DERS AND PREPAY FREIGHT OR EX. PRESS ON PUR- CHASES OF S$s.00 UTTLE PRES OVER. Brief Local Mention da for a short time. Mrs. Ww. C. Bowman went to Towanda this morning. Miss Elsie Jordan and her moth- “Store Closes Daily at 6 P. M. Except Saturday and Two Evenings After Pay Day. Athens High School Course Athens—An offer has been made | the pupils of Athens schools SHOES = TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17. A Performance to Talk About. Best You Ever Witnessed. Kirk LaShelle’s Most Successful Operatic » Comique T he price. Each seat in the high school will accommodate two small sized persons very comfortably, and Mr. &/ 3 he er are in Elmira today. Rogers has announced to all of the “PRINCESS CHIC” Give ment. Prices hers marked special, That enables ye We buy 3 A N Special in Silk 7 Styles, hairline and stripes day. Our regular 53¢ quality. Avenue window Thursday and Fri. Sew Elmer 39¢ Ribbons Ribbons at about one half price. Beauitifal Moire, % regular 6c vd, at 49. Dresden effecls at 29 330, and S486. Also Taffetas, Ko. 10, Ge, and No, 89 for Se vid, : Da sale Satarday, Monday and Toeesday only Writing Paper Pound packages Highland linen paper, the Eton Hurlburt make, Stationers’ and =wall ~tores’ price for this bos paper is usaally 0c. Special I Tuesday uight 23c : - Basement Specials A 58 piece set of Liverpool china for 83.67 come in 5 different patterns. Their valae per get. 12 piece toilet set $2.50, 10 pieces to SLIT, better ones at $1.75 to $7.57. Band blast decorated and banded tumblers They are the thin kind worth 65¢ a dozen * Wash board, ‘The Giass and Drass King,” usually ‘ Special for Saturday and Mon rent. pecial f 27¢ mvestigate the prices visewhere and you will find his to be less Amoskeag Gingham» always be here, ge... They « S500 fog sot at Te Small stores All wool Blagkets and Comfortables 10-1 and 114 4 8nd 5 Ib plaids and stripes from $170 to 25.98, Colton Blankets, choicest patterns and values that sannot be duplicated, at 80e, 87c, 88, $1.19, and up Furniture Specials : Third Floor Some of which we show in the Lockhart street window, 1 doz hall or desk chairs in gulden ocak, hand rub- bed, saddle seat. Oar regular price is 3485 is ond third under credit store prices 3 37 Special Saturday and Monday only . In golden oak and imitation mahogaay chairs, vm- bossed leather seat aud back. Regular 2.67 price $1.37. Special Saturday and Monday Apother rocker similar in description, except being quartered oak. Regular price $4.25, Spee- 2 98 ial for Saturday and Monday only . Two styles in Willow Rockers. Oar regular price is $209. Cradit stores wonld ask at least 1 89 $3.00. For Saturday, Monday and Tuesday Ae Carpets and Rugs Third Floor Granite and Sultana Carpets in many designs. Oar regular prices is 25c. Small store price is us- 21 uually 38¢. For Satarday, Monday, Tuesday C Smith's Tapestry 9x12 rags, 816.37. : Roxbury's, 10 Wire 8x13 raga, $1887, Roxbury's 10 Wire 7x9 rags, £12.67, You pay as much as $15.00 to $1150 respectively Al most stores, SPECIAL 4 DAYS OFFERING, 12,13, 14and 18 On Smits Axminster Carpets. Our clerks tell us, until the Big Store came to town, their former employers got $1.23 and $1.35 per yard, TSc per yard. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY A 1x6 reversible Smyrna rag, all wool for $2.59, Table Oil Cloth, Special at 17¢ yard. vhich we woold ask that you see all you can e'sewher If you will permit of our suggestion, There, too, is an ~ R e pt — J. S. Thurston went to Newark, N. J, today on a business trip. Mrs. J. H Stickles went to To- wana ioudy 10 & Visit with friends. The Destodah dub mects at the of Miss Ela Heath this ven: ing nome Peter McGraw expects to play in a football -ame at LaPorte next | Satu irday J.C. Keele ———— of Moravia is in and Roselle of Ton nda were in town afternoon. lain {ye sterday Peck and Ethel | home yesterday (from a visit at Toga Center, A. A. Stacey. postal clerk on the H: urisburg and Erie railroad, is {visiting his uncle LS, Stacy. Lillian Maines and nephew went to Tunkhannock this morning to spend a short time with relatives, Misses Grace i Ee — Miss Ida Corbin and her mother iwent to Elmira today to visit at | the home of Mrs W. H. Benedict. M [day J: A strect Wm. A. Shoe can > Athers atten {| the funera linerv opening on. Wednes. Thursday and Friday at Mrs. South Main 131-2 aker and wife this forenoon to of F. E. Shoe- Gould's % 3 “Beery legitimate effort is made aud, judging from the busy days we have gone through, we have sacesed- a {maker admirably in producing bats of our own make and ready to put on at L109 ap to 7. that are correct in N | D D2 ine 2 / the mormng nald Henry . 1d Miss Joseph a drive across arbondale this yer started NS 52a 5, 20a {NE \, country t SR RISB SARRAR pupils that if any two will go in together and buy onc seat they will be admitted on the one ticket. Elaine von Thiele and may both occupy the one seat The smaller pupils are invited to come with their parents and they will be admitted without extra charge when the parents are will- ing to allow them to sit in the same scat with themselves. With America’s Young and Bean. tiful Prima Donna Amd a specially selected company, management of Edward R. Salter. Exit Oxfords For most people the season for the half shoe is over, and already we have been apprised of the presence of antumn by a spirited demand for the new styles. Lace or Button styles will both be favored this Fall and= graceful lasts of the mode, The brands we carry speak well for he enterprise of this store, NOTE This is one of the great at- tractions of the seagon which you cannot afford to miss, A. CL TOBIAS — Positively no free list. Sulseriber's The opening number of the : £ sale opens Friday morning at Drigg’s Winter and we have them in the exce plionally course will be given Monday CVEN- drug store, Sayre; Sanfonl's drug store, ing, Oct. 16, by the Lotus Glee Athens; W. U, Telegraph ofiice, Waverly. Regalar advance sale Satunlay morning. Club, and Minnie Marshall Smith, PRICES %3c 0c $1.00 and - ati, 4 oC, { reader. They will give the follow - be, Lhe, ibe 3p a few seats at $1.50 ing program: The A, E. Nettleton 1. Huogarian Hussars Lotus Glee Club JOIN THE The Walk Over 2 Panline Parnor T. B. Aldrich | National Protective The Monarch: Pats... T he Nox-¢ mall : & Mr Saith ad) | Worthmore Legion. /COAL COAL Awake, My Beloved . Mr. Truax i Fifteen yeas of business has prove nl . Phelps | to us we can do all we claim. The Mill. .. Horatio Parker | Lotus Glee C lab Assets Augast 1, 1905, $2,115,000, Pays FOR MEN FOR WOMEN £5 to $6! The Edwin C _$4.00 to $4 The Patrician £3.50 LaFrance 3350 TheDoris .___ e..- $200 2250: The Bernalda_ iia COAL ELMER-A. WILBER, SH Wholesaler of 4- W, BISA0P WINES, LIQUORS $15.00 per week for sickness oF acei- | There is as much difference in deat. {the quality of coal as there is BEERS AND ALES HOP fou ious ot ia oe eye. between white and yellow sugar. | — task 3 : We sell no but the celebrated | Cth Sividends wach five your Lehigh Soles mined anthra Costs ate. We also scll Bituminous and] $2.00 to $4.00 per month. Loyalsock coal and all kinds of! | wood. : burt Herbert | My Love, Nell Mr. Lewis A Midnight Courtship Mrs. Smith My Dreams Mer. Sticklett The Grasshopper | Lotus Glee Club Recitations with music Mrs. Smith My Little Woman Mr. Goodwin Sleep Well Lotus Glee Club The members of the Glee Club are: Harry Truax, first tenor: G. Morgan Stricklett.-second tenor; C. L. Lewis, first base; Eric Good- win, second base; Frank J. Smith, conductor. . Fox | .. Tosti ..Grabam Selected 109 Packer Avenue, SAYRE, BOTH "PHONES, eC. ). Kimo SAYRE'S LEADING DRAYMAN. Especial care and prompt (tention given to moving | Plagos, Household Goods, Hater WOOD | 4, Osgood Abt E. F. Mercereau, Dist. Manager. Sayre, Pa. "Our specialty is prompt service | 112 Desmond Bt, | and the lowest market price. Both Phones, J. W. BISHOP, i | [FRED J. TAYLOR, 1cdigh Ave, Lockhan Bldg. | UTILIZING THE POPPLE. | E| Both Phones. If you haven't a| A home and want one,| ;, WOOD WOOD rs Additional Study to Be Given the Tree by the Government For- est Bervice : —— or if you have one you The northern poplar, or popple, of y the northeastern states, is coming in Summer Vacation the time to have the children's whiendad fo. daughter may owe ty to her perfect, p them so they must be ar. Shank: you some day for isfigurement and | for July and Au- _ gust. I. W. B. McDonald. DENTIST. Hoome ad #, Talmadge Build- BElmer Avenue, Sayre, The Globe Bore. & BEIBACH CAPE t of Everything Lockhart St. Sayre. GOOD BREAD! - When you wint it call for KING'S BREAD Made st the West Sayre Bakery. Sold 1) David Arthar, Pred ( ook, Waltoan & got, James Daly, | fad RA Doss, FE r and W.K | In Athens by Park & Co. , Cat 1 MeKean and the Racket from Good Materials. upholstered, isses renovated, Um- re-covered and re- , 250 patterns of up- pods to select faction guaran- jand hence comfortable to the palate, gums and the whole mouth are the new style plates of needed teeth we! fit to your face. Yes, to your face, for the outside of cheek and chin are to be considered as well as the inside Get our ideas and prices you'll want our work. Vitalized Air Made Fresh Every | Morning. DR. DAVIS, WAVERLY, . . We are Agents for the Sale of the STILLWELL INCANDESCENT CAS BURNER which gives you better light than tem | ordinary gas burners or twelve electric balbs. Floods a large room with a bean- {100d reading, ete. Saves the eyes, Makes stores, halls and churches look at- | tractive and rigs, Fits any gas bamn- er. After a wee your money back. L. C. KEPLER, General Agent. 374] Broad St, Both Phones, Waverly. JULY DIVIDEND War mailed to sock holders om The Sth The Penn-Wyoming Copper Co. Made 300 sco pounds of pore copper during the last srvwn days, oo which the Jest profit was over §i2 oon Stock io this company pave monthly devidends of 3 ot, cent on the investments and it is a 5pien- y ot the preset price of soc per share ud your order, Cah or deferred paymenis Price subject Lo change without potice No water in this stack’ every dollar goes into ietierments. No preferred or promotion stock and uo woods very share is of eqeal ralus value of plant otc, $2 50 one A proposition worth investigating write Call or E KE REYNOLDS 117 Packer Ave Sayre Pa EE I TER RS Snes. H. H. Mercereau, who has oy the 'r cousin Miss Bert returned to her thom in Hq igheswilie today. M Bert: field moth r Myrtle MN xon, guest of | Spri ing Sef, LOONIS OPERA HOUSE: 3 NIGHTS 3 Commencing Hayes and and children ent to Smith. mornin’ to visit her * THURSIAY, , OCTOBER 12 Engagement Ex Extraordinary a ——— i MAUDE HILLMAN | ™ will be on exhi- The B hest Littl Sta Re itiorr on Wedne day, Thursday ie Drighest Little Star in Repor- | Lis, y toire and her excellent com- and | lay at Mrs. J. A. Gould's, pany of players in a repor- South Main street 130 3 toire of standard plays ©. pay Mr Stevens, who has been siting friends in Athens and Smith eld this summer, has re- turned to her home in Baltimore, Races Next Week Athens—Dr. I. G. Marshall is gettin,’ things in order for the races at Tio -a driving park next week. He at'caded the races in Owego this w-ck and says that Miss Sue lowere lier record one second and won ot on two heats, making a record | 2:23. Miss Sue will be the r.ccs here Athe "FREE! 'To the Person Bringing this Ad | above t to Our Office. — Park Lo He this med hats Flora High Class Vaudeville Between Acts. Season. THURSDAY NIGHT { The Beautiful Southern Drama HOME SWEET HOME | Spec ial Matinee Sat Saturday. Ladies’ Tickets Thursday Night. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Comedy Jumped the Track ~Two empty freight cars the track at the curve Athens station at about 110 0'c k this morning. The : wreckin -rew worked until nosn Beginning September 13th we will | (picking pp the pieces, No one give free of charge one gold erown (best | ed quality) on every full set of teeth made | injur or contracted for on or before October | Stepped on Leaf We will also allow 10 per cent dis- | -Mrs. EB, Joachim count on all other work done or con- Ather tracted for during same period of time, sprained er ankle yesterday by NOTE PRICES: slipping 1 the sidewalk yesterday. Gold crown and bridge work $5 per tooth | ‘She ste «d on a leaf on the wet Ful t of teeth, Ta cleaned, 7 00 ap | i dewalk She is suffering from 7% conta | the effec. of it today, Teeth flied with Silver. -+-J1a0 up) Avi age of Life in India. Teeth filled with gol $1508p |. The mas of India has an average Teeth filled with nr Teoth flled with art’ enamel We extract teeth psitively Witaont | He ¢ of 24 ars. as against 44 in Eng pain. All work guaranteed. DRS, WILLIANS & LEWES. aie” Hours: 8:301013; 1t0 5:30; 7 to &, | World In « te Btore, : : | Ovpanita Big ‘et Elmer ang, L2fant Mortality, The fafst mortality (s heal twico TOUHEYS YS HOTEL “™". 8 World's Booka, number of books In the mated at 4.000 000,000, for increasing study by the forester and lumberman. Not very long ago the wood of the popple was used only for excelsior. Some two or three years ago the pulp manufacturer added it to his list of species supplying his mill, and It 1s now generally and increasing | ly used for paper pulp of certain grades | throughdut the northeastern states. [t is & very rapid growing tree, with a pronounced tendency to extend itsell on old fields, so that a considerable area of unwooded land, cut-over lands and burned areas are coming up to s growth of popple which will figure im portantly in the lumbering problems ol the regions In which It occurs. | The forest service has received a large number of applications for advice reiative to the management of forest lands containing stands of popple and in consequence Is making a detailed commercial study of the several spe- cles, with special attention to the re production, growth rate, market value and quality for pulp and excelsior use of each. In addition, the study will keep in view possible fresh uses for the popple, and ways of preventing the injury of popple stands from fire. It 1s bighly probable that working plans for future forest management In New York and New England will take increasing note of popple. PARROT SWORE IN SPANISH Bird's New Owner Didn't Undegstand the Language and Was Laughed At. A party of tourists arrived over the Mexican railway a few days ago after having visited a number of the cities in the hot country, relates the Mexican Herald. The various members had picked up a number of curious on their trip, and among them was a pariot. None of the tourists understood Span- | ish, and this accounts for the fact that | the ladles were not blushing as they | } passed out of the depot with the parrut swearing to a nicety in choice Spanish expressions. | The party was driven to a hotel and | the parrot began with his favorite line | of sentences: The clerk and the people | around the office who understood Span- | ish were horrified to hear some of the | worst words known to the Spanish Jan- | guage blurted out, “I beg your pardon.” sald the cle k, “bul your parrot is using some very | bad language apd we will have to innist | that you remove him from the offies | at ones" “Bad langoage!” exclaimed the lady | who had carried the cage from the trop. jes. “Does he use bad language? Well, that accounts for so many people | laughing at me" The parrot was hastily removed from | the room and within an hour a carga- gor called and earried it out by the back way, Boer War Horse. The ouly equine sarvivor of the bat. | te of 0, 8 rae, is. want to get rid of, call, write or "phone Taylor. If I haven't what you want I'll try and find it for you, E S A ES PAY rf D. CLAREY COAL C0. EAL Best Quality & Prompt Delivery | Guaranteed Bradford Street Yard Phone, 5a Office at Raymond & Ly 's Store, Sayre | C. J. CARY, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER REAL ESTATE GARY BLOCK, __ SAYRE JOHN C. PECKALLY, DEALER IN foreign and Domestic Fruits. Olive OIll-- Quart 85¢, Gallon $3.00. No. s Elizabeth St,, Waverly Murrelle’ s Printing 3 Office From four to eight skilled killed Job a new, ate re dl ir rere: diplion 1 las we have She, SIMPLY Health and hap- | piness are what you ' most desire in life (and you can't enjoy | tat fully i te an up-g = | to-date bath-room. Now we do Plum- 'to fit up a bath- | room for you there's) E only one thing that (you'll be sorry for jand that is, that you didn’t have it done SOODET. i “Shoe Hospital” ¥ JAMES SMITH N Is still at his old stand, 804 % Bouth Main Street, i price. Bring your shoes to the “Shoe pital.” opes vinings 1 from 7 to 3 SPECIALTIES: | At the Lowest Possible Prices, : : i i Orders ean be left at West | Store, both phones; or at the Fy yards at Sayre, Valley | GOLEMAN MASSLER, R. H. DRISLAI Gontractor and Builder Plans and Estimates 103 Lincoln St. Specialties. Diseases of Women and of the Rect [Rewe-1t0a. m, Lah 7 08D By) Charles G. AT LAW. St, W AJ a