The valley record. ([Sayre, Pa.]) 1905-1907, October 03, 1905, Image 2

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underbuy. Again
old ideas that credit stores hang to.
Street Floor
Not the cheap imitation kinds bat fabrics that give
You will find old friends here,
also new ones. Weaves and figishes that are new
simple, rich and handsome. Special sale Mooday
A Tuesday to introduce Medallion Cloth and Tan-
Kier Bilk; washable bat does
not loss its lustre; this we 29 and 39¢
Second Floor
We have on sue the fall and winter's line, all
ing the expression of ladies who are carefal to see
carry three and
four times as many garments and wraps as the small
stores in these three
$4.67 to $32.50
hanes to practice coon
15 to 20 per cen
besides thers
wy if
t under price
cr 19c to $2.00
i= an |i
YOU VE F saw in
s in keeping with the
dae, 47¢,
big store
Boe, 69¢, 7c, Nc, 81.19,
Mason Jars, §
{qu art
No other sizes in
+ pair of hose
ait your acquaintances on
towns. Early selce-
~ tions are best; prices
Millinery Opening
October 4, 5 and 6
The leading shapes will be continued; John Paul
Jones. Lilian Russel, y, Caild's Poke, Japanese
Mashroom, ete. All have a tilt and a tarn very
claver in appearance, and our spacial effort this sea-
‘son will be to lower the price. The prices will be
from $2.00 ap. Wait for this event,
Men's Furnishings
From the mills to you on first profit. Flescad un-
Small stores usually get 69¢.
A Belt Special
Imitation of patent ia the new shape, 25¢.
Does it not look so to you?
Rain Coats
ant shows kinds. 7.50 to 827.50. All
« and fetehing
Men's Special on Hose
res sav 2 for 25
Hat Pin Special
1 will pay 15¢ and 25¢ else.
t get this same clever appearing
unter and sales at Me, Toe,
5 for misses We have samples eat
they are We have oth-
that are
w yon how
no better
You will have
It's a store that's different.
daughter may owe
beauty to her perfect,
Rooms 7 and 9, Talmadge Build-
Elmer Avenue, Sayre.
The Globe Store.
. H. Mercereau,
Notary Public
Valley Phone 11 X.
New York Pastor Will Hring Suit to
Force President Oat,
NEW YORK, Oct. &.- Rev, Dr. A. Lin
evoln Moore, pastor of the Riverside
Japtist church, is going te begin legal
war on Joba A McCall and George W
Suits to force the resignations ofthe
two otticers of the New York Life In
surance company and to compel them
to return the $150.000 contributed to
the Republican national campalgu
funds are to be Iminediately lustituted
by lawyers representing Dr. Moore and
bundreds of other policy holders
“l cam control a large number of
votes of the policy bolders by proxy.”
pays Dr. Moore, “and | shall enter this
fight with the belief that It is the
Lord's work aud should be prosecuted
with a mighty vigor
“Jolin A MeCall has practically sto-
len vast sums frow the treasury of the
company —mouey that belongs to the
policy holders, and If Le falls to return
these moneys Le should be arrested
tid sent to jail
ball make a demand upon both
e ol and Perkins to resign from the
New York Life and shall also demand
that McCall refund the $150.000. Our
watchword shall be, ‘Drive McCall out
or lustitute criminal prosecution!”
Married a Wenlthy Jap.
Won? HPORT, N. Y., Oct. 3—=One of
Liggest surprises this town bas ex
the announcement of the marriage of
Miss Helle Pauline Brown, the pretth
ext girl bere, to Frank Yamakl, a Japa
care foal
nese, was made The couple were mar
COAL tied on July 16 last, but so well had
their secret been kept that uot even
the family of the young woman knew
anything of the wealdipg until today
The bLridegroows Is wealthy, and bis
parents own considerable property io
Japon. The young woman expressed
«if as supremely happy and sald
that If wore Awerican girls would
marry for love and lay aside racial
upholstered, ood).
of up-
Two Salcides at Paterson Hetel,
PATERSON, NX. J, Oct. 3A man
by jumping from 8
fow and a woman stternpted te
end ber life by taking poison at the
Cosmopolitan hotel. The woman is io 8
condition at Rt. Joseph's
Lospital. Michael M. Zimmer, a fares
of Wyckoff, jumped from the window
of his room to the street and was dead
committest snicide
| recommends that before we grant
{any permission to build on the
streets that it should definitely un-
TROLLEY FRANCHISE shall be built, whether through
— {Sayre borough or Athens town-
Reverses Action of Athens Bor- | ship or both, and the entire length
ough Council om Legal|) the line should be incorporated
in the franchise.
Grounds and Criticises the As there was not a quorum of
Franchise Which Was Grant- | council present last evening no
ed. | meeting was held and the mecting
was adjourned to Saturday evening
Athens—Burgess D. J. Macafee
has vetoed ordinance No. g6 re-
cently passed by the Borough |
council granting consent to the
Athens, Sayre and South Waverly
Strect Railway company to lay its
tracks in certain streets.
The honorable Burgess in hand-
ing in his veto says: “I regret that
[ am unable to approve the pro-
posed ordinance in view of certain
of its provisions and I feel sure
that if the attention of your honor-
able body had been called specific
ally to certain of its features it
would not have been passed.”
One of Burgess Macalee's objec-
tions is that Sec. 19 provides that
the company may commence build-
ing its road in this borough befose
obtaining the necessary consents
in other municipalities through
which it proposes to pass. This
he is advised is contrary to law.
The Athens, Sayre and South
Waverly Street Railway company
was incorporated to build through
the boroughs of South Waverly,
Sayre and Athens and afterwards
its line was extended to run
through Milan, Ulster, Towanda
and Monroeton, and the Burgess
says “I have no doubt that the
council had this line in view when
they passed the proposed ordi-
nance.” It is the law of the state
that a street railway incorporated
to run through several municipali-
ties must obtain the consent of
cach of those towns and in the
case of townships of each property
owner through which it passes be-
tore it can commence the building of
the road. If they commence build-
ing without this consent an injunc-
tion might be had at the instance
of any person affected and the
borough might be drawn into liti-
gation. This company has no
application pending in any other
of the municipalities, although an
application was made to Sayre that
has been withdrawn. The burgess
gives as his opinion that it will be
best for the people of Athens to
wait until the company has obtain-
ed all of the necessary consents
before allowing them to do any
work on our streets,
Sec. g provides for transfers from
the said company to the Waverly,
Sayre and Athens Traction com-
pany, and that the passengers shall
be carried on the other to the state
line for five cents providing that
the Athens, Sayre and South
Waverly Street Railway company
shall not be required to transfer
passengers beyond the northern
termini as actually constructed.
By virtue of this provision if the
company builds outside of Athens
borough then that is as far as the
passenger could ride on either
line. The distance from Athens
to Waverly is but four miles and
we should have a reduction of fare
to any part of Waverly for § cents
The Burgess also says it seems
unwise to grant the use of Wells
avenuc and Pine street as they
have been asked for, as they have
catered into an arrangement with
the Waverly, Sayre and Athens
Traction Company to use its tracks
from Mohawk street in Sayre to
the southern end of Athens bor-
ough. This would indicate that
there was no immediate intention
of doing more than occupying
these streets in Athens. This
might work serious injury by pre
venting our granting rights to
some other company ready to do
Burgess Macafee also says the
time of one year in which they
must commence work is too long.
That six months is long enough
Brief Local Mention
N. V. Weller went to Scranton
G A. Lamkin and wife went to
Troy today.
Ralph Tozer,
wanda today.
Esq, was in To
Mrs. Seymour Park of Nichols
visited in town today.
Mrs. Sumner Parks and child, of
Nichols, are in town today.
Frank Van Loan is at the Sulli
van county fair in Forkesville.
Wright Morely of Potter county
called on Athens friends yesterday.
A girl baby was born to George
Wilcox and wife of River street
Sunday. : :
A harvest supper will be served
at the Presbyterian church Friday
George Newman of East Nichols
is visiting his nephew, John New
man, in town.
Rev. E Ww. DeWitt of Scranton
was is Athens yesterday afternoon
calling on friends.
Special meetings are being held
at the Methodist church this week,
at 3and 7:30 p! m,
A daughter was born 1 to , Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Baldwin, Ann
Sunday, October 1.
Earl Johnson and wife of Bing
hamton visited at the home of E
S. Johnson yesterday.
Mrs Fred Brigham of Waverly
and Mr. M. LL. Barron
at A. J. Taylor's home
arc visiting
J. Harold Ryan of New York
spent Sunday at the home of his
grandfather M. W. Ryan,
The catch basin recently put in
on Willow street was badly dam
aged by last night's storm
James LI. Kelley and daughter
Mary of Binghamton spent Sunday
at the home of M w Ryan,
Nathaniel Richards and wife of
Owego are visiting his sister, Mrs.
Daniel VanLoan, North street.
0. D. DeWitt of Scranton is in
Athens negotiating for the pur-
chase of the Athens Lumber Co's
Mrs. Fred Ackley, who has been
visiting at J. W. Hildebrant's, re-
turned to home to Standing Stone
this morning.
past week, returned to her home in
Troy Monday.
Harry Horton, the New York
banker, and Geo. Blackman of To-
wanda visited at O. D. Kinney's
yesterday afternoon.
Miss Edith Stulen returned home
last evening from a several weeks’
visit with her aunt Mrs. James H
Cod ling in New York city.
Mark Wolcott, who has been
representing the Ohio Brass Man
visiting his father, T. D. Wolcott.
Rev. W. H. Sawtelle gocs to
Pittston this evening on an import-
ant mission to the Presbyterian
church of that city, Under the
direction of the Lackawanna pres-
| Women
in buying it;
You take no risk
to you.
Won Four Prizes
Irving K. Park won four of the
prizes that awarded by
the Postal. Print Club contest re-
cently. They are labelled: “A June
Flood in the F which repre-
sents a view in high water on Har-
ris island; “laterior of the Library
of Congress; Salting the Sheep;”
and “Days Farewell Beam,
‘a scene
river near here,
among the fifty
2,500 that were
selected after a cntical examination
by the forty members of the club
and are given preference for their
artistic and technical superiority
Mr. Park has the album
the Chemung
These views are
onc chosen out of
it may be seen by those who desire
to do so.
(Chicago Opens Novel Hank.
CHICAGO, Oct 2 Chicago
ists gave to the fluaneind w
thing chimed to be dist
when they
be known
first of
wld sone
lly line
Pnew ins=titition Ih
Mutual bank ihe
institution Is asserts! to be the
ts kind in the country whict
organizes] under existing laws ns
bauk and owned operated by
stockliolders divides its profits equally
with Its saving depositors : {
Om esd
as the
Closing Stock Quotations,
Money on call caster at
Prime mercantile
Exchanges, §laid
Closing prices
Amal Copper My N.Y. Ce
Alchison og
B&O 11 Penn. RL. R
Brooklyn RT 1% Reading
C.C,.C &8tL. 1x Hock Island
Chess & Ohio 18% St Paul
Chi & Northw. 017 Southern Pad
D&H..........08 Bouthern Ry
Erle 0% South. Ry. pf
Gen. Electric 150, Sugar
I Central 1534; Texas Pacific
Lackawanna & Unlon Pacific
louis & Nash. 154% U. 8. Steel
Manhattan 18; U. 8 Steel pt
Metropolitan West. Union....
Missour! Pac
paper, 445 per cent
268, balances, $1010.32
Norf. & West
150Yy |
14Yy |
ey |
HY |
19, |
New York Markets.
FLOUR- Steady, but quiet: Minnesota
patents, MGS 15, winter straights,
$16; wht ter extras, Igis
ents, #4 Zt
off under
winter pat
After opening steady eased
iberal worid s shipmenta a
porthwest receipts, but later rallied of
focal be uy ing and bull supp a December
Biguss May, BAUS IL
CUORN~—Eusy under pr ospects of clear
ing weather an \ Hquidation, S14 @Soe,
ALLO OW - Steady, city, #4c., country
H AT. Ste ady; shipping, Wguxc.. geod te
© .
871 HAR Steady, long rye Bye
BEANS--Qulet; marrow $350; medium
5. pea, $IIWYULTS, red kidney, |
~ Firm, domestic fleece, 543
HOPS Steady; state, common to cholce
196, 1a 104, 15g2c., olds, Sglic
Pacing coast 108, 1glsc., 1 Qc
"0: 1 TET R~Flrmm, common
extra, 1Tulle., st Me dairy, common to eX |
tra, 1844) Age. : renovated, common to ex. |
tra, 154) 19840 ery Tacs ory. Tar |
to extra, 15Q17%¢.; western trmitatior |
creamery, extras, (3c, firsts, Fist 1%
CHEESE Weak, state full
small and [arg
14%e ; fair to chol
full te light, Zhi
EGGS-—Firm, stats Pennsylvania and |
ie Arp ’y “, APLC Y we loc ted wh
e 1 mixed Relay
western oxts 1 frets, Sia firsts
PT ATOES Jorey sar: Lok
$1002 Jerue y. $1 5 Tv. state
Jerse) sweets, $1 504 southern, La
LIVE POULTRY Quiet: fuwls,
1c; ducks 1130. old roosters,
he oks rie, 1INGEeili4e
>» POULTRY Firm esh ain |
: fowls Bi 10 k00d |
Hive. old roo 4c. nearly
chickens, choice, 1k western
15¢.. western chickens, fair to good, 124
cre amet,
colored and white, fancy
eo, 10%G11%e.; skims |
An and | |
ie. sprin
ed fowls chotee, 1
Live Stock Markets,
CATTLE Receipts fair, market steady,
choice, BB OGOLW. prime, F155, vea
calves, Ton
HOGS Hecelpts fair; market lower;
medium and heavy York.
rime heavy
P % of Vorbare $8 TA 6
cre WE
Murrelle’s Printing
“The Satisfactory Place.”
. From four to eight skilled job
printers and a new, up-to-date
equipment are at your service,
Our patrons say we have the
disposition to please. We keep
our promises,
Talmadge Building, Eimer Ave., Sayre,
Valley Phone 142a.
The Valley Record
(In effect Jane 18, 1908.)
Trains leave Sayre as follows:
|, Allentown. Bethlehem, Mew
Baltimore and Washington.
3:30 8 A .M bel fo Teskhset , Pittston,
{lkes Barre,
white : Hawes, a atch Hak 4
po Washington.
A.M. 643A. M
[; 00 si 7 oavely BA J Week
alls clon, ew a a Lacey
10: 00 i= MM. e+ Jor AsbEnh, Milde
ville, Mesnoppen and Temkhiasoch
P.M (W ay P.M
Rn =
fe Haven M Chunk, A ly
New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
M. Daily except
5 > for EL
auch Chunk, Alieatown Bethlehem, New
, New I
ville, Tenkbennod Fitts tom and aby
M. Da ot Deal]
2: 00: ara Falls roremto. Detrolt
Louis and polats west.
4) sme DE mma: th
3:40 ragars Palle asd pwr eR os
4h Ba ear. M) Week Jake
Comms for Nlagara. Pai, Toroats,
| Detroit and Chicago
Batavia, Buffalo in Eos Ni agers Chen
k ly Rochester
a. A) Fag Et :
. Daily for Lockwood Odessa,
i Al su Burdett Waikia ins) Valols, Lodl, Glidert,
Sac bv Ithaca, ice, Tomasi, cer
Iaken, HAS he Ber Se :
LE 10 sprize. etar, other Sli Sion
3 0:36 a Rs Dally except Sunday, Mack Diss
Geneve, Rochester,
acs, Trumansburg,
6: 8 i Spencer. Jihacy eve 'and Manchester.
05 go: Week da! only, for Owego, Prot.
Cortiand, Canastota, Viera:
0h i. Auburn, Wi North
Syracuse, Utica and
Day fo Lockwont. Van
Zimwer made bis fatal jump Mamie for them to begin their work. That
"| 103 Lehigh Ave, Lockhart Bldg, | Douuelly of Newark, who tad bees the people of this valley are all
Both Ph stopplog ut the e botel ran isto the
e all|field Normal foot ball game last,
Murphy & Bl lish,