The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 25, 1905, Image 2
75¢ Yard Separate Skirts for Autumn The new equipment is here. Styles and prices just would wish. Prices range from $2.98 up to $10.00. as you Prices are $1 News for Carpet Buyers Ready for you in the Carpet Department. vets 89¢ yard. & For women New Kid Gloves .00, $1.25, $1.50. $1.75 pair. and men and children, in all grades, prices They grow in variety and THE NATIONAL® BANK OF SAYRE. Capital $50,000.00 Surplus - $12,000.00 Personal and Local Mention WwW alc h tomorrow. for Kaufman's big ad] .re reine Prentice Shepard iad a busi- ness trip to Elmira yesterday. Mrs Harvey ( guest of friends in New York. - We solicit your Banking busi- peas, and will pay you three per gent. interest per annum for money Jef bn Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account. The department of saviegs is a special feature of this Bank, and sll deposits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of intevest. M. NH. SAWTELLE, Cashier. Bruster 1s the Evans ale Carmody's street, Waverly now on draught at 309 Broad | tieod Senate, a school 1a Stone's hall son Friday evening Mrs. H. her sister, Mrs. WG. Montgomery of Saratogs, for a few days. Men's white handler: hiefs at 2c | each at Kaufman's mammoth Sayre The Valley Record ee J. H MURRELLE, Publisher. W. T. CAREY, Editor | saic, 10 a.m. opeRing Thursday Published every afternoon except Sun- tay at Marrelle’s Printing Office, Bayre, Miss Margaret Dwyer and Geo. | Subaatiption, $3.00 per year; 26 cents Andrews of Canton are guests of | Miss Anna Voorhis, Loder street. | Mrs F night A A. Sawyer | New Entered as seco a8 second-class matter May Mr. and at the Jpvsteltioe at Sayre, Pa, rcturned Ast of Congress of March 3, York a stay of several months abroad James P. Falsey, James Mack | Al the n news that s fit to print” and others went to Hornellsville | yesterday to attend a meeting of the Knights of Columbus at which (the third degree was to be worked. last from Mrs. Sawyer 1s WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1906. WALKED ACROSS CONTINENT. men's shamrock linen hemstitched handkerchiefs, sell the vk fron At Kaufman's bad | mammoth sale opening Thursday, self Lurg Alfred Decardo. In bespals For i JO dos Sweetheart, Tried Suicide NEW YOUR Out eardo, who walked to New San Frapeisco to see the hoped to marry. Ur by Jumping from the -—t Vifrasd ¥ kili 1 Wil world over at 23c. usd to 9:30 am, at Sayre, 3 for 25¢ while ; they last + A policeman =aw him club from the m—— foul passage to the and| Congressman Mial E eachied Bim in tine to grab Lis fool | : ado sald that on his srnival bere | Representative he had found that the girl he loved | WEIC bad returned to italy a few days be “fore He was without funds or [riends god the Mashattan police found bim asleep bear u bonfire at the Delancey | nia statesmen off at Waverly. street entrance fo the Willlamsburg hiridge. outer ia Lilley and T.: Hoyt late returning from Elmira made a special stop to let the Pennsylva- louis ‘last evening. Ene train 6 lence the was arraigned in v court | South Waverly Woman-Grabber Ald 8 magistrate sent him to Belle Waverly— Residents of South Liokpital, ax doctors said Le was suf feribg from buinger le was discharg od Troma fhe hospital just before be at tempted to jump from the brodge He eouhd give fio intelli ait anpt of Lis aetions and was remomted for furl her LryIng to work his crazy Exswination that The frequently chased suspicious char- The exports of olive oil from Al acters that the getia during 1904 were 2150 tons ai |ocal police have not been given Balss: 53 I a I complaint and have no authority _ 07 previous seasons. ia South Waverly the ral ue the Ene alleged tracks are ta'king of an woman-grabber who is tactics In vicinity officers have Algerian Olive Oil in locality, but for Newest Furniture, Largest As- ~ sortment and Lowest Prices WILL TAKE MATTER Will Ask Railroad | Officials to Stop Train 6 at | that Place. Warverly—One | Waverlites of the matters advisement of the Business Men's association another effort to take up with the Erie railroad company the matter of allowing train to every night | under local is stop here the knows better than patrons how to conduct its * Undoubtedly company its own any of { business, but to an ordinary ob- when the | train used to stop here server of business big regular, it | woul Id that at least nothing could be lost “ay, No. 6 does stop here any signal, and the o be given about five mights in [every week. TROLLEY MATTERS AT A STANDSTILL | Railroad Commission Met Yes on signal has day but Immediately Ad journed Waverly—Representatives from both the traction companies turned from re the railroad commus- sioners hearing yesterday, and all The W. S & A because the whole were people matter has been postponed again for thirty days, which means prob ably until the Che- mung Valley people smiled because while they did not make any head- way neither did their competitors The adjournment was taken at the instance of the Erie railroad repre- smiling smiled next spring sentatives whose attorneys not yet made their case ready to be | put before the commission Only two of the five members of the state railroad commission were present, lion. Colonel Dunn of Binghamton and Hon Frank Baker | of went from here w Owege. Among E Simon Zausmer, Supt. Case, J. H Murray, and Att'y F. EE Hawkes, ere I Meeting Postponed Waverly —The special ofthe N.P L postponed from Saturday of local members is week to next week Thursday, Nov. | which | the public payoff of several charter! » This 1s the mecting at | members 1s to be made RE advertisers will confer a i i : i Our Barely Missed Being Hit With a Plank Which Crashed Through Passenger Coach Window. Waverly — Jarred from a passing freight train a big plank smashed through a window of one the passenger coaches on Erie train 2 yesterday and John H. Murray of this place had a narrow from what would without been a fatal injury Accompanied by his little son, Mr. Murray had been to Elmira and was sitting in the car all un conscious of his perl, when he and the other passengers were startled by the crash fall way. of escape doubt and saw the plank No one was injured The heavy one. in any train was an extra sf ———————— PERSONAL MENTION Simon Gliisr we was in Ulster this forenoon on business. >re Miss friends in Scranton Amz Voegel 1s visiting and Hazelton pe Col. J] Norton : . Buffalo are the guests of friends in of and family Sayre The Rev. |. FF. Warner attended the Ministerial Association meet- ing at Rome yesterd: 1y Weller and two South Wil- spent yesterday at Ithaca. Mrs daughters of No Bernard 108 bur, a E—— Mrs. R. A. Holcomb has return ed after having been away pur- chasing new goods for her store ———— Herman Jenkins, of Kasper's to Pittston this "morning for a short visit with his | restaurant, went Mr. and Mrs. B. FF. Catlin | returned to their home at Owego have after having spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs ence Walker of this place. ee A Mp BOYLE HELD T0 COURT | Mike Boyle was given a hearing Clar before Justice Johnson at Athens this morning on a charge of beat- He was held to the next court of quarter sessions and Ling his wife | gave bail for his appearance. anr—— an SETTLED OUT OF COURT Pell Stewart was before Justice Murray this forenoon on a charge of attempting to defraud a board- A POLITICAL STRIKE. . Russian Railway Men Demand Ree i formes—M¥Many Thousands Out. PETERSBURG At a mecting of tic, held it was dewiddedd to de on all the riviways op with Petersburg beginning tmian it iim ales ulead at the Tes epitiations to Prince Hike, fhiaisistiet if railways Count Witte of the tees of pais forrs inl pire address LI 81 Ot a SiEEI paiva here last nicht, elar erating and president cofliinit ent tq them cipanding political reforms cluding am gz then © i iviscation of conistitient fuser] i sioag fang it tn i rel; pee e=siofl un tii the return of enutations, the tithe Inciiiyd ooo sv further isons e deHvery volt sions of the situation a of of th chara! HH of [hose present inch mhber of sf srw hes i HHArY bosined by appli desl sien] a arg Ihe i midnigh: «it £ Pring : ab t Pet f where W mak viv ir toward esdesd in sihiles found bat tutist be to tHiperor fetid bir y Count Witte, wh eceived] the: Le insisted] that the interview of a private character, he president of the nmitter of ministers having no right to ace tededress M Witte pa that 1 co ent assembly wsible contended that the suffrage political demands had nothing to do with the question of the railroads The count promised that liberty of meeting aud of the sild be promptly grapted aud =aid that the continued ap sprlication of martial to the rail roads wis due to a misunderstanding He declared I reasonable thd promised to nfer with Pi Hikofl as to the Lest 1ealis of J tier with the rail (quest; At the sae tin the deputation to end Lis tinds of the wen is Cu pt oan nifesd att istit- and other Wis quite fife ated press Wa an itd would Le that ie was fr demand fog retest i edly to erty road ou i Lie thie formsuiate advised strike and then to peace the de- Jax. + Wedding Custom. wedding in some parts of Java the Lilde as a sign of her subjection, hneel and «x feet of the bridezroom after he has trodden upon raw cas A FAULTLESS BEER [he following article appears in the United States Trade Reports, a publication devoted to financial, agricultural and mechanical inter- esis: At a ithes the There has been considerable discus- sion of the different kinds of beer sines so much attention has been given to the discussion of pure food products, ad | many are found to give bad alter-efieets. | The United States Trade Reports has al- | are of gene ral interest to its readers and we have received several letters on the market. We are asked to recom- mend the best and purest, and which leaves no bad effects after drinking, We have made a careful investigation locally, also referring the matter to our | repre sentatives in all the principal | cities. We feel justified in saying that the Leer which we find to surpass all | others in purity and cleanliness is made by the Dotterweich Brewing Co, of Olean, N.Y. The above-nawed firm stands high in the commercial world, and i¥ well known for its business tact and enterprise, as well as for its integrity, This beer serves as a tonic as well as a beverage. | We have no interest in making this com- mendation, except tw give credit where credit is due, as has always been our | policy, and we bave not the slightest | hesitancy in recommending this beer to! our readers. We advise all patrons to call for this beer, especially for invalids | and those of impaired health, It has been a custom of this paper to formation on any desired subject free of | In buying a piece of china at an art store you pay a| good price for the china and | an additional sum for the “art.” At the Racket Store in the article. We buy in large quantities and are satistied with sell- ing at the usual low Racket Store prices. Then China is one of the principal departments our business, and our large stock affords greater oppor- tunities for selection than is the case where china is only an inconsiderable side line. cc — Real Japanese Ware We have just put on dis- play a consignment of fine Japanese ware which is par- ticularly handsome in shape and decoration. The Chocolate pots in col- ored enamels and gold that we have marked at $2.50 would bring $1.00 at most stores. There are pin trays as low as 19c. Bonbon dishes, hair receivers, salts and peppers, mustard pots, vases, cream pitchers, ete., 25¢ to 50c¢ and up. You will find in this line a hundred or more sugges- tions for a dainty gift. Austrian and Bavarian Hand Painted China An extensive line show- ing the latest fancy in the large fruit and flower de- signs at the usual low Rack- et store prices. Gregg’s Racket Store Cor, Broad St. and Park Ave, Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rectum, Hours 7tofam,1t08,7t8p. m. OFFICE SAMUELS BLOCK. Valley Telephone 37x. 128 Lockhart St. Office, Rooms 2 and 4 Talmadge Building, Elmer Ave. Valley Phone at office and residence. A.J.GREEN CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. in the Valley Gall on GRAF & CO, great favor if they will hand in ing house keeper. Mrs. Mary copy for changes in advertisements Brown was the complaintant but not later than 6 p. m. on the day the matter was settled out of court. 15 | |appear. We find. it difficult to give later changes proper attention! } : Quickest Route to Chicago, 17. D. S. Andrus or hestya ane | Hours from. Sayre | Thursday evening, October 26 at Chicagast 8 o o'slock toon JOIN fers Tickets 50 cents, ing. In aL { before the changed form to sain ems Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive 'the West Sayre Pharmacy hall. Thi So yi Lon - via nv fase Sore i i your news items to ter of inquiry addressed to this office, per of ita class, and no other publication could afford to maintain such a large staff of experienced editors to oy these investigations, and depend solely { upon its subscription list for support. We are certain that all dealings which our readers may have with this firm will prove mutually beneficial and profitable, isa pleasure to us to give this firm lour editorial recommendation, and, at | the same time, to supply our readers with reliable information on such un important subject as this, Re 4 oe hing ban ln { { | Athens, Sayre 107 Steadman Bt, Rayre. Pa. Orchestra. ERR C. J. Kiron, SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. Especial care and prompt at- tention given to moving of | Pianos, Household Goods, Safes ote, Ready for Business Having refitted the billiard, pool and lunch rboms recently leased of F. 8. Wol- cott, | am now prepared to serve all cus- tomers in a satisfactory manner. My specialty is quick lunches of all kinds. Your patronage solicited. Oysters and clams in season. Try a cup of our new coffee, 8. BUTLER, Op. First Nat'l Bank, Broad St, 107-1m Waverly, A. H. MURRAY, M.D. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and the Pro) er Fitting of Glass- es. Hours—912; 1 ws Sandays by appointment. Office, Whee lock Block. H. H. Mercereau, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Special attention to Pension Papers. Valley Phone 11 X. 112 Desmond Street, WANT 103 Rates : ~Wanted, Lost, Found, Bot For Bale, etc. § cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid In advance subscribers. Wanted. a VanDuyn & Hawkins dining rood, Deamond street, Sayre. 143 ¢ Ww anted-25 girls at “once. Call at Call at Kaafman's this evening from 7 to 8:30. A competent girl to ao gendral house work. Must go to Oneonta, N. Y. Ap- ply to C. T. Hall, Athens. Notice. The Record, has the best Lease ever printed in He louse also Vest et and Desk Books; and a varlety of Clink for Justices and Constables. For Sale. A pew Smith Premier T bargain. Call at Record Two parlor stoves in good repalr, cheap, at Kepler's gas supply store, Broad street, Waverly. 13488 For Sale or Exchange. Double barrel 12 hammer shot- u in perfect condition for sale cheap or cash, or will trade for a good bieyele. Write what you have to offer to terats For Rent Two houses for rent, including water and toilet rooms in pes month. 1 . H. A. thing Store, Cards For Sale. 's 108-¢ following card signs: For Rent For Sale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Furnished Rooms Orchestra The Queen City Orchestra, of experienced musicians, and all the latest music, is pi to nish any number of instruments balls, parties or entertal reasonable. ny 4