The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 24, 1905, Image 2
75¢c Yard Separate Skirts for Autumn The new equipment is here. Styles and prices just as you would wish. Prices range from $2.98 up to $10.00. News for Carpet Buyers Ready for you in the Carpet Department vets 89c yard. - Handsome Vel- For women New Kid Gloves Winter Underwear and men and children, in Black gownings are staple. beauty each seasoh. all grades, prices from 45c pair up ‘ They grow in variety and ELEGANT SHOWING OF LONG COATS. WAVERLY. Personal and Loca) Mention ‘WHAT SPORT Watch ex WROTE THIS LETTER? tomorrow Waverly THE NATIONAL BANK OF SAYRE. Capital Surplus - for Kaufman's $50,000.00 $12,000.00 ore draught at| Some would-be sell- Broad | advertisers in the ba tfeod the [owner's name to not be For scveral days Evans ale now Senate, street, Waver | y on Carmody ’s 30G cball busine We solicit your Banking busi- ness, and will pay you three per oent. interest per annum for money _ Joft on ,Qertificate of Deposit or . Bavings Account. The department of savings is a special feature of this Bank, and all depchits, whether large or small, draw the same rate of interest. BOW. SAWTELLE, Cashier. | evidently ild usec iP. W white handkerchiefs at 2c | each at Kaufman's mammoth Sayre sale ught they cot ee good ad Men's vantage and called fort comment has opening Thursday 30 a. m. | | been made here upon a letter that appeared in the Philadelphia Sport ng Times The letter | been written by Mr re - Miss and the All who saw Emerson in “His Majesty Maid’ learn with pleasure of her return will to have owner wrportings t > tates to the looms in a new play whainid there ars enough ball players start a nunor leao ore around here to uc at Kauf-| open. | other a Knee pants a parr man’s mammoth Sayre sale ing at § 3 , Thursday. The Valley Record Manoes Locee } OC QO. F. 3. H. MURRELLE, Publisher. hold a regular Tears W. T. CAREY, Editor. lodge rooms tonight, a R. Macadam, Newton entertainment bureau, will former base present a proposition for the con- sideration of the brethren 1 )C vase ball team, and also contun sertions which are so to rid ia m {culous as cause smiles from will [everyone who has read it at their | which A.|ing the! nication Towner denies wntin or siva his name to any such cc He » ball team he dnmu ons every afternoon except Sun- day at Murrelle’s Printing Office, Sayre, "Buteeription, $2.00 per year; 25 cents per month, Advertising rates reasonable, and made known ou application. a if Entered as second-class matter ‘May st the postoffice at Sayre, Pa, Ast of Congress of March 3, y or of Bins was manager a Black satin shirts at 2 | Kaufman : fopening Thursday at Go to mammoth Sayre sale » Dr cated fleece lined men's 1000 doz medi- am Kroskey's shirts and | «rere eres drawers at 2c at Kaufman's mam | Old Folks Special Service Thurs-| Waverly—Dr. M Godshall | will pre special old people next Sunday morning at the First M 1 The club, ever cager to help in every bo moth Sayre sal day at ¢, opemng 0am ach a serman te sre “All the news that s fit to print’ Conferred Past Master Degree TURSDAY, OCTOBER 21. church Sunshine Waverly—At a mecting of Cay- uta Chapter, N» 2435, Roya! Arch Masons, held at Mason'c hall the N P. I. Temple last evening the Past Masters degree was cons ferred 50 de men's —— hemstitched handkerchiefs world over at 23 1906. “HUNAN | HEARTS” Good plays, like good wine, im- prove with age. This is certainly true of that marvelously successful melodrama, “Human Hearts” which Manager Nankewille offers for the'tenth year. The company to be seen in the play this season, comprises all of last year's favorites, and wherever a part could be im- ‘proved upon, the change has been made, and it is pronused that pever before his this beautiful play been so well presented. “Hu _ man Hearts” gives a pure, whole ON lesson that touches the heart- strings in the pathetic scenes and excites the risibilities in the humor- ous ones The pathos and comedy choir and are so well blended that the aud | = jence is in tears one moment and convulsed with laughter the next The scenic equipment will be per- fect in every detail, so it is sad, and the management _has done possible to insure a responded to by the intelligent first class performance Africans good work, are arranging to pro- those to walk to the - in| vide conveyances for who are unable church linen sell the At Kaufman's mammoth sale opening Thursday, 9:30am, they last shamrock 100 doz. ladies ported hand- kerchiefs, regular price 35 and 35 cent quality, for Thursday only the handkerchiefs G:30 to 10:30 g cts each, 5” -y, : for 23¢ while at bdayre, from ad am, will go at than 2 to one person Remember, none sold before or after the stated ume, at Kaufman's Mammoth Sale, Sayre No more Rummage Sale Waverly —The ladies church have succeeded packing full of vacated the The goods, which are of all descriptions, are to be sold at a rummage The and lasts of Grace above in almost the Leo goods store First Number Was Pleasing Waverly—Those who attended the first of the Twentieth Century entertainment series last cvening were well repaid. The Kaffir Boys the special their program m recently by clothier sale sale begins the tomorrow through week WATER MAIN BROKE features of ade up an attrr tion at once unique, instructive and interesting Fach number was loudly ap plauded and several encores were dig Gang of Men Under Supt. Loet- . zer Work Nearly All Night For Newest Furniture, Largest As woo nou sortment and Lowest Prices a in the Valley Gall on The sinin broke sta aint where fit crosses the Lehigh Valley . GRAF & CO. | The Sayre Water company had | [1ts troubles | caused by a break yesterday in onc | sewer and for some hours the, | water pressure on the east side of dimin- A gang of men under the | direction of Supt Loetzer imme the tracks was perceptibly {ished | diately went to work to repair the {main which had been broken in three places. The work was not, completed until an carly hour this | morning, the men having worked nearly all night. Today the ‘mains fun OPERATIONS TODAY § Sayre's New Industry Promises | to Revolutionize This Partic ular Business I'he plant of the Federal Granite Bric k Co road leading from Milltown to the state line , which is located on the ferry, was put in active this It a maryel of the brickmaking industry operation morning 15 and bids fair to revolutionize the business The bricks are made of lime and and those being made today are 6 parts hime and 4 parts sand This proportion varies according to the color or quality desired On the third day after the ma- terial 1s brought into the factory it is ready for use in construction work. The entire plant is equipped with a system of conveyors and so that the matenal 1s The and thor th2n conveyed belt to a stones elevators, handled only by machinery ind 1s placed in a bin oughly dried; 1t 1s on a large concave hopper where all fine are sifted ime in the desired proportion, and out, it is then mixed with passes on a conveyor to a large revolving cylinder containufg very the These stones The sand and lime is thoroughly ground hard spherical stones about size of a goose cg are imported from Germany together in the cylinder and con veyed from it to a water mixer, and after being thoroughly mixed it is raised by an clvator and dumped into a large bin where it remains a to the slack It 1s then conyeyed to the machine This puts a pressure of 40 tons upon day allow lime to that presses it into brick cach brick and was turning them out at the rate of 16,800 a day. The plant has a capacity of 22,000 brick a day. The brick are piled on small cars and run into a large cylinder 6 feet in diameter and 77 fect The cylinder holds 24,000 and when filled is closed air tight and steam pressure of 125 This 300 degrees and long pounds is turned into it, ¢ives a temperature of and melts the sand lime together, giving it the consistency of When the cylinder the brick are ready for use The industry will require 25 men after it is in full operation. rt A Ae WAS A GRAND SALE A. Kaufman has been com- stone taken from sale for two the stock land re mark the same. The sale which he has been conducting for he past nine days is one of the grandest ever held in this part of ‘the country. Owing to the big crowd thousands of people were pelled to close his days in order to arrange compelled to go away without There is still a $25,000 stock to be disposed of and the sale will reopen Thursday atg loa m, being waited upon. Break up Your Cold And cure your Cough with Bauer's ine Tablets. Guaranteed PERSONAL MENTION Forerunners of witEuure yee oc CriStmas wedding of friends ws A em — Justice Jno. R. Murray has been at an art store you good price for the china and an additional sum for the “art.” At the Racket Store you get your money's worth in the article. The reason: We buy in large quantities and are satisfied with sell- ing at the usual low Racket Store prices. Then China is one of the principal departments of our business, and our large stock affords greater oppor- tunities for selection than is the case where china is only an inconsiderable side line. several days. Heis suffering from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor of Oxford, N. Y, arc the guests of Mrs.”A L of North Elmer avenue. his sister, Frank A ——— Frank Davidson ol New Albany has been sentenced in the United States Court at Scranton to three years in the penitentiary, having been convicted of counterfeiting et Ps G. R Belord of Wilkesbarre, B. T. Dewey of New York City and A. R. all of the Farmers’ Dairy Despatch, are mak ing a tour of inspection of the var- Adams, officers er —————————— Real Japanese Ware We have just put on dis- play a consignment of fine Japanese ware which is par- ticularly handsome in shape and decoration The Chocolate pots in col- ored enamels and gold that we have marked at $2.50 would bring $31.00 at most stores. Thereare pin trays as low as 19c. Bonbon dishes, hair receivers, salts and peppers, mustard pots, vases, cream pitchers, ete., 20¢ to 50c and up. You will find in this line a hundred or more sugges- tions for a dainty gift. ————— ————— Austrian and Bavarian Hand Painted China An extensive line show- ing the latest fancy in the large fruit. and flower de- signs at the usual low Rack- et store prices. Gregg’s Racket Store Waverly, Cor. Broad St. and Park Ave, ious plants of the company —— The Envy of all Women. What woman or girl does not ad- mire a beautiful, rose-tinted complex- jon. One cannot possess it If the blood is impure or weak, if the bow- els are constipated, If the liver and kidneys are out of order If you would try Dr. Rand's Celery Remedy, the great herb medicine, you would not not only possess a beautiful com- plexion but also perfect health. Trt al size free, large packages 25 and 00 cents. H. L. Glllesple and Child, Waltman & Young, Sayre. Quickest Route to Chicago, 17 Hours from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn- ing. In time for connections for west- ern points. This is via Lehigh Valley, Michigan Central or Lake Shore Rail- roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth from Buffalo. Best services and equipment— finest roadbed —unexcelled dining cars, Advertised Letters The following is a list of the advertis- ed letters remaining in the Sayre post office for the week ending Oct. 24, 1905. MEN. C. R Brague, Geo, Bruooski, John Fisk, Melvin Forsythe, James Hanville, Ed Johnson, Orville Kittle, John J. Kenrie, J. Millon, John McPherson, John 1. My- ers, Peter Pitcher, Ned Taylor. WOMEN, Mes. Ella M. Bailey, Miss Nella Brown, Miss Ora Converse, Men. May M. Camp- bell, Mrs. George Dixon, Miss Jennie Lynch, Miss Hattie Johnson, Miss Kate Murry, Bertha A. McCarroll (2), Mrs. Emma VanCise, FOREIGN, Beneviat Juan, Ferare Joseph, Weber Mathas, If not called for within two weeks they will be forwarded to the dead let- ter office. Ask for advertised letters, giving date, and bring one cent to pay for advertising. Oct. 24, 1903 Subscribe for The Record. LOOMIS OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, OCT. 30, MR. W. E. NANKEVILLE ANNOUNCES THE NEVER CEASING SUCCESS HUMAN HEARTS An ldolized Story of Life in the Kansas Hills. J. N. Weaver, P. vl JOIN THE National Protective Legion. Fifteen years of business has proven to us we can do all we claim. Assets August 1, 1005, $2,115,000, Pays $15.00 per week for sickness oracei- dent. $100 for loss of limb or eye. $5.00 to $600 at death, (ash dividends each five yrars, Costs $2.00 to $4.00 per month. PRESENTED WITH A Superb Scenic Sensations. ANNOUNCEMENT | To the citizens of of Sayre and vicin- I ty: | The undersigned having pur- chased the entire stock of books, | stationery, etc, of Geo. A. | wishes to announce that he will ‘continue the business at the same stand, where he will be pleased to sce all the old patrons, and new ones as well, We shall endeavor to keep a full line of books, stationery, novelties, toys, games, periodicals, daily pa- pers, and a full line of souvenir postal cards. Call and get acquainted; we as- sure you courteous treatment and fair dealing. P. J. WEBER, Weber's Stationery Store, 126 Lockhart St., Sayre, Pa. A. H. MURRAY, MN. D. SPECIALTIES: Diseases of the Bye ree Noto sd Throat, and the Peg 1k es. Sy 7-8; "73; Saaduraiy by sppointment. Ofoa, WANT ADS Rates : — Wanted, Lost, Found, For Sale, ete., | cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter. None taken for less than 25 cents. Situations wanted, free to paid in advance subscribers. Wanted. Dining room girl wanted. Apply at VanDuyn & Hawkins dining rooms, 118 Desmond street, Sayre. 1421 Wanted -25 girls at once. Call at Kaufman's this evening from 7 to 8:80. Party to shine shoes and keep place In order, Steady job for right one, W. W. Shaw, A competent girl to do general house work. Must go to Oneonta, N. Y. Ap- ply to C. T. Hall, Athens. Notice. has the The Record, best House Lease ever printed in Bradford also Vest et and Desk Recel Books; and a variety of Legal for Justices and Constables. For Sale. A new Smith Premier T bargain. Call at Record Two parlor stoves in good cheap, at Kepler's gas i Broad street, Waverly, For Sale or Exchange: Double barrel 1 n in perfect tion for sale ee or cash, or will trade for a good bleyele. Write what you have to offer to For Rent Two houses for rent, including of water and toilet rooms in bo pe month. loquire H. A. Jlothing Store, Sayre, Cards For Sale. following card signs: For Rent For Bale Private Office Pleass Do Not Ask for Credit Positively No Admittance Mazvelous Mechanical a Sine EF. Morea, Dist. Manager, ” 4