3 . RB > [ REESER, KESSLER WIELAND CO. SAYRE, PA. WE FILL MAIL OR- DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX- PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF $5.00 OR OVER. we have Biven the prople has bro and every month. We work give them the best [or the least 8 possible. aght us constantly with our castomers Their interest ney, Lo make ir dealiogs here It ix your appreciation We find it pays. a basiness that has grown every The sérviee We strive at all times to We give * ~~ / an au co ot pe Hit So oF it $1 be ad wi AMERICAN BEAUTY Style 733 Corset Co. Sole Makars to Smart models in draped hats ONE WHER ONLY sid Heatries We ple ase] pounce Mis Fe A to i third under prices, Out of eX 1AZ00 Corset | f Lhe famed ret who will In at r store daring th ikers dtas YOArs= 50, Justiy outing, at Sie, Poy S17 riod stated, We would Like very all her whto have y et u desire to purchase ind ot ear | not the You get them regular re ify £1.00 To, S200 and S20 <1 ¥ flares ais v=, AVS right sides having thes being ded advantage thot extri ex jv you. Our syndicate Bpecial Furniture Thied Floor BR with large swingiog mirror, value mirror, trimming all of heavy bra Rocking cribs with woven wire ‘value one-third more = over hand rabbed Huish, eredit store and a Ours 18 a « ative here trunks filled with Offerings $8.67 [iat ors $10.67 [1s genuine $1.67 | vos woe every dese ription time we pee #2 for aN sprigs buyer dd *il them from we rth 212 ata ny ; thats why y ™ We ho hosise fine felts or velvets and felt, soft The leading shapes are Ken- all sizes in (rom This includes the out ep- » this Prices are cement ~ ~ furs of At this wats and ar seal, r pric “y we to and OOS 8 Summer Vacation the time to Rave the child. en's bh attended to. pretty daughter may owe ich of her Rearty \ her perfect, white teeth pwill thank you <0 day for er from dishieireent and Prices for july aud Au- = gust. 80 they must be DENTIST ‘Rooma 7 and 9, Talmadge Balld- jag: Ber Avenue, Saves, The Globe Storm, Sts for The Record —