Leen Dryden, and uereas frow this matter has been care by us in all its bear Hitee cousidersd with the ible report 1 Colun by md fire insurance cot city of Hartford: be It resolved First, that opinlon of the agitation look il supervision of interference with the pdividual constitution aintedd ths ijranies of this ng toward the in the Pandy f feder insygrance is an rights and priv states s ¢=tabs de leges of the lished by the of the therefore lneypedient that authorities and thie cisions court and SUPTretie Secomd any supervision nn addith to that exercised by the would result in Increased burdens to the « panies and ast of to the policy bolders without u benefits to off set same, and Itird, this organization des 1. its opinien that at the federal supervision as a for state on is unobtaln and the ag wn for It gnwise” by federal i already states HO nereasesd « nsurance iterial res to hol tie tute 1hie present sulistd supervis sitat! Lax State of Discipline (harged. MARE ISLAND, Cal, Oct I'he trial by court martial of Commander Lucien Youug of the gunboat Benning ton on a charge n om h it San Diego closed here with the argument f Captain EE. West for the pr cut Captain West pointed out that much Young the in a poor condition and Ei Wade had no previ experience the engineer department there lax of discipli The captain shogld have papers to show that he had frequent jpspections "i of negligence necting wit 1 boiler explosion ye oll inns T Enen bailers Were ISIRY in wis a is ne made Stole Safe Welghing Pounds, ORANGE, N. J. Oct Burgl who evied to have bad a wagon bile, enter the Hall Gr 200 IH irs ate bel s=ibly or p reside in automn of Edward South Orapge during the absence of the fawlly last night and carried off a safe coutainiog about $10.00 worth of jewelry, The safe, which weighed wore than 200 pounds, was lifted and drog ped from a second story window as shown by warks in the earth where it fell. A general alarm ut to the police of all the towns, but no trace of th obtained lce ves in Was se out wring wrs Was Attempt to Polson a Family. MIDDLETOWN, N. Y. Oct What is believed to have been an tempt to poison the family of Fred: fek Snyder of this place ed The family and Mrs. Sauvder, their Snyder's uncle, Willis Bradner Ou returning home from a visit Mrs der found that a quantity of acid bad been placed tu a pall of but termilk which had left standing beside the Suyder says that Lie vid a Mot it was discover of M fufant son and bere Consists Say large she door letter on rose threatening d AN A Mach Halded Voolroom NEW YORK, Oct For the dred and twenty-first tinue the of the Mercer street station raid Heged poutroom sal tex] by hie Adee Two handred ti dark room ou tl place it only two ot hun police made 1 to be on an oirdn n lower Sixth found in the goor of the arrested freely Avene Weir bu Wes sled geliimime atl t to the in Lreaking Axes were used piace American Wounded by Smugglers WASHINGTON, Oct, Mi retary Taft has ne cable from 1} Colton, head of the custoius service in Santo Domingo, stating that one of the American tax collectors, David F, May ris, was slightly wounded near Nayt cu the Halt It ix stated that there is no political signi ¢ in the fact awd that Mr Morris biy wounded lu a tight with smugglers Ni celvesd a frontier was proba Will Keep Out t oolles BOSTON (01 It is dete keep out the cooly classes or fienerai of ped wihd It gral here to Hasso un Frank I' Sargeant on the Chinese fhe bureau of immigration Overy effort to have ull people who should be landed given aceess to the country without delay.” Weather Probabilities, nan interview ' excision act is asing | i | devote this week to the Goods and Silks mak- on many of the f Dy 5 Spe } = i is #) in 14s all wool, 45¢. 16 in. all wool, 09, mas 55 mn. all wool, 89. tian Hd an all wool R5e, sn. all wool, 45¢ ul wool, 8c, 33 in. all wool, 16 in. all wool, n. all wool, 2 in. all wool, 16 in. all wool, Alma, Prunnilla, de Paris, Voils, indsdowne, ele. ete, Golored Dress Goods. tures Flannels, be nmsh effects 383 in, 0c. I’anamas 38 to 40 I = Granite 16 in. all wool, 50c. : Adora (new blue) 46 in. all! ure 41 in. all wd, in. at wool colors includ in = wanted shades, large | Patterns in the finer: re exclusive materials. Wo stly proud of our Dress Goods Department, showing as ex: ea line as can be found in the larger cities. We make a specialty of Dress Goods and as we buy them DIRECT FROM THE MILLS we Can save you money. You are invited to inspect our lines whether you buy or not. Ng rge 5 nne de wr sand ol mixtures 5 in all ie f Dress ar tensiy re ———————. Globe Warehouse, Talmadge Block, Elmer Ave. VALLEY PHONE Keep Strong Always Make every atom of our vitality count. Build new tissues be- fore the old give way. You can do this by taking a wine glassful of Stegmaiers’ MALT EXTRACT before each meal and upon retiring, Stegmaiers' Malt Ex tract is not an exper-.. iment, as it was en= dorsed by the physi- cians attending the state medical conven- tion held Sep 20, 1900 and again by them at their convention held Sep. 26, 1905. If your druggist doesn’t keep it order direct from us. Both Phones. Stegmaiers’ Brewing Company. SAYRE, LEHIGH AND SC COAL At the Lowest Possible Orders can be left at West Store, both phones; or at the yards at Sayre, Valley Phone COLEMAN i # H . ® ® Contractor and Plans and A Ratirpates F