SPECIAL PRICES Outing Flannel, Calicoes . - Ginghams Night Gown Special Lace Trimmed Skirt Ladies’ Sweaters Ladies’ Wrappers Silk Petticoats Fur Scarfs, a special bargain, each Plaid Ribbons _mmmer dlc yd Sc yd 50c $1.00 $1.49 S0c $3.69 $3.50 . 2%¢ 2c yd Iron Beds Reed Rockers Oak Rockers Handsome Rockers Dining Room Tables Oak Dressers, in Solid Oak Large Parlor Rugs $9.98 7.98 5.48 2.98 up to 15.00 . 8. 79c yd 45c yd Couch Covers #5 . $2.89 1.98 2.49 - 3.50 to 25.00 7.85 to 25.00 . 10.50 . 12.50 1.00 THE NATIONAL BANK MAHLON CLARK MERCUR OF SAYRE. Capital Surplus - FUTILE FIRING FOLLOWS FUGITIVE Waverly —In a desperate attempt $50,000.00 $12,000.00 to escape the clutches of the law, a . We solicit your Banking bausi- “ness, and will pay you three per interest per annum for money om Certificate of Deposit or Bavings Account. * The department of savings is a _mpecial feature of this Bank, aud all deposits, whether large or small, araw the same rate of interest. M. N. SAWTELLE, Cashier. prisoner of Justice Hoagland's office knocking ex Senator WE i leaped through the door | , nearly John-| son down a flight of stairs, as he fled yesterday p Blanrin Broad revolver in alternoon irsucd by Ki, the street, the the a ( heer flaw Special igitive up ficer firing his r as he ran, and | SCOre The arrest of the nned in the chase cape folle strancer whose be 1 of people faring « wed the name He complaint of t with spoke it IS suppo d to O'Connor Was arrested or ho who a4 fore his The Valley Record gner to Blazin guage appears had pay and had other money to the amount of 8280 He the Christie house during the day and | story ki lan- | The drawn two mi J. H MURRELLE, Publisher, H. RB. CUNNINGHAM, City Editor Published every afternoon except Sun- ‘day at Murrelle's Printing Office, Sayre, Sabscription, $3.00 per year; 25 cents por month. Advertising rates reasonable, and made kaown on application. A Ratered as second-class matter May 10, 1905, at the postoffice at Savr=, Pa, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. sR ats a rere - “All the news that's fit to print” WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Em KING EDWARD'S C “Young Princes Consider It Gre to Oo Riding with Their Grunéys his foreigner, nths Q was about old | was advised by a friend to put the| money Ih he did. | | of deposit later in the | in a bank a cerihcate £ receiving He day was joined by some men who| ma ery A walk to the vicinity of] Hil retained and fe themselves companion- | able Spanish was sugested and 1906, the men seized kill m ney yf foreigner declare AlV-uind him, did not threatening t his certificate ter allowed] him if he give up Sce at Fun ner the new « hun to go, taking the 10 Soe ter t ’ \ | Little Prince Edward, son of the After telling bis story to Blazin- prince of Wales, has a ke the beer and skittles He often rides out with Li ; father the king, for instance, on such occasion he i: allowed seat of honor by the side of the toth Edward he is supremely happy ‘otherwise he is usually what that servant monarch has cent” One day during the summer ha smaller Edward and hi: next brother Prince Albert, were taken by the King upon & call he was making Albert bad the coveted position on the dr out, and then came the call and then the departure. but so eager was Ed ward the leiser to selze and hold a Ralf of that back seat that ittled of and down to the carriage without were reo saying a good by Of course. he was of Odd sent back to apologize Up the stairs ke rap, blurted out an “I'm sorry 1 and then with never a word as to what he was so pattering off sc down the last five steps anything but dignified or royal But the king laughed, and the Edwards rode Lome side by side for ski and securing a warrant, several il 18 places were viated, and they met a man whom the foragner positively identthed as one of the p up. Blazinski e the justice irty who ) took the ind duning Sey he!d hum man befor the examination Dr ) into Mr Hoagland act busine A Ww called hnson came s cthoee to trans s the door open d O'Conner bolted fleet and was h to reach the state line Odd Fellows Active Waverly 1 X chou ive he new members cived into Mcnoca Lodge I'ellows at their meeting ast ev y [ne Odd forward to work the Ti two Fellows are looking the PITMINEC IN upon ther Za hotcl was that in Again fel Sorry about hastily ment of a Way new purchase - Advertise in The Rerord "GRAF & CO, C ollec remark mine? play The protzssion insists on times have ent times Ice 21 he lie 4 best the best the . suc- the got r a fun quantities cflorts at present TR of Bing day kF.vans | Carmody’s stre | Eric conduc visit of South F now Senate, 4 WW h Ns draught 3x) tfeod well Mes Moore eru points roads Buflalo finest roadbed Shore Rail dining cars (losing a HE ES ES HHAY Sit Funeral Directors. Having purchased the entire business of FRENCH & KINGSBURY, Offer a 15 Per Cent Introductory Discount Sale From Thursday, Oct. 12 Until Saturday, Oct. 21. | Call and see the greatest bargains in Parlor Suits, ing Rooms Suits, Fancy Rockers, Iron Beds and yer offered in the valley. At the old stand, t and Park avenue, Waverly, N. Y. os cals tton mw CATTLE choice, 8 calves, fF. H we bas eB page= 100 13 ight: DIED AT COUNTY SEAT i Mahlon Clark Mercur died yes- Until his last which ago, Mr possession of his faculties to a re scverc liiiness, began about two weeks Mercur retained markable degree. He was one of the widely known men in this sec tion of the state and his countless | friends will be glad that his fatal without Funeral illness was short and any oreat suffering Services afternoon 1 he Oak i i proaunent | will be held on Thursday o'clock at Christ church made . at 2 interment will be in Hill cemetery Mr. Mercur took part in the business, politic al, so a cial and religious life of this place and his career was of inestimable ad vantage in developing the resources of Towanda and the country lying His move one of the strong men of the round about death will re county, and will cause to be pad to his memory a deep felt tribute of appreciation from every citizen -Towanda Review STACK KILLED NEAR WYALUSING Stack of of the company Wyalusing, an Lehigh was John employe Valley railroad instantly killed at point about half way between Wy Homets by A slight freight wreck near Rummerfield had blocked the yesterday forenoon a alusing and Ferry, train No 8 erstbound track and the passenger train was run upon the westbound track Stack was walking upon the westbound for some distance track intent his duties of trackwalker, upon not sce the His body and did fast train approaching was terribly mangled He was 62 years of age and had lived for many years at Wyalusing He was a brother of Michael Stack the Lehigh Valley foreman, with whom he made his well known home COO HAD FULL HOUSE oom: The well filled last eveming with people opera house was eager to sce a good- comic opera the production put up by the Kirke La ‘ The Princess The of No one was disappointed, for Shelle company in Chic” comedians, them, were kept the house laughing the most of the time. An anvil troduced during the last act also met with much approval. Elaine Von Theile as the Princess was a certainly was com al, a good quartette funny enough, chorus in- fetching little witch with a sweet The chorus girls were pretty The stage settings and costumes were gorg- cous and appropnate, and in most places the work of the company was perfectly harmonious. Telephone your The Valley voice. and graceful news items to IST SEE WIT YOU (AN GET AT $4.50 FOR 10 DAYS ONLY THE FOLLOWING: £1.50 Bridge Work per tooth $4 50 _ $450 $100 up $450 50c and 75¢ Teeth reset Gold Crowns Plates Pivot Crowns Gold Fillings Silver Fillings bE (y) ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DR. W. F. STEPHENS, DENTIST 132 Lockhart St. Over Raymond & Haupt. CUT PRICES ON TOOLS Sayre Store. We have a lot of standard made tools at {he following remarkable low prices Bevel edge carpenter’ chisels, PLS & W. make at sizes | inch to 1] inch NOrew 10¢ wach, OUR STRONG POINT A SQUARE DEAL bec each, drivers, “Champion Style” at Machinist eallipers, inside and outside it fhe each, Machinist's each. steel rules 4 inch at 25¢ Machinist's steel rales @ inch at 385¢ each, Stellson pipe wrenches, 10 in. size at 0c each; 14 in size at 70¢ each; 18 in at 21.00 These are all standard made goods and first quality. Look in the the assortment, size window for GEO. L. ROBERTS GO. 216 Desmond St., Sayre. 322 S. Main St., Athens. wr [If you don’t trade with us we both lose money. Ws - National Protective W A NT A DS Wanted, Lost, Found, For Legion. Sa e Te . } cent a word each insertion for first three times, } cent a word each insertion thereafter, None taken for Fifteen years of business has proven to us we can do all we claim. Assets August 1, 1905, $2,115,000, ) cents, free to paid in advance subscribers. Wanted. Girl wanted for general housework. Apply 207 North Lehigh avenue, Sayre. 136-6* less than 25 Situations wanted, Pays A competent girl to do general house work. Must go to Oneonta, N. Y. Ap- ply to C. T. Hull, Athens. £15.00 per week for sickness oracci- dent. $100 for loss of limb or eye, £5.00 to $600 at death. Cash dividends each five years, Costs $2.00 to $4.00 per wonth, Notice. The Record, has Lease aver the best House rinted in Bradford county; also Vest Pocket and Desk Receipt Books; and a variety of Legal Blanks for Justices and Constables. For Sale. A new Smith Premier Typewriter at a bargain, Call at Record office, [. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. Sayre, Pa. 112 Deamond Bt, Both Phones, RED J. TAYLOR - KE A L For sale cheap—a six room house, half acre of land, good well. Ten min- utes walk from car line, loquire Harry Westfall, National Bank, Sayre, Pa. 133-6* Two parlor stoves in cheap, at Kepler's gas Broad street, Waverly, one good repair, supply store, 124¢1 Black Mare, we Ig 1,050 pounds. quire J. C. Wood, 507 Maple street. For Rent Piven of land centrally located, suit- able for shop or business place, Inquire this office, 137-3* If you haven't a home and want one, In- or if you have one you get write or want to rid of, call, ‘phone Two houses for rent, including city water and toilet rooms in house, $8.60 per month. loquire H. A. Kaufman's Clothing Store, Sayre, 108-¢ Orchestra. The D. 8. Andrus Orchestra guaran- tees satisfaction at all concerts, balls, parties, eto. Prices reasonable. Leave order at D. 8 Andrus Musio Store, 138 Desmond street, or see J. J. Hummel, Mgr. 117 N. East street, Sayre. If I haven't want I'll it for Taylor. what you try and find EAL ESTAT Orchestra RE The Queen City Orchestra, composed FOr County Commissioner of experienced musicians, and playing 1 havaby auboui myself as a candi- all the latest music, is prepared to fur- | date for the office of County Commission- ax 1 65, 20 to the for their Phone 142 A. \ FAULTLESS BEER I'he ng article appears in the United States Trade Reports, a publication devoted to financial, jagnicultural and mechanical inter- jCsts There has been considerable discus- {sion of the different kinds of beer since » much attention has been given to the | dise ussion of pure food products, and {many are found to give bad after-effects, The United States Trade Reports has al- ways fearlessly discussed such topics as iare of general interest to its readers, and we have received several letters concerning the different kinds of beer on the market. We are asked to recom- mend the best and purest, and which leaves no bad effects after drinking. We have made a carefal investigation locally, also referring the matter to our representatives in all the principal cities, We feel jastified in saying that the beer which we find to sarpass all others in purity and cleanliness is made by the Dotterweich Brewing Co, of Olean, N. Y. The above-named firm stands high in the commercial world, and iv well known for ita business tact and enterprise, as well as for its integrity. This beer serves as a tonic as well as a beverage, We have no interest in making this com- mendation, except w give credit where credit is due, as has always been our policy, and we have not the slightest hesitancy in recommending this beer to our readers. We advise all patrons to call for this beer, especially for invalids and those of impaired health, It has been a custom of this paper to furnish its subscribers with reliable in- formation on any desired subject free of charge, that they may designate by let- ter of inquiry addressed to this office. The United States Trade Reyaria | has the largest circulation of any trade per of its class, and no other Publication could afford to maintain such a | staf of experienced editors to e these investigations, and depend solely upon its subscription list for support. « We are certain that all dealings which our readers may have with this firm will prove mutually beneficial and profitable, It isa pleasure to us to give this firm our editorial recommendation, and, at the same time, to supply our readers with reliable information on such an important subject as this, For sale at the leading bars in Athens, Sayre and Waverly. E. A. WILBER, Distributing Agent. follow Most of us have to humor our appetites. What more can appeal to your taste than appetizing This is the kind we try to sell We Want or Fa 4 Yours Tr uly, versthing’ in Groceries. po JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN foreign and Domestic Fruits. Olive Oil—Quart 85¢c, Gallon $3.00. Macaroni—8 and 10c B or $1.75 per box No. 5 Elizabeth St., Waverly Ready for Business Having refitted the billiard, 1 and lunch rooms recently leased of F, 8. Wop- | cott, | am now prepared to serve all cus- tomers in a satisfactory manner. S ialty is quick lunches of all kinds, Your patronage solicited. Oysters and clams in season. Try a cup of our new coffee, 8. BUT Op. First Nat'l Bank, Broad 107-1m Cards For Sale. The Valley Record has in stock the following card signs: For Rent For Bale Private Office Please Do Not Ask for CRI Positively No Admittance ished Rooms