The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 23, 1905, Image 3
We invite a careful inspection of our new line outside fabric, lining . and most important of all, the new concave shoulders and perfect fitling neck. The new cut she the only Frunt ever made will not break. It fits right, stays night and Wwe guarantee it to be right We can she WW YOu a k alx it our clothing that you will find in no Other make: besides, il don't ii any more than the ordinary ind. If vou have never bought Rochester Hand-Tail missed something { Maney & Page SAYRE ws 3 that i More Cost ed S it ¥OuU ve om Clothes : T ATHENS Cree Jteafel! Strauss & Conner OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL Sayre Store We have a lot at the followin Bevel edge carpen ite r W. make at 25¢ nch. SCerew 10¢ each. Machinist ¢ it 65¢ each. of standard made t ig remarkable Ss inch to 1} chisels, P Sizes | each, drivers, “Champion Style” at | allipers, inside and outside Machinist's steel rules 4 inch at 23¢ Machinist's steel rales 6 inch at 35¢ each, neh: at 10 in. size at io¢ each; 1S in Stellson pips 11 in siz it 21.00 Thess first quality, the wre Se 0c each; Size made goods and | the standard Look are all in window for | assortment, GEO. L. ROBERTS CO. 216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. | Wr If you don’t trade with us we both lose money. “wa | IST SEE WIT YOU ON GET AT $4.50 FOR 10 DAYS ONLY THE FOLLOWING: | Gold Crowns . ________$450 Bridge Work per tooth_$4 50 Gold Fillings. -$100up §| Silver Fillings ___50¢ and 75¢ $400 | ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DR. W. F. STEPHENS, DENTIST 132 Lockhart St. Over Raymond & Haupt. i When You Are Thirsty BONNIE yo reach Driggs Sols Foust, where you will ba served to Ba best of our ability, In SE ETRE C. M. Driggs We alm to J oy the Pe oasiytion Druggist. Bit to print" O( 'TOBER x] dy 00a BREVITIES Harry's Choice—unexcelled 5c cigar, made at Sayre. MONDAY, 1905. | Smoke Peer's Straight Five, a fine fragrant cigar, Mary Emerson in “The Will ‘o the Wisp” at the Loomis Wednes- day evening. Dr. A. G. Rees, formerly of Aus- tin, this state, has opened an office at No. 100 Lake street, W. Sayre, Most of us have to humor our appetites. What more can appeal to your taste ~than appetizing This is the kind we try to sell . Not cents but dollars you can save buying clothing and shoes at the going out of business sale at | H. Sattler’s 141-2 The I. C. B. A. will hold a pro gressive cuchre party in the P. O. S.of A. hall, Tuesday, Oct. 24. All are invited. By order of Pre ident. We Want Your Trade Yours Truly, C. U. INGHAM & CO. Everything in Groceries. 130-3 I —— Have you scen the new fur | out this year? It is high grade, | really next to jnink. Call in and examine our stock whether you | intend to purchase or not. Wil- liams & Sutton, Sayre E BAKER This evening at the Howard hose house, West Sayre, E. | Garpenter and Builder. Squires of Jamestown, N. Y.. will deliver an 3ddress on Socialism. This gives an opportunity to learn 17 Pleasant St. Waverly, N. Y. ownership of the instruments of EY'S HOTEL OUH | production, Mr. Squires is an ex First. | Pericnced speaker on the subject, (and an interesting - discourse is Street Commissioner Istruct- ed to Notify Property Owners to Make Repairs The Sayre borough council met n special session Saturday evening of Sawtelle bell, to roll cal for the purpose considering Ad- Hause and B. The it matters Do answered i il SMUCWAIK emy, Burns, West session was a brief one and as was called for a special to purpose ut questions pertaining sidewalks A S¥¢ Linc fcwalk was ordered laid on street between Elsbree i Key ith side of the sam Wi i in tone avenue, and street ir and Eimer avenu Tuscarora and cpted by the ordered Onondago str Were a« council +n! laid walks at the corner of street and® Wilbur avenue, CrOSs were these streets Cross Ww also ordered laid in and Cuyuga and Wilbur Several walks on South Elmer ere reported to be in bad condition by the street commu the council. actin ice of the imstructed stoner, and ng borough attorney | the committee on streets {to see that repairs were made a The street committee was all prop walks repair the erty owners whose were in condition to same { before winter sets in Councilman Burns called the to b ard of that the make a onth j attents of the council matters and said board of health should report to the council each m ired to make a complete This ol money dis- only once a year statement money received and bursed and also a report of the infec- tious diseases that have been re- to the the Councilman Burns was of f contagious and secretary of pinion that a monthly report mecet- had been called for a ing special The until the meeting take action, then adjourned date no council regular for month THREW WRONC SWITCH: CAUSED WRECK Westbound Yards Scene of a Col- lision Early This Morning A mistake in throwing a switch caused an next wreck in the westbound Lehigh Valley yards at a few minutes past seven o'clock this morning. A westbound freight train had pulled into the yards and stopped about one hundred yards west of the footbridge. A switch shifting cars pushed a string of heavy coal cars the caboose of the freight I'he immediately cxpensive engine engaged in into and the car of 1t cars of coal derailed badly dam- train caboose ahead thrown on top of were two and a coal car was also cars aged and the pied several hours in clearing the yreekoge were wrecking crew occu- away. ———— " CRESTON CLARKE IN TAR- * HINGTON'S “BEAUCAIRE An unusually pure and sweet atmosphere pervades “Beaucaire,” the Booth Tarkington comedy romance, in which Creston Clarke appeared to such advantage all of last year and in which he is this scason again his right to be classed as among Amer leading Mr demonstrating ca’s star actors established among our theatre pa trons, will, without a doubt, find an unusually hearty welcome Nov. 4, at the Loomis, not only for him: sell but also for the entrancing, Paul Brunette Taken to Hospital Suffering From Serious Injur- ies Received in a Melee at Milltown Late This Afternoon Paul an Itahan, was taken to the hospital late this af- ternoon Brunette, suffering from injuries fight In Accord. information there which he received m a Milltown this afternoon to vas general me ing meagre lee in which sever- al Italians were en aged and Brunette received a severe beating with a club It his 15 stated in that may men, authoritatively INnes fatal who ch; i cated in the Are serious nd Tw } men + Italian with be ng prose and we 1" » iii of inder arrest, mpli- altar CE — en SAYRE YOUNG MAN ARRESTED AT ELMIRA Charged by the Authorities Jn That City With Burglary in the Third Degree This wef Walsh ceived a telephone com City Detective Elmira saying that Howard Ferns of this place of residence with freight car, morning Ch nication from Gradwell of and two young men, Athens h id be <n one them claiming as arrested iis charged breaking into a that three the car, to effect It appears men were caught inside having broken the seal They headquarters and a of burglary in the in to = hargpe entrance were taken I lice el Li urd degree was entered opposite their names on the docket. It w they had taken any- nol I learned that lice court not Aas thing that was in the car that Ferris wanted his father to come to Elmira to assist him in getting out of the Ferris, be remembered, the man who recently attempted suicide at his parents’ home in Sayre. He had been on debauch and coming home in the carly part Officer Gradwell also said scrape. it wall is young an extended of the evening, secured possession of a poisonous mixture which he drank the presence mother and before she vent him. Heroic pat of Dr. H. I, his life in of his could pre work on the Towner saved >oo- GRADUATING EXERCISES TOMORROW NIGHT Hospital Day at the Presbyter- ||ian Church Will be Observed With Appropriate Program Tomorrow evening Hospital Day will be observed with appro- priate exercises which will be held in the Presbyterian church. There are five nurses to graduate this year and invitation extended to the public to attend Formal a cordial 1s invitations have been is- sucd only to the trustees and other persons intimately connected An apj ate program has been prepared, with the hospital work. ropri and it is sincerely hoped that the exercises will be honored with the presence of a large crowd. RAILWAY COMMISION T0 HOLD MEETING Traction Company Matters Will Be Up For Discussion Again Tomorrow The New York State Railway Commission will meet at Flmira tomorrow morning at ; o'clock to further consider the application ot the Chemung Valley Traction com- pany for a franchise to build and operate an clectric line between Elmira and Waverly. The Com- mission has had several meetings at which a large amount of evi- come is awaited with interest. Officer Sisson Alleged to Have Caught Man Red Handed and Placed Him Under Arrest Weed Miller hearing before will be given a Gay this o'clock on a charge of of which had fallen from the cars at D Co's Bradford street. Miller ed by Officer D. J. Sisson latter that he ca act of Justice evening at 7 having taken a quantity coal Cleary & coal yard on and the ight the fwWay a FE dic £CS man in the taking of the black When broug for to diamond tht befor rnment Miller offer fed ten juantity a pail istice in Arraig wanted settle and to have the matter « M: settle iry, howeve ind says that cute nth the siderable s of ar the yard During the past m st coal company has | coal by the thieving propensitie nes who In is the a stop to it by certam « and 1t intention of the firm to put making a vigorous prosecution In Cvery case whe It is W LOM PAID THE USUAL PRICE Notwithstanding He re evidence of gui obtain Protested His Innocence When Arraign ed on Intoxication Charge MclLoan before Justice Gay yesterday morn ng harged with James was arraigned drunkeness and MclLoan, wh is found on the street evening in a drunken Chief Walsh took him to the lockup where he spent the night he tested paying the fine of 81 and costs on the grounds disorderly conduct 1s a laborer, w Saturd \y condition When arraigned pr against usuai that he had not even tasted liquor The evidence of the officer did 1a the latter paid the fine and CONG OT OF BUSINES Wil ginning Monday, October 2: ell out all stock regardless I. Fro: 10; Lockhart Street —————— cost to close out. 141 3 Hours from Sayre Leave Sayre this afternoon and arrive at Chicago at § o'clock tomorrow morn ing. In time for connections for west- “ro points This is via Lehigh Valley, Michigan Central or Lake Shore Rail roads. Sleeper $3.00 double berth fro Buffalo, Best services and equipment finest roadbed Mibed —uoeloelle sd dining cars ANNOUNCEMENT ity The undersigned having pur- chased the entire stock of bo. Ks, stationery, etc, of Geo. A. wishes to announce that continue the business at the same stand, where he will be see all the patrons, ones as well _ We shal] endeavor to keep a full | line of books, stationery, novelties, Loop, ple ised to old and new pers, and a full of s postal cards Call and get acquainted, we as sure you courteous treatment and fair dealing. P. J. Weilek, Weber's Stationery Store, 126 Lockhart St, Sayre, JOIN THE line venir Legion. Fifteen years of business has proven to us we can do all we claim. Assets August 1, 1005, $2,115,000, Pays £15.00 per week for sickness or acel dent. £100 for loss of limb or eye, £35.00 to $600 at death, Cash dividends cach five years Costs £2.00 to $4.00 per month. E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. | Sayre, Pa. 113 Desmond 8%. Hoth Phones. “IForerunners of Christmas In buying a piece of china at an art store you pay a good price for the china and an additional sum for the “art.” At the Racket Store you get your money's worth in the article. The reason We buy in “large roma and are satisfied with sell ine at the usual low Racket Store prices. Then China is one of the principal departments of our business, and our large stock affords greatér oppor- tunities for selection than is the case where china is only an inconsiderable side line, Real Japanese Ware We have just put on dis- Dk iv a consignment of fine Japanese ware which is par- ticularly handsome in shape and decoration. The Chocolate pots in col- ored enamels and gold that we have marked at £2.50 would bring S100 at most stores. There are pin trays low as 19c. Bonbon dishes, hair receivers, salts and peppers, mustard pots, vases, cream pitchers, ete, 25¢ to 50c and up. Yon will find in this line a hundred or more sugges- tions for a dainty gift. as Austrian and Bavarian Hand Painted China An extensive line show- ing the latest fancy in the large fruit and flower de- signs at the usual low Rack- et store prices, bregq’s Racket Store Waverly, Cor Ave, RED Broad St. and Park J. TAYLOR E A L i ai If home and want you haven't one, | lor if you have one you want to get rid of, call, write or Taylor. ‘phone | If I haven't I'll for] want it; what you try and find you, AL ESTATE A FAULTLESS BEER [he following article appears in I'rade Reports, cation devoted to financial, agricultural and mechanical inter “t tS. a publ There has been considerable sion of the diferent Kiuds of beer sine nuch attention has been given to the ission of pure food products, and many are found to give bad aftereffects The United States Trade 1 16 ports has al ive fearlessly discussed such te of general interest its readers we have received several letters oncerning the different Kinds of beer n the market, We are asked to recom nd the best and purest, and which leaves no bad effects after drinking. We have made a carefal investigation locally, algo referring the matter to our vpresentatives in all the prineipa ities, We feel jostified in sayviog that the beer which we find to surpass all thers in purity and cleanliness is made Ly the Dotterweich Brewing Co, of 0, N. Y. Fhe above-named flrm stands comuinerelal world, and is well kpow isiness tact and enterprise, for integrity This beer 8 a tone as well as a beverage We have no interest in making this wndation, except w wher redit is due, as has alwavs been oar policy, and have not the ghtest hesitancy in recommending this beer to readers. We advise all patrons t ul for this beer, especially for invalids iid those of impaired health It has been a custom of this paper to discus % dis Wics as ir to Oe Hugh thie forts b Ss vi as i= ROTVEOR ive credit we st our formation on any desired subject free of charge, that they may designate by let ter of inquiry addressed to this offlec The United States Trade Re ports has largest circulation of any trade pa ind no other publication mld afford to maintain sach a large stall of experienced editors make these investigations, and depend solely pon its subscription list for sapport We are cerfain that all dealings which ur readers may have with this firm will prove mutually beneficial and profitable {It is a pleasare to us to gi this firm {our editorial recommendation, and, at {the same time, to supply onr readers { with reliable information on such an | important subject as this, For sale at the leading bars in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. E. A. WILBER, perof its class to ye You a first-class RANGE We have them want We have the following ranges to sell, in stock Sterling, Dockash, Happy Thought and Garland Steel Ranges, BOLICH BROS’ HARDWARE Desmond St ITS SIMPLY THIS Health and hap- i piness are what you | most desire in life J ~k and you can't e nor 8 either fully in which PRY: not contain an up-} to-date bath-room ; Now we do Plum- "== bing and do it well. house If you engage us to fit up a bath room for you there's only one thing that you'll be sorry for and that is, that you didn’t have it! done sooner. CRRA TITY 0 Plumbing, Heating and Tioning H. R. TALMADGE, Both "Phones. Elmer Ava. i DRS. WILLIAMS & LEWIS DENTISTS Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Vitalized Air Our prices are the lowe: workmanship and ma- terials considered. Hours: 8:30t0123; 1to 5:80; Tto8 Opposite Big Store, corner Kilmer and on Bo St, Sayre, PO 2 LOONIS OPERA HO One Night Only WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2, LEWIS OFFERS MARY EMERSON *, 1 Magnificent Production “Will "The Wisp? sn SAMUEL In M Scenic Investure for the E tire Four Acts. Supported by a Clever Company of Selected Players s——— PRICES-25, 35, 50 and 70e. at Ww, U. Tel. 1 Hi y Ww averly. ANDREW W EVART Has opened a real pp ISSIVe sale Advance