The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 25, 1905, Image 3
We invite a careful inspection of our new lne outside fabne, lining, and most important of all, the new concave shoulders and perfect fitting neck. The new cut shows the only- "Frunt ever made that will not break. It fits right, stays right and we tee it to be right We can show you a lot more about our clothing that you will find in no other make; besides, it don't cost 1 any more than the “ordinary ind. If you lave never bought a Rochester Hand: Tail red Suit you've missed someth Come in and Maney 5 Page ” Clothes SAYRE ATHENS Jev€ C Sleatel Strouse Xr Conner OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL Sayre Store. We have a lot of standard made tools at the following remarkable low prices Bevel edge _carpente r' chisels, PP. § & W. make at 25c each, sizes } inch to 1 inch. Screw drivers, 10¢ each, Machinist callipers, inside and outside at 65¢ each, Machinist's steel rules 4 inch at 25¢ each. Machinist's steel rules 6 inch at 33¢ each, Stellson pipe wrenches. 10 in. size at 50c each; 14 in. size at 75¢ each: 18 in size at $1.00, These are all standard made goods and first quality. the assortment, GEO. L. ROBERTS (0. 216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. Wr If you don't trade with wus we both lose money. “wa Sa IST SEE WHT YOU CAN GET AT $4.50 FOR (0 DAYS ONLY THE FOLLOWING: GoldCrowns ._________$450 Bridge Work per tooth_$1 50 $4.50 Gold Pillings * $1.00 up Pivot Crowns. _______$450 Silver Fillings __50c and 75¢ Teeth reset ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DR. W. F. STEPHENS, DENTIST 132 Lockhart St. Over Ray ad & Haupt. “Champion Style" at Look in the window for The Valley Record “All the news news that’ # ft to print” When You Are Thirsty and feal the need of a sop Phe Drigg’s Soda Fountain, datoty, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER », 1906, LOCAL BREVITIES Mary tonight. Emerson at the Loomis Harry's Choice—unexcelled 5c cigar, made at Sayre, " “Will 'O the Wisp” with Mary Emerson as the star at the Loomis | tonight. rn. Wanted —Twenty-five girls at Most of us have to humor Kaufman's, Sayre. Apply this our appetites. What more | evening between 7 and 8 o'clock can appeal to your taste or than appetizing This is the kind we try to| sell Ladies’ coats and suits, child- ren’s furs and coats, dirt cheap at Kaufman's opening sale, Thursday ‘at 9:30 a. m., Sayre, ee ter 500 Furs, no two alike, at Kauf- ‘man’s mammoth sale, opening on Thursday at 30 am. Buy; a word to the wise is sufficient. — We Want Your Trade Yours Truly, C. U. INGHAM & CO. Everything in Mrs. J. F. Warner gave an ad- dress in the interests of the W., F. M. society at the convention held ‘at Rome yesterday. Groceries. S— —— V. Johnson, manager of the lu ow barber shop, has engaged ‘the services of H. A. Bickford of 9 | Hornellsville, N. Y. Garpentor and Builder, — . Lost—A ladies’ small purse con- 17 Pleasant St. - Waverly, N.Y. taining a sum of money. Finder will please return to the Record OTEL office and receive suitable reward. {50 dos. men's double front and white’ striped | | i | | | i Held in the Presbyterian Church Last Night and Were of An Appropriate Nature Smoker Followed Given by Dr. C. H. Ott Hospital Day was appropnately observed at the Presbyterian | i { | i {ing of Misses Florence Wells Mary | Morrison, Ethel Bucknell, Jennie Avery their having completed the required course at received diplomas, The ed and ttend- cvery scat in the filled McGuffie's orchestra of Waverly furnished the excrases were well a nearly church was music and the opening selection was followed with prayer by Rev F. T.Cady. Dr. C H Ott, sur geon in chief, read the surgical statistics for the past year, and was followed by M. H. Sawtelle, treas- urer of the board of trustees, who gave the financial report. Dr. Charles P. Noble, of Phila delphia, surgeon in chief of the Kensington hospital for women, delivered the address to the gradu ating class. It was highly inter- esting and contained much valu- able information as well as good advice. Henry Streeter, Esq, of Towan- da, president of the hospital board of trustees, presented the diplomas His address most appropri- ate and to with great attention Miss Emily McCreight, direct- ress of the training class, presented the class with medals and after a selection by the orchestra the ex ercises were concluded, One of the pleasing features in connection with hospital day was the smoker given by Dr C. H Ott at his home immediately after the conclusion of the exercises at the church. Doctors to the num- ber of fifty or more were present from Waverly, Sayre, Athens, To- wanda, Wyalusing, Laceyville, Dushore, Rome and other places and a most delightful time was by all present. There were no set speeches but the con versation of the evening was of a highly interesting nature and Dr Ott was voted a royal host. Dur- ing the cvening a spread was served by Doctors Fish, Johnson, Spencer, Betowski, Andrews and Evans. The first four named phy- sicians were formerly connected with the hospital staff of surgeons and the two latter are at the pres- ent time the senior and internes On the whole hospital day was most appropriately observed and will long be remembered by those who paiticipated in the event “HUMAN | HEARTS With all the hue and cry about the immorality of the stage, certain plays of the type of the Old Home- stcad, Shore Acres, Human Hearts, ctc., continue to grow in popular- ity. Instead of receiving adverse criticisms from the pulpit, the management of this play continu- ally receive letters from leading clergymen throughout the country praising it for its heart interest and the beautiful moral story it tells, making an evening well spent for all who sec it. The old adage that “a good man should marry none but a good woman” more truly illustrated in fiction than in Human hearts. No dra reatic author has ever given to the stage a more idyllic character than Tom Logan, a big, whole-souled son of the soil, one of “nature's own noblemen” who has fallen into the snare of a city adventur- ess and is only saved from ruin and destruction through the pray- ers of a loving mother, a little child, and the love a pure, inno- cent girl, the sweetheart of his | was listened enjoyed junior Was never Decidedly Peculiar Accident Hap- Three Men Arrested at Moravia pened Yestérday to the En- gine Drawing the Pride of the Lehigh. A decidedly peculiar accident, Yesterday Believed to Be Same Ones Who Operated in Sayre Some Weeks Ago. Three men, two of whom are be and one which may never be satis. lieved to be the sams ones who factonly explained, occurred to the circulated counterfeit coins in engine which drew the westbound Black noon Sayre some weeks ago, rested in Moravia, N Y by secret wCre ar Diamond after- The schedule time and yesterday , yesterday in the em The men 1 hotel in train left Pittston on had about service men just nicely forty vheels of ind the train ploy of the government at a Moravia just as they were about to attamed a speed of were apprehended miles an hour when the scat themselves at the There were four in the of them made good his He eluded the officers the engine reversed ining table it own the came to a stop within length So sudden that the pa violently from their Was stop onc escape it believed that he had taken a sot ith bound Lehigh V alley train, coming direction of The local police watched the trains but were unsuccessful in finding anyone sengers were thrown and it was seats, though An effort was made to start the engine the big machine move an inch. A careful but the and it was ntcessary to none were seriously injured in the Sayre but refused to inspection trouble was not get another engine to pull the disabled onc to a siding. The train reached Sayre considerably over was made found answering the description of the man wanted Yesterday afternoon Chief Walsh received a telephone communica an hour tion from the secret service men at Moravia in which the latter gave a complete description of the men under late as a result of the mishap. ‘ What caused the suddenly refuse to work 1s enzine to so a mys- arrest and it corresponds » » . as none of the train's crew ex ictiy to the men who worked off The two men came to Sayre one morn ing and went to the Wilbur House where they gave “Josh” White, the colored tery, seemed able to advance any reason several spurious coins here therefor WODDMEN PREPARING 10 INITIATE CANDIDATES porter, a decidedly bad Next Utopian imitation of a silver quarter the the barber shop where they men went to Susquehanna Degree Team Will offered Do the*Work, Which Will be Followed by a Feast what purported to be a silver hali dollar in payment for a shave. The proprictors of the shop, however, refused to take the piece and the left. A day or two after their visit several bad coins came to the surface which eventually fell into the hands of Chief Walsh. The latter notified the government of. ficials Sayre Camp, No. 11,300 Modern men America, Woodmen of is making fol the at degree team of preparations for a bane the regular meeting order Saturday evening which the® Susquehanna camp will be present The degree team will be assisted by the state deputy, and all the officers of the Susquehanna camp will also be in juct to low of next time and a secrect service from Scranton was sent to Sayre | to imitiate twelve candidates of the men. Since then the officer has been on the trail of the men it believed they have been rounded up description and is attendance In connection with the festivities on Saturday evening it is quite likely that a camp of the Royal Neighbors of America jwhich is an auxiliary to the regular ordes, will be organized The Sayre Camp of Modern — NUPTIAL EVENTS and Miss Winifred Lewis was! dence of the Catholic church, last night at 6 o'clock, the Rev. J L. Shanley officiating. The groom is time ago and has already gained a large membership. ——_ ems TOWANDA YOUNC 1s the estimable daughter of Mr and Mrs. B. L. Lewis of this place Mr. and Mrs. immediately MAN'S DEMISE left for New York on a short wed- Frederick N. Betts, Respected by : y trip. All, Died Tuesday Morning Af- © P° __ Liciss ter Long Illness The death of Frederick N. Betts occurred at his home in Towanda yesterday morning after a long ill. For a number of years the deceased was an efficient clerk in the First National bank at Towan- da where he gained a large circle of friends by lus strict integrity and kindly treatment of all. Mrs. J. W. ters sister, Bishop, when the lat- Miss ness, of Tioga, Cady ent, those from out of town be ing Mrs E H, Wells, Misses and Mary Wells, Mr. and Mrs. M.| C. James and Miss Hahn of Me shoppen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laning of Towanda, Col. and Mrs Pa, the Only relatives Rev were pres by Lavina! Some years ago he became afflicted with eye trouble and had to give up his in the bank. Recently a tumor developed at the base of the brain which resulted in his death. Mr. Betts was a man of consid- position of Buffalo, William Kennedy of l. W. Wellington, ton, Mr. and Mrs. B ton of Corning, N. Y ey i fs HOUSE QUARANTINED Mr Auburn, Mr Miss Welling- WwW Welling- bndge erably more than ordinary intelli- He degree Mason and had held many offices in that Be- sides his parents he is survived by four brothers, Dr. Edward Betts of Philadelphia, W. Kirk and Paul C. of Powanda, Noble of Chicago, and gence, was a thirty second orgamzation Wilbur avenue and Mohawk street by placed occupied been - ay Smuley one sister, Miss Alice of Towanda. Jay ’ under sre CAME RESULTED IN A TIE (quarantine board of health physic 1an —— A eee NOTICE The game of foot ball between the Orioles of this place and the Towanda high school team, which was played on the latter's grounds at Towanda yesterday afternoon, resulted in a tie. The score stood Gand 6 and it was a hard fought ing of the Sayre Building and Loan evening at 7 o'clock. be loaned at 8:30 p. m. Chas. C. contest say that is was a case of| Wests Secretary. a iy, den] Smoke Peer's Straight Five, a BRADFORD COUNTY 3. 5, CONVENTION Opened Yesterday Afternoon in the M. E. Church in Sayre About fifty delegates are in at tendance at the School convention being held in the M. | church. Yesterda addresses were Sunday v afternoon sey vou want RANGE : We to sell, We have the following ranges eral delivered on teachers’ responsibility and the art of teaching. The opened at 3 scrvice conducted by Rey Wood, and a sono se Mr. Carey, Rev. ] an account evening ses After devotional MB rvice led by N. Martyn of other ion nc have them gave conventions in stock Sterling, Dockash, Happy Thought and Garland Steel Ranges, i —— BOLICH BROS". HARDWARE Miss Ermina Lincoln. state work ‘Sunday School Pos This CXCICIsesS wore r, spoke on sib ii tional W. H reports morning devo- led by Rev. the Were after which from various fields D. Fred Pomeroy Troy gave an account of the work lone Bradford by the Ww Landes de Sawtelle, received of in county state worker. G work. will be an address on “The ment This evening there Prob lem of the Young Man, and Evan Desmond St. Efforts, the Greatest Need of the Sunday school. school. ITs JUNIOR NURSES ENTERTAIN SIMPLY | THIS Health and hap- piness arewhat you most desire in life “XPT and you can't enjoy, the either fully in royal manner in w hic h they lwere house which does 8 treated not contain an up- to-date bath-room. Now we do Plum- bing and do it well. If you engage us gelistic The the graduating class umor nurses entertained at in lunch fol the night Pres I'he lowing the exercises last class church of the ves as deh ghted bytenan members themsels with — HOSPITAL NOTES Albert Havens of East Smith- to fit up a bath-' $54 field was admitted this morning z room for you there's! & Mrs es Pepper of Leroy E Irs. James Pepper of Leroy, only one thing that Mrs. Laura Benjamin of Durell { : you'll be sorry for I i - . and Miss aon Decker of Hon and that is, that! rocton underwent operations at the you didn't have it forenoon. done sooner. JOIN THE Plumbing, Heating and Tinnig H. R. TALMADGE, Both "Phones. Elmer | Legion. Fifteen years of business has proven { to us we can do all we Siaie. Assets August 1, 1805, & DRS. WILLIAMS & LEWIS DENTISTS Teeth Extracted Withe — Pain. E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. Vitalized Air 112 Desmond 6¢. Our prices are the lo Both Phones. workmanship and mas ANNOUNCEMENT terials considered. 2,115,000, Pays $15.00 per week for sickness oracci- dent, $100 for loss of limb or eye, £5.00 to $800 at death. Cash dividends each five years, Costs £2.00 to $4.00 per month. sin m— Hours: §:30 to 1%; 1 to 5:30; 7 to Oppoaite Big Store, corner Kilmer oar Bt. Sayre, Pa. LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE One Night Only p! eased to sce all the old patrons i "WEDNESDAY | OCTOBER We shall endeavor to keep a full line of books, station ry, novelties, toys, games, periodicals, daily pa and a full line of souvenir postal cards. Call and get acquainted; we as you courteous treatment and | fair de lor: P. J. Wenex, Veber's Stationery Store, ity The undersigned having pur chased the entire stock of Books stationery, etc, of Geo. A Loop, to announce that he will continue the business at the same where he will be SAMUEL LEWIS OFFERS MARY EMERSON Iu a Magnificent Production pers, 126 l.oc khart St. Sayre, Pa “Will 0 The FRED J. TAYLOR | KE Massive scenic Investuolap If you haven't az tire Four Acts. Suppo | by a Clever Co Selected Plan. 25, 35, 50 and 75¢ \dvance saleat W, U. Tel Waverly. Y * ANDREW. EVA 0 : Has oped & real e real estate lecting office in Room 2, REAL BS TAT E{Buing Sem Ma E home and want one, L or if you have one vou to get rid of, PRICES call, write or 'phone| K If I haven't] want I'll] try and find it for | you, Taylor, | what you Y